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Building Grassroots Pressure

Guide on How to Collect Petition Signatures

ASMAA Algarve Surf and Marine Activities Association -

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Lets Together Build Grassroots Pressure

Heres what weve included in this guide:

A guide to collecting petition signatures

Paper petitions you can use to get signatures so that we can then send to Portuguese
and EU government officials, as well as designated organisations
A script to use while gathering signatures
A fact sheet on your campaign to give to neighbours, friends, family and colleagues
A short form to report back when you return signed petitions to us

Please return signed petitions along with the reporting form as soon as possible, preferably in one
week through the post to ASMAA, Rua Dr. Alberto Iria, Lote 12 R/Dto, Lagos, 8600 580, Algarve
or scanned and via email to
It is important that all of the petitions make their way back to us so that we can deliver them to the
correct representatives. Feel free to contact us at ASMAA with any questions!

Although we are collecting signatures, please have people print legibly!

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Guide for Collecting Petition Signatures in Your Community

The public needs to be properly represented and to have a voice in order for our government
to work.
Getting started by collecting petition signatures in your own community is an easy and
important way to begin building a coalition of supporters. These signatures that you collect will
demonstrate our collective power to decision makers and will help you identify supporters who
might want to get more involved in this very important campaign!

The #NemUMFuro campaign.

It is a know factor that it takes a strong citizen movement to make change.

But with a few steps, and together we well be able to create a strong grassroots force to show
our elected and (un-elected) officials how your own community feels about the proposed oil
and gas exploration in Portugal, including showing the opposition by the people to the use of
hydraulic fracturing (Fracking) or other non-conventional drilling technologies on our land
(onshore) and in our seas (offshore).

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Heres how to get started:

Where do you find people?

Communities all over the Algarve are overwhelmingly in support of a healthy lifestyle, safe food
and water, and sustainable livelihoods. In addition the majority of locals and visitors want to
protect our local natural and pristine environments both inland as well in our coastal regions.
The local communities also want to safeguard the Algarve primary source of income:
All we need to do is find our supporters and turn that support into meaningful action.
Think of people you see every day:

At your local co-op/ farmers market

In your office
At your church
At your local library
If youre a student, in your classes
At community group meetings
In the streets of our cities and villages
In our restaurants, bars and other small retail stores
In your local beach

If youre looking for ideas, check your local newspaper for a calendar of upcoming community events.
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The Science of Asking

Once youve identified whom to talk to, all it takes is asking them to take action. So how do you
do that?

Ask an individual that you know: At your workplace, for example, go around from
office to office and ask your co-workers to sign the petition.

Make a group presentation: Are you a part of a group that meets regularly? Take a
few minutes at the beginning of your next meeting to make a pitch, pass the petitions
around the room, and collect them once everyone has signed.

Go door to door: Ask your neighbours to show their support by signing your petition.

Set up a table/stand with a clipboard: Find a high-traffic area and ask passers-by to
sign the petition. You can find a public area, like any sidewalk, or ask a local co-op,
farmers market or coffee shop / restaurant for permission to set up outside.

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If you have a table, consider using a visual element to attract attention and engage people
passing by. For example, you could display a poster board Oilgarve or any of the Question
Posters that are on our site which have questions related to the issue, and a divided space
underneath for people to check under Yes or No.

Still not quite sure what to do? Keep reading!

Canvassing is the term we use for collecting petition signatures from strangers.
Canvassing plays an essential role in any campaign to educate and spread ideas for change
gaining signatures for the anti-oil and anti-fracking campaign is no different.
While canvassing, some people will definitely say no, but that's why we're out there

To educate people and to get them on our side!

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Learn the lingo:

When you are petitioning, YOU are a canvasser.

The script you use is called a rap.
The area you are canvassing is your turf.
The person/corporation/government that you want people to take action for/against is
your target.


Be friendly and courteous SMILE!

Be confident, use a strong voice you should be proud of what you are doing.
Make eye contact.

Keep your message short and sweet too much extra information will confuse people.

Use strong, affirmative language (no weak language). Avoid words and phrases such
as: were trying and we need, and replace them with were doing and we have
opportunities for you.

Incorporate positive head nods.

Talk to everyone unless there is something that makes you feels uncomfortable.

Dont spend too much time trying to convince someone to agree with you. Our job is to
find people who are supportive of our cause and give them the opportunity to take

If someone has a question that you cant answer, say, I dont know, Im a volunteer,
but I can have a staff person call you with an answer. Then write down the
question, read it back to them and make sure you have their name, phone number and
email address if they have one.

Always say thank you you can never say thank you too much. Thank a person for
stopping to listen. Thank a person for taking action. Thank a person for their time.

