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‘THE STATE BAR COURT Fon cour ae omy STATE BAN OF GALFORAIA FILED r MEARING DEPARTMENT NOTFOR PUBLICATION © MAY 3.1. 1994 Bins uence os ANGELES 1x1 Los ANGELES LISAN FRANCISCO —. — =| IN THE MATTER OF CASENOIS). _92-0-13558-JER SHIRLEE LYN BLISS STAT T ~~ iii ii ‘ORDER REGARDING STIPULATION (. MEMBER OF THE STATE BAR OF CALIFORNIA. _|-++S6coNo-amenoeo-) AS TO FACTS AND DISPOSITION A fully executed Stipulation as to Facts and Disposition pursuant to rules 405-407, Transitional Rules of Procedure of the State Bar of California, consisting of _27_ pages, approved by the parties, was submitted to the State Bar Court in the above-captioned case(s). All stipulations submitted previously are rejected. The Stipulation is attached to this order and is incorporated by reference herein. Unless a party withdraws oF modifies the stipulation pursuant to rule 407(c), Transitional Rules of Procedure of the State Gar of California, this order shall be effective 15 davs fram the service of this order. After consideration of tt stipulation, the Court hereby orders: C19 sd for the purposes of ruling upon this stipulation. [X 1 Modifications to the stipulation are attached: [1 the-pertiss-having no_objeetien, (X 1 the parties having agreed on the record on MAY 24, 1994. 3 (1 any-parry-must-object-within-18-days of the service of this order to the stipulation, as modified by the Court, or it shall become effective; if any party objects. the Stipulation shall be deemed rejected (X 1 It appearing that this stipulation and all attachments are fair to the parties and consistent with adequate protection of the public, the stipulation is approved and the disposition is: (IX ] ordered. sea [1 reeommended-te the California Supreme Court. [| Susthor-diseession attached, (1 Atterdue-consideration-of this-stipulation-and all attachments, it is rejected: {1 for the reasons discussed with the parties in previous conterence(s). [1 for the reasons attached to this order. {| 4tis-turther+—rorderedttrecommended-that costs be awarded to the State Bar pursuant to Business and Professions Code section 6086.10. recs JOANNE EARLS ROBBINS, Judge of the State Bar Court bares wav o.s0ee BESBIge SS Qe yee SU Rc sce OBR 410 ATTACHMENT TO ORDER 410 RESPONDENT: SHIRLEE LYN BLISS, No. 101585 CASE NO. 92-0-13558-JER TION TO STIPULATION The Stipulation as to Facts and Discipline shall be modified as follows: 1. Respondent has been advised that she has the option of retaining counsel at her own expense to represent her in this matter, and has chosen to represent herself (page 3, paragraph A.3).d¢R On Stipulation Form 100, Schedule of Attachments (page 2), the "X's" in the boxes provided for Form Nisposition 270, Regarding Further Cénditions and Form Probation 370, Commencement..." shall be deleted, since they were not intended by the parties to be included. d= on Form Disposition 220, Private Reproval (pages 18-19), the "X's" in the boxes provided for Form Disposition 270, Regarding Further Conditions. and Form Probation 370, Commencement..." shall be deleted, since they were not intended by the parties to be included.d@R on Form Disposition 220, Private Reproval (page 19), an X" shall be inserted in the box for the last paragraph, beginning "RESPONDENT ACKNOWLEDGES. oak PAGE ATTACHMENT TO ORDER 410 INCORPORATED BY REFERENCE IN THE MATTER OF CASE NOIS). ‘SHIRLEE LYN BLISS 92-0-13558-JER ‘A Member of the State Bar. (1 PUBLIC REPROVAL Pursuant to General Order 93-10, service upon the parties of this "Order Approving Stipulation As to Facts and Disposition" constitutes a letter of PUBLIC reproval in the name of the State Bar of California to the above named member of the State Bar pursuant to rule 615, Transitional Rules of Procedure of the State Bar of California. [J Conditions inthe manner authorized by rule 956, California Rules of Court, are ordered , to be attached to this reproval as set forth in the attached stipulation. {£ ] No conditidtis“are atached to this reproval, This Public Reproval shall be effective upon expiration of the period provided by rule 407(c), ‘Transitional Rules of Procedure of the State Bar of California, unless a timely request for withdrawal or modification of the stipulation is filed. [X ] PRIVATE REPROVAL Pursuant to General Order 93-10, service upon the parties of this "Order Approving Stipulation As to Facts and Disposition” constitutes a letter of PRIVATEreproval in the name of the State Bar of California to the above named member of the State Bar pursuant to rule 615, Transitional Rules of Procedure of the State Bar of California. {X ] Conditions inthe manner authorized by rule 956, California Rules of Court, are ordered to be attached to this reproval as set forth in the attached stipulation. (1 No conditions are attached to this reproval. This PRIVATEReproval shall be effective upon expiration of the period provided by rule 407(c), Transitional Rules of Procedure of the State Bar of California, unless a timely request for withdrawal or modification of the stipulation is filed. panies’ G Initials 5 J. Ds PAGE COUNSEL FOR STATE BAR: COUNSEL FOR RESPONDENT: OFFICE OF TRIAL COUNSEL SHIRLEE LYN BLISS, In Propria Persona OFFICE OF TRIALS 290 E. Verdugo Avenue | THE STATE BAR OF CALIFORNIA Suite 108 ROBERTA M. YANG Burbank, CA 91502 ALYSE M. LAZAR (818) 842-0997 CYDNEY G. CRICKARD, NO. 113407 1149 8, Hill Street Los Angeles, CA 90015-2299 Telephone: (213) 765-1000 | THE STATE BAR COURT FOR COURT USE © OFTHE “FILED | STATE BAR OF CALIFORNIA MAY 23 19) HEARING DEPARTMENT ‘STATE BAR COURT 151 LOS ANGELES Tas ances [_1_SAN FRANCISCO IN THE MATTER OF CASE NOIS). 