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Symphony No.9 Choral

Simn Bolvar Symphony Orchestra of Venezuela



Symphony No. 9 in D minor, Op. 125 Choral (1824)

with final chorus from Schillers Ode to Joy

1. I. Allegro ma non troppo, un poco maestoso

2. II. Scherzo: Molto vivace - Presto
3. III. Adagio molto e cantabile
4. IV. Presto Allegro assai
5. Presto O Freunde, nicht diese Tne! - Allegro molto assai (Alla marcia) -

Andante maestoso Adagio ma non troppo ma divoto Allegro energico e sempre ben marcato
Allegro ma non tanto Presto Maestoso - Prestissimo

Mariana Ortz soprano

Jnai Bridges mezzo-soprano
Joshua Guerrero tenor
Soloman Howard bass
Coro Nacional Juvenil Simn Bolvar

Lourdes Snchez chorus master

Simn Bolvar Symphony Orchestra of Venezuela



Paris, December 2nd , 1804. In a grand ceremony at Notre-Dame-Cathedral, Napoleon
Bonaparte crowns himself Emperor of France. Among the thousands in attendance at
the coronation that day was a young man named Simon Bolivar. At once impressed and
reviled, the young South Americans mind was gripped by a new vision for the future of his
homeland. Meanwhile, as news of Napoleons coronation reached Vienna, an enraged Ludwig
van Beethoven dashed the hand-written dedication to Bonaparte from the manuscript of his
latest symphony. The work would be known as the Eroica, and the history of music would
never be the same.
With this recording project, my brothers and sisters of the Simon Bolviar Symphony
Orchestra and I pay homage to two of our greatest inspirations: Beethoven and Bolivar.
Two bold, passionate visionaries whose parallel lives straddled the transition from the
Enlightenment to the revolutionary Romantic eras, who came of age in the shadow
of Napoleon, and went on to dominate the cultural consciousness of their time. Bolivar
led millions of South Americans to freedom and became the spiritual father of nations;
Beethoven championed the emancipation of art from the sphere of the aristocracy and, in
his symphonies, established the compositional and philosophical vocabulary for all music
To realise their goals, both Bolivar and Beethoven overcame tremendous challenges. Bolivar
faced colonial armies, survived political intrigues, and suffered personal tragedy, but never
lost faith in his vision. Beethoven lost his hearing perhaps the most cruel fate to befall
a musician. And yet, he was able to compose music of such extraordinary humanity and
compassion, he is living proof of the ability of musical expression to transcend circumstance.
This belief, in the transcendent, transformative power of music, is fundamental to the
philosophy of El Sistema. As Venezuelans, we feel the living spirit of Bolivar all around us
every day. And for us, especially in the Simon Bolivar orchestra, we identify with Beethovens
spirit and with his music because the two contemporaries, Beethoven and Bolivar, shared the
same ideals of freedom and sacrifice.
We stand on the shoulders of giants. Just as Bolivars words and deeds inspired his
countrymen and women to strive for greater causes, Beethovens symphonies lead us on a
journey to discover our deepest human emotions and aspire to our highest ideals. It is our
great honour and pleasure to share in this journey with you.
Gustavo Dudamel

