Islamic Teachings and Modern Science

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Islamic Teachings and Modern Science

There are several medical benefits of Salah(Namaz). But we Muslims, we offer Salah to
thank Allah (Subhana wa ta’ala), to praise Him. These medical benefits are just
complementary gifts received from Allah (Subhana wa ta’ala) through the wasila of Nabi
Kareem Sallalahu Alaihiwa sallam. The worldly Benefits just come along with Namaz. Our
main purpose is to thank and praise Allah (Subhana wa ta’ala) and to obey the
commandments of Allah and Rasoolallah Sallalahu Alaihiwa sallam. That is the reason we
offer Salah. There are many researches being done on specifically pertaining to Quran and
Sunnah. And after every research, researchers come up with such astounding conclusions that
they strengthen our Islamic faith and the conclusions encourages us to follow it steadfastly.
Namaz is one of the basic Commandment of Allah for Muslims. Here I want to share some
scientific research from a Turkish Muslim “Doctor Houzak” in his famous book “Islamic
Teachings & Modern Science”

Niyyat /Takbeer: (to lift your hands up to ear-lobs and say Allah-o-Akbar)

There are billions of cells functioning in our brain. Our thoughts continue traveling in these
cells through Electricity from Conscious and Sub-Conscious (the two major parts of our
brain). There are a lot of blocks in our brain. In one of these blocks of brain, Electric rays are
taking pictures of what we see and we experience and then distribute these images (pictures)
to the other physical system that absorb them into itself. This block is either very dark (-ve
pictures) or very bright (+ve pictures). It has the ability to absorb the spiritual power as well.
When we recite “Subhanaka Allah Humma…..” a series of bright pictures start to be taken
and distributed to the whole physical system. That is necessary to keep our mental and
physical system healthy.

When we lift our hands to the ear-lobs, it is very helpful to keep our neck muscles, arm
muscles and shoulder muscles quite fit and healthy.
Qayaam: (Standing straightly towards Qiblah and recite the Quranic verses)

During Qayaam, our body feels relaxation. It is the beginning of Namaz in which the body
remains Still and Motionless. Qayaam effects our physical and mental health in the following
a) When Namazi is in the state of Qayaam and starts recitation, many cells of our brain
become active to absorb the bright images and rays.
b) Qayaam means to stand Still and Motionless and recite Quranic verses. Scientific
research proves that if a person remains in this state daily for 35 minutes, he will gain
a very strong control over his nerves and brain. His determination and will-power
increases by and by.
c) Heart performs its functions quite properly as the weight remains balanced at both the
d) The back-bone remains straight.
e) In the state of Qayaam, you place your eyes at the place of Sajda for entire time, it
strengthens your concentration. You can control your thoughts by a regular Qayaam.

To place Right Hand at the Left hand during Qayaam.

Islam emphasized to do every good deed with the help of Right hand. In fact the
conditions of Left side and Right side are totally opposite. Right parts of our body
discharge certain type of positive rays and the Left parts discharge negative rays.
It has been proved through modern research that when you place your Right hand at your
Left hand during Qayaam, certain type of rays (negative) are dominated by the positive
rays discharging from the Right hand that is placed up. As a result, the positive rays
dominate the negative rays. As Doctor Darwin reveals that the rays of blue/ white colour
continue to get absorbed into the body and these rays increase the immunity of our
physical system and escape us from a certain type of Cancer (Cancer of Cells).
Ruku: (To Bestow before Allah)

a) In the state of Ruku’ there is a slight pressure at Chest and the Muscles of Neck,
Liver and Heart begin to work more effectively.
b) It strengthens our Spinal Cord and it can be the best treatment for the patients whose
limbs get senseless.
c) The people who are suffering from back-bone problems and those, are facing a kind
of swelling in Spinal Cord etc. get recovered very soon.
d) Kidneys start to perform their function properly.
e) In the state of Ruku’ the blood circulates towards eyes steadily and it helps us to
prevent us from poor vision and the diseases related to eyes.
f) In Ruku’ Namazi places his hands on the knees i.e. catches his knees with the fingers
of hands. That is quite helpful to release the pain from joints. When you put your
fingers at knees, the electric rays circulating into your palms and fingers, absorb into
knees that keep your knee-joints in a healthy state.

Sajda: (Prostration)

Sajda is the most important part of every Namaz. Like wise it affects our Mind and nerves
most of all. The Duration of Sajda is only a few seconds but when we do Sajda, the flow of
blood towards our brains increases. This is the single act of Namaz in which blood circulates
towards brain nerves otherwise in other acts it does not happen. We get these benefits in
a) The supply of blood becomes balanced in all the parts of brain that strengthen our
brain and vision-power.
b) During Sajda we get additional pressure of blood and gravitation of Earth at our
hands, forehead, face, chest and heart. It becomes normal as soon as we raise our head
from Sajda after few seconds. In this way the strong pumping of short but forceful
“expand and shrink power” increases the flexibility of the walls of veins. So
Alhamdulillah Namaz saves us from poor-eyesight and heart diseases.
c) Heart locates between lungs in our chest and automatically Sajda affects our lungs
too. It is evident that Heart diseases, most probably affect our lungs too. That appears
some times as Respiratory Problem
d) According to the Latest Research in China, If we press the midst point of our
forehead for 2 to 3 minutes, we get rid of Mental Disorganization while during Sajda
you exactly press the midst of your forehead against the ground.
e) During Sajda, your knees and elbows are bent and the ankles are bearing the whole
pressure/weight of body while waist and abdomen tissues are tight enough. This act is
the best exercise to strengthen our back bone and makes it flexible. If the tissues of
our abdomen get dryness or more fats due to over-dieting, it balances the tissues. It is
absolutely helpful for tummy problems.
f) There are a lot of small blocks around the brain that are full of air. During flu here
gathers clammy liquid. If that does not get discharged, its quantity increases gradually
that affects our sense of hearing and caused throat infection and severe head ache etc.
In the state of Sajda, it automatically keeps discharging from these blocks and
prevents us from many complications.
g) Last but not the least is that when we place our forehead on the ground for Sajda,
our brain waves are directly switched with the electric waves, present in ground and
strengthen the nerves of our brain and make it peaceful. This peaceful mind is very
much important for the Stomach. Our peaceful brain stops the Stomach Glands from
producing more acid and that we know well that with a disturbed brain, we get more
acidity of Stomach. Finally the people with “Ulcer” problem get rid of it by offering
Sajda in a proper way.
h) It adds more charm in our personality and brings us a bright face at last

These are just a few, Allah knows the best… Remember me in your valuable Dua.

Manzoor Ahmed Razvi

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