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Exploring Levels of Language in anyone lived in a pretty how town:

Manipulation of the Features of Grammar and Vocabulary

Rhyme and Meter
The poem contains rhymed words typically at the end of the verses such as:
anyone lived in a pretty how town
(With up for floating many bells down)
spring summer autumn winter
he sang his didnt he danced his did
women and men (both little and small)
cared for anyone at all
they sowed their isnt they reaped their same
sun moon star rain
thus, having a rhyme scheme pattern a-a-b-c, d-d-e-f.
Some lines of the poem contain words that are made up of morphemes
(smaller grammatical constituents)
anyone - this consists of two root morphemes (any and one)
floating- one root morpheme and a suffix (-ing)
lived, danced, cared, sowed and reaped all have one root
morpheme and a suffix in the past form
Considering these lines:
anyone lived in a pretty how town
(With up for floating many bells down)
spring summer autumn winter
he sang his didnt he danced his did
When we look at the way lines are constructed, some of the
words are used differently. how, in the first line of the poem is used
as an adjective describing the town. The verbs didnt and did are
used as nouns.
women and men (both little and small)
cared for anyone at all
they sowed their isnt they reaped their same
sun moon star rain
Both little and small are synonymous terms which is

The vocabulary words that are used were simple but their
construction is complicated thus making it even harder to comprehend.
Much of what the poet does is arguably either grammatically redundant or
semantically anomalous.
with up for floating many bells down
*up for floating (both words mean a direction that is upward in motion)
*with up for floating many bells down (how could bells float down?)

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