92-0-13558 No. 101585 STIPULATION AS TO FACTS AND Dis! [TION (RULES 405-407, owner ore srareean or cauromna, | DISPOSITION (RULES 405-407, \ OF THE STATE BAR OF CALIFORNIA) (_] FIRST AMENDED [ J SECOND AMENDED SCHEDULE OF ATTACHMENTS { *] SECTION ONE: [* ] FORM STIP 110: STIPULATION FORM, INCLUDING GENERAL AGREEMENTS AND WAIVERS [1 FORM STIP 120: AGREEMENTS AND WAIVERS [ »} SECTION TWO: [ *] FORM STIP 130; STATEMENT OF ACTS OR OMISSIONS AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW WARRANTING THE AGREED meg DISPOSITION a AepROve ay state Ban count STIP 100 Sree Calan aac 1%] SECTION THREE: [ x] [*] SECTION FOUR: [ ] [x] 1x] SECTION FIVE: © [x ] FORM STIP 140: FORM DISP 200: FORM DISP 205: FORM DISP 210 FORM DISP 220: FORM DISP 230: FORM DISP 240: FORM DISP 250: FORM DISP 260: FORM DISP 270: FORM PROB 310 FORM PROB 320: FORM PROB 330: FORM PROB 340: FORM PROB 350: FORM PROB 360: FORM PROB 370: FORM PROB 380: =f MO pace _2_ STATEMENT OF FACTS AND CIRCUMSTANCES BEARING ON THE AGREED DISPOSITION ‘STATEMENT SUPPORTING DISMISSAL OF ALL CHARGES STATEMENT SUPPORTING DISMISSAL OF CERTAIN CHARGES ADMONITION PRIVATE REPROVAL PUBLIC REPROVAL SUSPENSION, INCLUDES NO ACTUAL SUSPENSION ACTUAL SUSPENSION PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION REGARDING FURTHER CONDITIONS TO BE ATTACHED TO REPROVAL GENERAL CONDITIONS OF PROBATION AND/OR APPOINTMENT OF PROBATION MONITOR RESTITUTION PROTECTION OF CLIENT FUNDS MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENT ALCOHOL/DRUG IMPAIRMENT. EDUCATION AND LAW OFFICE MANAGEMENT COMMENCEMENT AND EXPIRATION OF PROBATION FURTHER CONDITIONS OF PROBATION APPROVAL OF PARTIES EXEGIN Cotmar ree FESTIVE MAREN 1, 1983 STP 100 roncounr EET ED MAY 23 { rare BAR COURT Bune rnee lee ANGELES HEARING DEPARTMENT De tos anoeies L1_SAN FRANCISCO IN THE MATTER OF CASENOIS). 92-O- (3556 SHIRLEE LYN BLISS . No. 10/585 , STIPULATION AS TO FACTS AND DISPOSITION (RULES 405-407, TRANSITIONAL RULES OF PROCEDURE OF THE STATE BAR OF CALIFORNIA) (]FIRST AMENDED _[_] SECOND AMENDED. | MEMBER OF THE STATE BAR OF CALIFORNIA. SECTION ONE. GENERAL AGREEMENTS AND WAIVERS. A. PARTIES. 1. The parties 0 this stipulation as to facts and disposition, entered into under rules 405-407, Transitional Rules of Procedure of the State Bar of California (herein "Rules of Procedure"), are the member Of the State Bar of California, captioned above (hereinafter "Respondent"), who was admitted to practice law in the State of California on and the Office of the Chief Trial Counsel, represented by ‘the Deputy Trial Counsel of record whose namé appears below. 2. _ if Respondent is represented by counsel, Respondent and his or her counsel have reviewed this stipulation, have approved it as to form and substance, and has signed FORM STIP 400 below. 3. __If Respondent is appearing in propria persona, Respondent has received this stipulation, has approved it as to form and substance, and has signed FORM STIP 400 below. 8. JURISDICTION, SERVICE AND NOTICE OF CHARGE(S), AND ANSWER. The parties agree that the State Bar Court has jurisdiction over Respondent to take the action agreed upon within this stipulation. This stipulation is entered into pursuant to the provisions of rules 405-407, Rules of Procedure. No issue is raised ‘over notice or service of any chargets). The parties waive any variance between the basis for the action agreed 10 in this stipulation and any charge(s). As to any charge(s) not yet filed in any matter covered by this stipulation, the parties waive the filing of formal charge(s), any answer thereto, and any other formal procedures. C. AUTHORITY OF EXAMINER. Pursuant to rule 408, Rules of Procedure, the Chief Trial Counsel has delegated to this Deputy Trial Counsel the authority to enter into this stipulation. ‘eve CORLL SCS anc 9 1009 $TIP 110 ELA Me ence 4 In order to accomplish the objectives of this stipulation, the parties waive all State Bar Court procedures regarding formal discovery as well as hearing or trial. Instead, i judge of the State Bar Court, D. PROCEDURES AND TRIAL. E. PENDING PROCEEDINGS. Except as specified in subsection J, all pending investigations and matters included in this stipulation are listed by case number in the caption above. F. EFFECT OF THIS STIPULATION, 1, The parties agree that this stipulation includes this form and all attachments. 2. The parties agree that this stipulation is not binding unless and until approved by a judge of the State Bar Court. If approved, this stipulation shall bind the parties in all matters covered by this stipulation ‘and the parties expressly waive review by the Review Department of the State Bar Court. * 3, __ If the stipulation is not approved by a State Bar Court judge, the parties will be relieved of all effects of the stiniiacinn nna ants nenen at “4 by this stipulation will resume. 