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1. Complete the sentences using present continuous or present simple.

a) Next class ________________ at half past four. (start)

b) Mom, __________________ on Saturday. And theres nothing you can do about that! (go out)
c) I cant come with you. I _________________ some friends after work. (meet)
d) The bus to New York ________________ at six oclock. (leave)
e) _______ he ___________ his parents next weekend? (visit)
1. Complete the sentences using going-to future or future simple.
a) In ten years time I ______________ a famous lawyer. (be)
b) Ive heard her singing, she ________________ far on American Idol. (get)
c) The world ________________ differently in 50 years from now. (look)
d) Ana hasnt done any work for her final exam. She _________ definitively _______________.
e) SDP already made their decision. They _______________ against that law. (vote)
5/ ____
3. Complete the sentences using future continuous or future perfect.
a) By next November, I _____________________ my promotion. (receive)
b) It's strange that when we get to Hawaii, we _________________half way round the world.
c) I _________________ for you when your bus arrives. (wait)
d) We _________________________ dinner at 8 oclock. (have)
e) By the time Im 40, I ______________ CEO of an important company. (become)
1. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate word.
a) Even in warm months, a hamster with no food might ____________ into a deep sleep to
conserve its energy.
b) If you count sheep, sleep _________ to you faster.
c) You're right to be alarmed about the negative side effects of letting a baby ____________
himself to sleep!
d) Eating a lot late at night can affect your sleep ___________ and cause a restless night.
e) If you wake up in the night, follow some basic strategies to relax your mind and fall
_________ to sleep.
5/ ______
2. Translate.
a) furthermore__________
b) insurgents __________
c) profound ___________
d) to occur ______________
e) to break out ___________

f) to conduct ____________
g) to cease ______________
h) plethora ___________
i) allies ______________
j) to be under a lot of pressure


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