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Annual report 2008

Construction Management
& Engineering

July 2009



1 Introduction

2 Innovation through collaboration

3 Asphalt Paving Research & Innovation


4 Sustainable building


5 Health care


6 Risk management and project control


7 IT in Construction


8 Our passion: innovative research


9 Teaching future leaders


10 Research output



Academic publications refereed

Academic publications non-refereed
Professional publications
Other activities

11 People


Full Professors
Associate Professors
Assistant Professors and Lecturers
Parttime professors and researchers
Office staff
Ph.D. Students
Post-doc researchers




Prof. Geert Dewulf

The financial crisis has a major impact on the number of building orders. Many projects
are postponed or cancelled. Only a year ago the situation was totally different. In 2008
most construction firms achieved a considerable turnover. The predictions for 2010 are
even less promising, especially in the housing industry and the commercial real estate
market. On the other hand, many Western governments launched large stimulus packages including billions devoted to infrastructure. Although many of those investments
are primarily aimed at creating jobs, performance management and risk management
are becoming increasingly important. The trend towards more integrated project delivery and the pressure on efficiency and effectiveness are continuing.
Despite the crisis there is a growing demand for highly-educated people and, more
in particular, for graduates who are able to manage complex processes. The career
opportunities for our students are enormous and the challenge for the Department is
to safeguard the high quality of the curriculum while continuously adapting the programme because of changing demands. The departments mission is to educate new
generations of construction engineers and managers who will be able to operate in
different institutional and national contexts.
In recent years, the department has been extremely successful in generating funds from
the industry and in winning scientific tenders. Besides, a large number of our graduates are working in key positions in the industry which helps to provide the group with a
good position in the construction sector. The group is further well connected in national
and international academic and industry networks. The steady inflow of students and
the increasing emphasis given to research in construction management by national and
European policy-making bodies guarantee a sound base for our research in the future.
The Department of Construction Management & Engineering (CME) is positioned at the
Faculty of Engineering Technology of the University of Twente, a research-oriented uni-

versity that consists of leading gamma and beta academic institutions. Being connected
to the major research institutes of the University, the Department is able to bridge the
gap between the traditional beta orientation of construction and civil engineering and
the insights from the gamma body of knowledge.
The mission of the Department of CME encompasses all aspects of the construction
process to do with the definition, appraisal, design, delivery of the projects and life-time
behaviour of objects. It deals with the interests of all stakeholders involved, as well as
the construction business in its broadest sense. For this reason the thrust of the research
is an interdisciplinary programme focusing on integration of technology and management for the purpose of producing innovative solutions. The design oriented approach,
the close co-operation with practice and the emphasis on integration of disciplines are
major distinctive features of this research programme.
The recent years were challenging and productive. Productivity in terms of publications,
approvals of new research projects, and education performance was very high.
We have a lot to offer and are very proud to present a selection of our research projects
in this year report. In the next chapters, projects will be presented in the fields of:

Innovation through collaboration

Asphalt Paving Research & Innovation
Sustainable Building
Health Care
Risk management and project control
IT in Construction

Innovation through

Partner Programme for

Infrastructure Management

Andreas Hartmann and Tijs de Bree

Since 2006 the Partner Programme for Infrastructure Management (PIM) at Rijkswaterstaat (RWS) has been searching for innovative ways of working in the operation and
maintenance of road and water infrastructures. From the beginning Andreas Hartmann
and Tijs de Bree of CME have been involved in this programme with the aim of exploring
and supporting the learning processes within the different PIM pilot projects. In 2008 the
research focused on the introduction of a newly developed performance-based contract
for the maintenance of road infrastructure in the Zeeland region. By
using an action research approach Andreas and Tijs investigated important factors
facilitating or impeding process and result of the pilot project. Their research revealed
that the implementation of the new contract contradicted and challenged the behaviour
beliefs and values the project team members have internalized and cultivated throughout
the years. The research also showed that the unlearning process was affected by the organisational structure of the pilot project and the personality traits of the team members.

Alliancing: innovation
through collaboration
Maarten Rutten
To create new business firms develop and provide systems that are new to the market.
However, if a firm wants to achieve this goal but does not possess all required resources
and capabilities, it needs cooperation from other organizations. By studying two innovation alliances from the Dutch construction industry, Maarten Rutten developed a model
about how such leading firms affect the other alliance members willingness to invest.
The two cases suggest that, in particular, two types of behaviour by the leading firm are
of importance. The first type of behaviour is oriented at creating an image of future returns (this includes behaviour such as champion behaviour and supportive leadership),
the second type of behaviour is oriented at increasing the probability that the imagined
future becomes reality (this includes value proposition management). Overall, both
cases can be regarded as valuable examples of innovation through collaboration.

The competitive dialogue

and the Coentunnel project
Mieke Hoezen
Since the beginning of 2008 one of our PhD students, Mieke Hoezen, is invited to observe the daily activities in the Coentunnel project, a large Dutch infrastructure project.
The project is the first service-led infrastructure contract in the Netherlands which is procured by competitive dialogue. The construction activities have started, but that is not
of main interest to Mieke. She is making a reconstruction of the procurement process.
During qualification and the competitive dialogue several decisions have been made to
assure the best contractor was contracted, on the best contractual arrangements. Mieke
is researching whether the initial ideas work out as planned, and what the perceived influence is of making use of the competitive dialogue procedure. Therefore she analyzes
procurement documents, evaluation reports and is she interviewing several employees
of both public principal and private contractor, including their advisors. This research
project showed that the competitive dialogue has provided an opportunity for the public
principal to make known to the private contractors what its needs were, and that the
contract is adjusted to the solutions of the contractor. Whether or not the contract will
work out as planned, will become clear when the construction progresses.

Building on Trust

Albertus Laan
Albertus Laan publicly defended his thesis Building trust - The case of the construction
industry. In his dissertation, Albertus generated insights into the processes of inter-organizational trust development in the project-based context of the construction industry. For this, first of all, he conducted an extensive literature review on the most recent
understanding of inter-organizational trust. Second, by deriving a theoretical framework, he provided insights into the role of trust in the governance of inter-organizational
relationships. Third, since relationships between principal and contractor organizations
are often criticized for being adversarial, he measured levels of inter-organizational
trust within a large sample of traditional and design-build types of arrangement. Fourth,
by longitudinally studying how and why trust in an alliance form of contract develops
over time, he provided insights into the ways principal and contractor organizations try
to overcome the deteriorating patterns of behavior they are used to in traditional and
design-build types of arrangement. Finally, Albertus discussed the theoretical and practical implications of the outcomes of his study.

