Metamorphosis (Health Care in Iot) : Company Name: Medicorural Scope - 1. Business Plan 2. Go-To-Market Strategy Responsibilities

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Metamorphosis (Health care in IoT): Company Name : MedicoRural

Scope 1. Business Plan

2. Go-to-Market Strategy
1. Full Business plan and feasibility analysis Anand babu R
2. Statistics regarding
a. Average distance between Remote village in India to Semi-urban
area and city.
b. Number of patients visiting in rural area per day
c. Classification of visits for primary health care and for specialist
d. Average fees for both the cases charged by Urban doctors in india
e. Average costs for Blood, urine, pressure, x-ray and other tests in
f. Number of ASHA workers in village
g. Most frequent disease in india e.g. common cold, flu, fever etc..
with percentage
3. Fixed costs statistics
a. Cost of Automatic Blood testing machine
b. Cost of IoT for one Terabyte of storage cheaply available in india
c. Safety and security issues in IoT
d. Development of average medicinal App in android
e. Cost of Automatic urine testing machine
f. Cost of one sphygmomanometer
g. Cost of the details of primary requirement to run a PHC(Will be
provided by madhu)
h. Average consulting fees for Urban doctors.
i. One no frill Computer cost
4. Role of regulatory authority
a. Indian medical Association
b. Drug controller of India
c. Generic medicine availability study
d. National Pharmaceutical pricing authority
e. Registration of doctors procedure
f. License issuing authority
5. Financial calculation for
a. Breakeven analysis
b. Cost structure
6. App design features and clear business model
7. Final review and report generation
1&4 Anand Babu R
2&5- Nachiappan M
3- Madhu Prasath
6&7- By all.

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