4. The parties agree that stipulations as to proposed discipline involving suspension, are not ing on the Supreme Court of California. Pursuant to Business and Professions Code sections 6078, 6083- 6084, and 6100, the Supreme Court must enter an order effectuating the terms and conditions of this stipulation before any stipulation for suspension, actual or stayed, will be effective, G. PREVIOUSLY REJECTED STIPULATIONS IN PROCEEDINGS OR INVESTIGATIONS COVERED BY THIS STIPULATION. Unless disclosed by the parties in subsection |, there have been no previously rejected or withdrawn stipulations in matters or investigations covered by this stipulation. H. COSTS OF DISCIPLINARY PROCEEDINGS. (Check appropriate paragraphis).) 1, The agreed disposition is eligible for costs to be awarded the State Bar. (Bus. & Prof. Code, §§ 6086.10 and 6140.7.) Respondent has been notified of his or her duty to pay costs. The amount of costs assessed by the Office of Chief Trial Counsel will be disclosed in a Separate cost certificate submitted following approval of this stipulation by a hearing judge. ‘The amount of costs assessed by the State Bar Court will be disclosed in @ separate cost ; Certificate submitted upon finalization of this matter. ALA 2. The agreed disposition is not el I. ‘SPECIAL OR ADDITIONAL AGREEMENTS AS TO SECTION ONE. LF le Respondent has been advised of pending investigations, H any, which are not included in this stipulation. FORM STIP 120 is attached, stating further general agreements and waivers. SRAM EMAC AL anes SIP 170 : ri LAE, ence 5_ SECTION TWO. STATEMENT OF ACTS OR OMISSIONS AND CONCLUSIONS OF LAW WARRANTING THE AGREED DISPOSITION. <1 The parties have attached FORM STIP 130 and agree that the same warrants the disposition set forth in this stipulation. SECTION THREE. STATEMENT OF FACTS, FACTORS OR CIRCUMSTANCES BEARING ON THE AGREED DISPOSITION. The parties agree that the following attachment(s) constitute the facts and circumstances considered mitigating, aggravating or otherwise bearing on the agreed disposition: D1 FORM STIP 140; STATEMENT OF FACTS AND CIRCUMSTANCES BEARING ON THE AGREED DISPOSITION SECTION FOUR. AGREED DISPOSITION Based on the foregoing and all attachments, the parties. agree that the appropriate disposition of all matters covered by this stipulation is [Check appropriate disposition(s); attach schedulets) if indicated): I] DISMISSAL OF ALL CHARGES [FORM DISP 200) I} DISMISSAL OF CERTAIN CHARGES [Attach FORM DISP 205: STATEMENT SUPPORTING DISMISSAL OF CERTAIN CHARGES] 1 1 ADMONITION (Attach FORM DISP 210: ADMONITION} (>< PRIVATE REPROVAL [Attach FORM DISP 220: PRIVATE REPROVALI [1 PUBLIC REPROVAL {Attach FORM DISP 230: PUBLIC REPROVALI 1 1 SUSPENSION ENTIRELY STAYED [Attach FORM DISP 240: RECOMMENDATIONS FOR STAYED SUSPENSION) 1 1 ACTUAL SUSPENSION (Attach FORM DISP 250: RECOMMENDATIONS FOR ACTUAL SUSPENSION] < STIPULATION —[_]. DECISION STATEMENT OF ACTS OR OMISSIONS WARRANTING THE AGREED DISPOSITION CASE NO. 92 — O- 13556) count (See belew’) counr ons In January 1987, Respondent shirlee Lyn Bliss was employed by Conrad Gonzalez (hereinafter "Gonzalez") (1) to get a determination by a court as to whether Gonzalez! deceased father's home should be included in the estate of Anthony Gonzalez, and (2) to probate the estate of Anthony Gonzalez. Respondent requested and received from Gonzalez Seven hundred fifty dollars ($750.00) in advanced fees and costs for the civil matter. Respondent did not enter into a written agreement for her services. Respondent filed Gonzalez v. Gonzalez, Los Angeles Case No. EAC 60924, on behalf of Gonzalez and his brother as against an Esther Murphy Gonzalez, to preserve their father's estate by keeping the decedent's home in the EPG LESSER "STP 130 eee 230 . Co. phy Ih mex 1 estate. A Lis Pendens was filed pursuant to this action, to prevent Esther Gonzalez from selling the home that was claimed had been joint tenancy with the decedent. This case was eventually resolved by a stipulation in which Esther Gonzalez took the real property. The resolution of this case reduced the size of the estate of Gonzalez! father by more than $100,000.00 to approximately $15,000.00. On February 17, 1987, and prior to the stipulation 4u cae nu. une ve-u., Respondent filed a Petition for Probate in In re Estate of Anthony Gonzalez, L.A. county Superior Court Case No. EAP 20811. The value of the real and personal property of the estate was estimated at $125,000.00 and a surety bond was taken in this amount. After the decedent's home was determined to be not a part of the decedent's estate, the estimated value of the estate was reduced to $15,000.00. From this time, May of 1ge9 until October of 1993, Respondent failed to take action to get the bond amount reduced. Gonzalez requested verbally numerous times and in writing at least twice that Respondent have the bond reduced so that expense was not charged to the estate unnecessarily. Respondent failed to do so for approximately four and one-half years. After it was determined that Gonzalez' deceased father's home would not be a part of his estate and the value of the estate was thereby significantly reduced, specifically between May of 1990 and October of 1993, Respondent failed to take action to finish and close the