Gloop in Renoise

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seems that midi Cc works with vst too, ....

if anybody is interested here is a se

get some vst effect that accepts midi cc, in my "looping" case eg. GLoop(http://, or LoopyLlama from Rekline (google it)
in rns put "line in" device into track 01
put midi control device into track 01
put Gloop into effects into track 01 (Gloop doesn't work without "line in" devic
e before it!)
select instrument that U want to use with this effect
goto instrument settings, in VST instrument properties, in Instrument combo sele
ct VST FX alias: Gloop (Device:0xy)
then goto back to track DSP's and in midi CC device select linked instrument: VS
T FX alias GLoop....
ok now "wire" setup is done and now to drive vst effect U must put some "command
s" into track rows
select your instrument with VST FX, run pattern edit mode (esc)
put C-4xy .. C0 51FF in first row of your track 01 (xy is No. of your vst fx lin
ked instrument)
there MUST be some note (C-4xy), not only effect (C0 in pan column) and CC No. a
nd Cc Value together in effect column.
just for sure, Cc No. 51 is default value for record/overdub in GLoop.
ok, this works fine for me.
I can drive looper from running pattern.
Now I have to thoroughly test if time synchronization is ok and if there is any
chance to arrange vst looper to record overdubs back to renoise sampler, where i
s possible to do all the looping magic.
GLoop, LoopyLlama, Elottronix XL, Zone Mobius..... all of available VST(i) loope
rs are very limited in functionality comparing to korg kp3 or renoise sampler.
none of them can for example change tempo, chop the loop into synced chunks play
ed in different order, retrigger play loop from start (LoopyLlama can but it is
very unstable),....
I'll be back later with results

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