Classroom Expectations

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Classroom Expectations/Norms

Freshman Literature & Composition

Mrs. Biondo ~ Cohort 9-2

W Work its our priority!

Put in your best effort, understand and reflect, take pride. Produce
quality work and put your name on everything! Classwork and homework
are both important. This classroom is a quiet space for people to focus on
their priority the work we are here to do!

A Attendance its critical to success!

Be on time, dont have unexcused absences, and be responsible for
completing any make-up work.

R Respect/Responsibility its key!

Respect that others are here to get an education. Keep to yourself
when appropriate, but participate when appropriate too! Be kind,
respect others belongings and personal space, help keep the class
CLEAN. Be patient with those around you.

P Prepared TCOB before class!

Come to class with all needed supplies, all
necessary work completed, and Chromebooks
charged. Socializing, bathroom, and other
personal needs should be handled before the
start of class.

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