Pars, 2 de diciembre del 1804. En una gran ceremonia en la Catedral de Notre Dame, Napolen
Bonaparte se autocoron Emperador de Francia. En medio de los miles de espectadores de
la coronacin se encontraba un joven llamado Simn Bolvar. Impresionado y agraviado, la
mente del joven sudamericano se inund con una nueva visin para el futuro de su hogar.
Mientras, cuando las noticias de la coronacin de Napolen alcanzaron Viena, un encolerizado
Ludwig van Beethoven rompi del manuscrito de su ltima sinfona la dedicatoria a Bonaparte
escrita a mano. El mundo la conocera como la Heroica y la historia de la msica ya nunca
sera igual.
Con este proyecto de grabacin, mis hermanos y hermanas de la Orquesta Sinfnica Simn
Bolvar y yo homenajeamos a dos de nuestros inspiradores ms importantes, Beethoven y
Bolvar. Ambos visionarios apasionados cuyas vidas combinan la transicin de la Ilustracin
al Romanticismo revolucionario surgidos en la poca oscura de Napolen, y que dominaron
la conciencia cultural de su poca. Bolvar gui a millones de sudamericanos a la libertad y se
convirti en el padre espiritual de naciones; Beethoven lider la emancipacin del arte de la
esfera aristcrata y estableci, en sus sinfonas, el vocabulario compositivo y filosfico de toda
la msica posterior.
Para conseguir sus objetivos ambos, Bolvar y Beethoven superaron enormes retos. Bolvar
se enfrent a ejrcitos coloniales, sobrevivi a intrigas polticas y sufri tragedias personales,
pero nunca perdi la fe en su visin. Beethoven se qued sordo probablemente el destino
ms cruel para un msico. Y an as fue capaz de componer msica de una humanidad y
una compasin tan extraordinarias, l es la demostracin de la capacidad de la msica de
transcender las circunstancias.
Esa creencia en el poder transcendente, transformador de la msica es fundamental en la filosofa
de El Sistema. Como venezolanos percibimos el espritu de Bolvar a nuestro alrededor
todos los das. Y nosotros, especialmente en la orquesta Simn Bolvar, nos identificamos con
el espritu de Beethoven y con su msica pues los dos contemporneos, Beethoven y Bolvar
compartan los mismos ideales de libertad y de sacrificio.
Estamos sobre hombros de gigantes. Las palabras y acciones de Bolvar inspiraron a sus
conciudadanos y conciudadanas a luchar por causas mayores, las sinfonas de Beethoven nos
guan en nuestro viaje para descubrir las emociones humanas ms profundas y aspirar a los
ms altos ideales. Es un gran honor y placer compartir este viaje con Usted.
Gustavo Dudamel

Mariana Ortz
Jnai Bridges
Soloman Howard
Joshua Guerrero


based on the poem by Friedrich Schiller (17591805)

Bariton Solo

[Baritone Solo]

Solo de bartono

O Freunde, nicht diese Tne!

Sondern lat uns angenehmere anstimmen,
und freudenvollere.
Freude! Freude!

O friends, no more of these sounds!

Let us sing more cheerful songs,
More songs full of joy!
Joy! Joy!

Oh amigos, no esa tonada!

Entonemos otros ms agradables y
llenos de alegra.
Alegra, alegra!

Quartett mit Chor

[Quartet and Chorus]

Cuarteto de voces y Coro

Freude, schner Gtterfunken,

Tochter aus Elysium,
Wir betreten feuertrunken,
Himmlische, dein Heiligtum.
Deine Zauber binden wieder,
Was die Mode streng geteilt;
Alle Menschen werden Brder,
Wo dein sanfter Flgel weilt.

Joy, beautiful spark of divinity,

Daughter from Elysium,
We enter, burning with fervour,
heavenly being, your sanctuary!
Your magic brings together
what fashion has sternly divided.
All men shall become brothers,
wherever your gentle wings hover.

Alegra, bella chispa divina,

hija del Elseo!
Penetramos ardientes de embriaguez,
Oh celeste, en tu santuario!
Tus encantos atan los lazos
que la rgida moda rompiera;
y todos los hombres sern hermanos
bajo tus alas bienhechoras.

Wem der groe Wurf gelungen,

Eines Freundes Freund zu sein,
Wer ein holdes Weib errungen,
Mische seinen Jubel ein!
Ja, wer auch nur eine Seele
Sein nennt auf dem Erdenrund!
Und wers nie gekonnt, der stehle
Weinend sich aus diesem Bund!

Whoever has been lucky enough

to become a friend to a friend,
Whoever has found a beloved wife,
let him join our songs of praise!
Yes, and anyone who can call one soul
his own on this earth!
Any who cannot, let them slink away
from this gathering in tears!

Quien logr el golpe de suerte,

de ser el amigo de un amigo.
Quien ha conquistado una noble mujer
Que una su jbilo al nuestro!
S! que venga aquel que en la Tierra
pueda llamar suya siquiera un alma.
Pero quien jams lo ha podido,
que se aparte llorando de nuestro grupo!

Freude trinken alle Wesen

An den Brsten der Natur,
Alle Guten, alle Bsen
Folgen ihrer Rosenspur.
Ksse gab sie uns und Reben,
Einen Freund, geprft im Tod.
Wollust ward dem Wurm gegeben,
Und der Cherub steht vor Gott.

Every creature drinks in joy

at natures breast;
Good and Bad alike
follow her trail of roses.
She gives us kisses and wine,
a true friend, even in death;
Even the worm was given desire,
and the cherub stands before God.