Redevelopment of cultural
heritage in urban restructuring projects
Marnix Smit
Cultural heritage adds value to the quality of spatial developments. Some parties take
advantage of this added value without contributing in the costs of redevelopment or
conservation of the cultural heritage. Is this a problem? How could costs and benefits
of cultural heritage be balanced in a more legitimate way? In various policy documents
(Nota Belvedere, 1999; Nota Ruimte, 2004) and the scientific literature it is recognised
that preservation and integration of cultural heritage in spatial developments have its
benefits. However, the absence of a transparent system for levelling costs and benefits is
considered to be one of the difficulties for cooperation between public and private parties. Therefore, Marnix Smit of Twente University, the Nicis Institute, NS Poort, GOB and
four municipalities have started a research project to increase the insight in the opportunities, chances and threats of strategies for developing successful project coalitions,
and opportunities to level costs and benefits in the redevelopment of cultural heritage
in urban area development projects. This research project will generate several design
propositions for successful process management.

Improving buyer-supplier
relationships in construction
Jeroen Bemelmans
Jeroen Bemelmans developed a generic model for assessing the current management
and maturity of buyer-supplier relationships in the construction industry, taking into
consideration the specific characteristics of this industry. From the literature, he collected
and assessed indicators for suitability for the construction industry. This resulted in an
adapted framework of the known Michigan State University (MSU) model (MSU - Construction Model). Because the focus of his work is on dyadic (buyer-supplier) relationships, both sides of the relationship are considered in the model. Jeroen assessed the
current management of buyer-supplier relationships in construction in-depth in 19 case
companies using the model developed. His results showed on one hand a low interest
of contractors in building partnership agreements with suppliers but on the other hand
a high improvement potential in the Dutch construction industry. Construction firms
become aware of the fact that different suppliers demand for different relation management approaches.



Asphalt Paving
Research & Innovation

ASPARi is short for Asphalt Paving Research & Innovation. It is a cooperative network of
organisations that work together in research projects and technology development to improve the performance of the asphalt road construction industry. The ASPARi team consists of Andr Dore, Henny ter Huerne and Seirgei Miller. Aspari is currently involved in
several initiatives involving key role players in the road construction industry, the national
roads authorities, training schools, research institutes and international partners.
Key in the ASPARi approach is:
using new SMART Technologies (such as GPS, thermal imaging, pervasive networks)
to create insights into the paving process and give feedback to the operators
to reduce variability and enhance control in the paving process
to continuously advance productivity
to improve product quality for the clients
to reduce risks for the paving companies.

Liaison with local and international industry

2008 was a busy year for the Aspari researchers. Aspari was invited by the Society for
Asphalt Technology (SAT) and delivered a series of seminars and lectures in Durban,
Cape Town, Stellenbosch and Pretoria. ASPARi shared its research and practical experience around its attempts to professionalize the asphalt paving process. The seminars
and lectures entitled The asphalt paving process - new tools and technologies for
process monitoring and control were enthusiastically received by all attendees. They
provided a state of the art into the use of new tools and techniques in the monitoring of
the asphalt paving process.
Given the success of the temperature and GPS monitoring exercise conducted with BAM
Wegen on the A35 Highway in the east of The Netherlands, ASPARi conducted another
full monitoring exercise with the same company. We successfully introduced two new
technologies to the monitoring regime. An industrial infrared camera was mounted
on the asphalt paver enabling continuous monitoring of the HMA surface temperature
as the asphalt mix leaves the paver. Digital thermometers were successfully used to
measure in-asphalt cooling rates. These were subsequently compared with the surface
temperature measurements and nuclear density measurements taken during the compaction process.
Following meetings with Trimble Navigation Systems, ASPARi purchased its own GPS
equipment for the monitoring of asphalt pavers and roller compactors on road paving
projects. This equipment and an infrared lines scanner were subsequently tested on a
REEF construction site in November 2008. The line scanner proved to be a useful piece
of equipment for monitoring the surface temperature of the asphalt immediately behind
the screed of the paver with the Temperature Contour Plot viewable in real-time via a
laptop mounted next to the paver operator.

The way forward

The network and research related to ASPARi is expected to grow. The number of students, the number of projects, and the turnover in projects will increase. The Innovation
Platform Twente will sponsor forthcoming projects on the use of new technologies in
asphalt paving. We expect advancements in Virtual Reality applications and in the use of
simulation models for logistics and planning. In 2009 we also expect further cooperation
with TNO, TUDelft and the Dutch National Highway Agency.

Andr Dore, Henny ter Huerne

and Seirgei Miller


Sustainable building

Air-Purifying Pavement

Maria Ballari
Maria Ballari, post doc researcher at our department, works on a project concerning the demonstration of air purification induced by concrete pavement and concrete
facades that are provided with photo-catalytic surfaces. The heterogeneous photo
catalysis represents an emerging environmental control option for the efficient removal
of chemical pollutants. The use of titanium dioxide (TiO2) photo catalyst in combination with cementitious and other construction materials has shown a favorable effect in
the removal of nitrogen oxides (NOx). NOx compounds are a group of highly reactive
gases (mainly NO and NO2) and cause a wide variety of health and environmental
impacts, like the formation of tropospheric ozone, urban smog and acid rain. These
oxides are produced during high temperature combustion and can be found especially
in areas of high motor vehicle traffic, such as in large cities. Pavement stones and coatings with titanium dioxide developed at the University of Twente will be produced by
stone producer Struyk-Verwo, and tested in a road segment in the city of Hengelo. The
project of Maria is financed by the province of Overijssel and carried out jointly with city
of Hengelo and Struyk Verwo. The research involves the characterization of the photocatalytic stone in laboratory scale, the air quality measurement in the street prior and
after the application of active stones and the simulation of the outdoor DeNOx process
employing a Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) tool.

Environmental friendly
gypsum plasterboards
Qingliang Yu
The Ph.D. project of Qingliang Yu deals with the innovative development of environmental friendly gypsum plasterboards. Based on theory, European codes, and the human beings living condition needs, new types of plasterboard with improved fire safety
and air purifying properties will be developed. Choosing a typical inorganic indoor air
pollutant NO as target contaminant, the indoor air purification research has been carried out and the influence of indoor air conditions on photocatalytic oxidation effect has
been studied in detail. Yu investigated the hydration of gypsum and applied successfully
some new technology to determine the hydration of gypsum. He studied the influence of
water on gypsum hydration and found very interesting results.

Durable concrete in a
marine environment
Przemyslaw Spiesz
The research of Przemyslaw Spiesz concerns durability of concrete in a marine environment exposed to chloride solution. Chloride induced corrosion of marine concrete is
the deterioration mechanism in the majority of cases so there is a practical need of
improving concretes durability. The topic can be considered as hot especially in the
Netherlands, while there are plenty of marine structures (also new ones are going to be
constructed) and their maintenance costs are increasing rapidly. To describe the durability of concrete, Przemyslaw uses the Rapid Chloride Migration (RCM) test. This test measures the speed of chloride penetration in concrete. Within the last year an adjustable
RCM test set-up was constructed and the first concrete experiments were performed.


