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Underground Design Course Notes

Underground Design Course Notes

Training Program for Engineers
2004 MAPTEK/KRJA Systems

This document is copyright. The information contained herein is the property of MAPTEK Pty Ltd, and
shall not be reproduced in whole or in part without written permission of MAPTEK Pty Ltd. MAPTEK Pty
Ltd reserves the right to make changes without notice in the specifications and materials contained herein
and shall not be responsible for any damages (including consequential) caused by reliance on the materials
presented, including but not limited to typographical, arithmetic, or listing errors.
Due to the nature of the material, many hardware and software products are mentioned by name. Many of
these product names are claimed as trademarks by the companies that manufacture the products. It is not the
intention of MAPTEK to claim these names or trademarks as their own.
This document is intended to be used in conjunction with a training course given by MAPTEK personnel
using prepared data. These notes are meant to be a general and practical overview, giving an introduction to
underground mine design and some of the related topics that might be useful such as ore control methods.
For detailed explanation of menu and panel items, please refer to the reference documentation.

Copyright 2004 Maptek Pty Ltd


Underground Design Course Notes


SECTION 1: DESIGN ..................................................................................................................... 1

1.1 Designing Entities.................................................................................................................................... 1
1.1.1 Ramps................................................................................................................................................ 1
1.1.2 Cross-cuts.......................................................................................................................................... 4
1.1.3 Ore pass, Raise, Shaft or Winze ....................................................................................................... 5
1.1.4 Stope.................................................................................................................................................. 5
1.2 Mining Methods....................................................................................................................................... 7
1.2.1 Drift and Fill...................................................................................................................................... 7
1.2.2 Vertical Crater Retreat .................................................................................................................... 10
1.2.3 Block Caving................................................................................................................................... 12
1.2.4 Sublevel Caving .............................................................................................................................. 15
1.2.5 Room and Pillar .............................................................................................................................. 17
1.3 Annotation.............................................................................................................................................. 19
1.3.1 UG Development Menu.................................................................................................................. 19
1.3.2 Analyse Menu ................................................................................................................................. 21
1.4 Blast Design ........................................................................................................................................... 22
1.4.1 Offset............................................................................................................................................... 23
1.4.2 Radial .............................................................................................................................................. 23
1.5 Services .................................................................................................................................................. 24
1.6 Design Tools .......................................................................................................................................... 24
1.6.1 Shelling ........................................................................................................................................... 24
1.6.2 Primitives ........................................................................................................................................ 25
1.6.3 Features ........................................................................................................................................... 25
1.6.4 Costings........................................................................................................................................... 25

SECTION 2: SURVEY, ORE CONTROL, RESERVES ................................... 27

2.1 Survey..................................................................................................................................................... 27
2.1.1 Data Collectors................................................................................................................................ 27
2.1.2 Download and Upload .................................................................................................................... 27
2.1.3 String Editing .................................................................................................................................. 28
2.1.4 Cavity Monitoring System.............................................................................................................. 30
2.2 Ore Control............................................................................................................................................. 31
2.2.1 Blast Design .................................................................................................................................... 31
2.2.2 Channel Samples............................................................................................................................. 32
2.2.3 Mini-Block Models......................................................................................................................... 33
2.3 Reserves ................................................................................................................................................. 33
2.3.1 General ............................................................................................................................................ 33
2.3.2 Stope Dilution ................................................................................................................................. 34


3.1 Shaft and Drift Mapping ........................................................................................................................ 37
3.1.1 Intersecting with Triangulations..................................................................................................... 37
3.1.2 Unfolding a Circular Shaft.............................................................................................................. 37
3.2 Plotting and Presentation ....................................................................................................................... 37
3.2.3 Border Styles................................................................................................................................... 37
3.2.4 Symbols........................................................................................................................................... 38
3.2.6 Animation........................................................................................................................................ 38
3.3 GIS tools................................................................................................................................................. 39
3.3.1 Analyse Menu: Attribute Data........................................................................................................ 39
3.3.2 Analyse Menu: External Data............................................................................................................. 41
3.4 Conversion of Old Data ......................................................................................................................... 44
3.4.1 Plans ................................................................................................................................................ 44
3.4.2 Sections ........................................................................................................................................... 45
3.5 Data Organisation .................................................................................................................................. 46
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Underground Design Course Notes

3.5.1 Multiple Users and Data Sharing ................................................................................................... 46
3.5.2 Multiple Design Databases ............................................................................................................. 47
3.5.3 Other Tips on Data Organisation and Retrieval............................................................................. 47

SECTION 4: APPENDICES ..................................................................................................... 49

Appendix A: DBGL Script .......................................................................................................................... 49
Appendix B: DATUPD Script for UG blast holes ...................................................................................... 50
Appendix C: Optech Data File..................................................................................................................... 51
Appendix D: File................................................................................................................... 52
Appendix E: DATUPD Script for Channel Samples .................................................................................. 53
Appendix F: Dilution Script ........................................................................................................................ 54
Appendix G: Example of files_layout Specification File ........................................................................... 56

