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How to Open Your Instrument Case

1. Place your instrument on the floor.

2. Locate the handle of the instrument case.
3. Face the handle towards you. If your instrument has latches
face them towards you as well.
4. Notice that your case has and upper lid and a lower lid. Make
sure that the handle and/or latches are in the bottom lid.
5. Look for a label on your case. If you have one, make sure it is
facing the celling. If you do not have one as one of your
teachers to place a name sticker on the upper lid of your
6. If you have latches open one latch at a time. If you have a
zipper(s) place one hand on the upper lid, and undo the
zipper(s) all the way to the edges of the case.
7. Once the latches/zipper(s) are undone, slightly lift the upper
lid and peak inside. When peaking you should see the top of
the instrument (strings, bridge, etc.) or the cloth covering
the instrument.
8. If you do see these things, proceed to opening the upper lid
all the way. If you do not see the top of the instrument go
back to step 2.
Warning: Opening your case the wrong way may cause damage
to your instrument such as breaking.

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