Probate. For this three and one-half year period, Gonzalez requested of Respondent multiple times that she move forward with and finish this probate matter. Even after Gonzalez contacted the State Bar regarding Respondent's inaction, and the State Bar contacted Respondent, she failed to take steps to complete the Probate for more than one year. Respondent failed to complete the performance of services for which she was employed. From January 1987 until 1994, there were numerous time periods during which Respondent dia not return Gonzalez calls regarding the status of the probate. one of these periods in which Respondent did not return Gonzalez! calls lasted from 1991 until 1993. She ignored his requests and pleas for help and, in essence, withdrew from employment while remaining attorney of record. tts 4/7 4/7 STIP 130 Cs LA Mby moe 1 ‘COUNT TWO On June 8, 1992 and again on July 22, 1992, The State Bar of California, Office of Investigations wrote to Respondent. Respondent received both of these letters. Each letter asked Respondent to respond to Gonzalez' complaints regarding the handling of his case(s). Each letter warned her that Business & Professions Code Section 6068(i) required her cooperation and participation in the state Bar investigation. Respondent failed to respond to each of these two letters. Respondent failed to cooperate or partacipace in any manner with the State Bar investigation. LEGAL CONCLUSIONS Count_one Respondent's acts as described herein constitute misconduct warranting discipline in that she wilfully committed the following: (1.) © After accepting employment, Respondent repeatedly over approximately five years failed to perform services on behalf of her client in violation of California Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 3-110 and former Rule 6-101(A)(2). (2.) Respondent. failed to keep her client reasonably informed regarding significant developments or lack thereof in matters with regard to legal services she had agreed to provide, and Respondent failed to respond to her client's repeated attempts to contact her regarding the status of its case in violation of California Business and Professions Code, Section 6068(m). (3.) Respondent, in effect, withdrew from employment without taking reasonable steps to avoid reasonably foreseeable prejudice and without properly notifying her client in violation of California Rules of Professional Conduct, Rule 3-700(A) (2) and former Rule 2~ 2121(A) (2). Count Two Respondent's acts as described herein constitute misconduct warranting discipline in that she wilfully committed the following: (1.) Respondent failed to cooperate and participate in this disciplinary investigation in violation of California Business and Professions Code, Section 6068(i). IN THE MATTER OF CASE NOIS). SHIRLEE LYN) BLISS . 92 - O- 13558 ‘A Member of the State Bar. ATTACHMENT TO: Dx{ STIPULATION [1 DECISION STATEMENT OF FACTS AND CIRCUMSTANCES BEARING ON THE AGREED DISPOSITION A AGGRAVATING CIRCUMSTANCES: [1] 1. Respondent has a record of prior discipline. (Std. 1.2 (b)(i).]" Supporting facts: 1 1 2, --- -.-'/pie acts of wrongdoing. (Std. 1.2 [1 3. Respondent's misconduct evidences\demonstrates a pattern of misconduct. (Std. 1.2 (b)(ii).) Supporting facts: [] 4, Respondent's misconduct was surrounded or followed by bad faith, dishonesty, concealment, overreaching or other circumstances defined by Standard 1.2 (bil). Supporting facts: * References to "Standarde” are tothe ules of Procedure ot the State Har of Calfori, BRE Meas, SLIP 140 - LM. Mrace Je icantly client(s), the public or the ).) Supporting facts: ¥ {1 5. Respondent’s misconduct harmed administration of justice. (Std. 1.2 (b! I] 6. Respondent demonstrated indifference to rectifying the consequences of misconduct. (Std. 1.2 (b)(v).) Supporting facts: [1 8. Respondent displayed a lack of candor and cooperation to any victim(s) of misconduct. (Std. 1.2 (b)(vi).) Supporting facts: [1 9. Respondent displayed a lack of candor and cooperation to the State Bar during Gisciplinary investigation or proceedings. (Std. 1.2 (bl(vi).) Supporting facts: es STP 140 Ere CATE sete ane 9 1083 te. Mb ence _!3- [1 10. Additional circumstance(s) in aggravation or additional facts regarding the above paragraphs are stated as follows: STO LEMAR ewan sen Sp 140 el pace lt [XJ 1. — Respondent has no record of prior discipline over many years of practice, coupled with present misconduct not deemed serious. (Std. 1.2 (e)i).) Supporting facts: BL MITIGATING CIRCUMSTANCES: [1 2. Respondent acted in good faith. (Std. 1.2 (e) ) Supporting facts: D<] 3. Respondent’s misconduct did not result in harm to the client(s) or person(s) who were the objects (of misconduct. (Std. 1.2 (eliill) Supporting facts; _ 1d 4. Respondent suffered extreme emotional difficulties at the time of misconduct of the type which is aula to tha noneltions recognized by Standard 1.2 [J 5. Respondent suffered extreme physical disabilities at the time of misconduct of the type which is subject to the conditions recognized by Standard 1.2 (e){iv). Supporting facts: {1 6. Respondent displayed spontaneous candor and cooperation to the victim(s) of misconduct. (Std. 1.2 (e)(v).) Supporting facts: SER ELST ence Sur 140 EE NO ence 15 [1 