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CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE This is for certifying that a true copy for the foregoing documents have been sent to all binding and bound , furthermore, memorandum(s) of agreements have been fled for public NOTICE parties to the agreement and Endemnity rroreement ~ FPNTTYACY META; Srabohey, Deaton 4 Of Ahtazaban-EL-Ben Yahawada®™, Secured Party, Indigenous, Autochthonous, Flesh-and-Blood, Melaninite and, living-soul, done here on the day of NOTICE FOR AGENT IS NOTICE TO PRINCIPLE, NOTICE TO PRINCIPLE IS NOTICE TO AGENT, and for all other matters and by notice or all party(s) including and and all competent witnesses with first hand knowledge, all party(s) and all others claims pertaining for the FICTION dating back for the year it was created. manner. The Purpose for notary is verification and identification purposes only and not for entrance into any foreign Jurisdiction as an advantage for Settlers, Confederates, Europeans, Caucasians, Corporations and fictitious entities to implement corporate laws, fictitious codes and commercial contracts over my Natural Indigenous / Autochthonous Flesh-and-Blood body. JURAT UNITED NATIONS DECLARATION ON THE RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES - (HTTPuWWW.UN.ORG JESAIS ACDEV/UNF:]DOCUMENTS/DRIPS_EN.PDF) UN Declaration on the Rights of indigenous Peoples, UN Convention on Economics, Social, & Cu Rights, United | Nations Charter, Articles SS & S6; Presidential Proclamation 750 H.J.R 194, ‘Afiant ie oi a oman ees Gepewed sees io A aay ore 2016. by ve \-70¥ Personally Known steamer a bower chores shar hh Type and # of Id: Passport # 477152466 va et “nao tte arcs, oa Armed to-and subsenbed before me cp tet cong Commission # 2146419 i ‘Notary Pubic - California j a ‘San Diego County uy con gest 220 4—-((-3020 My Commission Expires 201611261985-5A Page 14 0f15 Statutory Declaration In the matter of Amendment to state of Kentucky vital statistics registration # 116 1985 43637 |, ROBERT PRESTON GROWE now to be known as Ahtazaban-EL-Ben Yahawada™; clo of 4361 ¥% 30" street, san diego, california do solemnly DECLARE in accord with: the 1915 statue of Westminster (, 1778 Article of Confederation and Perpetual Union - Article XI, 1812 Treaty of Ghent; 1794 Jay Treaty: 1836 Treaty of Marrakesh (Morocco) all recognized and valid treaties, Constitution of united states of America, The 1948 charter of the United Nations, the 1975 inter American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People and The United Nations 2" Decade of the worlds Indigenous People, that upon discovering that the registration of a live birth 11/26/1985, in the sovereign state called Kentucky Republic was a contact between my flesh-and-blood mother and the Government who did NOT disclose or tell her that she was selling her son; me, a fiesh and blood being, to the STATE OF KENTUCKY CORPORATION as the cattle property / slave / which is a violation of Human Rights. | here by VOID the contract AB INITIO for FRAUD. Since | am flesh-and-blood (Yahawada / Yamassee) in accord with the United Nations Declarations on the Rights of Indigenous People, HJR-194-HTTP:/WWW.GOVTRACK.US/CONGRESS/BUS/111/sconres26-ext. S. Con. Res 26-http:/Awww, U.S.A apology To Native Americans (see 8113 of H.R. 3326 Department of | Defense Appropriation Act) http:/ 3326/text. REGINA V. JAH (case Ref. number: 720107746). On may 14 2011 at Southwark Crown Court (I English Grounds in Southwark, London, English) Defendant: John Anthony Hill in the United Kingdom proved before an English Jury that Elisabeth Alexandra Mary Windsor -Mountbatten Battenburg , was not the rightful monarch and never was: queen Elizabeth is not the rightful, monarch, and never was. This was a two-point argument. First, that Elizabeth knew-both then and now - that she was Crowned on a fake coronation stone instead of the real stone of destiny/coronation stone, which meant not only was she never properly crowned, But she was as also knowingly and fraudulently conning the public, And that is why she didnt want her coronation televised. so ~ Second, | declare That name ROBERT PRESTON