Ss Curriculum Overview

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What Are We Learning in Social Studies?

Grade 3

Grade 4

Key Ideas:

Geographic regions have unifying

Three Worlds Meet in NYS

Key Ideas:

characteristics and can be studied

using a variety of tools.

using geographic tools and


itself and others to fulfill its

Impact of the Colonial and

Revolutionary War

Human beings have developed

from hunter gathers to culture
groups to civilizations

Economic influences affect growth

and change.

Historians may have different

theories about events

New York State history reflects a

changing world.

The United States is impacted

The United States depends on

Key Ideas:

participation of individuals.

Key Ideas:

Many influences lead to the creation

of political systems and the

United States

A New World Rising


The location of world

communities can be described

Geography influences growth and

Grade 5

Events occur at different times in


Civilizations have certain

characteristics but each
civilization is unique

European Explorers and

Key Ideas:


Geography influences growth and


Key Ideas:

needs and wants.

The United States has many

common and diverse cultural

Many influences lead to the creation

European exploration had many

causes and effects

People with different perspectives

see the same event differently

A turning point has a huge impac

of political systems and the

The United States has a

democratic form of government.

participation of individuals.

Immigration has impacted New York

State throughout its history.

on people

New York State history reflects a

changing world.

Economic influences affect growth

and change.

National and Local Government

Geography, Government, &

Brazil has a diverse geographic


Brazil has a democratic form of



National and State governments both

Key Ideas:

make, carry out, and interpret the

The physical characteristics of the

Western Hemisphere are very varied

The geographic characteristics of the


Brazil depends on itself and

others to fulfill needs and wants.

National and State governments

separate the powers into branches.

Key Ideas:

Economics in the Western

Key Ideas:

Power is shared between National

Western Hemisphere affect where

and State governments.

people choose to live, the way people

Both the National and State Bill of

earn a living, and their everyday life.

Rights guarantee individual

Brazil has many common and

diverse cultural elements.


Many factors determine borders.

Citizenship involves responsibilities

How do geography, climate and

natural resources affect the way

as well as rights.

Key Ideas:


Change Comes to New York

China has a varied geographic

people live and work?

place to place, as do the functions of


China is a dictatorship

The Chinese government

influences how needs and wants
will be fulfilled.

China has a dominant culture

government, in the countries of the

Key Ideas:

activities, arts, music, fashion,

Diverse groups in New York State

have called for change in the quest for

Geographic, technological, and

human factors and made New York a

and medicine.

New inventions changed the way

Americans travel and communicate.

reflected in its holidays,

inventions, food, tools, leisure

Governmental structures vary from

leading center of agriculture, mining,

China is similar to and different

lumbering, manufacturing, trade,

from other world communities.

and finance.

Immigrants and migrants made and

continue to make an important
contribution to New York and the

Western Hemisphere.

The concept of wants and needs

What is meant by an economic system

The 3 basic economic questions:

o What goods and services shall be
produced and in what quantities?

o How shall these goods and service

be produced?
o For whom shall these goods and

United States.


services be produced?

There are winners and losers in

historical events.

Key Ideas:

from other world communities

The location of continents and

countries impact the people who
live there

Kenya has a varied geographic


Kenya depends on itself and

others to fulfill needs and wants

Cultural Diversity

Kenya is similar to and different

Key Ideas:

Different ethnic national and religiou

groups, including native peoples, hav

contributed to the cultural diversity o

nations and regions in the Western

Hemisphere by sharing their customs

traditions, beliefs, ideas and

The migration of groups of people in

the Western Hemisphere has led to

Kenya has many common and

cultural diffusion as well as regional

diverse cultural elements


Making a Difference
Key Ideas:

Human Rights are rights that

each of us has been born with.

The United Nations has listed our

specific human rights in the
Declaration of Human Rights.

Many nations and organizations

around the world work to protect
our human rights.

Many individuals work to protect

our human rights.

We have a responsibility to
protect the rights of ourselves and

For additional resources and information regarding our current social studies curriculum, please

**Please note that teachers are given the flexibility to teach the SS units in any order they would like as long as all units are
taught by the end of the school year. **

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