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Kacee Sommerfeldt

Grade 7

Lesson Plan




Numbers all around the world

Greek and Roman Numerals

7 September, 2016

Outcomes: Upon this lesson students will be able to

1. Identify Roman numerals.
2. Identify Greek numerals.


Specific Outcome 1 (gr 6)

Demonstrate an understanding of place value, including numbers that are:
greater than one million
less than one thousandth.


Instructional Strategies:
- Reinforcing effort & providing
- Setting objectives & providing
- Cooperative learning.
- Summarizing and note taking.

PP lesson 1


Objective: Upon completion of this lesson students will identify what

roman numerals are.

Ancient Greek or Attic System.

Use flash cards to show what each number represents, can also use
whiteboard. Numbers are on page 14.
Example 2: a. 5000+1000, 500+2 sets of 100, 50+3 sets of 10, 1 to
make 6781.
Write Ancient Greek symbol for 825.
Exercise 1A.2 #1-3
What do you know about Roman Numerals?
Where do we still see roman numerals today? Is it important to use
Roman Numerals?
Show how the hand represents numbers, 1-4 shown with finger, V
between pointer and thumb to represent 5.
How would you write 6? VI, 7? VII, 8? VIII. 9? IX 10? X
Do you notice a pattern when a smaller number comes after a larger
number? VI=add 5+1=6

Teach first to scaffold onto
roman numeral with
number 5.

Check answers in back of

Can also use flashcards to
help create other numbers.

Refer back to class

agreement if there are
classroom management

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Kacee Sommerfeldt
Grade 7


What pattern is there for when a smaller number comes before a

larger number? IV=subtract 5-1=4
X is two V so two 5 =10.
C is 100, half a C is L=50.
1000 is M, half an M on its side is a D=500.
Numerals on page 15.
Order matters.
How would you write 999?
I could only appear before V or X
X could only appear before L or C.
C could only appear before D or M.
999 written CMXCIX not IM
Larger numbers put a stroke above the symbol making it 1000 times
Example 3 a and b.
Exercise 1A.3 #1-2.
Activity 1: #1-2.
Introduce project: it is on managebac. Pick Egyptian, Mayan, or
Chinese-Japanese system. You will have two or three class periods
to work on project, tomorrow, Tuesday and maybe Wednesday. I will
teach on the third on Thursday, then you both will present on the
following Tuesday.

Open discussion: What is one thing you learned today? Questions?

Self-Evaluation / Reflection:
They completed their homework. Moved onto expanded and simplest form, carrying on from yesterdays lesson.
They understood the concept, took turns answering questions on whiteboard, addressing any issues with the
problems as they arose. Something to work on is having less examples, I gave both students turns for solving, I
could have them on paper and then solve on front board and thumbs up if they got it correct to save time. I need to
go at a quicker pace so I do not fall behind in content. Good news is they understood the concept, ended with the
card activity for them to quiz each other. I was able to explain in multiple ways the concept, break it down so they
could understand as could be seen with how they were getting the questions correct.

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