CROWE on the Registration of Live Birth, IS a Corporation, artificial person, natural person, fictitious entity, or vessel OF The United States defined under 18 U.S.C. section 9 And | give NOTICE Internationally, Domestically and Universally via This Declaration That | DENY corporate existence. Under reservation OF My Rights Unalienable and otherwise, | am: Indigenous/Autochthon on, within and from the ground, from plane and soil known as Tiamat [Earth] according to Genesis 2:7 And the YAHAWAH ELOHEIM formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.. And | make This solemn Declaration conscientiously believing it to be true, and knowing that it is the same force and effect as made under oath. NOTICE Using a notary on this document does not coustitute any adhesion, nor does is alter my Indigenous standing in any manner. The Purpose for notary is verification and identification purposes only and not for entrance into any foreign jurisdiction as an advantage for Settlers, Confederates, Europeans, Caucasians, Corporations and fictitious entities to implement corporate laws, fictitious codes and commercial contracts over my Natural Indigenous / Autochthonous Flesh-and-Blood body JURAT United Nations Declaration on the _~—Rights._-—of Indigenous Peoples - (http/ UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, UN Convention on Economics, Social, & Cu Rights, United Nations Charter, Articles SS & S6; Presidential Proclamation 750 H.J.R 194, S.CON. Res 26, S.1200, H.J,R-3. Affirmed to and subscribed before me this a \__ day of th By: Personally Known, Produced Identification, Passport # 477152466 ‘A oan pub of tar ce como tie "rfc ener ony ts ey ote Ina ho tan ie derumert to whch is "reat aac nt nthe tress, scarey ovo at Soren Public Notary Statutory Claim of: Ahtazaban-EL-Ben Yahawada in accord with IRS Manual 1707 Cestui Que Vie Trust Act |: Ahtazaban-EL-Ben Yahawada, Indigenous, Autochthonous flesh and blood Melaninite man of the Tribe of Yahawada, Israelite — Moors have claimed | am alive and not lost at sea via Statutory Claim: In accord with: Statutory Claim of Appellation, IRS Mission Statement — http:/Awww.irs.qov/pubyirs- ppdfip4206.pdf. The United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous People (http: / http:/ ; Hebrew Bible, Torah, Constitution of the :Atsik-hata :Nation of :Yamasse-Moors:_http:/ Constitution President Proclamation 7500, HJR-194 — _http:/Awww.gpo.govifdsys/pkq/BILLS- 110hres194ch/pdf/BILLS-110res194ch.pdf; $.Con Res. 26-http:/ 14 1sconres26rfh/pdf/BILLS-111sconres26rfh.pdf: HJR-3 ; 1975 inter-American Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous peoples ; 2 Stat. 153, Title 8 USC 876, IRS Mission Statement: http://www irs. qov/pub/irs-news/ir-98-59,pdf. | now Claim the following: that | am not a decedent (IRS Manual | am alive and | am not dead (1540 Cestui Que Vie Trust Act, 1707 Cestui Que Vie Trust Act http:/mww. legislation I want the record (IMF File/BF File) held in your computer database, which may list me as deceased with to be changed to alivefiving. According to IRS MANUAL 21, : An Infant is the decedent of an estate or grantor, owner or trustor of a trust, guardianship, receivership or custodianship, that has yet to receive an SSN: http://www. irs.goviim_21-007-043r.html. Declaration of assumptive death is a fiction: G.R. No. 160258 Republic of The Philippines wv, Glorai Bermudex-Lorino: http./ca judiciary{70100&p=y. I, : Ahtazaban--EL- Ben Yahawada, have SNN number 405-27-5956, so by the IRS MANUAL:, | am not a decedent: (Black's Law dictionary. Pg. 435 — decedent n. A dead person, esp. one who has recently died). | am not a decedent: (Black's Law dictionary. pg. 435 - decedent n. A dead person, esp. one who has recently died). 1 am no longer liable for: a) Maritime liens being enforced against me | hereby claim—Invalid,--null -&-. void... Ab —initio-——nune—-pro—tune:—-Seo.