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‘An Lushan Rebellion ‘When he was young man An Lushan learned 6 non-Chinese lan ‘quages. His aptitude for anguages soon earned him ab as an i terrotr for ie Chinese Tang mir. Then In 732 AD, An became trends wits General Zang Shoup ltr some time the two boca very close and Ganeral Zhang began weatng the poy An shi son. Four yarslatr, An was serving under Zhang inthe Pings Army whan hela ald attacked soainet both ho Xi and iktan arms and was defeated. Accraing te Chinese mitary law ‘the oss requted tat An be sentanced to death, but btare he could be executod he was given a reprieve rom the Tang Chinese Emperor Xuanzong, Xuanzong found that An was very capabe ang he soon made him the governor of what today is cae Baling. His assign- ‘ont when Bojng was to contol the remade tos wh were ‘ading from thir base in Manchuria Bafora long the emperor was very impressed wth An. Xuanzang bul him a mansion inthe captl ey of [Changan and dvbbed him a prince. tts time An was alowed opin mis own money. In 78, An eared nat members ofthe Emperor Xuanzong court were plofing io have him removed trom power. On Decem- ber 16, he assembled an army of 150,000 roops and began heading south without facing any opposition. Then just 28 days ator ne and his troops crossed the Yalow Fiver and seized the Grand Canal. TMs Brought commerce to halt and prevented ftom reaching tho imperial curt. Just 10 day ater, An ana his roops seized the frst of he two Chinese capital, the iy of Luoyang. Ais me he decared himset em pera. During the summer ot 756, Emperor Xuanzong made a dsasrous decision. He ordered his troops to aban onthe defenive postions and atack An Lushan and his army. Consequenty, tne Chinese Natonal Amy was dteated and Xuanzong and his consont Yang Guiel wore forced loo the aor capital cy of Chan gan. Soon atrwaré, Xuanzong troops tuned against i, forcing him o strange the love of Fis Me Yang [Gute Attis time An Lushan Became gravely il sing his eye Sight and developing bol al over hs fac. Unable lead his oops, An's sons and is gonerais pressod on wih the rebellion this tine An became incressinay violent, often whipping or caning his eunuch servants Li Shut and Yan Zhuang, Then An surprised everyane when he chose his favorite son An Gingen to become the nex crown panes. This intunted ns oer son An Gngxu whe now believed that nis ite waa mn Ganger. An Gngxu de ed ose stn he night of January 29,757, e and Yan served as oekouts when Li Shur entered Jan wusharsfoom and kod han with a sword. The rex! morning Yan arnouncod hat An Lushan was Sr fous ian that An Ginga was assuring the Chines tone, Eventual, the Tang would suppress An Lishan's successors and reclaim both ofcaptals. However, fhe country was n shambles and al of her border defenses had calapsed. In 759 An Gngxu was assassinated by Shi Shiming who then assumed tho tone. Four year ater, Tost would ake advantage of Tang weakness and invade tom the wost and 6228 ne capital ty of Changan,instaling the ow prince on the trons. A ths tne the Tibetans alo Took oon rl ofthe Sik Ras An Lushan Rebellion Questions Answer using complete sentences 1 Wien arias dteated An Lushan when he wasn the Pings Amy? \What was Ans primary esponsibility when he was the governor of Baling? ‘What id Emperor Xuanzong do for An alo An impressed hin? How da An respond when he heard that members of Xuanzong's court were plating aglnst him’? ‘What isastous decison id Emperor Xuanzong make? Wy di An want to capture the Grand Canal? Who forced Emperor Xuanzong ok Yang Gute? Describe how An Lushan ded Who kilos Emperor An Gingxu? 10. Who took advartage of Tang weakness and insaod the own prince?

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