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Running Head: Stress Releasing Exercise in Relation to their Cortisol Level Among

Dentistry Students

The Effectiveness of Stress Releasing Exercises in Relation to their Cortisol Level Among
Dentistry Students of University of the East Manila During S.Y 2016-2017

Carlo R, Angles
Irish P. Numeron
Molly V. Anunciacion
Emilee L. Nuqui
Lilibeth M. Astor
Claire A. Espenilla
Arbelyn D. Tiagan
Shaulla A. Roldan

Stress is your bodys way of responding of demand or threat. It is the feeling that is created when
we react to particular events. It is a combination of psychological and behavioral reactions that
people have in response to events that threaten or challenge them. The purpose of this study is to
identify the effectiveness of stress releasing exercise in relation to their cortisol level among
dentistry students. Based on related literatures exercise could lower cortisol level. The first phase
of the study involves a screening interview, 2 sets of questionnaires for 100 dentistry students
from clinic 1 and 2. The first questionnaire will filter the respondents eliminating those who have
factors that could affect the levels of the cortisol test. The second questionnaire segregates those
who are experiencing emotional stress and physical stress an initial cortisol blood test would be
done to serve as the researcher base line and the final phase involves 10 final participants that
would undergo an exercise regimen for a period of 1 month. Cortisol blood test would be done
every Friday to monitor the progress of the exercise regimen in relation to their stress level.

Keywords: stress, exercise

Chapter 1
Background of the Study
Stress is your bodys way of responding of demand or threat. It is the feeling that is
created when we react to particular is a combination of psychological and behavioral
reactions that people have in response to events that threaten or challenge them. In this study we
are trying to make an exercises or movement that will improve the wellbeing of a clinician while
treating patients. Our Basis of identifying stress is thru Cortisol Level of the test subject.
The introduction is presented on a new page (page 3).

Statement of the Problem

This study aim to answer the question how effective the stress releasing exercises
in relation to their cortisol level.

General: To determine the effectiveness of stress releasing exercises in relation to their
cortisol level
To measure the cortisol level of dentistry students who undergone this stress releasing
To measure the cortisol level of dentistry students who did not do the stress releasing
To compare both dentistry students
There is significant relationship between cortisol level and stress releasing exercise.
Scope and Limitations
This study examines the effectiveness of stress releasing exercise in relation with
physical stress among dentistry students of university of the east manila. Only the clinician
dentistry students served as respondents of the study

Significance of the Study

Dentistry students major cause of stress is the completion of clinical requirements.
Starting with patients - non-cooperative patients, the cases needed that are difficult to acquire.
With this, stress is unavoidable. We simply take a deep breath if the patient did not cooperate.
As a dentistry student, it is significant that we know how to practice stress releasing
exercises, like stretching, walking and deep breathing, these simple exercises can lessen our
stress for health purposes we should know how to handle our stress for us to be open minded and
not to be stress every time we are running out of time with our clinical requirements to practice
stress releasing exercises for the attainment and success to any problems that we may encounter

Chapter 2
Literature Review
Related Literature
The literature and studies cited in this chapter tackle cortisol in relation to stress.
According to http:/, stress
is your bodys way of responding to any kind of demand or threat when you feel threatened, your
nervous system respond by releasing a flood of stress hormone including adrenaline and cortisol
which cause the body emergency reaction states that cortisol test is one
of the most commonly used blood test. Cortisol is a hormone that is released by adrenal glands
when one is under stress. Higher levels of cortisol would indicate higher level of stress. Cortisol
level do change throughout the day with in the no. being at their highest around 7am and
reaching their lowest in the evening before bed.



5~23 micrograms per

deciliter or 138 ~635
nanomoles per liter
3~16mcg/dL or 83
~441nmol/L is based on the assumption that

having physical or emotional stress affects the cortisol blood test result. Cortisol blood test is
done to measure the level of hormone cortisol in the blood.