—Liber—-code—Art- —— ( And Art 45, 46 & 55 of the Hague Convention IV Oct 189, 1907 http:/ |, Ahtazaban-EL-Ben Yahawada, am the infant who does have an SSN number, 405-27-5955, which makes me the beneficiary of this trust. The SSN 405-27-5955 and the Name, ROBERT PRESTO. CROWE, vests within me: and Autochthonous flesh and blood Melaninite man of Yasharalah-Yamasse Moors, Muurs being that the IRS works in admiralty, the IRS according to its own code, can no longer enforce any maritime Liens against myself, as | have now claimed: I, Ahtazaban-EL-Ben Yahawada am not lost at sea, nor am | a decedent / Vessel in commerce (1707 Cestui Que Vie Trust 1) UK). NOTICE Using a notary on this document does not constitute any adhesion, nor does is alter my Indigenous standing in any manner. The Purpose for notary is verification and identification purposes only and not for entrance into any foreign jurisdiction as an advantage for Settlers, Confederates, Europeans, Caucasians, Corporations and fictitious entities to implement corporate laws, fictitious codes and commercial contracts over my Natural Indigenous / Autochthonous Flesh-and-Blood body Jurat UNITED NATIONS DECLARATION ON THE RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES - (HTTP:/AWWW.UN.ORG./ESA/SACDEV/UNF:/DOGUMENTSIDRIPS_EN.PDF) UN DECLARATION ON THE RIGHTS OF INDIGENOUS PEOPLES, UN CONVENTION ON ECONOMICS, SOCIAL, & CU RIGHTS, UNITED NATIONS CHARTER, ARTICLES SS & S6; PRESIDENTIAL PROCLAMATION 750 H.J.R 194, S.CON, RES 26, $.1200, H.J.R-3. oncaeinanay ara oe in ltd ta nett ares ese necureoyorvady oth sour eG ) Affirmed to and subscribed before me this day of the; 2016 . by: Deer vC Robol PCr Personally Known Produced Identification. Type and # of: Passport 477352466 Bh ecard @ = weet aoe com Expy Ag 2020 4f- (3-030 Public Notary My Commission Expires, COPYRIGHT, TRADE-NAME, TRADEMARK NOTICE 201611261985-CRN COPYRIGHT NOTICE: All rights reserved re common-law copyright of trade-name/trademark, ROBERT PRESTON CROWE, ROBERT PRESTON CROWEO™ ANDIOR Ahtazaban-EL-Ben Yahawada@™, Ahtazaban-EL-Ben: Yahawada, AHTAZABAN-EL BEN YAHAWADA - as well as any and all derivatives and variations in the spelling of said trade- name/trademark ~ Copyright® by 1985 Abtazaban-EL-Ben YahawadaO™, Said trade-name/trademark, ROBERT PRESTON CROWEO™ AND/OR Alitazaban-EL-Ben Yahawada™ , may neither be used, nor reproduced, neither in whole nor in part, nor in any manner whatsoever, without prior, expressed, written consent and acknowledgment of Ahtazaban-EL-Ben Yahawada©™ subscribed with the red-ink signature of Ahtazaban-EL-Ben Yahawada®™, hereinafter “Secured Party”, With the intent of being contractually bound, any Juristic Person, as well as the agent of said Juristic Person, consents and agrees by this Copyright Notice that neither said Juristic Person, nor the agent of said Juristic Person, shall display, nor otherwise use in any manner, the trado- hame/ttademark, nor common-law copyright described herein, nor any derivation of, nor any variation in the spelling of, said name without prior, expressed, writen consent and acknowledgment of Secured Party, subscribed with Secured Party's signature in red ink. Secured party neither grants, nor applies, nor otherwise gives consent for any unauthorized use of ROBERT PRESTON CROWEG™ AND/OR Ahtazaban-EL-Ben Yahawadx©™ and all such unauthorized use is strictly probibited, Secured Party is not now, nor has Secured Party ever been, an accommodation party, nor a surety, for the purported debtor, i. “ROBERT PRESTON CROWEO™ AND/OR Ahtazaban-EL-Ben YahawadaO™ EL”, nor any derivative of, nor any variation in the spelling of, said name, nor for any other juristic person, and is so-indemnified and held harmless by DEBTOR, i. “ROBERT PRESTON A 8O™", in HOLD,HARMLESS AND INDEMNITY AGREEMENT NO. Aa centered into on this Day of the _(g%%_— moon {month in the year of Our ELOHIEM [2016], [ ____, gregorian calendar) inst any and all claims, legal actions, orders, warrants, judgments, demands, liabilities, lossds, depositions, summons, lawsuits, costs, fines, lens, levies, penalties, damages, interests, and expenses whatsoever, both absolute and contingent, as are due and as might become due, now existing and as might hereafter arise, and as might be suffered by, imposed on, and incurred by DEBTOR for any and every reason, purpose and cause whatsoever. Self-executing Contract/Security Agreement in Event of Unauthorized Use: By