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Bao-Vi Doan

English 1
Teacher: Mrs. Griffin
Oct 20/13

The Connection Between Heroism And Society.

Traditionally people tend to believe that heroism is one way to show courage with
deficiency of knowledge of ordinary; furthermore, heroism is always deal with some
circumstances of physically perilous with violence monsters, or criminal group and kill innocents
people. However, that is just a way of spirit teenagers contemplative thinking, real hero are those
who brave enough to stand up for their rights and speak for themselves of the complication of the
society. Therefore, the hero must be defined as bravery not by their outside looking but by their
courage of their rights, their faith, their belief, and for the sake of others.

One of the most famous philosophers in the history also a one of the Founding Father of
the United State. Thomas Paine, an English-American political activist, political theorist and
revolutionary, was supported the poor and find the solution for solving the economic and
political problems during that time. Thomas Paine was against monarchy and despite it, during
the time King George III ruled the country. One of his book called Rights of Man, he is saying
that humanly is brave, intelligent and courage enough to manage themselves without the lead of
monarchy with the violent and rapacious of king George the III. Government, even in its best
state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one. (Thomas Paine). Everybody
wants happiness, nobody wants sadness but they can not have a rainbow without a little rain. A
good state, good government, when it goes on the good path, nothing matter at all, but when it

makes a small mistakes, everybody notices and it becomes worst. Thomas Paine was courage
enough to stand up and speak up for his rights and for the benefits of the innocents.
Inside of our hearts, there is always one space for our heroes. The hero in ourselves does
not have to be smart, brilliant, and brave; instead, our hero in our heart will always be there when
we need them the most. In 1988, there was a movie called Grave of the fireflies. This movie is
basically about the war about Japan with other Nations. This movie is the recall of the World War
II when the United State launched Japan, separated the 2 children from their parents. Their
sibling lived with each other but as time goes on, they become a struggle and against each other.
The older brother Seita Yokokawa and his little sister Setsuko Yokokawa now live together with
their own feet and knowing their parents died from the war. Seita and Setsuko lived in the bomb
craters, every day, Seita stole food from his neighbor while Setsuko was sick because of the poor
condition with pollution atmosphere. Setsuko has always seen her brother as her worthy hero,
Seita always cared for Setsuko herself, tried everything to get Setsuko to the doctor, but they
never get medicine from the hospital. Although when Setsuko died, she still called his brother
Onii-chan, my hero, you are my one and only one hero. and died with a big smile on her
cheek; instead, Seita felt ashamed. The hero does not have to be rich, does not have to be
intelligent or brave. The hero can be homeless with a compassionate heart.
In our society, the hero can exist everywhere. In school, at work or in the government,
theres always unsung heroes around but theyll never show. Prosecutors are heroes, but most of
the ordinary people tend to believe that they are evil, because they are trying to punish the
accused, and seems the lawyers as heroes. Nonetheless, the accused are those who committed a
crime and got caught by the people; otherwise, the lawyers are trying to defend the accused. Isnt
it the lawyers are abet with the accused and trying to run away from the constitution? In another

word, the prosecutors are chasing them from escaping their crime? The abundance of people
wanted their children when they grow up, they could become a layer but not the prosecutor
reason is they are evil. Evil was once angle.

Heroism existed in every generation, every century. In the past, there were heroes, whose
courage enough to speak for their own independent and the need of the society. Journalists and
filmmakers are also writing and make movies about heroism to dissemination their ideology of
being a true hero. Even though in our society, there are always unsung heroes are always trying
their best to make the world become brightness and happiness with the jovial faces on every
individual such as a prosecutor. However, somewhere outside the world or interstellar might not
agree with the ideas of heroism must be courage, but in another hand, with our courage, they are
not even a piece of sand on this planet. If you dont have enough courage to do things then you
might as well just die. The loneliest people are the kindest, the sadness people smile the
brightest, the most damaged people are the wisest. All because they dont wish to see anyone else
suffer the way they did, and those are the true hero that need the most in our society.

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