COMPLETE 25/08/2010: 7EI01 Unit-3 Fuzzy Logic Online Test

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COMPLETE 25/08/2010

7EI01 Unit-3
IVth Year, EIC
1) For high precision, cost means
a) Time b) Money c) Time & money
ans: c

d) None of these

2) Fuzzy means
a) Not sharp b) Not specific c) Contradictory
ans: a

d) Random

3) I shall return soon is

a) Fuzzy b) Random c) Vague d) Ambiguous
ans: c
4) For random process
a) Outcome space can change b) Outcome space may change
c) Outcome space cant change d) Not fixed
ans: c
5) For random process, outcome is
a) Reproducible b) Repeatable
ans: b

c) Random

6) Non-random error is
a) Grow with time b) Decrease with time
sometimes decreases d) Not fixed
ans: a

d) Both a & b

c) Sometimes grows and

7) A person is nearly 5 feet , the set for this statement is

a) Crisp b) Fuzzy c) a & b d) None
ans: b
8) The set of height from 5-7 feet is
a) Crisp b) Fuzzy c) a& b d) None
ans: a
9) We define Fuzzy set by
a) A~
b) A c)XA
ans: a

d) XA~

10) Maximum member principle is for

a) Fuzzification b) Defuzzification
ans: b

c) Both

d) None

11) Intuition is based on

a) Formula b) Our knowledge c) Fixed rules
ans: b

d) None

12) A function with at least one element whose membership value is unity
a) Sub normal b) Normal c) a & b d) None
ans: b


13) Support of a membership function contains

a) Core b) Boundary c) a & b
d) None
ans: c
14) For boundary of a membership function
a) A>0 b) A<1
c) 1>A>0
d) None
ans: c
15) Intersection of two convex fuzzy set is
a) Non convex
b) Convex
c) a & b
ans: b
16) Precision _________
a) is not true b) is not false
ans: a

d) None

c) can be true

17) If we decrease accuracy, then

a) Cost Increases b) Cost decreases
Remain constant
ans: b

d) can be false

c) Cost can increase or decrease


18) For crisp set, value of membership function is

a) Always 1
b) Always 0
c) >0
d) <1
ans: a
19) Maximum membership function can be applied for
a) A set with peak b) Set without peak c) Both
ans: a

d) None

20) We use fuzzy logic for

a) Less precise result
b) More precise result
c) Less precise, less costly result
d) More precise & high cost result
ans: c

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