Copyright 2004 Maptek Pty Ltd


Underground Design Course Notes

SECTION 1: Design
1.1 Designing Entities
In this section, we will explore methods of creating design entities which when used together will create a
mine design. It outlines some of the tools available to create the various entities required in a design. You
may find other creation methods as you become more experienced in the use of VULCAN.
For all of the vector-based work, you want to get in the habit of naming each entity using Attribute Edit Name or Name by Coord. You should also apply a description to each entity, using Attribute Edit Describe. If you practise this method, future reporting and query operations will be clear and concise.
1.1.1 Ramps
The term ramps is used as a description of both inclines and declines. One can digitise standard lines and
arcs and grade them in the Design-Object Edit-Grade option. The optimal way to do this, however, is to use
the Underground - UG Development-Centreline option. Begin by using the Setup option, which simply sets
the defaults to be used elsewhere in the Development menu.
Before actually creating the ramp, consider details such as starting position and bearing as you will be asked
for this information in an upcoming panel. Bearing can be ascertained using the Analyse toolbar to find the
distance between points in a straight line.
Begin your design by selecting the Centreline option. If you don't have a layer currently open, you will be
prompted for the layer name to store the centreline. You will be asked if you wish to Create or Append the
centreline. When using the Append option, note two things: 1) always append to the end of an existing line
(created by any option), and 2) if using the Automatic or guided option, the default azimuth in the panel will
be the azimuth of the last line segment of the line you are appending to.
Make use of the true 3D system that you are working in by rotating into better views during the construction
of the ramp. Bring up other entities that are important to an optimal design such as fault triangulations,
existing development etc.
You will find it helpful at times to create
in a 2D view, for example, when trying
to place the ramp against the foot wall of
a fault, operate in slice view, slicing up
and down. Both your ramp and the fault
triangulation appear on the screen. If you
are trying to maintain a certain distance
between the ramp and the fault, simply
use Triangle Utility - Translate to make a
copy of the fault triangulation at your
specified distance. Use this copied
triangulation as your guide.
It is generally easier to quickly put
"scenario 1" ramp in a simple ramp to
validate your idea on the position, length,
and grade of your ramp. You may find it
useful to take that first ramp and break it
into pieces using Object Edit - Split and
Drag, followed by Join. Re-grade your
ramp using Object Edit - Grade (grade
between end points) and verify using
Analyse - Details - Full or UG
Development - Information.

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Underground Design Course Notes

One of the most difficult parts of ramp design is connecting point A to point B. You can make quick depth
and length calculations to use as a general guide, or put in a quick ramp. When you are getting close to your
target, add the elevations of the ramp centreline being designed via Analyse - Label - Z Value. This will tell
you where you are on elevation. Make use of the "Show projected extension to curve" option found at the
bottom of the Ramp Specification panel to help line up the centreline with your target point. Use the
"Specify Angle" option in the Ramp Specification panel, using increments of say 5 degrees. By
continuously clicking OK, you will dynamically target the centreline.
After the main centreline has been designed, you may want to create shorter centrelines, coming off the main
ramp. These might represent drilling stations, powder magazines, fueling areas, etc. These lines are
generally created using the Interactive (as opposed to Automatic) method of centreline creation.
Rib Outlines
For plotting and future design work, you may want to create the rib outlines on each side of the centrelines
you have just created. Use the UG Development - Wall Outline option, generally selecting the "Width"
option in the Wall Defaults panel. If you want the wall 1.5 metres on the left of the centreline and 3.5
metres on the right, then use the "Offsets" option in the Wall Defaults panel. Left and right is solely
dependent on direction of digitising. For some examples of applying wall outlines, see the drift and fill and
VCR mining method examples.
Connecting Rib Outlines
You may want to clean up the intersections of wall outlines. The two options to do this are both found under
UG Development.

Merge Walls: Advantage: Used for centrelines which cross themselves, e.g. a figure 8 ramp.
Disadvantages: Does not allow you to store the new polygon in a new layer; must have sufficient
points in the polygons for a successful merge (may get message stating "Selected objects do not
intersect"); allows only two polygons at a time to be merged. Method involves picking the main
drive polygon followed by the drive polygon to merge (usually a crosscut): then you simply click
on to delete one or other of the points inside the main drive. This will then relimit both polygons as
in the example below

In cases where Merge Walls does not appear to give a valid result, try inserting extra points in the
polygon(s) beforehand as the relimit process needs a point to relimit to.
Merge Walls can be tedious if you are trying to merge multiple polygons. In that case, it is quicker
to use Union Walls.

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Underground Design Course Notes

2. Union Walls: Advantages: Allows you to store the new polygon in a new layer, allows multiple

polygon merging. Good for room and pillar designs. Disadvantage: does not work on centrelines
which cross themselves. If possible, use Union Walls as it is efficient and preserves your original

Wall outline strings before Union

When picking the strings to use Union Walls, select by GROUP as all wall strings have a group code of
WALL_OUTLI. Save the union walls in a new layer name and deselect the original layer to view the result.

Wall outline after Union

Triangulations and Primitives
From the vector-based design we now want to be able use triangulation-based design. These triangulations
are used for volumetrics, design, and visualisation. Triangulations for ramps are created in three ways.

