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How do you like to use the AIO ISO?

Do you like to burn the ISO to a optiocal media? Any IOS size limitations? singl
e layer DVD, dual layer DVD, blu ray
Do you use a virtual CD drive inside a USB hdd?
Which boot environments should be supported? x86 BIOS, x64 BIOS, x86 UEFI, x64 U
EFI, secure boot
Do you like to boot from the media?
Do you like to mount the ISO image at running windows and upgrade the current ru
nning windows?
A one size all solution may be impossible.
A x86 AIO ISO and a second x64 AIO ISO may be another approach.
Try a x86_x64 AIO ISO:
Use the Media Creation Tool x86_x64 ISO file as reference.
The Media Creation Tool creates a \boot\bcd file references a file \x86\sources\
boot.wim and another file \x64\sources\boot.wim.
boot.wim x86 setup.exe supports a folder \x86\sources\
boot.wim x64 setup.exe supports a folder \x64\sources\
Extract the ISO archive file.
Create one x86 install.wim or install.esd. Export all single x68 win 10 images t
o this wim file.
Create another file x64 install.wim or install.esd: Run dism.exe to export all s
ingle x64 win 10 images to this wim file.
Replace the two existing x86\sources\install.esd and \x64\sources\install.esd fi
Create a new ISO image running oscdimg.exe.
Another idea:
run dism.exe to export all single x86 and x64 win 10 images to one install.wim f
Copy this file to x86\sources\install.wim and \x64\sources\install.wim
Use oscdimg.exe -o to encode duplicate files only once.

dism.exe /Export-Image /compress:recovery /SourceImageFile:D:\x86\sources\instal

l.esd /sourceIndex:1 /DestinationImageFile:install.esddism.exe /Export-Image /co
mpress:recovery /SourceImageFile:D:\x64\sources\install.esd /sourceIndex:1 /Dest
inationImageFile:install.esddism.exe /Export-Image /compress:max /SourceImageFil

e:D:\x86\sources\install.esd /sourceIndex:1 /DestinationImageFile:install.wimdis

m.exe /Export-Image /compress:max /SourceImageFile:D:\x64\sources\install.esd /s
ourceIndex:1 /DestinationImageFile:install.wimdism.exe /Get-ImageInfo /ImageFile
:install.wim /Index:1dism.exe /Get-ImageInfo /ImageFile:install.wim /Index:2path
%ProgramFiles(x86)%\Windows Kits\10\Assessment and Deployment Kit\Deployment To
ols\%PROCESSOR_ARCHITECTURE%;%path%oscdimg\Oscdimg.exe -bootdata:2#p0,e,bAIO\boo
t\,e,bAIO\x64\efi\microsoft\boot\Efisys.bin -o -u2 -udfver102 Wi
n10_AIO.iso AIO

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