Se derrama la alegra para los seres

por todos los senos de la Naturaleza.
todos los buenos, todos los malos,
siguen su camino de rosas.
Ella nos dio los besos y la vid,
y un amigo probado hasta la muerte;
Al gusanillo fue dada la Voluptuosidad
y el querubn est ante Dios.

Tenor Solo & Chor

[Tenor Solo and Chorus]

Solo de Tenor y Coro Masculino

Froh, wie seine Sonnen fliegen

Durch des Himmels prchtgen Plan,
Laufet, Brder, eure Bahn,
Freudig wie ein Held zum Siegen.

Gladly, just as His suns hurtle

through the glorious universe,
So you, brothers, should run your course,
joyfully, like a conquering hero.

Alegres como vuelan sus soles,

A travs de la esplndida bveda celeste,
Corred, hermanos, seguid vuestra ruta
Alegres, como el hroe hacia la victoria.

Seid umschlungen, Millionen!

Diesen Kuss der ganzen Welt!
Brder - berm Sternenzelt
Muss ein lieber Vater wohnen.

Be embraced, you millions!

This kiss is for the whole world!
Brothers, above the canopy of stars
must dwell a loving father.

Abrazaos Millones de seres!

Este beso al mundo entero!
Hermanos, sobre la bveda estrellada
Debe habitar un Padre amante.

Ihr strzt nieder, Millionen?

Ahnest du den Schpfer, Welt?
Such ihn berm Sternenzelt,
ber Sternen muss er wohnen.

Do you bow down before Him, you millions?

Do you sense your Creator, o world?
Seek Him above the canopy of stars!
He must dwell beyond the stars.

Os postris, Millones de seres?

Mundo, presientes al Creador?
Bscalo por encima de las estrellas!
All debe estar su morada!

Freude, schner Gtterfunken,

Tochter aus Elysium,
Wir betreten feuertrunken,
Himmlische, dein Heiligtum.
Deine Zauber binden wieder,
Was die Mode streng geteilt;
Alle Menschen werden Brder,
Wo dein sanfter Flgel weilt.

Joy, beautiful spark of divinity,

Daughter from Elysium,
We enter, burning with fervour,
heavenly being, your sanctuary!
Your magic brings together
what fashion has sternly divided.
All men shall become brothers,
wherever your gentle wings hover.

Alegra, bella chispa divina,

hija del Elseo!
Penetramos ardientes de embriaguez,
Oh celeste, en tu santuario!
Tus encantos atan los lazos
que la rgida moda rompiera;
y todos los hombres sern hermanos
bajo tus alas bienhechoras.

Freude, schner Gtterfunken,

Tochter aus Elysium,

Joy, beautiful spark of divinity,

Daughter from Elysium,

Alegra, bella chispa divina,

hija del Elseo!

Freude, schner Gtterfunken!

Joy, beautiful spark of divinity!

Alegra, bella chispa divina!

A special note of thanks to Frank Gehry for contributing the original

and exquisite cover art to this album. Like Beethoven and Bolivar,
Frank too is a giant whose extraordinary imagination has shaped the
spaces, sounds and perspectives of our times. I am honored by his
friendship and grateful to him for all his glorious gifts to music.
Gustavo Dudamel


Director Fundador Jos Antonio Abreu / Director Ejecutivo Eduardo Mndez
Sub-Director Ejecutivo Valdemar Rodrguez / Director Musical Gustavo Dudamel
Gerente General Antonio Mayorca / Gerente Adjunto Manuel Moya
Alejandro Carreo
Boris Surez
Carlos Vegas
Jess Pinto
Eduardo Salazar
Douglas Isasis
Anna Virginia
Daniela Becerra
Ebert Ceballo
Emirzeth Henrquez
Felipe Rodrguez
Gregory Carreo
Hctor Robles
Janeth Sapienza
Jorge Velsquez
Jos Laurencio Silva
Luis Adolfo
Luis Barazarte
Luis Navarro
Mara Jos Oviedo
Nicole Rodrguez
Oriana Surez
Rubn Lpez
Vernica Balda
Wilfredo Prez
Kenneth Jones
Moiss Medina
Alirio Vegas
William Gonzlez
Gregory Mata
Adriana Von Buren
Alessandro Lugo
Anderson Briceo
Carlos Luis Perdomo
Daniel Herrera