Using the wall outlines as the polygon, use UG Development - Project Backs/Floors (under the
Triangulations sub-menu). This extrudes the polygon up and/or down and creates a triangulation.
NEVER use this option on wall outlines that cross themselves, such as in a figure 8. If you do, you may
have to kill Envisage or wait a long time for it to create a
corrupted triangulation. The Project Backs/Floors option
handles pillars, either in a room and pillar design or pillars
at an intersection of three drifts. This option projects
vertically. If you need a projection from the plane of the
polygon, use Triangle Solid - Polygons. (The Survey-UG
Survey-Build 3D Drive allows for a shoulder bevel to be
incorporated in the design.)

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Underground Design Course Notes


Apply a primitive to the centrelines. There are two advantages to this method: firstly, you don't have to
worry about crossing centerlines and secondly, a primitive can be a more realistic shape for the tunnel
profiles. A primitive is simply a shape that you draw to scale in PLAN view, e.g. a profile of a ramp.
Next, use Design - Create - Primitive to convert your polygon or line to a primitive. You will be asked
for an alignment point. This is simply the "handle" of the primitive. If you pick the lower centre of a
rectangle as the alignment point, the primitive will be applied to a centreline at that point. It is highly
recommended that you store your primitives on a layer in your DGD. It is difficult to modify the
primitive as it is stored in the <proj>.pgd file. Apply the primitive using either UG Development Apply Primitive or Design - Attribute Edit - ApplyPrimitive. In the former, you have the option to store
ONE primitive as ONE triangulation: see tick box in panel opposite.
In practice, if you have multiple
primitives you want to store as ONE
triangulation, for example,
sublevel caving, apply the primitive
using either option, but then use Design Attribute Edit - Triangulate Primitive.


Always check for triangulation closure

once the primitive has been converted to
a triangulation. If open, you can close
using Model - Triangle Solid - Close.


Apply an existing primitive or create a

temporary primitive shape on the fly
using Triangle Solid - Primitives. This
option simply creates a triangulation, bypassing primitive application. You are
given the choice of using an existing
primitive or specifying a rectangular or
circular shape. Note on the panel that
you can close the triangulation as it is
being built.

1.1.2 Cross-cuts
Cross-cut centrelines are created in various ways. You can simply digitise a line or lines and then copy
them, see the block cave example. They can be quickly created using Pit Layout - Roadway as in the
sublevel caving example. In some applications, e.g. layout of a tracked mine or creating muck bays as in the
VCR example, the UG Development Cross Cuts option will help. Two points
to note on the Cross Cut Development
panel shown in the VCR example: 1)
extending cross-cuts to the left or right is
dependent on point order of the
centreline from which the cross-cuts are
drawn; 2) you can use a triangulation to
determine the length of the cross-cut. If
the triangulation picked off the screen is
a solid then the relimiting will be done
to the back wall of the model. If a
distance of 0 is specified, then the
crosscut will stop at the back wall. If a
negative distance is specified, then the
xcut will extend beyond the back wall,
e.g. specifying -6 will result in the
xcut(s) going through a solid and beyond
the far wall by 6 metres (two jumbo

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Underground Design Course Notes

1.1.3 Ore pass, Raise, Shaft or Winze

An ore pass is simply a steeply inclined line, containing one or more line segments. It is created by
snapping a line between two points on two mine levels. If necessary, you can insert other points using
Design - Point Insert - Measure and/or use Object Edit - Grade to insert inflection points as you tie into
other levels. See the VCR design section for an example.
A raise is created the same way. After creating an ore pass or raise, review the entity in 3D if you haven't
already, to verify that its angle is feasible. Use Analyse - Details - Full to get the actual grade.
For an ore pass or a raise, you may want to properly start and end the line at the back or sill of the entity it is
being tied into. For example, you may want to collar the raise at the back elevation of a stub-drift and end
the raise at the sill elevation of the stub-drift above. This will ensure proper length calculations.
A shaft is generally created using Create - Line. You can bring it up from the sump elevation a short
distance, then use Design - Relimit - Triangle Along Grade (under the Triangulation sub-menu for a
triangulation surface) to extend it to the topography. If you know what your level spacing is, add a point at
each of those elevations. You can insert these points in various ways: Point Insert - Measure is probably the
best method. To verify your work, label the elevations using Analyse - Label - Z Value.
A winze is created using the same tools as you would use creating an ore pass, raise, or shaft. As in the ore
pass and raise scenarios, consider the starting and ending elevations with respect to what the winze is being
tied into, e.g. the sill or the back.
You will probably want to apply a circular primitive to all of these entities described, see Section 1.6.2 for
more information.
1.1.4 Stope
Nearly every stope you create in Envisage is eventually represented by a triangulation.
Every stope that you create reflects the mining method being used. Generally, stope
design is accomplished by first creating stope polygons and then triangulating them.
A stope design option under UG Development - UG Stope Design works well in
conjunction with a section slice of a dynamic block model. Existing strings may be
wireframed (Complete) or polygons created on the fly (Polygon).

Copyright 2004 Maptek Pty Ltd

Underground Design Course Notes

As you digitise each stope shape on a given section (there is an
option that automatically slices forward), you can pause and
request a block model-based reserve on the last two stope
outlines drawn.

The by-product of using this option is a stope triangulation.