Profit of exergy in the built

Bram Entrop
In the Netherlands three technical universities are participating in a research project
called Exergy in the built environment financed by SenterNovem. This research project
aims to contribute to sustainable building by investigating the potential benefits of exergy saving techniques by means of people, planet and profit. Exergy is a concept used
in thermodynamics to express the maximum amount of mechanical work that can be
obtained from an energy flow or a change of a system in relation to its environment. In
contrast to energy, exergy can be destroyed and by that means exergy can express the
finiteness of resources better than energy can.
At Twente University, Bram Entrop conducts research on the profit of exergy. In the
building process investors currently use life cycle costing to calculate the returns on
their investments in buildings. The life cycle costing method however does not take into
account that the stakeholders who benefit from exergy saving techniques not necessarily
include the investing stakeholders. The aim of Bram is to develop an improved model to
predict the potential added value of exergy saving techniques by linking this thermodynamic concept to building processes and to investment appraisal.


Health care

Contingency Adaptability
of Hospital Concession
Anneloes Blanken
Nowadays, we can observe a general trend towards the contracting out of health
services. Throughout Europe, health care provision is no longer seen as the sole responsibility of governments. Increasingly, the way services and facilities are procured
is changing from a traditional approach, in which risks and revenues were retained
by the public sector, towards concession contracts, where risks and revenues are,
in theory, transferred to the private sector. Therefore, major question of the study of
Anneloes Blanken is to what extent concession contracts can respond to changing
demand patterns for clinical services in the future. In other words, what is the level
of contingency adaptability of hospital concession contracts implemented recently
when focusing on future demand risks. Anneloes analyzed to what degree concession
arrangements accommodate the required flexibility in practice by reviewing hospital
concessions in Australia and the UK. She concluded that till now there are hardly
any provisions found in hospital concession contracts for dealing with contingencies
and little incentives for the private sector partner are incorporated to re-optimize the
hospital in reaction to a fluctuating demand.

Health care real estate

Maartje van Reedt Dortland

Organisations in healthcare real estate face many challenges these days. Large
investments are being made around the world in new and refurbished health facilities. The opportunities of capital investments (which consists of planning, design and
procurement), however, are not always seized to optimize services in health facilities.
Besides, there is often a lack of experience regarding building projects by the principal. Therefore, aim of the research project of Maartje van Reedt Dortland is to gain
knowledge about uncertainty mitigation measures and to design a decision support
model that will facilitate principals in the health sector when building and managing real estate. She will conduct several case studies. The intention is to do action
research, where decisions made in the organisation are evaluated. Maartje will incorporate the results in a decision support model.


Risk management
and project control

Failure costs in construction

Avendano Castillo
The PhD research study of Avendano Castillo aims to understand the mechanisms by
which failures costs are generated in construction processes. To do so, a particular
process within a construction project will be selected in order to identify the main failure
sources and to describe the relationships and dependencies between these failure
sources and with process failures as well. Avendano will develop a model for identifying potential failures before their occurrence. His study aims at providing the necessary
knowledge to support project management to pro-actively manage and reduce failure
costs in construction. Avendano also contributes to the educational activities of the
department by actively promoting the exchange of knowledge between the academia
and industry from different cultural settings and allocating Dutch BSc student in different
companies from the construction industry in his native country: Honduras. Until now two
students have successfully carried out their final graduation project in Honduras and
three other students are currently working in their assignments.

Key Performance Indicators

(KPIs) in construction

Tatsiana Hapanova
Tatsiana Hapanova focuses to measurement of process performance using processbased Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in construction. Her research analyses the
relation between the performance of various processes and the desired end-project
goals. The focus of her research has been set on three main stages of project process
for large infrastructural projects: pre-project, design and construction. Research findings
of Tatsiana are based on in-depth interviews with project managers on the managerial and board level within various construction organisations. Part of the research has
been conducted in cooperation with the University of Nottingham in the UK. The main
research results are process-based KPIs for the pre-project, the design and the construction stage; a framework for measuring process performance using the identified KPIs;
identifying desired project performance through the generic end goals important to
be achieved; providing insights in the relation between performance of various subprocesses and end-project goals. The research of Tatsiana contributes to the knowledge
on process performance and its control by project management to increase the chance
of achieving project success.

ICT in Construction

Scenarios for future ICT in

Timo Hartmann
Timo Hartmann participated in the ICT vision planning workshop in Manchester. This
by-invitation-only workshop intended to discuss possible futures that the construction
industry might face and to start developing a construction IT vision for the year 2030. It
was a collaborative research initiative between ITcon Journal, VTT, SCRI at the University
of Salford, Loughborough University and ConstructIT. The workshop brought together
28 world leading experts from different disciplines. During the workshop the driving
forces of change and main trends, issues, factors and actors related to society, technology, environment, economy and politics were determined. Keeping these in mind, the
experts developed four scenarios with different economic models and environment
and resource management technologies of how the future of the construction industry
might look in 2030. They evaluated the ICT implications of the future world and future
construction according to the four scenarios. Based on these scenarios they predicted
that enhancements in technology enable the construction of smart buildings, pick and
mix style design and construction processes, and off site construction. People will have
more time to do creative work and the new technologies such as ubiquitous computing,
collaboration tools, decision making tools will enable a more flexible working style. The
plan is to revisit this vision in follow up events.


Workshop/Masterclass Implementation of ICT in construction

Arjen Adriaanse
About 20 project and information managers of large principals, construction firms and
leading engineering consultancy firms and knowledge institutes gathered together to
discuss the future of ICT in the Dutch construction industry. This work was organized by
Arjen Adriaanse, Hans Voordijk and Geert Dewulf of Twente University in cooperation
with CIFE (Stanford University) and the BIR (the Dutch Building Information Council).
Workshop leaders were Martin Fischer of Stanford and Ben Schwegler of Walt Disney
Imagineering. The aim was to design an effective implementation of ICT between firms
in construction projects.
First, examples and lessons learned from other industries were looked at. Ben Schwegler
of Walt Disney Imagineering is worldwide responsible for all engineering and construction activities of Walt Disney. For a number of years this firm has used intensively BIM
(Building Information Models) tools for building and renovation of their parks. Experiences with BIM of one project are used in the next project. Examples of the implementation of ICT in the Port of Rotterdam and Thales showed that the Dutch construction
industry takes the right strategy in implementing ICT between firms in construction
Secondly, the participants of the workshop designed together with Martin Fischer and
Ben Schwegler an implementation-strategy within their own firm or organization. The
participants got practical tools that could be applied immediately when implementing
BIM, workflow management and e-commerce systems.



Our passion:
innovative research

Construction management is a rapidly changing discipline, and research of our department in this area is established to address both fundamental and applied research. It
involves the development and application of integrated innovative solutions to technical, social and economic problems related to the management and engineering of
construction. The multi-disciplinary composition of the group has provided a coherent
but flexible platform for the development of several lines of research.