7. Respondent displayed spontaneous candor and cooperation to the State Bar during disciplinary investigation and proceedings. (Std. 1.2 (e)(v).) Supporting fact [1 8. Respondent presented an extraordinary demonstration of good character as set forth in Standard 1.2 (e)(vi). Supporting facts: [1 9. — Respondent promptly took objective steps to spontaneously demonstrate remorse which steps were designed to timely atone for any consequences of Respondent's misconduct. (Std. 1.2 (el{viil.) Supporting facts: I 110. Respondent promptly took objective steps to spontaneously demonstrate recognition of the wrongdoing acknowledged, which steps were designed to timely atone for any consequences of Respondent's misconduct. (Std. 1.2 (el(viil.) Supporting facts: {1 11. Considerable time has passed since Respondent's misconduct, followed by convincing proof of subsequent rehabilitation (Std. 1.2 (e)(vili)). Supporting facts: [ ] 12. Excessive delay occurred in conducting this disciplinary proceeding, which delay is not attributable to Respondent and which delay was prejudicial to Respondent. (Std. 1.2 (e)lix).) Supporting facts: AER NaaRearee Shp 140 mA HO, pace _Io_ [SJ 13. Additional circumstance(s) in mitigation or additional facts regarding the above paragraphs are stated as follows: SEAR LST SEM ane sans SOP 140 OFFICE OF TRIAL couNseL OFFICE OF TRIALS ‘THE STATE BAR OF CALIFORNIA C7 1149 south HILL Street Los angeles, California 90015-2299 Telephones. "(2139 765-1000, 1.) 555 Franklin Street, ‘San Francisco, california 96102-4498 Telephone: ¢é18) 561-8200 IN THE MATTER OF case wo. A Liss, ‘ 92 - O- 18558 A Member of the state Bar. ATTACHMENT 0: Def STIPULATION [ ] DECISroN DISMISSAL OF CERTAIN CHARGES Based on further investigation, the parties respectfully request the Court to dismiss the following charge(s) in the interest of justice: Count No. Alleged Violation One California Business and Frofessiens Code, section 6106 Rules of Profess Rules of Professional Conduct, rule formerly rule Z-107 (A) ional Conduct, rule 3-500 4-200 (A), Rev.trials 2/22/9% TRI 206 Page 1 CASE NOIS). 92 -O - (13558 [_A Member of the State Bar. ATTACHMENT TO: DX<{ STIPULATION {_} DECISION PRIVATE REPROVAL {Fil in the blanks as appropriate and check boxes at left for all language that is intended to be included in the stipulation, ‘eleting words or phrases that are not appropriste. When designating numbers for the amount of suspension or probation, Please spell out the number and include the arabic numeral in parenthesis provided.) [<1 It is recommended that Respondent be privately reproved by the State Bar Court. (<) FORM DISP 260: CALIFORNIA PROFESSIONAL RESPONSIBILITY EXAMINATION (><) FORM DISP 270: FURTHER CONDITIONS TO BE ATTACHED TO REPROVAL (<1 FORM PROB 310: GENERAL CONDITIONS OF PROBATION AND/OR APPOINTMENT OF PROBATION MONITOR {| FORM PROB 320: RESTITUTION {1 FORM PROB 330: PROTECTION OF CLIENT FUNDS ‘Aeteoves By svar nan counr. DISP 220 MLE lence {1 FORM PROB 340: MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENT {| ] FORM PROB 350: ALCOHOL/DRUG IMPAIRMENT (1 FORM PROB 360: EDUCATION AND LAW OFFICE MANAGEMENT ><] FORM PROB 370: COMMENCEMENT AND EXPIRATION OF PROBATION (XI. That the conditions attached to the private reproval shall commence to be effective upon the effective date of the order approving stipulation or decision and shall remain in effect for a period of two (t ]days-/[ ] months / Dd years) unless other ‘specifically designated herein; NOTICE OF SANCTIONS FOR FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO PRIVATE REPROVAL C ] RESPONDENT ACKNOWLEDGES THAT THIS STIPULATION CONSTITUTES NOTICE THAT, PURSUANT TO RULE 956, CALIFORNIA RULES OF COURT, RESPONDENT'S FAILURE TO COMPLY WITH THE CONDITIONS ATTACHED TO ANY PRIVATE Beer OVAL ADMINISTERED BY THE STATE BAR COURT 81.0. CONOTITIT™ tthe FOR A SEPARATE ATTORNEY DISCIPLINARY PROCEEDING FOR WILFUL BREACH OF RULE 1-110, RULES OF PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT. ‘Aronoven ty srare san count | ° DISP 220 LE he pace 20. IN THE MATTER OF CASE NO(S). Ls ia . 74- O- (3558 A Member of the State Bar. ATTACHMENT TO: [><) I is recommended that the State Bar Court order Respondent to take and pass the + California Professional Responsibility Examination administered by the Committee of Bar Framiners nf tha State Rar of California within Veal of the effective date of ihe administration of the private, Feproval and furnish satisfactory proof of such passage to the tobation Department, State Bar Court, within said year. SEO CASTERS DISP 260 IN THE MATTER OF CASE NOIS). 