GeoQlik For Qlik Sense - Demo Applications

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GeoQlik for Qlik Sense

GeoQlik for Qlik Sense - Demo applications

GeoQlik for Qlik Sense is the only true professional mapping component
dedicated to Qlik Sense. GeoQlik for Qlik Sense offers the most exhaustive
Geo-Analytics and Geo-Business Intelligence features ever offered within
Qlik Sense, plus an awesome intuitive user experience.

Business Geografic - 49, Avenue Albert Einstein 69100 VILLEURBANNE

Phone: +33 (0)4 72 69 16 80 - Fax: +33 (0)4 78 93 85 00 -

Installing the demo applications
Walking through the demo applications


Sales Performance (UK)

Insurance (US)

Additional information


GeoQlik for Qlik Sense : GeoQlik for Qlik Sense - Demo applications



You've just installed GeoQlik for Qlik Sense !
This document will walk you through the provided demo applications, showcasing some of the main features of GeoQlik for Qlik Sense.
These applications are compatible with version 1.1 of GeoQlik for Qlik Sense.

GeoQlik for Qlik Sense : GeoQlik for Qlik Sense - Demo applications

Installing the demo applications

The included Qlik Sense Apps need to be copied into the appropriate location, typically:

Once copied the apps will show up in your Qlik Sense Hub.

GeoQlik for Qlik Sense : GeoQlik for Qlik Sense - Demo applications

Walking through the demo

In this section, we will walk you through the two demo applications included:
Sales Performance (UK) - Sales Performance analysis of a UK company, displayed in three different geographic levels: regions,
counties and individual customers.
Visualization types included: area map (choropleth), bubbles, heat-map, pie-charts, text.
Insurance (US) - Analyzing the activity of a US company selling insurance products, in three geographic levels of detail: states,
counties and individual customers.
Visualization types included: area map (choropleth), bubbles, heat-map, pie-charts, text.

Sales Performance (UK)

This Sales Performance application showcases different visualization types, in three geographic levels: regions, counties and individual
9 different analyses are pre-configured in the map, you can show/hide any of them using the Map Contents panel on the left.
Note that some analyses are configured to display only in certain zoom levels, which allows performing a drill-down: seeing different levels
of detail as you zoom in/out.
When you open the application, 2 analyses are displayed:
Area map (choropleth) - each region gets a color, based on sales figures. These regions can be custom-defined, which is the case
here, with London being a separate region. (That made sense for this particular company, based on the nature of its commercial
Text - showing sales trends, compared to last month's figures. The arrows, colors and text sizes vary based on expressions.
Hover above the regions to display the fully customizable HTML tooltips.

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Zooming-in once will trigger a different analysis, showing the margins on a county level:

GeoQlik for Qlik Sense : GeoQlik for Qlik Sense - Demo applications

Zoom-in once more to show the margins figures:

Zooming-in beyond this level will trigger a different analysis, showing the recent deals (during the last 180 days). Each bubble represents a
Note that with these bubbles, 3 different indicators are being displayed:
Type of product purchased (bubble color)
Sale amount (bubble size)
Deal age (bubble transparency)

GeoQlik for Qlik Sense : GeoQlik for Qlik Sense - Demo applications

Other types of visualizations you'll find in this application:

Heat-map - useful for providing a clear image of density phenomena

GeoQlik for Qlik Sense : GeoQlik for Qlik Sense - Demo applications

Pie-charts - displaying the sales, broken down to the two product families

Insurance (US)
This application analyzes the activity of a US based company, selling insurance products both directly and indirectly.
The different map visualizations analyze both the assets covered and the sales, in three geographic levels: states, counties and individual
You can show/hide the different analyses using the Map Contents panel on the left.
Following is a description of these different visualizations, from bottom to top:
Revenues - revenues by state, using an area map (choropleth).
Assets covered - heat-map showing value and density of all assets insured, on a county level.
Direct Sales - bubbles showing individual customers.
Total value of deal - represented by the size of the bubble.
Contract expiry - displayed using the bubble's transparency. An opaque bubble represents a recently signed contract,
expiring in 24 months. The more transparent a bubble is, the older the contract. Therefore, an almost disappearing bubble
represents a contract due to expire in the next month or two.
Revenues by products - pie-charts displaying the distribution between direct sales and indirect sales, for each state.
State by rating - text analysis showing both the risk rating (text color) and the total sales (text size), for each state.

GeoQlik for Qlik Sense : GeoQlik for Qlik Sense - Demo applications

Additional information
At any point, you can switch to Edit mode, to see how the different analyses and map elements are configured.
Feel free to modify the different parameters or to add new items.
Selections work the same way as with any other Qlik Sense chart - individual objects can be selected by clicking, area selection is
performed using the lasso tool.

GeoQlik for Qlik Sense : GeoQlik for Qlik Sense - Demo applications


For obtaining a license or for any questions you might have, please don't hesitate to contact us at:

GeoQlik for Qlik Sense : GeoQlik for Qlik Sense - Demo applications


Business Geografic
49, Avenue Albert Einstein
Phone: +33 (0)4 72 69 16 80
Fax: +33 (0)4 78 93 85 00

GeoQlik for Qlik Sense : GeoQlik for Qlik Sense - Demo applications


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