Main perspectives
Primarily, the groups research encompasses three main perspectives:
Planning and development: In this perspective the research emphasis is on the
integration of planning and design and the way the interests of stakeholders in
the planning and design phase of the construction process are managed.
Market and Organisation: This perspective concentrates on studying the
various types of procurement systems and their impact on project performance,
the structure of the construction industry, and on the incentives for technology
development and innovation.
Design and Engineering: Within this perspective the focus is on the design and
engineering phase of the construction process. The research area involves
investigating the opportunities and limitations to innovate design and construction processes and construction materials.
Figure 1 shows examples
of the specialised research
subjects addressed within
each perspective as well as
the overlapping themes. It
also depicts the type of the interdisciplinary research areas
carried out within the interfaces between the perspectives.

Planning and development

New forms of publicprivate governance


Market dynamics


Figure 1: Construction Management

and Engineering Research Programme

Supply chain

and project


Design processes and


Design & Construction


Sustainable building

Many of the research projects carried out by the group are the products of close collaborations with other national and international academic institutes. The Department
stimulates exchange programmes with other universities. Research projects are undertaken, besides Dutch universities, with researchers from Imperial College, University of
Leuven, Manchester Business School, Concord University, Stanford University, Northumbria University Newcastle, Bau-Institute (Weimar) in Germany and the University
of Nottingham. In 2008 several academics from leading universities have visited our
Department. Also a number of staff members hold Visiting Scholarships and Professorship at various universities


Teaching future leaders

Construction management is a practical subject; therefore, our department attaches

great importance to its relations with the construction industry. As part of the 5-year programme (3-year Bachelor and 2-year Master program) that leads to a masters degree,
the teaching programme focuses on the analysis, design and control of the integral
construction process, the functioning of the construction process organizations and the
coordination of the activities and roles of parties involved. Integral here means all the
various sub-processes that constitute the total construction process, from conception to
Our graduates are expected to fulfil various functions within various departments in a
construction organisation, such as planning and design departments, as well as fulfilling
managerial functions within governmental departments, client organizations, consultancy offices and construction firms.
Also, in order to achieve the objectives outlined earlier, all students pursuing the Master
programme Civil Engineering & Management are required to follow four cornerstone
modules addressing four fundamental attention areas (Process management, Project
management, Collaborative Design & Engineering, and Legal & Governance aspects)
and one base module (Research methodology and academic skills)
All the other modules offered within the programme are selective courses which the
students can choose from in order to pursue certain learning tracks. These tracks lead
towards integrative final projects and are linked to integrative research themes where
the link between the main research areas of Market & Organisation, Planning & Development and Design Processes & Engineering becomes apparent. The total list of the
selective modules offered within the Master programme includes:

Markets, Organizations & Innovation

Supply Chain Management
Industrialization in Engineering & Construction
Sustainable Building
Public Private Governance
Project Control & Risk Management
Cost Management & Engineering
Infrastructure Management
Geo Risk Management
Integrated Global Project management





Research output

10.1 Academic publications refereed

Blanken, A. (2008, April 3). Flexibility against efficiency? An international study on
Value for Money in hospital concessions. University of Twente (265 pg.) (Enschede, The
Netherlands: University of Twente) (ISBN 978-90-365-2648-7). Prom./coprom.: prof.dr.
G. P. M. R. Dewulf & dr. W. D. Bult-Spiering (ISBN 978-90-365-2648-7).
Caerteling, J. S. (2008, October 2). Technology development in road construction, how
government roles affect project performance. UT Universiteit Twente (210 pag.) (Enschede, the Netherlands: University of Twente) (ISBN 978-90-365-2598-5). Prom./coprom.: prof.dr.ir. A. G. Doree & prof.dr.ir. J. I. M. Halman (ISBN 978-90-365-2598-5).
Journal articles
Brouwers, H. J. H. (2008). Packing fraction of crystalline structures of binary hard
spheres: A general equation and application to amorphization. Physical review E Statistical, nonlinear, and soft matter physics, (ISSN 1539-3755), 78(011303 (2008)).
Caerteling, J. S., Halman, J. I. M. & Doree, A. G. (2008). Technology commercialization in road infrastructure: how government affects the variation and appropriability
of technology. Journal of product innovation management, (ISSN 0737-6782), 25(2),
Chen, W. & Brouwers, H. J. H. (2008). Mitigating the effects of system resolution on
computer simulation of Portland cement hydration. Cement and concrete composites,
(ISSN 0958-9465), 30, 779-787.
Halman, J. I. M., Voordijk, J. T. & Reymen, I. M. M. J. (2008). Modular Approaches
in Dutch House building: An Exploratory Survey. Housing studies, (ISSN 0267-3037),
23(5), 781-799.
Hartmann, A., Reymen, I. M. M. J. & Oosterom, G. van (2008). Factors constituting the
innovation adoption environment of public clients. Building research and information,
(ISSN 0961-3218), 36(5), 436-449.
Hartmann, T., Gao, J. & Fischer, M. (2008). Areas of application of 3D and 4D models
on construction projects. Journal of construction engineering and management, (ISSN
0733-9364), 134(10), 776-785.
Holkers, A., Voordijk, J. T. & Greenwood, D. (2008). The development of a partnering
assessment tool for projects. The Northumbria working paper series: Interdisciplinary
studies in the built and virtual environment, (ISSN 1756-2473), 2, 102-114.

Huerne, H. L. ter, Maarseveen, M. F. A. M. van, Molenaar, A. A. A. & Ven,

M. F. C. van der (2008). Simulation of HMA compaction by using FEM. Doi:
10.1080/10298430701538091. International journal of pavement engineering, (ISSN
1029-8436), 9(3), 153-163.
Hunger, M. & Brouwers, H. J. H. (2008). Natural stone waste powders applied to SCC
mix design. Restoration of buildings and monuments, (ISSN 1864-7251), 14(2), 131140.
Hunger, M., Hsken, G. & Brouwers, H. J. H. (2008). Photocatalysis applied to concrete
products - Part 1: Principles and test procedure. ZKG international, (ISSN 0949-0205),
61(8), 77-85.
Hunger, M., Hsken, G. & Brouwers, H. J. H. (2008). Photocatalysis applied to concrete
products - Part 2: Influencing factors and product performance. ZKG international,
(ISSN 0949-0205), 61(10), 76-84.
Hsken, G. & Brouwers, H. J. H. (2008). A new mix design concept for earth-moist
concrete: A theoretical and experimental study. Cement and concrete research, (ISSN
0008-8846), 38(10), 1246-1259.
Litan, R. & Song, M. (2008). From the special issue editors: Technology commercialization and entrepreneurship. Journal of product innovation management, (ISSN 07376782), 25(1), 2-6.
Miller, S. R., Huerne, H. L. ter & Doree, A. G. (2008). Towards understanding asphalt
compaction: An action research strategy (in special issue for the IPRC). the Built and
human environment review, 1(1), 11-24.
Reymen, I. M. M. J., Dewulf, G. P. M. R. & Blokpoel, S. B. (2008). Framework for
managing uncertainty in property projects. Building research and information, (ISSN
0961-3218), 36(6), 580-592.
Song, M., Nason, R. W. & Di Benedetto, C. A. (2008). Distinctive marketing and
information technology capabilities and strategic types : A cross-national investigation.
Journal of international marketing, (ISSN 1069-031X), 16(1), 4-28.
Song, M., Podoynitsyna, K., Bij, J. D. van der & Halman, J. I. M. (2008). Success factors
in new ventures: A meta-analysis. Journal of product innovation management, (ISSN
0737-6782), 25(1), 7-27.
Song, M. & Di Benedetto, C. A. (2008). Suppliers involvement and success of radical

