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Spiritual Warfare for the Defenseless

Using the prayer points below as a reference, please spend some

time repenting personally and also interceding for our innocent
children throughout the world. As you personally repent and pray
for the children of the world, it is our prayer that you will
experience the Freedom and Joy of repentance and the Love and
Unity of being part of the Body of Christ.

Speak for those who cannot speak; seek justice for all those
on the verge of destruction. Speak up, judge righteously,
and defend the rights of the afflicted and oppressed.
~ Proverbs 31:8-9
(Most appropriately from The International Standard Version)

PRAY that Abba Father would arise and protect these

children who are at risk and keep them under His care and
protective wing.
PRAY for the spiritual strengthening and unity for all
persons involved in this National Day of Repentance for
PRAY for the Children who are being slaughtered in the
PRAY for the Children who are being tortured, and abused
by ISIS.
PRAY for the Children that are being perverted by ungodly
and unsafe public school educational curricula .
PRAY for the Children that are being placed in ungodly
home settings without a mother and a father.
PRAY for the Children that are being taught dangerous
sexual practices and encouraged to have promiscuous sex
outside of Gods ordained marriage between one man and
one woman.

PRAY for the Children that are being alienated from their
parents through unfair and evil court systems and onerous
government intervention.
PRAY for the Children that are being sex trafficked, raped,
abused in child pornography, molested and abused
PRAY for the Children that are being stricken by war and
dangerous strife in their countries.
PRAY for the Children who are homeless, wandering,
hungry and/or refugees.
PRAY for the Children who are being mentally, emotionally,
spiritually and physically violated by transgender
bathroom policies and being put at risk to sexual
PRAY that through a growing global awareness and
repentance for the horrendous plight of children would
begin to grow. Pray that the God of the Old and New
Testament, the One and Only True God, the God of
Abraham, Isaac and Joseph would be exalted and honored
above all. We humbly pray for His intervention in the
injustices that are being committed against children
Having repented as the Holy Spirit moves you, replace and
restore your spirit through His Word reading these
scriptures aloud as the Lord may lead:
Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, The fruit
of the womb is a reward. ~ Psalm 127:9

Then Jesus called a little child to Him, set him in the midst
of them, and said, Assuredly, I say to you, unless you are
converted and become as little children, you will by no
means enter the Kingdom of Heaven. Therefore, whoever
humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the
Kingdom of Heaven. Whoever receives one little child like
this in My Name receives Me.
~ Matthew 18:2-6

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