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research plan &

proposal writing
Quality Research Skills Research Methods
Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design:
Koen De Bosschere
Quality Research Skills / Research Methods
Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

p. 1

Koen De Bosschere
Department of Electronics and Information Systems
All types of research proposals: FWO, IWT, BOF, EC
Reviewer for FWO, IWT, EC, NWO, DFG

Quality Research Skills / Research Methods

Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

p. 2

Who are you?

Research area

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Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

p. 3

Schedule for todays lecture

Before the break
- What is a research plan?
- How are proposals evaluated?
After the break
- How to write a good proposal/research plan?

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Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

p. 4

Module 3 Research plan & proposal writing

A research proposal is like a business plan for research. A good proposal describes
various aspects of the research: it clearly states the problem (what is the problem you
want to work on?), the goals of the research (how do you think you can solve the
problem?), the relation with the state of the art (how were similar problems solved by
others?), the timing of the different research activities including a risk analysis, the
expected results (papers, a dissertation, a demonstrator, a patent,), and the financial
and environmental resources needed.
Obviously a research plan is needed to apply for funding, but even if there is no strict
requirement to write a project proposal, writing one helps to better focus the research
by trying to plan the complete research process in advance.
For a proposal to be funded, the writing process should be guided by the proposal
evaluation criteria. Therefore, this module starts from the proposal evaluation process,
and explains which aspects are important for a proposal to end up higher in the ranking,
and be funded. For the hands-on session, the participants will have to write their own
three page proposal, which will be evaluated and ranked by their fellow students and by
the instructor. By attending the evaluation of their own proposal, the students will learn
how convincing their proposal is for the evaluation committee, and they will learn from
the other proposals how they could improve their own.
Quality Research Skills / Research Methods
Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

p. 5

Who has an RP?

Why do you need an RP?

For funding
As a guideline
For reviewing

Was it easy to write?

Quality Research Skills / Research Methods

Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

p. 6

How to get your proposal funded?

Step 1: understand the evaluation
Step 2: have a bright idea
Step 3: convince the evaluation

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Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

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understand the evaluation process

Know what funding agencies are looking for

Know which criteria are used in the evaluation
Know whom you are writing for
Know the constraints

Quality Research Skills / Research Methods

Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

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Know what funding agencies are

looking for
Fundamental research applied research
Consortium individual researcher
Particular topics/actions

Read the call for proposals carefully

Contact funding agency for more information
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Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

p. 9

Know which criteria are used in the


Contact funding agency for more information

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Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

p. 10

Know whom you are writing for

Experts/passing familiarity
Physical/virtual meeting
One/more committees
Evaluation load

Quality Research Skills / Research Methods

Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

Try to get in touch with them, lobbying?

p. 11

Know the constraints

Total budget
Acceptance rate
Distribution rules
Policy rules
p. 12
Contact the agency for more information

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Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012


Quality Research Skills / Research Methods

Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

p. 13

An idea somebody is waiting for .

Quality Research Skills / Research Methods

Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

p. 14

convince the evaluation committee

The primary reviewer has to like the bright idea and

must be willing to champion it
Committee members must understand the proposal,
and be ready to be convinced by the primary reviewer

One advice: make it easy for the reviewer

Quality Research Skills / Research Methods

Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

p. 15

Make the reviewers life easy

Balance between technical
and non-technical writing
Clear structure
Highlight important messages
Short and simple proposal,
do not repeat arguments
Use graphics instead of text
Corect English, nice layout
Support facts with citations
Quality Research Skills / Research Methods
Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

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Capture attention

Your proposal

should be noticed

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Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

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Before the break
- What is a research plan?
- How are proposals

After the break

- How to write a good
proposal/research plan?

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The elements of a proposal:

what why how who where how_much?

1. Title
2. Executive summary
3. Problem statement
4. Objective(s)
5. State of the art
6. Work plan
7. Work schedule
8. Results
Quality Research Skills / Research Methods
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9. Koen
Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing
De Bosschere 28/03/2012

concise and descriptive
catchy title maybe a good acronym
predisposes the reader favorably towards the

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Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

p. 20

Talking plants: sensor-controlled greenhouse system to optimize plant growth

Snail saves rabbit: invertebrate toxicity model as an alternative

for the rabbit eye model

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Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

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Formulation of gold/silver nano conjugates/encapsulates with novel biactive synthetic 1HPyrazol-2 methoxyphenol derivatives

Modulation of serine acetyl transferase by sulfur for the control of cadmium-induced

oxidative stress in mustard types differing in ethylene sensitivity
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Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

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2Executive summary
Maximum one page with

the rationale for the research

problem statement
the hypothesis (if any)
the objective(s)
the method
expected results and perspectives

