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Name: _______________________________

Class Period: __________________________

Scientific Notation Project: DUE DATE: September 9, 2016
Pick a country that you would like to travel to one day: __________________________
Part 1: You will need to find
The population of your country: _________________________________________
Round to the nearest thousand: ___________________________________
Write the population in scientific notation: _____________________________
The population of your countrys capital: ___________________________________
Round to the nearest thousand: ___________________________________
Write the capitals population in scientific notation: ________________________
The population of the United States: ______________________________________
Round to the nearest thousand: ___________________________________
Write the United States population in scientific notation ____________________
Part 2: Using scientific notation rules, you will need to
Find the difference in your countrys population and the U.S. population.
Standard Notation ___________________
Scientific Notation ________________
Find the sum of the populations of your country and the U.S.
Standard Notation ___________________
Scientific Notation ________________
Find what percent of your countrys population is made up by the capital. (Hint: you will
need to divide the capitals population by the countrys population. Then convert that number
into standard form and change to a percent.) ________________
If the population of your country tripled in the next 10 years, what would be the population of your
country? Put your answer in scientific and standard notation.
Standard Notation ___________________
Scientific Notation ________________
Part 3: Create a visual representation.
Research 5-10 interesting facts about your country and create a visual representation (powerpoint,
video, poster, etc) using the interesting facts, as well as the information about your country in part 1.

Fill in all blanks on the project paper and attach
it to your project.
Visual representation is neat, legible, colorful,
and creative.
Visual representation includes 5-10 interesting
facts about the country.
Visual representation includes your countrys
information from Part 1
Work for Part 2 is shown and completed


Name: _______________________________
Class Period: __________________________

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