Daniel Marin
Daniel Snchez
Eduardo Gomes
Enrique Carrillo
Gleirys Gmez
Imanuel Sandoval
Israel Mndez
Jos Guedez
Juan Prez
Oswaldo Martnez
Patricio Merio
Ronnie Morales
William Lpez
Jairo Gonzlez
Ismel Campos
Luis Aguilar
Carlos Corales
David Peralta
Fabiana lvarez
Greymar Mendoza
Jhoanna Sierralta
Juan Chacn
Luis Fernndez
Luz Cadenas
Mary Francis
Miguel Jerz
Pedro Gonzlez
Samuel Jimnez
Nstor lvarez
Mabel Rodrguez
Pedro Rondn
Omar Prez
Richard Urbano

Edgar Caldern
Aimon Mata
Carlos Ere
Abner Padrino
Csar Giuliani
Enn Ren Daz
Frank Valderrey
Gabriela Jimnez
Jean Carlos
Jhonn Rujano
Juan Mndez
Leandro Bandrs
Luis Mata
Manuel Hernndez
Maricmar Prez
Mnica Fras
Ricardo Corniel
Roberto Prez
Yackson Snchez

Emily Ojeda
Alexis Angulo
Frank Giraldo
Elly Sal Guerrero
Hairin Colina
Luis Gonzlez
Nstor Pardo
Daniel Vielma
Elvis Romero
Rosmery Vargas
David Medina
Ranieri Chacn
Carlos Escalona
Demian Martnez
Vctor Mendoza
Carlos Escalona
Geancarlo Carvajal
Freeman Ramirez

Claudio Hernndez
Freddy Adrian
Luis Peralta
Oscar Luque
Carlos Rodriguez
Ismer Bolivar
Luis Martinez

Gonzalo Hidalgo
Daniel Garca
Edgar Monrroy
Aquiles Delgado
Aura Moreno
Anais Gomez

Katherine Rivas
Aron Garca
Diego Hernndez
Engels Gmez
Etni Molletones
Fernando Martnez
Mariaceli Navarro
Yaritzy Cabrera

Daniel Graterol
Danny Gutirrez
Edgar Aragn
Jos Gimnez
Jos Melgarejo
Reinaldo Albornoz
Enmauel Hidalgo
Jos Len

Toms Medina
Gaudy Snchez
Andrs Ascanio
Andrs Gonzlez
Arsenio Moreno
Leafar Riobueno
Luis Alfredo Snchez
Romn Granda
Vctor Caldera
Werlink Casanova
Wilfrido Galarraga

Live Recording: 4/2015 in Caracas, Venezuela;

Centro de Accin Social por la Msica, Sala Simn Bolivar
Executive Producer
Misha Aster
Recording Producer
Friedemann Engelbrecht
Sound Engineer
Tom Rubldt
Mixed and Mastered at Teldex Studios Berlin
Direccin Audiovisual Fundamusical Bolvar
Executive Producer
Technical Director
Technical Coordinator
Production Manager
Production Co-ordinator
Audio Technicians

Pedro Carrero
Alejandro Daz
Edgar Garca
Jackson Murillo
Leudy Inestroza
Francisco Blanco
Lisandro Laya

Frank Di Polo
Sergio Prado
Pedro Nez
Nohely Oliveros
Patricia Rodrguez
Vanessa Montilla
Jacinto Castillo

 &  2015 Gustavo Dudamel/Fidelio Arts Ltd, London

Flix Mendoza
Ramn Granda
Acuarius Zambrano
Simn Gonzlez
Vctor Villarroel

Cover Art courtesy of Frank Gehry, 2015

Beethoven portrait by Jan Fekkes (1895-1935) courtesy of Rijksmuseum Studio, Amsterdam
Simn Bolvar portrait by Jos Gil de Castro y Morales (17851840/41) courtesy of Museo de Arte de Lima
Artist Photos:
 Gerardo Gomez /Fundamusical Venezuela: p. 2, p. 7, p. 10
 private (p. 5, Mariana Ortz and Joshua Guerrero)
 Kristin Hoebermann (p. 5, Jnai Bridges)
 Roy Cox (p. 5, Soloman Howard)
Cover and Booklet Design by Mareike Walter
Translations by Panorama Languages AG (Sp)
Gustavo Dudamel is represented by Fidelio Arts Ltd.

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