new product development in new ventures. Journal of operations management, (ISSN

0272-6963), 26(1), 1-22.
Books chapter
Halman, J. I. M. (2008). Industrial building systems design and engineering: accelerating change through research and education. In U. Knaack & T. Klein (Eds.), The Future
Envelope, A multidisciplinary approach ( Research in Architectural Engineering series,
Vol. 8, 1873-6033) (pp. 111-121). Amsterdam, The Netherlands: IOS press (ISBN
Conference proceedings
Akiner, I. & Tijhuis, W. (2008). Cultural variables and the link between managerial
characteristics in construction industry: Reflections from Turkish and Dutch examples. In
The international conference on multi-national construction projects, 21-23 November
2008, Shanghai, China. Shanghai, China: Tongij University-Shanghai, China Network
of Leaing Universities, CIB Rotterdam. Available from: 2008 Tongij University-Shanghai,
China Network of Leaing Universities, CIB Rotterdam, Shanghai, China [12-01-2008].
Alkass, S., Al-jibouri, S. H. S. & Techakosol, V. (2006). Feasibility studies: A case for
using a probabilistic sensitivity approach. In American Association of Cost Engineers,
AACE, International Annual Meeting, Las Vegas, USA.
Avendano Castillo, J., Al-jibouri, S. H. S. & Halman, J. I. M. (2008). Conceptual model
for failure costs management in construction. In 5th international conference on innovation in architecture, engineering and construction (AEC), 23-25 June 2008, Antalya,
Bangoyina, P. & Karim, U. F. A. (2008). Ageing and behaviour of cement-based grouts.
In O. Eren, A. Mohamed, A. Gunyakti, E. Soyer, H Bilsil & M.M. Kunt (Eds.), Proceedings 8th International Congress on Advances in Civil Engineering (ACE2008), Vol. 2.
Eastern Mediterranean University, Gazimagusa, North Cyprus, 15-17 September 2008
(pp. 3-15). Famagusta, North Cyprus: Eastern Mediterranean University Press (ISBN
Blanken, A., Dewulf, G. P. M. R., Voordijk, J. T. & Hoezen, M. E. L. (2008). Contingency adaptability of hospital concession contracts. In A. Wheelock (Ed.), International
symposium redefining healthcare infrastructure: integrating services, technologies and
the built environment, 3-4 april 2008, London, UK (pp. 1-14). London, UK: Tanaka
Business School, Imperial College.
Blanken, A., Dewulf, G. P. M. R., Voordijk, J. T. & Hoezen, M. E. L. (2008). Demand

risks and integrated contracts in the health care: the case of hospital concessions. In T.
van der Vaart, D.P. van der Donk, W. van Wezel, G. Welker & J. Wijngaard (Eds.), Proceedings 15th International Annual EurOMA Conference, Tradition and Innovation in
Operations Management: Connecting Paste and Future,. Groningen, the Netherlands:
University of Groningen.
Boes, J. & Doree, A. G. (2008). Public procurement of local authorities in The Netherlands: A case of breaking tradition for a more strategic approach?! In A. Dainty
(Ed.), Proceedings 24th ARCOM conference, 1-3 September 2008, Cardiff, UK (pp.
477-486). Reading, UK: Arcom (ISBN 0-9552390-1-x). Available from: 2008 Arcom,
Reading, UK (ISBN 0-9552390-1-x) [01-01-2008].
Brouwers, H. J. H. (2008). New developments with respect to concrete. In H. Al-Mattarneh, K.N. Mustapha & M.F. Nuruddin (Eds.), International Conference of Construction and Building Technology, ICCBT 2008 16-20 June 2008, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
(pp. 1-30). Kajang, Malaysia: Universiti Tenaga Nasional (ISBN 978-967-305-152-6).
Chen, W., Shui, Z. H. & Brouwers, H. J. H. (2008). A computed-based model for the
alkali concentrations in pore solution of hydrating Portland cement paste. In Mukesh.C.
Limbachiya & Hsein.Y. Kew (Eds.), Excellence in concrete construction through innovation, 9-10 September 2008, Kingston upon Thames, United Kingdom (pp. 207-214).
London, UK: CRC Press Taylor & Francis Group (ISBN 978-0-415-47592-1).
Doree, A. G. & Miller, S. R. (2008). Is technology a new challenge for the field of construction management? In A. Dainty (Ed.), Proceedings 24th ARCOM Conference, 1-3
September 2008, Cardiff, UK (pp. 175-184). Reading, UK: Arcom (ISBN 0-95523901-X). Available from: 2008 Arcom, Reading, UK (ISBN 0-9552390-1-X)
Duren, J. van & Doree, A. G. (2008). An evaluation of performance information procurement system (on cd-rom). In B.A. Allen, L. de Boer & L. Gormley (Eds.), Enhancing
Best Practices in Public Procurement. 3rd International public procurement conference,
28-30 August 2008, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Zoetermeer: Nevi. Available from:
2008 Nevi, Zoetermeer [08-28-2008].
Entrop, A. G., Brouwers, H. J. H., Dewulf, G. P. M. R. & Halman, J. I. M. (2008). Decision making processes and the adoption of energy saving techniques in residential and
commercial real estate. In J. McCarthy & G. Foliente (Eds.), World Sustainable Building
Conference 2008, September 21-25, Melbourne, Australia (pp. 1 (1461)-8). Rotterdam: CIB.
Entrop, A. G., Brouwers, H. J. H. & Reinders, A. H. M. E. (2008). Field experiments on
the use of phase changing materials, insulation materials and passive solar radiation in

