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Cindy Sherman Cindy Sherman kt Bulla wih hey Herd Robert Longo in 1977 to ete NewYork ly. Encouraged by him se shared wth angie ‘rotor, tm, and pertamance she showed ist at Ais Space in "ptr, gourd veting show wich clade op a young ats nto were quick a achieve high pees nthe early 00s—sing In Tita nas then abled Patrol 980th bad he i crepe ‘Shwe at Meo Pies By 1982 she was selected for Documenta 8 in ‘ase, Germany tn 1907, he ae 93, he was en elope the ine Mseum, what as healed fr dhe su was he easing of sf ame ‘ening er agen dais pet ls derived rom the ure Ts aed wih ates culed fom the mat eda and moved i> "What spac vtesbng inthe nerve, dep the extensive thet sarunting be er, her anteoretia stance ad er es Spproach oaremating Gren he ecogtion a an innovate pos ‘erin tne art word, parasol, the erie reveals ee sensi Sndvimlant tenant cca response a her wok, Jose Sect_Les bos etpecely, That seems appropri ince the ‘Wray scum has out Nya sey of Your work afer 8 270 Cindy Sherman You resived your BA. in 1976 a the State Unversity College at tuto, What was Your won He oho formative yeas? Cay Sates a8 ning potoans of mne but began oct them ‘oat They were ie pape dlls n kd ofa cory way woul put em topter to make Sena pint neers to poray chen, of J Had’ yo ben making pintings Before his? CS Yex, but dtd anything seous with painting. war hen sted {aking cures of ysl ht fe kel was doing something ere. JS. Tiss all tile you were in choot Yeoh | dot know thre ws that mach of fea cause was the Ea of patter ho would copy ings. coped igo make then lok Jere they could pos oak, heer was rom 3 photographs 3 magazine a aint even abot at was Jos aout fein, Pade fave» po at history bacgrund. ve never aed one, ven ts pore But was jst interested in epeducing a ple wit somewhat stared nthe pointing department redo sch ad hey would fete, bt Hbcane mre insted photography a ato, ara ink ‘sen {nally mae that sich, K wat a a eu of about year’ woth (fst of nt owing wha to do. Ths was about the poi where tts bert Longo and the Havas cond arlene what as ong on {the at world up to al ramen Ro ume arin about sin ‘choot and ewe new bout om growing Up om Long ls. Once | leaned abou what was goingon, fet hee wastes pa anne ns rely excting orl f shaving New York aie come op and visit We wereS a away fom the real at cee nthe city but we would read about thew poplin mapazines and they were heres as fanny: when nly moved lo New Yark Vs those socalled heroes ‘waking in the stet iS looking ike ewes, an # Kd of ‘rough me bck down o anh a bt 1. Who were thse people? (CS Ob, Hannah nie, Lia Beat, Willoughby Shar, Rabin Wits, Vito ‘Aeconc! people who ethers italtion or perfomance work. ae Srp yt of peromance ie say, Chis Burden alg what he Aid at Hahals wasn to sea, One eran who dn Unk eve came {outa whadelinfuence me buon myc n what head abot her "efomances" was Aan Pe, Cindy Shaman 271 18.1976 you were ince na show at Artist Spce in New York How Chis that come abt CCS_ We di an exchange show with Ariss Space whore Hallas ass ‘Showed t Ass Space a vice esa, Helene Wie, fe deco ofA Spore th! ime, chose people ie ack Gols Trey Saunt, Mat Mica, and David SaleCal Ate people" the shown Bol. {ong Chae Clahy Michael! Zack, Nancy Duyer and mya were Incled inthe New York show. Thats how te aan wth Here (who row codecs Mato Pure ga, 18 Whataid you show? CS_ As sa as doing these ctu ies. Cating hem cut was the ‘nly yt ial te ile chatacters ote, but twas preset ih ‘Tie sort of way: scenes wen al th way sound he room. The one st ‘Ass Space was lea murder mystery. was mre experimen forme, tncase twenty that would ely aoe ose on in, bt about ow put all tse ens chascors ogee and Tel 3 ory wth wort Were you the only fein the soy? Why? (CS. 1 jst wanted work lone, it even tink aking my en, ‘Sl ceriny couldn't have an ssa model ena he os tural hig forme to dost hide in the back of Hallvals, because alla was avery buy sot of paces was commu nha respect There were of us ving ups tom the aly, nd twas ind fe ‘Bane toc whet ll he shor Ks fo al the her Ie studios td Places around he ty wos come al watch T etry ig and Mans at ‘the caren ating arts, So twats very bay place go sk of ‘en and reat nthe Back oom it ys al bedroom and ‘would work bck here by mse js gt a8 1S. The need for privacy sce to be 2 cotinung characters of yous ow dd helm sti ages come abou? (CS_ When we moved to New Yok had grown ted of doing hese cutesy ‘ol hin and cating then out was so uch work and too much Te ‘avrg with dt st antec io make alm oof mage, bu wade {owork lone rel ht ould make a pte a charcerFeaeth {0 somehing ote he are so tat the ewer wuld sume anther “Acwally, the moment that | realized how wo slve this peoblem was shun Rober and ved aid Salle, who had been working for some 272 Cindy Sherman sleazy deceive magazine. Bored a was, wali for Robert and Davi to ithe" ak over ith T noticed al few 8 by 10 glows a he Iogazne whch wiggered something in me wat reser one to dies aucune ata tne waste ioe) 1S_ tothe “Untied Film Sil" what waste naenee of rel fm sas? I seem tht you Rad acon ith open sar. You eon Jeane Meo, Brite Bardot aed Sophia Laven n some of you se rent. Why were you atraced 0 her (C1 ues because they were glamosizn ie American starts, When Ti of Arian actesses fom the same pod | hk of bleached lode, jel and Tare sex born Bs when I think of ene ‘ores a Sop Loren, think of more vuineble ower as pe of ‘araces more dentable woking clas women, ‘that tine ringer tof ret yes of characte 1 ald want Sick wo stone see lt ofthe movies that hese ‘women hal bent was 0 much at was eee by he women {8 y the ils tees ab he ings the i 15nd whats the relationship Benen you “Ltd Fil Stil” and reat fm ile (Sin res pubic fm sls rm the 405 and 50s someting sally Sesycat 8 poteayed 0 et people to go sce the movie Or he wom ‘oa be thon creaming in eroro publcze ahr i, ‘My favorite images tere ously my wo tok its npiration nt have hat Tey closer tomy on Work oF tht reason, bese both ae abou sot of brooding character aught between the poeta Nolence al sex. However, Pe realized a ial oma at Kd Steal conection because my work lass he compara. hn my Shurscten arent mite tae it by ho oles otha hey could rely ‘exis many of thet scaled "Wim hich, newt el sil Joke “rcomincing. They are too sare of the sony of sr role ad perhaps thats why many ve puzzled expressions. Ny “st” were aout the ‘keno ean ss wel as contempt forthe domineering male Stence wh would mtakeny ead the mage 8 sexy. 18. Did you ce hee “natives tres or parle? CCS_Atshe ne never analyzed. Looking tack now, think hey are ‘reeled allegory. |S. How much iluece dl adveting images have on your CS dont remember consciously ing about. indy Sherman 273 ‘cer when was mocking avertsemen’ when | did heads for Dance Band Darth Bis eae teen interested in on TV ann mag 2s, nes ofthe artical ard eying ut eer hou er “lincrpoating into my wore a2 om poi vas need nlm pi ad paychdtam. 1 was more need in going to movies tan wat in ging galleries ad ooking a at Sa Fullers The Ned Ks, Double Inder, those kind of lassi. woul sotothe Blecher Stee Cinema jos ook tthe Srl movies. BUT fotoseeary hind of movie, el as mote erste ha med han Simei 15.1982 you wer inchaen he exhibition “mage Scavengs" athe ICA in Picea, which cused que asi. Brought a feat many purses and poopie oper ander herbi of apeopiing fom Fas rea You were ned Because of your retrence the fm sis {0 50s and snag "Bes wih tr deca ingest ans leit fie cliches, At one point yo said yu ima hinge he cure andres tham, id you think your an "appropiate? CS. do tik so nthe tit se.’ actualy tthe mage as Richard ince or Shere Levite iad. woud each and spt eich was diferent so of process Watching 2 to aves, ooking a oof ‘movie ols, !ainrbed ss mach idomson abn the “ook” of movies SS possible, No one a ever hall seen nya my lmages un they wee produced, and yet ne ft the grain lection upon ting tam IS_ By the time tis ein ok lace, you hd nade you horizontal Series! You called thn “geerlzstone of teeonypee” Does hat mak sense (CS Proably nt ut perhaps hat ment was that hey were tobe the titimate serotype guess mat ve cme up wih at one when eal {hk of ny oer wy to describ te wrk 1S. Cia weting eataputed your work it prominence, along wth oh: fs, by prescring apace way ooking One the fs posts that was made wast se ofseronyes. Ts, according to the age shied the focus fom ving ourself as youself na peso ner way. ‘Yu wer projecting te rape ina bic one age soa oan ferinie stereotypes Rat han eveaing the ast te sel they Show the sl ya imaginary cerstac, contingent onthe poses provided byte cat Anather poi, rated wo ths, spread on your relationship to ‘what atonal the accepted fle of photoprapn—o reco the ah

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