Talk Back - November

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Dear Ralph, However, the information you have published recently on new

I refer to your editor's comments in the August 1997 issue of ITe. cards has been erratic: is it not possible to have a correspondent who
Your magazine has become a bit of a do-it-yourself bulletin board. will inform you of the latest issues in a responsible and regular manner?
I don't see many articles researched and published by your own staff? Perhaps new issues could be presented in much the same way as
One subject that would be of benefit to subscribers and advertisers stamps are in the 'new issues' sections of stamp magazines? Greek
alike, is some in-depth articles with examples, on what is available for cards now appear in avalanches and one can be drowned by the
storing spare cards. quantity. However, the last time you showed cards from this country,
You advertised some time ago that you would be having a regular the details were merely translated from the Greek and there was little
catalogue feature in the magazine. What happened to it? The problem help for the thematic collector. In particular, there were no pictures.
every collector faces, is finding out what cards they are missing. Your readers may like to know that Greek phone cards issued prior
The main thing holding back the spread of telephone card to 1995 have now all been made invalid; new issues (from 01/97)
collecting is the lack of publicity on phone card collecting, and the expire two years after the original date of issue. Two special Greek
lack of reference works on what has been issued. Until we get our cards, and a Danish one, were made available at the Second
own world catalogue we are going to be a fringe hobby. Perhaps you International Phonecard Fair, held in Athens in June: many foreign
can persuade someone to take on this task? dealers were there. It was also possible to obtain, free of charge,
8T produces and releases telephone cards to use in their tele- three dummy cards.
phone boxes. Why, oh why, do they need to produce special cards In February Greece issued her first Coca-Cola card for the Xanthi
just for the collectors market? We need YOU, the trade magazine to Carnival (Coca-Cola sponsored the event and there is a tiny ad.
pressure 8T into becoming a responsible card provider (like France visible on the special card. 1,650,000 of these Schlumberger cards
Telecom) who only produce cards to satisfy genuine Telephone were produced with two control numbers: 31 19 and 3120).
demand. Who needs special limited edition cards? BT and byasso- Why was it necessary to devote four whole pages to The Fifth
ciation the whole United Kingdom, will become a joke amongst tele- Element in the luly issue: was it a promotion - if so, why could there
phone card collectors who will reinforce the message:'No BT cards'- not have been an associated competition?
please. What other organisation has the gall to issue a card with a Also in the luly issue, (on page 13) you show an Albanian card with
printed face value of £1.00 and which gives you £2.00 worth of a map of that country. In fact, if you look closely, you can see that this
service, and then demands you pay £8.60 for the privilege? is, in fact, a map of Greece! (perhaps all the refugees here are big users
I hear stories of older and rare telephone cards being sold for quite of phone cards! They are certainly a valuable source for collectors).
substantial sums of money. Why are these sales never reported? I should like to congratulate you on the excellent article on Italian
Auctions are advertised in your magazine. Have you asked for cards by Andrea Lughi. I hope we can have more like that.
feedback of information on sales made? Best regards,
Yours sincerely, Mrs Nan Papaidannou, Greece.
T.I. Hayward, England
Thank you very much for sending so many comments. I hope that, by
Many thanks for your letter - I'm sorry that you feel ITe is becoming now, you are feeling better and that the heat-wave is over (we have also
a 'bul/etin board' - but we cannot afford to employ a massive research been suffering from one here). I shall try to answer all your questions.
staff (unless you can encourage millions more to subscribe!). First, many thanks for your own contributions: we get little infor-
However, your suggestion about an article on storage methods is mation about Greek cards: perhaps, you would like to fol/ow Mark's
very apt - and we shal/ see what we can do. suggestion and become our Greek correspondent? We publish as
As to catalogues, we have reinstated this section in the current much information on new issues as we receive: if there are no
issue - I hope it meets your requirements. If not, please Ie me know. pictures, it is because none were supplied (as with your information
The possibility of a world catalogue, to replace that of Hiscocks', above on the Fair cards!! But see this month's Globe Trotting). The
seems an impossibility - or could you manage it? Whilst others echo Albanian set is, indeed, a mystery and last month we mentioned this
your feelings on BT, i am not sure that France Telecom is the best in the World News section.
comparison: they have a hefty charge for private cards, don't make Other people have also suggested that we fol/ow the example of
them available for six months, never delete private cards from their stamp magazines: but, unlike stamps, phone cards are total/y uncon-
list (despite complaints from dealers and col/ectors over many years trol/ed and no one even knows who is issuing the world's cards, let
that they are 'destroying the market) and they don't feel col/ectors to alone which ones, and how many, are coming out: imagine the Greek
be important. 'avalanche' being multiplied several hundred times! Even if we could
Finally, I am surprised by your comments on auctions: we have an produce such a list, the magazine would become so expensive that
auction report each month and that has been wel/ received. If you no one could afford to buy it!
know of any auctions we are missing - do, please, let us know. The Fifth Element article appeared because we had to find a substi-
tute at short notice for a feature which did not tum up. Although I wrote
Dear Ralph, the piece myself, I agree, .In retrospect, that it was not perfect. There was
First of all may I apologise for writing to you in long hand: it is due no promotion involved: I wrote the article after seeing the film.
partly to illness and partly to a heat wave. Thanks for your comments on the Italian Globe Trotting feature.
Your predecessor, Mark, contacted me asking for contributions and We shall try to have more articles like it - could you do something
I have, so far, obliged twice. similar for Greece?

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