the built environment. In J. McCarthy & G. Foliente (Eds.), World Sustainable Building
Conference 2008, September 21-25, Melbourne, Australia (pp. 1 (102)-8). Rotterdam:
Entrop, A. G. & Brouwers, H. J. H. (2008). Influence of past policies on todays energy
saving initiatives. In J. McCarthy & G. Foliente (Eds.), World Sustainable Building Conference 2008, September 21-25, Melbourne, Australia (pp. 1 (145)-8). Rotterdam: CIB.
Entrop, A. G. & Brouwers, H. J. H. (). The profit of exergy in the built environment. In J.
McCarthy & G. Foliente (Eds.), World Sustainable Building Conference 2008, September 21-25, Melbourne, Australia (pp. 1 (3367)-8). Rotterdam: CIB.
Haponava, T. & Al-jibouri, S. H. S. (2008). A model of communicating project objectives within client organizations. In M. Naaranoja, A. den Otter, M. Prins, A. Karvonen &
V. Raasakka (Eds.), Proceedings of joint CIB conference on Performance and Knowledge
Management. June 3-4, Helsinki, Finland (pp. 322-331). Finland: CIB (ISBN 978-951758-492-0).
Haponava, T. & Al-jibouri, S. H. S. (2008). Identifying the KPIs for the design stage
based on the main design sub-processes. In M. Naaranoja, A. den Otter, M. Prins, A.
Karvonen & V. Raasakka (Eds.), Proceedings of joint CIB conference on Performance
and Knowledge Management. June 3-4, Helsinki, Finland (pp. 14-23). Finland: CIB
(ISBN 978-951-758-492-0).
Harms, S., Karim, U. F. A., Mans, D. G. & Schepers, O. G. (2008). Design of temporary
roads for residential construction sites. In O. Eren, A. Mohamed, A. Gunyakti, E. Soyer,
H. Bilsel & M.M. Kunt (Eds.), Proceedings 8th International Congresson Advances in
Civil Engineering ( ACE2008), Vol. 1. Eastern Mediterranean University, Gazimagusa,
North Cyprus, 15-17 September 2008 (pp. 3-10). Famagusta, North Cyprus: Eastern
Mediterranean University Press (ISBN 978-975-8401-63-5).
Hartmann, A., Doree, A. G. & Ludwig, M. (2008). A role-play approach for teaching
research methodology in construction management. In A. Dainty (Ed.), Proceedings
24th ARCOM conference, 1-3 September 2008, Cardiff, UK (pp. 933-942). Reading,
UK: Arcom (ISBN 0-9552390-1-x). Available from: 2008 Arcom, Reading, UK (ISBN
0-9552390-1-x) [01-01-2008].
Hoezen, M. E. L. & Doree, A. G. (2008). First Dutch competitive dialogue projects: a
procurement route caught between competition and collaboration. In A Dainty (Ed.),
Proceedings 24th ARCOM conference, 1-3 September 2008, Cardiff, UK (pp. 535543). Reading, UK: Arcom (ISBN 0-9552390-1-x). Available from: 2008 Arcom, Reading, UK (ISBN 0-9552390-1-x) [01-01-2008].

Hoezen, M. E. L. & Hillig, J. B. (2008). The competitive dialogue procedure: advantages, disadvantages, and its implementation into English and Dutch law. In J. Adriaanse, P.
Kennedy, J. Adshead & M. Brand (Eds.), Proceedings of COBRA 2008, 4-5 September
2008, Dublin, Ireland (pp. 1-16). London, United Kingdom: RICS (ISBN 978-1-84219434-8).
Hofman, E., Halman, J. I. M. & Voordijk, J. T. (2008). Architectural innovation in a
loosely coupled network, how to compensate for loose-coupling and inertia. In H.
Koller, C. Herstatt & T. Teichert (Eds.), 15the EIASM international product development
management conference, 30 June - 1 July 2008, Hamburg, Germany Vol. 2008.
EIASM international product development management conference, (ISSN 1998-7374)
(pp. 1 (75)-23). Brussels: EIASM.
Hunger, M. (2008). Analysis of water-powder mixtures. In R. Eligehausen & C. Gehlen
(Eds.), 7th fib international phd symposium in civil engineering, 11 - 13 September
2008, Stuttgart, Germany (pp. 15-24). Stuttgart, Germany: Universitat Stuttgart. Available from: 2008 Universitat Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Hunger, M. & Brouwers, H. J. H. (2008). Improved microstructure by optimized water
requirements. In W. Sun, K. van Breugel, C. Miao, G. Ye & H. Chen (Eds.), Proceedings
of the International Conference on Microstructure related Durability of Cementitious
Composites, 13 -15 October 2008, Nanjing, China. (pp. 51-60).
Hunger, M., Brouwers, H. J. H. & Ballari, M. (2008). Photocatalytic degradation ability
of cementitious materials: A modeling approach. In W. Sun, K. van Breugel, C. Miao,
G. Ye & H. Chen (Eds.), Proceedings of the International Conference on Microstructure
related Durability of Cementitious Composites, 13 -15 October 2008, Nanjing, China.
(pp. 1103-1112).
Hunger, M. & Brouwers, H. J. H. (2008). Self-cleaning surfaces as an innovative potential for sustainable concrete. In Mukesh.C. Limbachiya & Hsein.Y. Kew (Eds.), Excellence
in concrete construction through innovation, 9-10 September 2008, Kingston upon
Thames, United Kingdom (pp. 545-552). London, UK: CRC Press, Taylor& Francis
Group (ISBN 978-0-415-47592-1).
Hunger, M. & Brouwers, H. J. H. (2008). Water-powder mixtures at the onset of flowing.
In H. Al-Mattarneh, K.N. Mustapha & M.F. Nuruddin (Eds.), International Conference of
Construction and Building Technology, ICCBT 2008 16-20 June 2008, Kuala Lumpur,
Malaysia (pp. 411-422). Kajang, Malaysia: Universiti Tenaga Nasional (ISBN 978-967305-152-6).
Hsken, G. & Brouwers, H. J. H. (2008). Air purification by cementitious materials:
Evaluation of air purifying properties. In H. Al-Mattarneh, K.N. Mustapha & M.F. Nurud36

din (Eds.), International Conference of Construction and Building Technology, ICCBT

2008 16-20 June 2008, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (pp. 263-274). Kajang, Malaysia:
Universiti Tenaga Nasional (ISBN 978-967-305-152-6).
Hsken, G. (2008). Concrete containing TiO2: properties and evaluation of air purifying abilities. In R. Eligehausen & C. Gehlen (Eds.), 7th fib international phd symposium
in civil engineering, 11 - 13 September 2008, Stuttgart, Germany (pp. 25-34). Stuttgart, Germany: Universitat Stuttgart. Available from: 2008 Universitat Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Hsken, G. & Brouwers, H. J. H. (2008). Development of eco earth-moist concrete.
In Mukesh.C. Limbachiya & Hsein.Y. Kew (Eds.), Excellence in concrete construction
through innovation, 9-10 September 2008, Kingston upon Thames, United Kingdom
(pp. 97-105). London, UK: CRC Press Taylor& Francis Group (ISBN 978-0-41547592-1).
Korte, A. C. J. de & Brouwers, H. J. H. (2008). Contaminated soil concrete blocks.
In Mukesh.C. Limbachiya & Hsein.Y. Kew (Eds.), Excellence in concrete construction
through innovation, 9-10 September 2008, Kingston upon Thames, United Kingdom
(pp. 107-118). London, UK: CRC Press Taylor & Francis group (ISBN 978-0-41547592-1).
Korte, A. C. J. de & Brouwers, H. J. H. (2008). Hydration modeling of calcium sul
phates. In H. Al-Mattarneh, K.N. Mustapha & M.F. Nuruddin (Eds.), International
Conference of Construction and Building Technology, ICCBT 2008 16-20 June 2008,
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia (pp. 433-444). Kajang, Malaysia: Universiti Tenaga Nasional
(ISBN 978-967-305-152-6).
Korte, A. C. J. de (2008). Hydration modelling of calcium sulphates. In R. Eligehausen
& C. Gehlen (Eds.), 7th fib international phd symposium in civil engineering, 11 - 13
September 2008, Stuttgart, Germany (pp. 3-13). Stuttgart, Germany: Universitat Stuttgart. Available from: 2008 Universitat Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Miller, S. R. & Doree, A. G. (2008). Improving logistics in the asphalt paving process. What can we learn from the planner logic? In A. Dainty (Ed.), Proceedings 24th
ARCOM conference, 1-3 September 2008, Cardiff, UK (pp. 381-390). Reading,
UK: Arcom (ISBN 0-9552390-1-x). Available from: 2008 Arcom, Reading, UK (ISBN
0-9552390-1-x) [01-01-2008].
Miller, S. R., Doree, A. G., Huerne, H. L. ter & Sluer, B. (2008). Paving the way forward:
A case study in innovation and process control. In E. Beuving (Ed.), Asphalt - roads for
life. proceedings 4th Eurasphalt and Eurobitume Congress, 21-23 May 2008, Copenhagen, Denmark (pp. 204-208). Copenhagen, Denmark: Eurasphalt (ISBN 978-9037