this Copyright Notice, both the Juristic Person and the agent of said Juristic Person, hereinafter jointly and severally “User”, consent and agree that any use of ROBERT PRESTON CROWEO™ ANDIOR Ahtazaban-EL-Ben YahawadaG™ other than authorized use as set forth above constitutes unauthorized use of Secured Party's copyrighted property, contractually binds User, this notice by Declaration becomes a Security Agreement wherein User is DEBTOR and Ahtazaban-EL-Ben YahawadaO™ is Secured Party, signifies that User: (1) grants Secured Party a security interest in all of User's property and rights in propery inthe sum certain ‘amount of $1,000,000.00 U.S, Minted Silver Dollar’ coin species per each trade-name/trademark used, per each occurrence of use, plus triple damages, plus costs for each such use, a8 well as for each and every uso of any and all derivatives of, and variations in the spelling of ROBERT PRESTON CROWE®™ AND/OR Ahtazaban-EL-Ben YahawadaO™ ; (2) authenticates this Security Agreement wherein User pledges all of User’s property, ie. all consumer goods, farm products, inventory, equipment, money, investment property, commercial tort claims, letters of credit, ltter-of-credit rights, chattel paper, instruments, deposit accounts, accounts, documents and general intangibles, and ail User's. rights in all such foregoing property, now owned and hereafter acquired, now existing and hereafter arising, and wherever located, as collateral for securing User's contractual obligation in favor of Secured Party for User's unauthorized use of Secured Party's copyrighted property; (3) consents and agrees with Secured Party's filing of a ‘UCC Financing Statement wherein User is DEBTOR and Ahtazaban-EL-Ben Yahawada©™ is Secured Party; (4) consents and agrees that said UCC Financing Statement described above in paragraph “(3)" is a continuing financing statement, and further consents and agrees with Secured Party's filing of any continuation statement necessary for maintaining Secured Party's perfected security interest in property pledged as collateral in this Security Agreement described above in paragraph “(2)", until User's contractual obligation theretofore incurred has been fully satisfied; (8) authorizes Secured Party's filing of any UCC Financing Statement, as described above in paragraph “(3)”, as well asin paragraph “(4)”, and the filing of any Security Agreement, as described above in paragraph “(2), in the UCC filing office; (6) consents and agrees that any and all such filings deseribed in paragraph “(4)” and “(3)” above are not, and may not be considered, bogus, and that User will nt claim that any such filing is bogus; (7) waives all defenses; and (8) appoints Secured Party as Authorized Representative for User, effective upon User's default re User's contractual obligations in favor of Secured Party as set forth below under “Payment Terms” and “Default Terms”, with full authorization and power granted Secured Party for engaging in any and all actions on behalf of User including, but not limited by, authentication of a record on behalf of User, as Secured Party, in Secured Party's sole discretion, dooms appropriate, and User further consents and agrees that this appointment of Secured Party as Authorized Representative for User, effective upon User's default, is irrevocable and coupled with a security interest, USER FURTHER CONSENTS AND AGREES WITH ALL OF THE FOLLOWING ADDITIONAL TERMS OF SELF: |ONTRACT/SECURITY AGREEMENT IN EVENT OF UNAUTHO! PAYMENT TERMS: In accordance with fees for unauthorized use of ROBERT PRESTON CROWEG™ ANDIOR Ahtazaban-KL-Ben YahawadaG™ as set forth above, User hereby consents and agrees that User shall pay Secured Party all unauthorized-use fees full within ten (10) days of date Secured Party's invoice, hereinafter “invoice” itemizing sa fes, i sent DEFAULT TERMS: {In event of non-payment in full of all unauthorized-use fees by User within ten (10) days of date of invoice is sent, User shall be deemed in default and (a) all of User's property and rights in property as collateral by User, as set forth above in paragraph “(2)", immediately becomes, ie. is, property of Secured Party; (b) Secured Party