92- O- 13558 ATTACHMENT TO: [><] STIPULATION 1 1 DECISION STANDARD CONDITIONS OF PROBATION’ - GENERAL LX1_ COND. 310. That during the period of probation, Respondent shall comply with the Ins of the State Bar Act and Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of ria; [><] COND, 410. That during the period of probation, Respondent shall report not later * than January 10, April 10, July 10 and October 10 of each year or part thereof during which the probation is in effect in writina. ta the Probation Unit, Office of Trials, Los Angeles, which report shall state that it, covers the preceding calendar quarter or applicable portion thereot, certifying by affidavit or under penalty of perjury (provided, however, that if the effective date of probation is less than 30 days preceding any of said dates, Respondent shall file said report on the due date next following the due date after said effective date): {a)_in Respondent's first report, that Respondent has complied with all provisions of the State Bar Act, and Rules of Professional Conduct since the effective date of said probation; (b) in each subsequent report, that Respondent has complied with all provisions of the State Bar Act and Rules of Professional Conduct, during said period; (c) provided, however, that a final report shall be filed covering ‘the remaining portion of the period of probation following the last report required by the foregoing provisions of this paragraph certifying to the matters set forth in subparagraph (b) thereof; * If attached to forms DISP 220 or DISP 230, the word “probation,” as used herein, shall be interpreted to mean “condition attached to a reproval”. pursuant to rule 986, California Rules of Court, sornoven wy svate gan count PROB 310 COND. 600. MAINTENANCE OF OFFICIAL MEMBERSHIP ADDRESS. (<1 COND. 610. That Respondent shall promptly report, and in no event in more than ten days, to the membership records office of the State Bar and to the Probation Unit, Office of Trials, all changes of information including current office or other address for State Bar purposes as prescribed by section 6002.1 of the Business and Professions Code; STANDARD CONDITIONS OF PROBATION: ASSIGNMENT OF PROBATION MONITOR COND. 510. ASSIGNMENT OF PROBATION MONITOR: {1 That Respondent shall be referred to the Probation Unit, Office of Trials, for assignment of @ probation vos ony yattOf. Respondent shall promptly review the terms and conaiiuns ui nespOliuest = pews ath the probation monitor to establish a manner and schedule of compliance consistent with these terms of probation. During the period of probation, Respondent shall furnish such reports concerning Respondent's compliance as may be requested by the probation monitor. Respondent shall cooperate fully with the probation monitor to enable him/her to discharge Respondent's duties pursuant to rule 611, Rules of Procedure of the State Bar; COND. 850. AUTHORITY OF PROBATION MONITOR TO QUESTION RESPONDENT: 1 1 That subject to assertion of applicable privileges, Respondent shall answer fully, promptly and truthfully any inquities of the Probation Unit, Office of Trials, and any probation monitor assigned under these Conditions of probation which are directed to Respondent personally or in writing relating to whether Respondent is complying or has complied with these terms of probation; iB 310 corve ComnaTSEE Fee wane 1, 1909 Ee “oO 2 mit oe / MW. raz 23 OFFICE OF TRIAL couNSEL OFFICE OF TRIALS ‘WE STATE BAR ‘OF CALIFORNIA 1) 1169 south MIL street Los Angeles, California 90015-2299 Telephones." (213) 765-1000 12 555 Franklin Street Sen Franetseo, Ca Telephone: (15) fornia 96102-6498 200 IN THE MATTER OF case No. SHIRLEE LYN) BLISS, 92 - O- 13558 A Member of the state Bar. ATTACHMENT TO: Od STIPULATION [ } DECISION PROBATION FINAL REPORT Respondent shall file his/her final report no earlier than ten (10) days before the date on which the term of probation expires and no later than the date on which probation expires. TRI 312 Trials 4/19/96 Page 1 OFFICE OF TRIAL couse, OFFICE OF TRIALS THE STATE BAR OF CALIFORNIA 11 1149 soutn iLL street Los Angeles, California 90015-2299 Telephone: ”(213) 765-1000 (2 555 Franklin Street San Francisco, Cal fornia 96102-4498 Telephone: (415) 561-6200 IN THE MATTER OF Case No(s). SHIRLES LYN) BLISS i 92 -O- 13558 ‘A Member of the state B: ATTACHMENT TO: Dxf srrpurarron [. ] DECISION LAW OFFICE MANAGEMENT PLAN TO BE SUBMITTED TO PROBATION UNIT DJ, Respondent shall develop a law office management/organization plan that meets with the approval of the Probation Unit, Office of Trials, within Sete pus. from the effective date of the order imposing discipline. This plan will include procedures to send periodic status reports to clients, documentation of tele- phone messages received and sent, file maintenance, procedures for meeting deadlines, calendaring system, procedures to withdraw as attorney whether of record or not when clients cannot be contacted or located, and procedures for the training and supervision of support personnel. TRI 361 Rev.tetals 12/25/95 Pave 1 CASE NO(S). 92- 0- 13558 ATTACHMENT TO: [><] STIPULATION I} DECISION FURTHER CONDITIONS OF PROBATION:* { ] FORM TRI 381: MODIFICATION OF PROBATION, RULE 951(c) OF THE CALIFORNIA RULES OF COURT (] FORM TRI 382: ALCOHOL/DRUG ABUSE CONDITIONS OF PROBATION 383: MENTAL HEALTH CONDITIONS OF PROBATION 3 g z FORM TRI 384: ADDITIONAL CONDITIONS OF PROBATION Dd FORM TRI 385: STATE BAR ETHICS SCHOOL [ ] FORM TRI 386: STATE BAR ETHICS SCHOOL CLIENT TRUST ACCOUNT RECORD-KEEPING COURSE { ] FORM TRI 387: COMPLIANCE WITH CONDITIONS OF PROBATION/PAROLE IN UNDERLYING CRIMINAL MATTER [ ] FORM TRI 388: EARLY INACTIVE ENROLLMENT * If attached to forms DISP 220 or DISP 230, the word "probation," as used herein, shall be interpreted to ‘mean “condition attached to 2 reproval” oursuant to rule 956, California Rules ot Court Rev.iriale 1/7/86 a PROB 380, OFFICE