When you go out, dont forget to take a clipboard, at least two pens, the
petition forms, a copy of the map showing the Concession areas,
as well as some of our posters.

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With Whom to Petition

You can petition by yourself, with a buddy or as part of a group.
If youve never petitioned before, you may feel more comfortable pairing up with another
person either a friend, family member, colleague, neighbour or someone else in your
community who cares about this issue.
We can help connect you with others in your area who might join you just email us at

How to Approach People

Find a quick way of describing the petition and inviting people to sign it. It will be hard to keep peoples
attention if you offer a long introduction. Some examples on how to introduce the petition:
Hi! Want to help prevent having oil and gas platforms in our community?
Hi! Want to help stop the oil industry from destroying our economy and local jobs?
Hi! Have a minute to help rescue the Algarve from oil & gas exploration which will destroy our nature
and our local economy?

What to Say Next

Some people may immediately know what youre talking about and eagerly sign the petition.
Others may want more information. You can ask them if they are familiar with the fact that the
government has signed 15 contracts with oil companies in Portugal and that 9 of these are in the
Algarve. That the contracts are for more than 40 years, that there are no financial benefits for your
community (For example the Lagostim contract provides for 0,10c per barrel and the Lagosta contract
for 0,25c a barrel after all expenses have been recovered by the oil companies meaning that there
is really no financial benefit).
Try to tailor your comments to the audience.

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Strategies for Maximizing Petition Signatures

Coordinate with others to petition at the same event, either simultaneously and/or in shifts.

If circulating in a crowd, approach groups of two or more people, so several people hear your
explanation about the petition at once.

Have multiple clipboards available, so more than one person can sign at the same time.

If tabling, stand in front of the table and actively invite people who pass by to sign the petition
(compared to sitting silently behind the table, waiting for people to approach you).

If at a sit down event, make an announcement about the petition (if appropriate) before
circulating clipboards through the audience.

Set a personal or collective goal for an event and/or time frame. For example, 150 petition
signatures at a weekend farmers market or 500 signatures by the end of the month.

Bring extra pens! You may want to attach the pens to the clipboards with pieces of string and
tape, to prevent them from getting lost.

How to Complete a Petition Form

There is only space for 3 signatures per page. Heres an example on how to complete and sign the
petition form. Remember to ask people to write legibly.

How to Return Completed Petitions

Please return the completed petitions to ASMAA by email or post it to us. Follow the instructions at the
bottom of each petition page for doing so.

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Two reasons people will say NO and how you can respond:
1. I dont have time to do this right now.
Answer: I can be really quick, this is very important, oil and gas exploration, and especially
fracking is going to impact on our air, our water, our health and the food you eat, or it
will affect tourism, it will affect your livelihood (income).
2. None of this will make a difference.
Answer: Of course it does. Every signature counts. Each signature puts pressure on the
petition target to do the right thing. The support that we are gathering now will put us at an
advantage over the opposition. It shows that you care and that you are concerned.

The legalities

ASMAA is a Portuguese registered association.

ASMAA is not a political organization. Nor does it endorse any specific party or party
ASMAA is financed ONLY by donations from individuals and small businesses.
YOU are just a volunteer who cares about the Algarve. (Portugal)
Registered address: Rua Dr. Alberto Iria, Lote 12, R/C Dto, Lagos 8600-580
Telephone numbers: 282 789 888 / mobile 969 320 231

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Frequently Asked Questions:

Q: What if someone asks a question and I dont know the answer?
A: Share what relevant information you do know and encourage them to visit our website for more information. You also can offer to take their contact information and get back to
them later.

Q: What if someone says theyre not interested in signing?

A: Thats fine. Some people may be otherwise occupied and not interested. Others may have specific
reasons for not signing. No matter what, remain polite and try not to spend too much time debating the
issue. Lots of potential petition signers could pass by if you spend a long time talking to one person
who isnt going to sign.

Q: What if someone doesnt want to fill in all his or her information?

A: Some people, for privacy or other reasons, may not wish to provide all the information requested. At
very least, people need to fill in their full name and ID or Fiscal number to be counted. We strongly
encourage them to include their email address too, which will allow us to send them periodic updates
about the continuing problem, proposed solutions and ways to take action.
If you have any questions, ideas, or additional tips you would like to share, please dont hesitate to
contact our action team at We are here to support you!

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Volunteer Information and Survey






Email: ______________________________________________________________________

How many signatures did you collect? __________________________________________

How many have email addresses? _____________________________________________

Where did you collect your signatures?

Town: ______________________________________________________________________
Locations: __________________________________________________________________

Please share any challenges or highlights you encountered while collecting petition

And thank you for your commitment to protecting our essential resources!

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