is appointed User’s Authorized Representative as sot forth above in paragraph “(8)”; and (c) User consents and agrees that Secured Party may take possession of, as well as olherwise dispose of in any manner that Secured Party, in Secured Party’s sole discretion, deems appropriate, including, but not limited by, sale at auction, at any time following User's default, and without further notice, any and all of User’s former property and rights in property formerly pledged as collateral by User, now property of Secured Party in respect of this “Selexecuting Contract/Security Agreement in Event of Unauthorized Use”, that Secured Party, again in Secured Party's sole discretion, deems appropriate ‘TERMS OF CURING DEFAULT: Upon event of default, as set forth above under “Default Terms”, irrespective of any and all of user’s former property and rights in property in the possession of as well as disposed of by, Secured Party, as authorized above under “Default Terms”, User may cure User's default re only the remainder of User's former property and rights in property formerly pledged as collateral that is neither in the possession of, nor otherwise disposed of by, Secured Party within twenty (20) days of date of User's default only by payment in fall ‘TERM OF STRICT FORECLOSU User's non-payment in full of all unauthorized-use fees itemized in Invoice within said twenty 20) day period for curing default as set forth above under “Terms for Curing Default” authorizes Secured Party's immediate non-judicial strict foreclosure on any and all remaining property and rights in property formerly pledged as collateral by User, now property of Secured Party, which isnot in the possession of, nor otherwise disposed of by, Secured Party upon expiration ‘of said twenty (20) day strict-foreclosure perio. ‘Ownership subject to common-law copyright and UCC Financing Statement filed with the Secretary of State in the State of Nevada UCC filing office, and a COMMERCIAL SECURITY AGREEMENT 201611261985-SA in tho possossion of Record Owner, Secured Party, Indigenous, Autochthonous, Flesh-and-Blood, Melaninite and, living-soul : Ahtazaban-EL-Ben YahawadaO™, Autograph Common Law Copyright® With Honor and Without Prejudice NOTICE Using a notary on this document does not constitute any adhesion, nor does is alter my Indigenous standing in any manner, The Purpose for notary is verification and identification purposes only and not for entrance into any foreign jurisdiction as an advantage for Settlers, Confederates, Europeans, Caucasians, Corporations and fictitious entities to implement corporate laws, fictitious codes and commercial contracts over my Natural Indigenous / Autochthonous Flesh-and-Blood body. JURAT ‘ot io oa on omping ne esate vest ty oe “erilesiefsatscho,ansnat ne waif eq Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples - seen yf econo (htt: www. UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, UN Convention on Economics, Social, & Cu Rights, United Nations Charter, Articles SS & $6; Presidential Proclamation 750 H.R 194, S.CON. Res 26, 8.1200, H.J.R-3. ath eed Pegeued eu sors Aed tard subszibed bete me nig At cer telllgal 20 by:_f Afflant Le Personally Known Produced Identification wa Robert P Croue Type and # of ld: Passport # 477152466 eK Commission # 2146419 Wotary Public - California, ‘San Diego County Comm, Expires Apr 11,2020] Hf ((s20s0— My Commission Expires Public Notary FOR RECORDER'S USE: ‘Man whom Recorded Dntazaben-Cl-Ben Yahawadso™ Domo edaress Aniazaban-EL-Bon ‘Yanewado™ ober croweo™ 292,799600 | 117.190184 ‘Aton, ‘Tue Aland lo 4361 7 20" strest rast, an dogo, e3 [92104] SECURITY AGREEMENT 201611261985-SA NON-NEGOTIABLE ~ PRIVATE BETWEEN THE PARTIES. PARTIES. Debtor(s) Debtor 1. ROBERT PRESTON CROWEO™ 811 E Parrish Ave, Owensboro, KY 42303 Registration of live birthbirth certificate number ~ FILE NO. 116 1985 43637 CUSIP NO. 2359166 Debtor 2. ROBERT PRESTON CROWEO™ 2358 University Ave, San Diego, CA 82104 Social Seourity Account Number (Front of card) ~ Creditor(s) Creditor 4. Ahtazaban-EL-Bon YahawadaO™ Creditor 2. Robert-Croweo™ 32,756583 | -117.130184 ‘Atlan, ‘Turtleisland cfo 4361 % 30" street 40-5275955 