OF TRIAL COUNSEL weet LE Monee 26 OFFICE OF TRIALS TWE STATE GAR OF CALLFORWIA - C1 1169 south HILL Street Los angeles, Californie 90015-2299 Telephone: (213) 765-1000 555 Franklin street San Francisco, Californie 94102-4498, Telephone: (415) 561-8200 a IN THE MATTER OF case No(s). SHin_tee LYN) BLISS, fa- 0- 13558 A Member of the state Bar. ATTACHMENT To: = (S{ STIPULATION [ } DEcIStoN it l C 1 ] STATE BAR ETHICS SCHOOL FOR REPROVAL CASES: Within one (1) year of the date of the issuance of the letter of reproval in this matter, Respondent shall attend the State Bar Fthics School. which is held periodically at the State Bar of California (>>> Franklin street, San Francisco, or 1149 Soutn Has Street, Los Angeles) and shall take and pass the test given at the end of such session. Respondent understands that this requirement is separate and apart from fulfilling the MCLE ethics requirement, and is not approved for MCLE credit. FOR SUSPENSION CASES: Within one (1) year of the effective date of the Supreme Court order in this matter, Respondent shall attend the State Bar Ethics School, which is held periodically at the State Bar of California (555 Franklin Street, San Francisco, or 1149 South Hill Street, Los Angeles) and shall take and pass the test given at the end of such session. Respondent understands that this requirement is separate and apart from fulfilling the MCLE ethics requirement, and is not approved for MCLE credit. EXCLUSION: [] It is not recommended that Respondent attend Ethics School since he/she attended Ethics School on {date} in connection with case number [ ] It is not recommended that Respondent attend Ethics School since he/she is required to do so by {date} in connection with case number 7 FRI 385 Rev.triats 6/4/96 Poge 1 “a ence all The parties and all counsel of record hereby approve the foregoing stipulation and all attachments, and the Parties agree to be bound by all terms and conditions stated and the agreed disposition. SECTION FIVE. APPROVAL OF PARTIES. DATE: Deputy Trial Counsel CYDNEY G. CRICKARD DATE: Deputy Trial Counsel DATE: DATE: - DATE: O-#; RLEE LYN BLISS DATE: Respondent DATE: Respondent's Counsel DATE: Respondent's Counsel -APmoveD BY STATE Ban COURT $TIP 400 ECeEGive Posen CEe Sec mann, v0a2 That 5 < DECLARATION OF SERVICE (Rule 262, Trans. Rules Proc.; Code Civ. Proc., § 1013a(1)) I am a Deputy Court Clerk of the State Bar Court. I am over the age of eighteen and not a party to the within proceeding. In the City and County of Los Angeles, on the date shown below, I deposited a true copy of the following document(s) ORDER REGARDING STIPULATION AS TO FACTS AND DISPOSITION FILED MAY 31, 1994. AND ATTACHMENTS THERETO. in a sealed envelope as follows: Cx) with first-class postage thereon fully prepaid in a facility regularly maintained by the United states Postal Service at Los Angeles, California, addressed as follows: SHIRLEE LYN BLISS, A/L 290 E. VERDUGO AVE. #108 BURBANK, CA 91502 ( ] by certified mail, , with a return receipt requested, in a facility regularly maintain-* ‘2 *¥- "i872 e#-*-- postal Service at Los Angeles, California, addressed as follows: tx) in an interoffice mail facility regularly maintained by the State Bar of california addressed as follows: CYDNEY CRICKARD, A/L, Office of Trials I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the state of California that the foregoing is true and correct. Executed in Los Angeles, California, on May 31, 1994. State Bar Court 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 LAW OFFICES OF SHIRLEE L. BLISS - Ft . & Shirlee L. Bliss, Esq. - #101585 290 E. Verdugo Ave., Suite 108 JUL 29 1993 Burbank, California 91502-1342 (818) 842-0997 GERBER Propria Persona SITE, Bare cour, STE of Cee, for Mit COUNFY-OEF LOS ANGELES Case No. 92-0-13558 In the Matter of orunven, YN BLISS No. 101585 . ANSWER TO NOTICE TO SHOW CAUSE A Member of the State Bar COMES NOW SHIRLEE L. BLISS, (hereinafter referred to as "Respondent"), in answer to the Notice of Order to Show Case o as "Complaint’) as follows: 1, Respondent admits Paragraphs 1 and 3 of Count One; and Paragraph 2 of Count Two. 2. Respondent denies Paragraphs 2 and 4 of count One; Paragraphs 1, and Paragraph 3 of Count Two., and specifically denies that she wilfully failed to commit such acts in violation of her oath and duties as an attorney. fiiegp@P Dated: July 27, 1993 Cod an eon PROOF OF SERVICE I, RENEE COLLIER, declare: Tam a US. citizen, and resident of the County of Los Angeles, State of California, I am over the age of 18 and not a party to the within action; my business address is: 290 E. Verdugo Ave., #108, Burbank, CA 91502 On, July 27, 1993, I served the within documents described as: Answer to Notice to Show Cause on the interested parties in this action by placing a trne copy thereof enclosed in a sealed envelope addressed as follows: Office of Trial Counsel The State Bar Of California Cydney G. Crickard 333 South Beaudry Avenue Ninth Floor Los Angeles, CA 90017-1466 T caused such envelope with postage thereon fully prepaid to be placed in the United States mail at Burbank, California, I declare under penalty of perjury under the laws of the State of California that the above is true and correct. Executed this July 27, 1993, at