Non-technical so that everybody can understand it

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p. 23

Good example:
Each day 14,000 people become infected with HIV/AIDS, making the
development of an effective vaccine one of the worlds top public health
priorities. Jan Peeters laboratory is attempting to develop HIV vaccines that
elicit cellular immune responses utilizing the simian immunodeficiency virus
(SIV) infected rhesus macaque animal model. A major component of the cellmediated immune response are cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CTL). It is thought
that CTL play an important role in controlling HIV and SIV. Most standard
immunological assays do not measure antiviral activity directly, limiting our
understanding of CTL effectiveness. To address this, the Watkins laboratory
developed a novel neutralization assay that quantifies the ability of virus-specific
CTL populations to control viral growth. Evaluating the antiviral activity of CTL
of different specificities will identify those CTL most effective against SIV. This
information will likely impact the design of future HIV vaccines.

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Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

p. 24

3Problem statement

State the research problem

Provide definitions of key concepts. Provide the
context and set the stage for your research question
in such a way as to show its necessity and
Present the rationale of your proposed study and
clearly indicate why it is worth doing
Non-technical so that everybody can understand it

Quality Research Skills / Research Methods

Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

p. 25

Quality Research Skills / Research Methods

Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

p. 26

Quality Research Skills / Research Methods

Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

p. 27

It is only since the start of the millennium that a new and more effective
generation of anti rheumatic drugs has become widely available to the relief of
patients. Most of these drugs target only the immunological component of chronic
rheumatic diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis (RA), spondylarthritides (SpA) or
osteoarthritis (OA).
Despite the availability of the current portfolio of anti-rheumatic drugs, the
restoration of joint homeostasis and function is still an important clinical challenge
in the treatment of chronic arthritis.
The major shortcomings with currently available therapies are: i) no control of
tissue responses; ii) severe adverse effects; iii) therapy resistance and lack of
disease-specific mode of action.

Quality Research Skills / Research Methods

Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

p. 28

Problem with the problem statement:

There is no problem!!
the problem is unimportant
a solution in search of a problem:
technology driven proposal

invent a problem
Quality Research Skills / Research Methods
Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

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Quality Research Skills / Research Methods

Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

p. 30

Quality Research Skills / Research Methods

Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

p. 31

Research target
High level overview of the research plan + the
expected results
Important section of the proposal
Should be very clear
Quality Research Skills / Research Methods
Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

p. 32

Quality Research Skills / Research Methods

Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

p. 33

Quality Research Skills / Research Methods

Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

p. 34

1. To identify the molecular pathway(s) underlying bone
remodelling using an interactome approach;
2. To validate the role of specific proteins as key actors in
bone remodelling (KI/KD models);
3. To evaluate the cross-talk between stress-induced and
mechanical-induced molecular pathways in bone

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Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

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Example too vague, too much blahblah

In this research, we wish to explore a new paradigm that could allow to
compose an architecture in a modular way, and in tiled fashion. We
believe that such approach would allow for a smart usage of the available
transistors while leaving open space to optimization of performance or
low power or building specialized hardware accelerators.
We advocate that research efforts should further focus on striking the
right balance between architecture, compiler and _user_ effort. We will
illustrate the performance and scalability of this combined
programming/architecture approach, called _Symbiotic Processing_, using
SMTs and several appropriately written programs corresponding to a set
of classic and non-trivial algorithms. Finally, we outline that, much like
SIMD, this approach can be progressively adopted through hardware
add-ons and C/C++ language extensions.
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Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

p. 36

Problems with the objectives

Double focus, no focus at all
Too vague
Objectives not linked to
the problem or the call
Too ambitious objectives
Too weak objectives
Not innovative
Not valuable
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Dont try to be too creative

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Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

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5State of the art

Demonstrates your knowledge of the research
problem. Shows your ability to critically evaluate
relevant literature information
Convinces your reader that you will make a significant
and substantial contribution to the literature
Ensures that you are not "reinventing the wheel"
Gives credit to those who have laid the groundwork
for your research
Must be technical
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Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

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Problems with state of the art

No link with own work

Lacking organization and structure
Lacking focus, unity and coherence
Being repetitive and verbose
Failing to cite influential papers
Failing to keep up with recent developments
Failing to critically evaluate cited papers
Citing irrelevant or trivial references
Depending too much on secondary sources

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Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

p. 40

6Work plan: How

Very important part of the proposal
Describes the attack plan + the expected results
Should be very clear, it should convince the
primary reviewer
Technical + non-technical
It better contains a risk analysis + plan B
Could contain a few milestones

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Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

p. 41

Work plan
Work package 1
- Task 1.1
- Task 1.2

Work package 2

- Task 2.1
- Task 2.2
- Task 2.3
- Task 2.4

Work package 3

- Task 3.1
- Task 3.2
- Task 3.3

Work package 4

- Task 4.1
- Task 4.2

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Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