You cannot do partials and therefore cannot create a bifurcating stope shape. Apart from this, the option is
similar to the Model - Triangle Solid - Create option.
Refer to the mining methods described in the next section
to get some stope design ideas. See the examples on
drift and fill, vertical crater retreat, block caving,
sublevel caving, and room and pillar.
Another method is the Triangle Solid - Polygons option. If
you have several stope polygons, you can use this option to
extrude them into triangulations. Note in the Polygonal
Solids panel that you can name the resulting triangulations
by classifications such as their group names.
Note also, that you can specify the extrusion distance by
the object value. This emphasises an earlier point that you
should always organise your digitising by classes such as
name and group.

Finally, you may find that the Triangle Solid Shells option is a useful tool. It takes an
existing triangulation and breaks it up into new
triangulations of specific width. See the
reference manual and Section 1.6.1 for more

Copyright 2004 Maptek Pty Ltd

Underground Design Course Notes

1.2 Mining Methods
1.2.1 Drift and Fill
The example shown in this section is based on the SME Mining Engineering Handbook, 2nd edition, volume
2, 1992.
Begin with the ore outline on the 5700 and 5710 levels. This can be obtained in several ways, most easily
by profiling the ore triangulation using Triangle Utility - Section.
Next, draw the access drift into the orebody. In practice, this might be an incline or decline depending on
the elevation of the first cut. In our example, this access is on the 5700 level. Then, normal to this access
drift, we digitise the gate drift on the 5700 level, running the length of the ore body.
Draw at an angle a line which will be a cross-cut from the gate drift, first on the left, then on the right. Group
the left and right cross-cuts differently, e.g. "5700xcut1" for the left and "5700xcut2" for the right. The "1"
and the "2" might reflect panels "1" and "2" respectively.
In our example, we want the cross-cuts to be
4.5 metres wide. To give the proper spacing,
simply use Transformation - Translate in
conjunction with the angle construction icon
selecting the previously drawn cross-cut as the
line to move perpendicular from:

If the copy is opposite the direction you planned, simply enter the distance as a negative value. Do this for
both the left and right sides of the gate drift.
Now use the Relimit/Line option to extend the copied line to the gate drift centreline, for both the left and
right sides.
Create an array of cross-cut lines using Translate to copy first one, then another cross-cut line, again, for
both the left and right sides of the gate drift. Use the Relimit/Line option once again to extend or trim the
cross-cut centrelines to the ore outline as you see fit. If you have many lines to relimit, the Object Edit Clip by Poly option is a much quicker method. If you choose this method, you must ensure that all of the
cross-cuts fully extend beyond the ore outline. If you have grouped the cross-cuts, you can simply choose
"by group" when using the Clip by Poly option. If you wish to create two portions of the cross-cut, one
inside the ore outline and one outside, then use Design - Line Split - Intersection Split on the cross-cuts.
Next, create the gate drift for the 5710 level. You may want to simply copy the drift from the 5700 level.
You may also want to create the access drift into the 5710 level, inclining from the previous access drift
coming in from the main ramp.
Then, create the cross-cuts on the 5710 level by following the above steps or by copying the cross-cuts from
the 5700 level, then renaming the groups. If you copy the cross-cut centrelines, you may want to translate
them along strike to create an overlap with the cross-cuts below.
Rib Outlines
From these centrelines create the rib outlines which will be used for future design, plotting, and reserve
work. Use UG Development - Wall Outline, selecting the cross-cut centrelines by group. Do panel one first,
using a wall width of 12 feet. After the outlines are displayed, re-group them (selecting by group) from the
default "WALL_OUTLI" to something more fitting like "5700walls1" meaning 5700 level, panel 1 walls.
Do panel two next, re-group these walls. Repeat for the 5710 level. Apply the walls to the gate drifts on the
5700 and 5710 levels, using a width of 4.5 metres.

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Underground Design Course Notes

At this point, level 5700 will look similar to the following:

Preparation for reserving

For reserving, you can elect to reserve the individual cross-cuts or calculate the reserves for an entire panel.
You can either sum up the tons and grade for all cross-cuts in a given panel or you can create one new
polygon containing all of the cross-cuts in a panel. For the latter, it is suggested that you follow these steps
for a given panel, such as panel 1 on the 5700 level:

Use Triangle Utility - Poly Boolean, selecting by group, not saving the resulting triangulation.


Remove the volume previously mined from the gate drift using Polygon Edit - Build, selecting the
polygon created from the previous step and the rib outline of the gate drift.


Delete the resulting polygons that are not part of the panel, e.g. the gate drift, portion of the panel
within the gate drift, and the original panel outline created in step 1.


Replace steps 2 and 3 by using the Object Edit - Clip by Poly option if you do not wish to create
new polygons.

