Standalone Financial Results, Limited Review Report For June 30, 2016 (Result)

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Phirozee Jeejebhoy Towrs,

soin - s32284

Strb: '

Outcome.fthe B.ard Meeting

This is to intimaterhe Exchange that the Company in its Boa.d meetingheld today i.e 12d
Au8ust,2016 which commenced at 1200p.m andconcludedat 1.15pnhas:


Approvedthe Unaudited FinahcialResultsforthequartefended 30sJune,2016.

The Limited Review Report received arom the Auditors ofthe Company for the
ended 30,h June,2016 has also bee! taken on reco.d and copy ofsane is
enclosed herewith

You are requested to take rhe above on



and acknowledge the receipr


Fina.ce Limited

jal sheth

CIN No.: 165990MH1990PLC057923

s01 s02. Faheja chanbe6, Nd man Poinl, Mumba.400021
E mail lctcl@halhwaycom/


r Ter I 22a4 a701 | 0736

, Fax : 22A1 9237

' "ollqyqlra




& Co


we have rcvicqcd $e accompuyin StrreDed of Umudned !_inancial Rsltrs of TC FC Fii ! nce Lim ed.
('lhs conpany'') fof thc quader ended rorhlunq 2016.
Mmasemen! G rsponsible for prepa.aiion ond lan presenulion of rhis iakmeni and lhe s$ne h$
apprcved by rhe Boail of DiftcloB. Our Bsponsibilirt is Io *pE$ a concl$ion on rhis inreim financirl
b6ed on ou revhw.


wc conducEd our Eview


in accordancc Nhh the srandaid on Review Ensagemenrs {sRE) 24t0,

''Revrew oflnErim Financiallnlomarion Perfomed by tne lndepende( Audihrollhe Enriry" ksuld by (he
In$ilut of Chdered Acmunb'is of India. This st4dard rcquiG rhat wc plan a'd pr orm the Evie* ro
obh'n mod*ale Nuuce d lo rhdhq rhc inbin Finm.ial Sralcncn6 arc lrcE of Dderial misshre'neD$
A rcview is limiled primanly to inquiies ol compant penonnel and rpplying rnartlicar a$ orhs rcvhs
proccduru.a rcviev issubshnrially l$s ln $opc rhan af auditconducrd lna.codanccwirh sbndardson
,udiling and sNequenlly does nol eMbh us b obrain dsunnce rhar we could becohc aNe! of dll
siSnifica na(sulnarnightbeidentilieditr!n au,lil Accodlfglx wc do nor *presar audi. opidlon.

Ba*d on our rcview condlded a rbove, norhing hs coDe b ou arenrion rhar .auses us ro bcticvc rhd rhe
acompryin8 shrenem of unaudired FinanciaL Rsulrs pEparcd in accordane wirh rccogfiton aid
mesEmeni pnnciples laid doqn in Accounri4 nandad z5 lms n Fin.n.i.LReponing spccifiedunder
secrion 133 ofConpanies Act 2013, iead ih rules 7 ofrhe Companies (Accomt) Ruks 2014 and onrcr
recoenied acounling pftdices and policies hs noidisclosed the inlomaiion rquired io be dGclosed in
tms ofRcgularion 3l of the SEBI (Listins Asaemenr md Dhdosurc RequiEmenb) Resulrrions, 20ll
includinsthe manner in which it is lo be disclosed or illt it cor6ins ary nare.ial n irsracrnenr


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