802884-5-4). Available from: 2008 Eurasphalt, Copenhagen, denmark (ISBN 978-90802884-5-4) [05-21-2008].
Pullen, A. J. J., Weerd-Nederhof, P. C. de, Groen, A. J., Fisscher, O. A. M. & Song, M.
(2008). Patterns in organizational configurations for high overall innovation performances of SMEs. In H. Koller, C. Herstatt & T. Teichert (Eds.), 15the EIASM international product development management conference, 30 June - 1 July 2008, Hamburg,
Germany Vol. 2008. EIASM international product development management conference, (ISSN 1998-7374) (pp. 1 (164)-28).
Rutten, M. E. J., Halman, J. I. M. & Doree, A. G. (2008). Fostering commitment to
cooperate when leading interorganizational innovation. In H. Koller, C. Herstatt & T.
Teichert (Eds.), 15the EIASM international product development management conference, 30 June - 1 July 2008, Hamburg, Germany Vol. 2008. EIASM international product development management conference, (ISSN 1998-7374) (pp. 183-193). Brussels:
Rutten, M. E. J., Doree, A. G. & Halman, J. I. M. (2008). How companies without the
benefit of authority create innovation through collaboration. In A. Dainty (Ed.), Proceedings 24th ARCOM conference, 1-3 September 2008, Cardiff, UK (pp. 557-566).
Reading, UK: Arcom (ISBN 0-9552390-1-x). Available from: 2008 Arcom, Reading,
UK (ISBN 0-9552390-1-x) [01-01-2008].
Tijhuis, W. (2008). Understanding multi-cultural performance in construction: a tool
for dispute avoidance? In The international conference on multi-national construction
projects, 21-23 November 2008, Shanghai, China. Shanghai, China: Tongji UniversityShanghai, China Network of Leading Universities, CIB Rotterdam. Available from: 2008
Tongji University-Shanghai, China Network of Leading Universities, CIB Rotterdam,
Shanghai,China [12-01-2008].
Weerd-Nederhof, P. C. de, Visscher, K., Song, M. & Parry, M. (2008). Configurations
driving NPD performance fit with market demands and time constraints. In H. Koller, C.
Herstatt & T. Teichert (Eds.), 15the EIASM international product development management conference, 30 June - 1 July 2008, Hamburg, Germany Vol. 2008. EIASM
international product development management conference, (ISSN 1998-7374) (pp. 1
External reports
Boes, J., Schmidt, J. M. R. & Doree, A. G. (2008). Het uit- en aanbestedingsbeleid van
decentrale overheden in Noord Brabant en Zeeland. Op zoek naar de balans tussen
rechtmatig aanbesteden en doelmatig uitbesteden. Maastricht / Roermond / Enschede:
Bouwend Nederland Noord -Brabant en Zeeland / Universiteit Twente.

10.2 Academic publications non-refereed

Journal articles
Doree, A. G., Huerne, H. L. ter & Miller, S. R. (2008). De genstrumenteerde wegenbouwplaats. ConcepTueel, (ISSN geen), 17(4), 28-31.
Entrop, A. G. (2008). Bezoek eens een conferentie! World Sustainable Building Conference in Melbourne. ConcepTueel, (ISSN geen), 42-45.
Entrop, A. G. & Brouwers, H. J. H. (2008). Waardering van stadsverwarming, een
onderzoek naar de voordelen. ConcepTueel, (ISSN geen), 17(4), 14-16.
Hartmann, T. (2008). Tonys day, A vision of the work of construction managers in
2028. ConcepTueel, (ISSN geen), 5, 10-12.
Books chapter
Voordijk, J. T. (2008). Bouwen op SPITS. In B. Immers, B. Kuipers & L. Tavasszy (Eds.),
De logistieke familie van Kees Ruijgrok (pp. 71-80). Delft, the Netherlands: TNO Bouw
en Ondergrond (ISBN 978-90-5986-277-7).
Conference proceedings
Boer, A. de, Huerne, H. L. ter, Noordermeer, J. W. M. & Schipper, D. J. (2008). Band Weg interactie. In A.A.A. prof.dr.ir. Molenaar (Ed.), CROW Infradagen 2008 (pp. 1-9).
Delft: CROW; Technische Universiteit Delft.
Kort, I. A. T. de, Bult-Spiering, W. D. & Dewulf, G. P. M. R. (2008). Designing a strategic
process approach for complex integrated area development projects (CD-rom). In S.
Davoudi & C. Winkle (Eds.), International conference: Bridging the Divide: Celebrating the City. ACSP - AESOP 4th Joint Congress, Chicago, Illinois, 6-11 July, 2008.
(Abstract 618, p.339, Full paper on CD-ROM). Chicago: ACSP- AESOP.
Willems, F. & Huerne, H. L. ter (2008). Wegbeheer vanuit een businessperspectief:
De weg van kostenpost naar bedrijfsmiddel. In CROW Infradagen 2008, 25-26 June
2006, Delft, The Netherlands (pp. 1-9). Delft: CROW. Available from: http://www.crow.
nl/CROW/_t0_p0_m7_i5674.htm [06-25-2008].

10.3 Professional publications

Journal articles
Bokkes, B., Halman, J. I. M. & Voordijk, J. T. (2008). Particulier opdrachtgeverschap
kan meer gestimuleerd. Bestuursforum, (ISSN 0167-0689), 32(5), 20-21.
Buur, A. P. (2008). De bouwnijverheid heeft veel gezichten. ConcepTueel, (ISSN geen),
17(1), 6-9.