Definition of Terms
CORTISOL BLOOD TEST - measures the level of cortisol in the blood
STRESS - is a state of tension and worry caused by problems in your life, work etc.
CORTISOL - a hormone secreted by the adrenal gland specifically the adrenal cortex

Conceptual or Theoretical Framework

level of




Level of

Chapter 3
Materials and Methods

Gathering of Participants
1. Approach students who are enrolled in clinic 2 and clinic 3.
2. Explain the concepts of the study and ask permission if they want to participate.
3. Give the first questionnaire to eliminate the respondents who have factors that could affect the
4. The second questionnaire is given to filter whether the remaining respondents are physically
stressed or emotionally stressed. The physically stressed respondents would be the candidates
who would participate in the study.
Consent Form
1. Explain all the procedure once again to these candidates for the participants who would
partake in the study in order to make sure they understand what they would be going through for
the next 3 weeks.
2. All candidates agreeing to the procedures should sign a consent form
Blood extraction

21 Gauge Needle
18 Gauge Syringe

Blood Collection Tube
1. The flow of blood in the arm is stopped by wrapping an elastic band around your upper arm.
This also causes the veins in your arm to become more visible, which makes it easier to insert the
2. Alcohol is used to clean the site on your skin where the needle will be inserted.
3. The needle is inserted into the vein. This may cause a brief pinching or stinging sensation.
Blood is collected in a tube thats attached to the needle.
4. The elastic band is removed after enough blood has been collected.
5. As the needle is removed from your skin, cotton or gauze is placed on the site of the needle
6. Pressure is applied to the area using cotton or gauze.
7. A bandage is used to secure the cotton or gauze.
Cortisol Blood Test
Exercise Regimen
A. 2 minutes breathing
B. Stretching 5 minutes (INSERT WARM UP)
1. Stand with you feet a shoulder width apart at your sides. Gently roll your head in a half circle
in front of you, back and forth a few times. With your head straight, drop your left ear to your


shoulder and hold. Bring your head back up and drop your chin to your chest. Head up and drop
it back. Bring your back up and face forward.
2. Shrug your shoulders up and release; repeat this six times. Roll your shoulders backward six
times; roll them forward six times
3. Place you left hand on your hip and raise your right arm up. Keeping your torso straight, each
your right arm over head, bending to the left from your waist. Hold and then return to center.
Repeat with the left am reaching over your head to the right. You should feel a stretch in your
4. Stand with your feet slightly more than shoulder-width apart. Reach down your left leg as far
as you can, trying to touch ankle or toes if possible. Hold for 10 seconds. Slowly roll yourself
upright, keeping your head down to avoid dizziness. Now reach down your right leg in the same
manner and hold. Again, roll slowly with your head down. This stretches the muscles in the
backs of your legs
5. Still standing with your feet apart, turn to you left. Bend your left knee and extend your right
egg straight out behind you. Center you body so that your left knee is bent at 90 degree right left
standing angle to the floor Hold this position, called runners stretched, for a count of ten, gently
pressing your straight leg down the floor. Youll feel the stretch in the thigh muscle of the out
stretched leg. Repeat this exercise with your right leg
6. To stretch your Achilles tendon and calf muscles, stand two to three feet from wall and place
you hands on it. Keeping your leg straight and your feet flat on the floor, lean in to the wall. You
should feel the stretch in your legs; hold it for ten seconds. Try stepping back a bit farther to
increase the stretch; remember that your feet should remain flat on the floor
C. Aerobics


1. 20 seconds marching
2. 20 seconds wide marching
3. 20 seconds marching
4. 20 seconds breathing rest
shoulder lift, left then right with bended knee 5. 20 seconds
forearm with shoulder pullback 20 seconds
6. 20 seconds back stroke
7. 20 seconds jumping jacks
extend arms at sides, bend it at elbows and make fists, squeeze your bent arms together so that
forearms meet in front of you 20 seconds
8. Side reach
10. 20 seconds single squat
11. 20 seconds pulsing squat
12. 20 seconds single squat
13. 30 seconds breathing rest
14. Punch left arm upward to left upper side 10 seconds
15. Punch right arm upward to right upper side 10 seconds
16. Side step left punch, side step right 20 seconds
17. 20 seconds high knees
18. 20 seconds high knees with abs bend extending forearm with each knee
19. 20 seconds breathing rest
20. March in place with 10 seconds arm stretched across chest


21. March in place with 10 seconds other arm stretched

22. Legs pull at the back 20 seconds

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