These tools might be applicable if you elect to reserve from the individual cross-cuts. For the potential
problem of the cross-cut centreline extending into the gate drift, you can use Relimit/Line on each centreline,
use Line Split - Intersection Split followed by deleting the portions of the centreline within the gate drift, or
use Object Edit - Clip by Poly.
Now that the vector-based design work is completed, we will construct the triangulations used for reserve
work and visualisation.
Create a rectangular primitive that is 4.5metres wide and 4.5metres high. Apply this to the gate drifts and
convert to triangulations. Create or use a primitive that is 4.5metres wide by 4.5metres high and apply this
to the access drift and convert to triangulations. Finally, create the panel triangulations using UG
Development - Project Backs/Floors (under Triangulations sub-menu).
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Underground Design Course Notes

If you are using Attribute Edit - Triangulate
Primitive to convert the cross-cut primitives to
triangulations, you may find the naming to be
cumbersome. It is suggested that you instead
create the cross-cut triangulations from the
panel triangulations using Triangle Solid Shells described in Section 1.6.1. This is
advantageous because you are given different
options for naming the triangulations.
The Model-Triangle Solid-Polygons option
allows for the automatic naming of
triangulations. For example, if the base polygon
strings are named beforehand using DesignAttribute Edit-Name, simply follow the options
in the following panel to transfer the object
names to the solids:

Another option is Open Pit - Increment Design - Block then Create. The Block option will extrude the
polygons. The Create option takes the extruded blocks and creates triangles from them. The advantage of
this option is that the triangulation naming is done automatically, assuming you have named your polygons.
If you haven't named them, then use Increment Design - Numbers to apply a simple naming convention to
the polygons. Naming can also be done via the Open Pit - Pit Layout - Naming (sub-menu) options.
Your final design may look like the following:

Copyright 2004 Maptek Pty Ltd

Underground Design Course Notes

1.2.2 Vertical Crater Retreat
The example shown here is partly based on a case study found in the SME Mining Engineering Handbook,
2nd edition, volume 2, 1992.
Start by creating the ore outlines on the 6000 and 6300 levels using Triangle Utility - Section. Around these
outlines, digitise the shapes of the top sill on the 6300 level and the bottom sill on the 6000 level.
Development drifts
On the 6300 level, create a drift centreline running parallel to the foot wall, in waste. From this drift, create
cross-cuts into the top sill using UG Development - Cross Cuts. You can fill out the panel as follows:

Generally, it is easier to create more cross-cuts than you need, deleting the unnecessary ones.
On the 6000 level, create a drift centreline in waste on the foot wall side. Create multiple cross-cuts into the
bottom sill, about 135 metres apart in this example.
On the 5850 haulage level, create a drift centreline with attached cross-cut passing under the 6000 level.
Now create an ore pass between the 5850 and 6000 levels. First, create two stub-drifts, about 10 metres
long, one on the 5850 level and one on the 6000 level, both near the south end of these two levels.
Rib Outlines
Once the centrelines are in place, apply the designed rib lines. Use UG Development - Wall Outline, using a
width of 4 metres. Apply walls to all of the centrelines except for the two stub-drifts. To these, apply wall
outlines 10 metres wide. Now, use UG Development - Union Walls to merge the rib lines of the
development. Delete the previous polygons, resulting in a continuous polygon around the centrelines. After
the ore pass is in place, you may have to edit the wall outline polygon slightly in terms of rounding a corner
or making room for the ends of the ore pass.
Ore Pass
Simply digitise a line from the stub-drift on the 5850 level to the stub-drift on the 6000 level. You may need
to insert some points into the stub-drifts to accommodate a good start and end. Be sure to snap to an existing
point on the drifts.
Create a circle primitive, with a diameter of 7 metres. Apply this to the ore pass centre line, converting the
primitive to a triangulation, then removing the primitive. Use UG Development - Apply Primitive option.
At this point, your design should look similar to the following:

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Underground Design Course Notes

Now that the digitising work is mostly done, we will create triangulations which will be used for blast design
and reserve work. Use UG Development - Project Backs/Floors (under Triangulations sub-menu), using a
back height of 4 metres on the drift polygons and 4.5 metres on the top and bottom sills.
Temporarily copy the stope outline polygon up 4.5 metres (or leave it 4.5 metres above sill, remembering to
project down instead of up when creating the bottom sill triangulation). Use Triangle Solid - Create to
create the stope triangulation. Your total design will now look like the following:

Copyright 2004 Maptek Pty Ltd


Underground Design Course Notes

1.2.3 Block Caving

The example shown here is partly based on case studies found in the SME Mining Engineering Handbook,
2nd edition, volume 2, 1992. It is based on an LHD method of extraction.
Firstly, we outline suggestions on design technique followed by suggestions on how to calculate the diluted
tons and grade in the block.
Part I - Design
Production Drifts
Start by drawing one line parallel to the strike of the ore on the 2100 level, the production level. Assign a
group name of "haulage" to this line. Next, copy this line three times at 20 metre intervals. These four lines
are the centrelines of the production drifts. Copy by group the four production drifts up to the 2115 level.
Group these four new centrelines as the "undercut" group then make them invisible. These will serve as the
undercut level drifts from which the blasting will be conducted.
Next, draw at 60 degrees to the first line you drew, another line that will serve as a cross-cut into and
through the draw-points. Assign a group name of "xcut" to this line. Copy this line about 17 times to the
north along strike at 10 metre intervals.
Rib Outlines
At this point you have established the framework of the drilling and production levels. Future plotting and
design might benefit from having the designed rib outlines around the centrelines. This can be done using
either UG Development - Wall Outline then Union Walls or Open Pit - Pit Layout - Pillar to create wall
outlines around the centrelines we have drawn. With either method, the walls should be 2metres on either
sides of the centreline, for a total rib-to-rib width of 4 metres.
Create the polygons which will represent the top and bottom of the draw-points. One method is to draw one
polygon, 9 metres long and 6.5 metres wide in plan, then rotate to make parallel with the cross-cut line.
Once in correct position, use Polygon Edit - Expand to create an inner polygon, about 6 metres long by 3.6
metres wide (narrower than the width of the cross-cut to ensure easy triangulation boolean operation).
Group these polygons as "drawpt". Set the elevation of the inner polygon to 2103 (again, to aid in the
boolean operation). Set the elevation of the upper polygon to 2106. Copy these two polygons about the
production level, centring over the cross-cuts between the production drifts. At this point, your design might
look like the following.