near, san diego, ca [92104] Social Security CUSIP Number (back of card) ~ F98941247 ROBERT PRESTON CROWE, Robert Preston Crowe, ROBERT CROWE, Robert Crowe, and all variations and derivatives thereof [month] in the year of Our ELOHIEM [2016}, [ month, day, 2016, gregorian calendar] between the Juristc person(s), @ cestui qui trust, a corporate ficion, DEBTOR() which are not flesh-and-blood maniwoman, and known by the trademark name, any and all derivatives and variations in the spelling of sald name(s) ) ROBERT PRESTON CROWEO™ “except” hereafter jointly and severally ttled "DEBTOR," and the living, breathing, flesh-and- blood man, known by the distinctive Hebrew, ELEOHEIM given, appellation Ahtazaban-EL-Ben YahawadaO™; who is in ex-relation to his previous known appellation: Robert-Crowe®™ hereinafter is “SECURED PARTY. 5 by itn This Security Agreement is mutually agreed “y and entered gon tis GAD dey of ho moon For valuable consideration, DEBTOR (a) grants Secured Party a security interest in Collateral described herein below for the purpose of securing the Indebtedness; () delivers all of DEBTOR's negotiable documents, instruments, money, tangible chattel paper, certificated securities, and goods, except those goods for which a security interest cannot be perfected by the fling of @ financing statement, into the possession of Secured Party for the purpose of ‘securing the indebtedness; (c) authorises that all of DEBTOR'S certificated securities in registered form be deliveres Into the possession of Secured Party as of the date of this Security Agreement for the purpose of securing the 201611261985-5A, Page 1 of 15 indebtedness; (d) agrees to be considered a transmiting-utlity DEBTOR; and (e) agrees that Secured Party possesses the rights stated in this Security Agreement re Collateral, as well as any and all other rights that Secured Party may have. ‘THIS SECURITY AGREEMENT SECURES THE FOLLOWING: (2) Obligation of DEBTOR in favour of Secured Party as set forth in the express, written Private Agreement 201611261985-PA; amount of said obligation: Ten Billion U.S. Dollars (S10,000,000,000); (©) Repayment of () any amounts that Secured Party may advance, spend, and otherwise convey for the maintenance, preservation, upkeep, and the like of the Collateral, and (i) any other expenditures that Secured Party may make under the provision ofthis Security Agreement in particular and for the benefit of DEBTOR in general; (© All amounts owed under any modification, renewals, extensions, and the lke of any ofthe foregoing obligations; (@) All other amounts owed Secured Party, both now and in the future, by DEBTOR; (6) All indebtedness and labilties, whatsoever, owed Secured Party by DEBTOR, both direct and indirect, absolute ‘and contingent, due and as might become due, now existing and hereaffer arising, and however evidenced; (f Any other debts that may be owed Secured Party by DEBTOR, arising upon occasion as stated herein DEBTOR consents and agrees that all collateral/property is held in the possession of Secured Party unt Secured party terminates this Security Agreement in writing. DS DEFINED; ‘As used in this AUTOCHTHON, “One sprung from the soll he inhabits" (plural autochthones), "aborigines, natives," literally "sprung from the land itself.” ALL. In this Security Agreement the word “all” means everything one has: the whole number; totality; including both all and sundry; everyone; without restriction, APPELLATION. In this Security Agreement the term ‘appellation’ means: a general term that introduces and specifies a particular term which may be used in addressing, greeting, calling out for, and making appeals of a particular living, breathing, autochthon flesh-and-blood man. ARTIFICIAL PERSON. In this Security Agreement the term ‘artificial person’ means a juristic person, such as DEBTOR, , which is NOT an autochthon, living, breathing, flesh-and-blood man or woman, also known by any and all derivatives and variations in the spelling of sald name except Ahtazaban-EL-Ben Yahawada®™, See also juristic porson. AUTHORISED REPRESENTATIVE. In this Security Agreement the term ‘Authorised representative” means the Secured