Burbank, California rant prof-ser.slb Co er2eoe owe 10 n 13 y ‘PUBLIC MATTER) OFFICE OF TRIAL COUNSEL’ : F | L E D OFFICE OF TRIALS THE STATE BAR OF CALIFORN: Eeenee P. HEFLIN ™ SUL 07 18 TA M. YANG ALISE LAZAR SeAteesorrce CYDNEY G. CRICKARD, No. 113407 LOS ANGELES 333 South Beaudry Avenue, Ninth Floor Los Angeles, California 90017-1466 Telephone: | (213) 580-5000 | THE STATE BAR COURT OF THE STATE BAR OF CALIFORNIA HEARING DEPARTMENT - LOS ANGELES In the Matter of case No. 92-0-13558 SHIRLEE LYN BLISS, No. 101585 NOTICE TO SHOW CAUSE ) j ) A Member of the state Bar) ) To: SHIRLEE LYN BLISS, Respondent herein: IF YOU FAIL TO FILE AN ANSWER TO THIS NOTICE WITHIN THE TIME ALLOWED BY STATE BAR RULES, INCLUDING EXTENSIONS, YOU MAY BE ENROLLED AS AN INVOLUNTARY INACTIVE MEMBER OF THE STATE BAR AND WILL NOT BE PERMITTED TO PRACTICE LAW UNTIL AN ANSWER IS FILED. You were admitted to the practice of law in the state of california on December 1, 1981. Pursuant to rule 510, Transitional Rules of Procedure of the State Bar of California, reasonable cause has been found to conduct a formal disciplinary hearing, commencing at a time and place to be fixed by the State Bar Court (NOTICE OF TIME AND PLACE OF HEARING WILL BE MAILED TO YOU BY THE STATE BAR COURT CLERK'S OFFICE), by reason of the following: 44 ©oorwroare ane 10 u Ww 13 4 18 16 wv 8 19 BRERRERES COUNT ONE Case Number: 92-0-13558 1. In or about January 1987 you were employed by Conrad Gonzalez (hereinafter "Gonzales") to probate the Estate of Anthony Gonzalez, Los Angeles County Superior Court case No. EAP 20811. 2. You requested and received $716.00 for advanced fees and costs. You therefore accepted an illegal fee. 3. Thereafter you failed to complete the performance of services for which you were employed, including failing to file a Motion to Reduce Bond. 4. You failed to communicate with your client despite his numerous attempts to contact you. You committed the above-described acts in wilful violation of your oath and duties as an attorney under disciplinary case law and/or California Business and Professions Code sections 6068(m) and 6106, and Rules 3-110(A), 3-500, 3-700(A) (2) and 4-200(A) of the Rules of Professional Conduct, and former Rules of Professional Conduct 2-107(A), 2-211(A) (2) and 6-101(A) (2). COUNT THO Each and every allegation of Count One is hereby incorporated by reference as if set forth in full herein. 2. In the aforementioned matter, an investigator for the State Bar of California wrote to you, regarding the allegations set forth in Count one. Said letters were sent to your official membership records address listed with the State Bar of California and were not returned as ©eoroae ane 10 ql 13, 14 15 16 8 BB SBRRB BR undeliverable. 3. You failed to respond or otherwise cooperate and participate with the state Bar in the investigation. You committed the above-described acts in wilful violation ef your oath and duties as an attorney under disciplinary case law and/or California Business and Professions Code Sections 6068(i). WITHIN TWENTY (20) DAYS after service of this Notice to Show Cause, you shall file a written answer as provided in rule 552, Transitional Rules of Procedure of the State Bar of California. NOTICE - DEFAULT PROCEDURE! YOUR DEFAULT MAY BE ENTERED FOR FAILURE TO FILE A WRITTEN ANSWER TO THIS NOTICE WITHIN TWENTY (20) DAYS AFTER SERVICE AS PRESCRIBED BY RULE 552, TRANSITIONAL RULES OF PROCEDURE OF THE STATE BAR. SHOULD YOU TIMELY FILE AN ANSWER, YOUR DEFAULT MAY ALSO BE ENTERED FOR FAILURE TO APPEAR AT THE FORMAL HEARING. THE ENTRY OF YOUR DEFAULT MAY RESULT IN THE CHARGES SET FORTH IN THIS NOTICE TO SHOW CAUSE BEING ADMITTED AND DISCIPLINE RECOMMENDED OR IMPOSED BASED ON THOSE ADMITTED CHARGES. IF YOUR DEFAULT IS ENTERED, YOU WILL LOSE THE OPPORTUNITY TO PARTICIPATE FURTHER IN THESE PROCEEDINGS UNLESS AND UNTIL YOUR DEFAULT IS SET ASIDE ON MOTION TIMELY MADE UNDER THE PRESCRIBED GROUNDS. SEE RULE 552.1 ET SEQ., TRANSITIONAL RULES OF PROCEDURE OF THE STATE BAR. NOTICE = INACTIVE ENROLLMENT! YOU ARE HEREBY FURTHER NOTIFIED THAT IF THE STATE BAR COURT FINDS, PURSUANT TO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE SECTION 6007(c), THAT YOUR CONDUCT POSES A SUBSTANTIAL THREAT OF HARM TO THE INTERESTS OF YOUR CLIENTS OR TO THE PUBLIC, THAT YOU MAY BE INVOLUNTARILY ENROLLED AS AN INACTIVE MEMBER OF THE STATE BAR. YOUR INACTIVE ENROLLMENT WOULD BE IN ADDITION TO ANY DISCIPLINE RECOMMENDED BY THE COURT. SEE RULES 550 AND 560, TRANSITIONAL RULES OF PROCEDURE OF THE STATE BAR. Ce7VOFOR ADH 10 a NOTICE - cosT ASSESSMENT. IN THE EVENT THESE PROCEDURES RESULT IN PUBLIC DISCIPLINE, YOU MAY BE SUBJECT TO THE PAYMENT OF COSTS INCURRED BY THE STATE BAR IN THE INVESTIGATION, HEARING AND REVIEW OF THIS MATTER PURSUANT TO BUSINESS AND PROFESSIONS CODE SECTION 6086.10. SEE RULE 460 ET SEQ., TRANSITIONAL RULES OF PROCEDURE OF THE STATE BAR. OFFICE OF TRIAL COUNSEL STATE BAR OF CALIFORNIA Dated: _July 2, 1993 BY: CYDNEY G. CRIG Deputy Trial Counsel/Examiner ‘The document to which this certificate is affixed i a full teue and correct copy of the original on file and of record inthe State Bar Cour. ATTEST__ Septem State Bar Court, State Bar of Cal Los Angels

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