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Underground Design Course Notes

After finishing the vector-based design work, next create the triangulations which will be used for the final
design work which will serve as the basis of the reserve evaluation and blast design. Begin by creating two
primitives, one 4 m x 4 m with an arched back, and one 4 m wide by 3.3 m high without an arched back.
Apply the arched primitive to the production drift centrelines and the rectangular primitive to the cross-cut
centrelines. Convert these to triangulations and deselect the centreline and wall outline layers.
Create triangulations of the draw points by using Triangle Solid - Create. Do this by either using the split
command during the creation or by making one triangle, copying it to another, and another, then appending
Create the plan view outline of the block cave mining block. Draw the rectangle at an elevation that might
serve as the bottom of a crown pillar, e.g. at the 2083 level. The outline of the mining block might be about
150 metres along strike and 117 metres normal to strike. Use the Triangle Solid - Polygons option to project
a triangulation to the 2200 level.
This mining block could be reserved as is. If so, then in the reserving you must deduct the rock mined from
the a) production drifts, b) undercut level drifts, c) cross-cuts, and d) draw points. This is easily done using
Block - Advanced Reserves and utilising a mined variable.
You might also consider using Triangle Utility - Merge to physically cut out the openings made by the drifts,
cross-cuts, and draw-points, creating a triangulation that is ready for reserving. Pick the mining block first,
then the drifts triangulation (for example), then select Difference as the operator. (The order in which you
pick the two models is important for the Difference).
Part II - Grade and Tonnage
Using the mining block triangulation that we created, break it into parts using the Triangle Solid - Shells
option. Our block is 100 metres (300 feet) above the 2100 level (6300 level in imperial). Break this into
one triangulation starting at 6300 and ending at 6450. From 6450 on up, shell the block up in 20-foot
increments, which is two blocks high. At this point, a typical section might look like this:

In the block model, add two new variables, e.g. den_blockcave and au_blockcave.
Next, set up a block model script (.BCF) for each 20-foot level. In this script, with increased elevation, we
want to increase density and decrease gold grade. This change with elevation simulates the lower grade and
higher tons that will come during the block caving.
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Here is an example of the script:
*demobc6450.bcf: this is for assigning diluted gold grade and increasing density for *block caving
den_blockcave = (density * .10) + density
if (au_ivd lt 0.0) then
au_blockcave = -9.0
elseif (au_ivd ge 0.0) then
au_blockcave = au_ivd * (1.0/(1+0.10))
The above script is for the 6450 level. The script for the 6470 level would be the same, except that instead
of 0.1 (10% dilution), we would use 0.2. The script for the triangulation spanning levels 6300-6450 would
look the same except there is no dilution applied. In practice, you will run all scripts for all of the shelled
triangulations. Note that you could put these various block model scripts into a C-shell script. Or, you
could perform the same work all within the block model. In this case, you would need a new variable for
storing the name of the level or a method for determining what dilution percentage should be applied to
grade and tons.
After running these scripts, you should do a quick reserve on the 20-foot high triangulations from 6450 on
up. The total tons of these triangulations should be at least 30% greater than tonnage you would find for the
same volumes using a constant density. The 30% difference is an attempt to simulate the extra rock that will
cave in around the sides and top of the mining block (other algorithms, such as the Laubscher method, will
also calculate the dilution). In the final reserve report, for each level, you should see a drop in average grade
and increase in tons. In our example, the number of block model blocks decreases with elevation. In
practice, the results would be improved if you have a regular block model rather than the sub-blocked model
in this example. Note that if you have a sub-blocked model, you can create from it a regular block model by
re-blocking the original model with the Block - Transfer - Regularise (sub-menu) option.

Au Opt





























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1.2.4 Sublevel Caving
The example shown here is partly based on case studies found in the SME Mining Engineering Handbook,
2nd edition, volume 2, 1992. It deals mainly with the design of a sublevel caving system.
Begin by setting up the ore outline on the 5550 and 5625 levels. This can be obtained in several ways, most
easily by profiling the ore triangulation using Triangle Utility - Section.
Production Drifts
Next, draw the foot wall drifts on the 5550 level and the 5625 sublevel, outside of the ore body outline.
Follow that by drawing the slot drifts on the hanging wall of the ore body outlines on the 5550 and 5625
levels. Group these drifts as "5550dft" and "5625dft".
Once the ore outlines and drifts are on the screen, create the cross-cuts, either using the Design menu, then
copying the lines along the drift, or, using Open Pit - Pit Layout - Roadway. If you choose the latter option,
when asked to select the "pit outline", choose the ore outline. When asked to "select line parallel to main
road", select a segment of the foot wall drift. In the panel labeled, "Underground roadway" fill it out as