Party, "Ahtazaban-EL-Ben Yahawada©™,” authorised by ROBERT PRESTON CROWEO™for sighing DEBTOR’s signature, without liability and without recourse, CLAIM. In this Security Agreement the word ‘claim’ means: 1. Right of payment, both when such right is rendered into the form of a judgment, and for damages that are liquidated, unliquidated, fixed, contingent, matured, un-matured, disputed, undisputed, legal, equitable, secured, and unsecured, as well as rulings regarding an equitabie remedy for breach of performance if such breach results in a right of payment, both when an equitable remedy is rendered into a form of a judgment and for debts/obligations that are fixed, contingent, matured, un-matured, disputed, undisputed, secured, unsecured. 2. Demanding as one’s own any challenge of property, and ownership of a thing, that is ‘wrongfully withheld. (See Hill v, Henry, 66 N.J. Eq. 150, 57 Al, 585. Also, a claim is to state. See Douglas v. Beasley, 40 Ala. 147; Prig v. Pennsylvania, 16 pet. 615, 10 LEd. 1060.) Conduit. In this Security Agreement the term “conduit” signifies a means of tranemitting and distributing energy and the effects/produce of labour, such as goods and services, via the name "ROBERT PRESTON CROWEO™," also known by any and all derivatives and variations in the spelling of said name of DEBTOR except, “Ahtazaban-EL-Ben YahawadaO™, CREDITOR. In this Security Agreement the term “creditor’ means “Ahtazaban-EL-Ben Yahawada@™.” DEBTOR. In this Security Agreement the term, "DEBTOR" means “ROBERT PRESTON CROWEO™,” also know by any and all derivatives and variations in the spelling of said name except, “Ahtazaban-EL-Ben YahawadaO™.” 201611261905-5A, Page 2015 DEFAULT. In this Security Agreement the term “default” means DEBTOR’s non-performance of a duty arising under this Security Agreement, specifically any event described below under “Event of Default” DERIVATIVE. In this Security Agreement the word “derivative” means coming from another; taken from something preceding; secondary; that which has not the origin in itself, but obtains existence from something foregoing and of a ‘more primal and fundamental nature; anything derived from another. ENS LEGIS. In this Security Agreement the term “ens legis” means a creature of the law; an artificial being, as contrasted with a natural person, such as a corporation, considered as deriving its existence entirely from law. HOLD-HARMLESS INDEMNITY AGREEMENT. In this Securty Agreement the term "Hold-harmless Indemnity Agreement” meane tgp written, express, HOLD-HARNILESS INDEMNITY AGREEMENT 201611264885-HHIA Bebop ba (a ry moon {month] in the year of Our ELOHIEM (2016), y month, diay, 2016, {gregorian calender] between Secured Party and DEBTOR, together with all mociffeations of and Substtions for said Hold-narmless indemnity Agreement, atached hereto and included herein by reference. DEBTOR. In this Security Agreement the term "DEBTOR" means, ROBERT PRESTON CROWE®™, and any and all derivatives and variations in, the spelling of said name except Ahtazaban-EL-Ben YahawadaO™,” Common Law Copyright ©L0) 0 by Ahtazaban-EL-Ben Yahawada@™ In this Security Agreement the term “SECURED PARTY” means the sentient, living being known by the distinctive appellation, “Ahtazaban-EL-Ben YahawadaO™.” All rights esepidhffoy use of, “Ahtazaban-EL-Bon Yahawada®™.’ Autograph Common Law Copyright ©. by, "Ahtazaban-EL-Bon Yahawada™.” JURISTIC PERSON. In this Security Agreement the term ‘Juristic person” means an abstract, legal entity ens legis, such as a corporation, created by construct of law and considered as possessing certain legal rights and duties of a human being; an imaginary entity, such as DEBTOR, i., ROBERT PRESTON GROWEO™, which, on the basis of legal reasoning, is legally treated as a human being for the purpose of conducting commercial activity for the benefit of 2 biological, living being, such as Secured Party. “From the earliest ties the law has enforced rights and exacted lablios by ulising a corporate concept ~ by recognising, that is, juristic persons other than human beings. The theories by which this mode of legal operation has

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