Doree, A. G. & Caerteling, J. S. (2008). Het renderen van innoveren. Asfalt, (ISSN
0376-6977), 35, 22-24.
Entrop, A. G. & Brouwers, H. J. H. (2008). Isolatieplan vol kieren; kennis en maatwerk
ontbreken in nationaal project voor energiebesparing. Ingenieur, (ISSN 0020-1146),
120(4), 64-65.
Hsken, G., Hunger, M. & Brouwers, H. J. H. (2008). Comparative study on air-purifying concrete products - Eine vergleichende Untersuchung von luftreinigenden Betonprodukten. Betonwerk und Fertigteil-technik = Concrete precasting plant and technology, (ISSN 0373-4331), 74(4), 12-18.
Miller, S. R., Sluer, B., Huerne, H. L. ter & Doree, A. G. (2008). Op weg naar verdere
professionalisering asfaltverwerking, Monitoring A35. Asfalt, (ISSN 0376-6977), 35,
Rutten, M. E. J. (2008). LamikonLongLife en de Q-woning: Twee voorbeelden van
samen innoveren. Building innovation, (ISSN 1875-1997), 6, 30-33.
Simons, B. & Huerne, H. L. ter (2008). Op weg naar een beter beheerst asfaltverwerkingsproces. Asfalt, (ISSN 0376-6977), 2, 16-20.
Books - author
Halman, J. I. M. (2008). Risicomanagement in de bouw. Nieuwe ontwikkelingen bij een
aantal koplopers. Boxtel, The Netherlands: Aeneas, uitgeverij van vakinformatie (ISBN
Books - chapter
Halman, J. I. M. & Al-jibouri, S. H. S. (2008). Inleiding. In J.I.M. Halman (Ed.), Risicomanagement in de bouw. Nieuwe ontwikkelingen bij een aantal koplopers (pp. 7-12).
Boxtel The Netherlands: Aeneas, Uitgeverij voor vakinformatie (ISBN 978-90-7536587-0).
Halman, J. I. M. (2008). Projectrisico en het management van projectrisicos. In J.I.M.
Halman (Ed.), Risicomanagement in de bouw. Nieuwe ontwikkelingen bij een aantal
koplopers (pp. 13-42). Boxtel The Netherlands: Aeneas, Uitgeverij voor vakinformatie
(ISBN 978-90-75365-87-0).
Halman, J. I. M. (2008). Terugblik en vooruitblik. In J.I.M. Halman (Ed.), Risicomanagement in de bouw. Nieuwe ontwikkelingen bij een aantal koplopers (pp. 81-85). Boxtel,
The Netherlands: Aeneas, Uitgeverij van vakinformatie (ISBN 978-90-75365-87-0).
Conference proceedings

Doree, A. G., Miller, S. R. & Huerne, H. L. ter (2008). Asfalt, wat bakken we ervan? In
CROW Infradagen 2008, 25-26 June 2008, Delft, The Netherlands (pp. 1-6). Delft:
CROW. Available from: http://www.crow.nl/CROW/_t0_p0_m7_i5674.htm [06-252008].
Huerne, H. L. ter & Berkum, E. C. van (2008). Gebiedsgerichte aanpak voor onderhoudsarm wegbeheer. In A. van Leest (Ed.), CROW Infradagen 2008, 25-26 June
2008, Delft, The Netherlands (pp. 1-9). Delft: CROW. Available from: http://www.crow.
nl/CROW/_t0_p0_m7_i5674.htm [06-25-2008].
Leest, A. J. van & Tolman, F. (2008). Risicoanalyse betonverhardingen voor de praktijk.
In CROW Infradagen 2008, 25-26 June 2008, Delft, The Netherlands (pp. 1-9). Delft:
CROW. Available from: http://www.crow.nl/CROW/_t0_p0_m7_i5674.htm [06-252008].
Tolman, F. & Veenvliet, K. T. (2008). Operationalisering van Systems Engineering in de
bouw; het V- model als inrichting van het ontwerp- en testproces. In CROW Infradagen
2008, 25-26 June 2008, Delft, The Netherlands (pp. 1-15). Delft: CROW. Available
from: http://www.crow.nl/CROW/_t0_p0_m7_i5674.htm [06-25-2008].
Tolman, F. (2008). Toetsen en accepteren volgens de UAVgc - definitie en operationalisering. In CROW Infradagen 2008, 25-26 June 2008, Delft, The Netherlands (pp.
1-17). Delft: CROW. Available from: http://www.crow.nl/CROW/_t0_p0_m7_i5674.
htm [06-25-2008].

10.4 Other activities

Journal editorship referee
Halman, J. I. M. (Ed.). (2008). International Journal of Innovation and Technology
Management (IJITM), (ISSN 0219-8770), 4.
Halman, J. I. M. (Ed.). (2008). International journal of project management, (ISSN
0263-7863), 26.
Other outputs
Hunger, M. & Brouwers, H. J. H. (2008). Concrete - for a sustainable future.
Hedgepension Review 2008 (2) 18-19: .
Hunger, M. (2008). Review article: Self-compacting concrete paste constituents :
hierarchical classification of their influence on flow properties of the paste. Cement and
concrete composites: (2008, May 9).
Tolman, F. & Veenvliet, K. T. (2008). Het V-model als inrichting van het ontwerp- en
testmodel. PAO Een eerste stap naar Systems Engineering (Cursus): Delft (2008, April
3 - 2008, April 4).




11.1 Full Professors

Dewulf, Geert

Dore, Andr

Halman, Joop

11.2 Associate Professors

Al-Jibouri, Saad

Brouwers, Jos

Voordijk, Hans

11.3 Assistant Professors and Lecturers

Boes, Hans

Graaf, Robin de

Huerne, Henny ter


Karim, Usama

Tijhuis, Wilco

Snellink, Gerrit

Veenvliet, Karel

Hartmann, Timo

Hartmann, Andreas

11.4 Parttime professors and researchers

Buur, Adri

Tolman, Fedde

Suurenbroek, Ynso

11.5 Office staff

Bosch, Yolanda

Nijhof, Jacqueline

11.6 Ph.D. Students

Avendano, Jimmy

de Bree, Tijs A.

Bemelmans, Jeroen

Entrop, Bram

Caerteling, Jasper

Haponava, Tatsiana


Hoezen, Mieke

Hofman, Erwin

Hunger, Martin

De Kort, Inge

Miller, Seirgei

Rutten, Maarten

Hsken, Gtz

Korte, Arin de

Smit, Marnix

Yu, Qingliang

Maartje van Reedt Dortland

11.7 Post-doc researchers

Adriaanse Arjen

Blanken, Anneloes

Laan, Albertus

Ballari, Maria

University of Twente
Faculty of Engineering Technology
Department of Construction Management & Engineering
P.O. Box 217
7500 AE Enschede NL
July 2009
Communication CTW: Pien ten Voorde
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400 copies

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