This option will create a set of cross-cuts, stored as one object. We need to break each of these centrelines
into its own object using Object Edit - Split or Object Edit - Explode. You can also export this one object to
DXF and then re-import to break the one object into multiple objects. Use Design - Relimit- Line to
extend/trim these lines against the foot wall and hanging wall drifts. Do this step for both the 5550 level and
the 5625 sublevel. For the 5625 sublevel, the cross-cuts need to be mid-way between the cross-cuts of the
5550 level for proper alignment of the stopes. Group these cross-cuts by level, for example, "5550xcut".
An alternative method of creating the cross-cuts is to simply create a polygon from the foot wall and hanging
wall drifts, and temporarily use this polygon as "pit outline" rather than the ore outline. This will save you
from doing a lot of relimits.
Rib Outlines
At this point you have a framework of both the drifts and cross-cuts. Future plotting and design might
benefit from having the designed rib outlines around the centrelines. This can be done using either UG
Development - Wall Outline then Union Walls or with Open Pit - Pit Layout - Pillar to create wall outlines
around the centrelines we have drawn. We want the walls to be 2.5 metres on both sides of the centreline,
for a total rib-to-rib width of 5 metres.
At this point, your design will look similar to the following:

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After finishing the vector-based design work, next create the triangulations to be used for the final design
work which will serve as the basis of reserve evaluation and blast design. Begin by creating a primitive
which is a profile of the stope. Note that its alignment is 3.3 metres below the lowest point of the stope
profile because we are accounting for the drift below the stope. This primitive might look something like:

Apply this primitive to the cross-cuts (use the group selection) and convert to triangulations. Use either the
UG Development - Apply Primitive ticking the option to save as a triangulation (or Attribute Edit Apply
Primitive then Triangulate Primitive, then Remove options). For easier maintenance, do this by level. If the
final stope triangulation is not closed, it can be done via Triangle Solid - Close.
Finally, create triangulations from the wall outlines using UG Development - Project Backs/Floors (under
Triangulations sub-menu) using a back height of 3.3 metres.

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Your completed design should look similar to the following:

1.2.5 Room and Pillar

The example shown in this section is a generalised method of designing a single level, room and pillar mine.
We are using a coal mine design tool. A more advanced underground coal mine design tool found in
Underground - Underground Coal is worth looking at.
On the 6700 level, create an ore outline. This will serve as the limit of our design. Also, bring up the preexisting mine level on the 6700 level.
Centreline Generation
Select the Pit Layout - Roadway option. As
prompted, select the ore outline polygon, then a wall
outline of the existing development. This last pick
serves as the basic of orientation of your design. For
centrelines at a spacing of 35metres, fill out the
panel as follows:

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Based on a temporary display of the centrelines, you will be asked to confirm if they look OK. Don't worry
if it appears some centerlines are missing; during this temporary display, not all of the lines are always
displayed. If you indicate that they are OK, the lines are left on the screen. Note that all of the centrelines
are stored as one object. Generally this is OK but if you see other uses for this design method up to this
point, there are various methods for saving these lines as multiple objects as described in the sublevel caving
Generally, you will want to modify the lengths of the centrelines as they are naturally limited to the ore
outline. If you wish to extend these lines, try the Design - Relimit options.
Pillar Generation
Next, add the pillar outlines using Pit Layout - Pillar. When asked for the default width, enter in 20 for 20
metres between pillars. Select the centrelines by object. There is only one object, but if there are more, you
could continue picking. Cancel once to see a confirm box asking if the walls appear to be OK. At times, not
all walls are temporarily displayed, so do not worry if you do not see all wall outlines. Confirm that the
walls are OK. You will then be prompted to confirm that the pillar outlines look OK. Again, generally
ignore missing pillars at this point. Confirm that the pillars are correct. At this point, you should have a
nice pillar layout:

Note that each pillar is named by an object name. This might be useful for future reserving, scheduling, and
design needs.
To help optimise the position and number of pillars within the ore outline, first draw a polygon around the
ore outline. Use this polygon to limit the extents of the centrelines rather than the ore outline. Next, create
the pillars. Now use Object Edit - Clip by Poly on both the pillars and centrelines. Or, use Transformation Translate or Object Edit - Drag to optimally position the pillar and centreline array within the ore outline,
followed by Clip by Poly.
There are two things to consider for creating triangulations of a room and pillar design:

Will you want pillar reserves?


Do you want only tons and grade for the design, minus the pillars?

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If the answer to question 1 is "yes", then you will need to devise a system for naming each pillar. This might
be as simple as the x-y-z coordinates of the pillar using Attribute Edit - Name and then using Triangle Solid Polygons (with an intervening DBGL script that copies the object name to the group name in the DGD, see
Appendix A) to create the triangles. Another method uses Open Pit - Pit Layout - Naming (sub-menu)
followed by the Open Pit - Increment Design - Block then Create options.
If a general naming is OK, e.g. level and sequential number, you could use the default names assigned
during the pillar creation process and once again, via a script and the Polygons option, create the triangles.
Another method for automated naming techniques uses Open Pit - Increment Design - Block then Create
If the answer to question 2 is "yes", simply use UG Development - Project Backs/Floors, selecting by
feature which has been automatically assigned during the pillar creation process.
Your triangulated design may look like:

