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Stoneleigh Academy

New Arrivals Policy

New arrivals can be described as:

International migrants, including refugees, asylum seekers and economic

migrants from oversees
Families coming to work
Family reunion
Children of oversees students
Unaccompanied children
Internal migrant, including children joining as a result of moving home
within the UK
Institutional movers children who move schools without moving home
Individual movers learners who move without their family e.g. LookedAfter children

At Stoneleigh School, throughout the year, we have a number of new arrivals

with a variety of educational experiences, ranging from children who have not
attended school or have had very little schooling, to those who have had full
access to the national Curriculum. Subsequently, pupils arrive at Stoneleigh with
varying levels of skill and expertise in first and second language oracy and
We need to build on these skills and provide a coherent and unified approach to
how we support new arrivals in school and help them access the curriculum.
This would best be carried out by providing differentiated work which will
complement the subjects covered in class, and providing additional basic
language for pupils to do alongside their peers. The newly arrived child will need
the support of other children sharing the same language wherever possible, the
class teacher and any other bi-lingual support that can be secured.

The aim of this policy is to facilitate the induction of new arrivals so
their integration into Stoneleigh School is as smooth as possible
because their academic, emotional and social needs are identified
and met.

When the child arrives in school

The first few days:
As another child or children to look after the child
Be aware of the childs need to be silent even if they do not
speak, they are absorbing information
Try to find some bi-lingual support
If possible, assess the childs ability in their first language
Provide activities which will result in successful outcomes for
children such as jigsaws, lego, art, matching pictures etc
Show the child where things are in the classroom
Show the child how to use resources
Support in the classroom

This policy reviewed by Governors (IEB): September 2011

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