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Main Characters




The antagonists identity is hidden for a few eps but

Gemma comes closer and closer to finding him out. She
only knows his address but no-one knows he lives there.
He and his son do the dirty work together. She stumbles
into him often but doesnt know because he acts like a
kind man all the time. Suspects many other men but they
never fit the profile. Receives indirect threats and
reconsiders her plan but pushes on.
Start with Anti- Hero

Jays father Jack

Murderer and fraudster
Killed Gemmas family in another country
She moves to their city to befriend Jay and kill his father
Jack has been keeping tabs of Gemma secrety
Motivated by greed and personal vendetta against the rich
Grew up poor and was treated like scum
Lives in a lavish house
Jay is his apprentice but his friends dont know
Banker but he feels like his pay cannot support his life
Suspected by police but could never be held
Kills many officers who come close to uncovering his secret
Often tries to run Gemma off the road and follows her in the street

Protagonist Gemma

Enrolls in Osmon George Secondary School

Has a vendetta against Jack

Falls in love with Jay who is his fathers apprentice, who murdered her
Her aunt starts dating Jack
Secretly sends information to police to try to capture Jack
Breaks into their house and is almost caught but runs to Jays room
and hides

Black Screen
**Gunshots firing**
Fade In
**Running and panting (Feet shown running) **
**House starts burning (Large lavish house) **
**Car speeds off**
Newspaper stack slams onto counter. Headlined Gruesome Family Murder.
Abbigail sees the paper and immediately runs out of store.

Intro Abbigails Bedroom

Tears streaming and falling unto page. Dear Diary, I hate this place, I hate
this life, I this world. I wish I had died with the rest of them like I was
supposed to. But for whatever reason Im still alive, left with the burden of
peoples pity and condescending stares. My life has been shattered into a
thousand irreparable pieces. Like a broken window of an empty building, its
easy to look within me and find nothing but darkness. It all started with the
death of my family. Now I am in hot pursuit of the unforgiving killer who so
callously released his unforgiving lead and left my family for dead.
Abbigail: Have you gotten anything else
Unidentified Man: Yes Ill need you to meet me tonight so I can show you
Ab: Cant you tell me now?
Man: No its important that you come collect it, its physical stuff
Ab: Okay, 8 Oclock sharp at the port
Man: Okay
Hang up sound

Ab sits in bed and pulls out a folder marked potential suspects. She flips a
board with Xs and twine connecting faces and scenes of her familys murder
on the board.
Enters Aunt Caroline
A.C : Knocks door before getting an answer
Ab: ** Flips board, hides folder under bed ** Come in
AC: How are you this morning? I couldnt help but notice you storming up the
stairs earlier
Ab: Oh Im okay just the pollen affecting my allergies
AC: Oh I have some Claritin in the medicine cabinet if you need something
Ab: No its fine some tea should clear it right up ** Smiles **
AC: Okay. So are you 110% sure theres nothing wrong or you dont need
Ab: Yes Aunt Car Im 150% sure
AC: Great, well Im off to work, Ill see you later. Have a great day, bye

Reaches Cemetery
Picture of family tombstones laid out

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