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Example bad plan

The project consists of 4 work packages
In WP1 we will study the Wasabi architecture and compare the
Wasabi architecture with other similar architectures
In WP2 we will determine the weaknesses of the Wasibi
In WP3 we will improve the weaknesses of the Wasabi
In WP4 we will compare our results with the results that
competing teams will have found by then for the same
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p. 43

Problems with the work plan

Work plan does not solve the problems of the
problem statement; no relation with the
No clear structure
Internally incoherent, non-logical
Too general, not enough detail
Too much detail on minor issues, but not enough
detail on major issues
Methods/methodology unsuited to the objective
No risk analysis
Root cause: lack of concrete attack plan
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Work plan: Methodology should be

generally accepted

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7Work schedule: When

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Products, tools, prototypes
Exploitation plan
A PhD thesis

- Non quantifiable (give numbers)
- Vague
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Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

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Quality Research Skills / Research Methods

Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

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Resources should
be adequate to
carry out the
research plan
1. Budget
2. Expertise
3. Facilities
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Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

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Financial resources

PhD-student: 40 000 euro/year

Researcher: 60 000 euro/year
Post Doc: 70 000 euro/year
Tech/admin: 50 000 euro/year

Costs: 5000 euro/year/person

Investments: ?
University overhead: 17%
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Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

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PhD-student (40 k/y)
Working costs (5 k/y)
Compute server (investment)
Overhead University (17%)
Requested budget

160 000
20 000
5 000
185 000
31 450
216 450

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Your research experience

I worked at the Visualization Lab at the University. This
lab performs research on scientific visualization of
molecular bonding processes. The lab has several
ongoing projects, including: ...

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Your research experience

I was a research assistant for the Synergy Lab at UCF. For
this project, which involved evaluating sickness related to
virtual environments (VEs) exposure, I was employed to run
experimental subjects and collect data. During this project I
identified that subjects were experiencing difficulty traversing
through the VE. To resolve this issue I redesigned the
harness for the VE helmet-mounted design, recalibrated the
mouse, and suggested redesigns to the VE software. I tested
the harness design by The result was that the difficulties
were reduced by 50%.

+ detailed CV
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Facilities and research environment

Other projects

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Problems with resources

Too high or too low w.r.t. the work plan
Lack of background/experience
Wrong consortium

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Administrative problems
with proposals
Formal requirements not OK
- Missing pieces
- Layout/size restrictions not respected
- Not signed
carefully study the call!

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Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

p. 56

Have a good idea
Check novelty
Show relevance
Make good plan
Be concise and clear
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and help
Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal
De Bosschere 28/03/2012


What if you fail?

Dont worry: the majority of the proposals do not
get accepted, it does not necessarily mean it was
not good, just that there was not enough money.
Learn from the feedback
Try again it is a game

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Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

p. 58

Success !

Module 3: Research plan & proposal writing

Koen De Bosschere
2010 UGent p. 59

Quality Research Skills / Research Methods

Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

Write your own research proposal
- 1 page problem statement, objective(s), state of the art
- 1 page work plan
- 1 page results, schedule, resources
The font size should be 11 pt, the language English. The proposal can be on your personal
research, or on any topic you want. It does not have to be a full PhD proposal (it could be
about a single research question or a big project but make sure that the resources you
ask for are consistent with the amount of work). Your proposal should convince the
reviewers that it is better than the rest, and therefore can be funded.

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p. 60

Evaluation criteria
Relevance of the problem
- How convincing is the problem statement?

Scientific and technological excellence

- How good is the description of the objectives?
- How does it advance the state of the art?

Feasibility of the project quality of the work plan

- How well is the work plan described?
- Logical structure and schedule?

Impact of the results

- How well are the expected results described?

- Are the requested resources justified by the work plan/impact?
- How well is the expertise of the proposer described?
- What about the available resources?
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Process before the meeting

Send your proposal, before the
proposal deadline.
I will distribute the proposals among the group members 6 days
before the meeting, together with an evaluation form that you will
have to fill out.
I need to receive all evaluation forms 24h before the evaluation

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Quality Research Skills / Research Methods

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+ global ranking:

Proposal B (best)
Proposal D (second best)
Proposal A ()
Proposal C
Proposal E
Proposal F

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Process during the meeting

During the meeting itself, we will discuss all the proposals, and try
to find a consensus about the evaluation per proposal. You can
change your mind about particular proposals during the meeting.
Eventually, we will rank the proposals. About 1/3 of the proposal
will selected.

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April 7,

April 12,

April 13

technicum -3


April 11,

April 16,

April 17,

technicum -3


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Module 3. Research skills in practice & Research design: Research plan & proposal writing Koen De Bosschere 28/03/2012

p. 67

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