1.3 Annotation
Annotation of your design is obviously very important for presentation. We suggest that you store all of
your annotation on a separate layer or layers so that it does not interfere when you wish to view only the
design. Alternatively, store the annotation with the design layer(s), grouping all of the annotation into a
group such as "text" so that you can make it visible and invisible as needed.
It is assumed you are familiar with the differences between fonts and when to use either a hardware or
software font (i.e., WYSIWYG vs. non-WYSIWYG). It is also assumed that you are familiar with setting
text defaults.
1.3.1 UG Development Menu
In the UG Development menu,
there are four options below
the Annotations sub-menu.
These are actually two styles
of annotation, one for point
annotation, one for line
segment annotation. Before
using either, you must go
through a set up process. The
information is stored in your
<proj>envis.defaults file.
Select Lines Setup and you
will see the following panel:

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To place bearing and length parallel to a line segment, fill out the panel as above. Note that you can create a
leader line from the text to the object being annotated if you select "Rubber band to line segment". "NDP"
means number of decimal points. Note also the usage of the prefix and suffix. The "Space" option simply
means place a space between the text and the prefix or suffix.
When you are ready to apply the label, select Lines. You will be asked for the layer to store the annotation
on. Next, select the object, then the line segment to annotate. You will be queried to indicate the posting
position. This is approximately the left, centre part of the text line. You may have to use Text Edit - Drag to
position the string to your satisfaction:

Note that the text created in this manner is

automatically stored in group "ANNOT" which may
be useful for selection.
When using Points, you may find yourself
commonly using the "Rubber band to data point".
Select Points Setup and you will see the following

When applying this specification to a selected point,

you will be prompted to select a position to post;
usually you would change to Indicate digitising
mode to click this point. Then the posting will
appear as follows:

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Note that by default, the text annotation is in the SCALED font: this can be made to look more presentable
by changing the text to a True Type Font such as the Tahoma Bold font pictured above. The relative
scale of text is set beforehand by the Design - Text Edit - Text Defaults option. Try a size of 0.2cm @ a
drafting scale of 1:1250.
1.3.2 Analyse Menu
The Analyse - Label menu contains several useful options. Note that text is stored in a layer only for options
that are named "To Text" or options that lie within the Point Label to Text sub-menu. The remainder of
the options are display only.
Coordinate 2D and Coordinate 3D post the coordinates of all points in the selected object, at the point
Name to Text displays the name of the selected object, posting the name at the centroid, starting, or ending
point of the object. This is useful for displaying names of section lines used in underground blast design or
cross-cuts, for example, drift and fill.
Centroid to Text displays the x-y-z coordinates of the centroid of the selected object, posting the coordinates
at the centroid of the object. This is beneficial for room and pillar design.
Description to Text displays up to 40 characters and is particularly useful for annotating polygons produced
by profiling orebody or stope triangulations, as the Model - Triangle Utility - Section Profiles option
automatically stores the source triangulation name in the Object Description field of the polygons.
1.3.3 Control Points
The Design - Control Points lets you select points (existing or new locations) on the screen whose
coordinates are then posted in a table that you position on the screen.
Begin by indicating the placement of the upper, left-hand corner of the table, then indicate or snap the points
you wish to have posted in the table.

Example Control Points Table (of selected points)

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1.4 Blast Design
The Underground - Ring Design menu is used for creating and editing blast holes which are concurrently
stored in a blast hole database. The online reference manual describes all of the options. This document
provides pointers on creating and editing holes followed by simple examples of offset and radial patterns.
Pre-design steps
Generally, before you begin your design, you should already have a datasheet for storing the blast holes; we
recommend using UGB as the name. This datasheet is created using UG Blast Design - Datasheet.
Next, you should have as a layer, section lines which will be used to reference a given layout. These are
created using Ring Design - Section. In the Section Line generation panel, it is recommended that you use a
"Section line prefix" of "ring".
Depending on your design, you should have, as a layer, outlines of the stope, drift(s) you are drilling from,
optional line(s) that are used for additional limiting lengths of blast holes, and a reference line that penetrates
the section you are on, and from which the collars of the hole can be measured.
The stope and drift outlines are easily constructed using Triangle Utility - Section Profile, selecting
"Irregular sections" from the 3D Section Profiles panel. Select the method to Use cross section lines.
Then, simply select by feature, the section lines* you have just created, then the stope and drift
*Section lines will have the common feature name UGLAYOUT.
Overview of Design Steps
These basic steps are applicable for creating a blast design. Assuming the section and reference lines, and
stope and drift outlines are on the screen, first post the names of the section lines on the screen. The
datasheet should also have been constructed. Finally, you should be in the section view (generally vertical)
in which you wish to design.

Defaults - sets sample interval, explosive envelope range, and stemming length.


Open - open the desired UGB database. If it doesn't exist, you will be asked if you wish to create it.


Set Layout - assigns a name to the current blast layout; it is suggested that you select "Set current
layout using a section line" in the Current Layout panel, then select the section line. Setting the
layout sets the Group code for the ring (it is this code that is accessed when reporting the ring).


Set Plane - describes the plane you are designing in, to the system. If you end up with holes whose
toe positions do not make sense, you probably forgot this step.


Settings - applies color and naming etc to the holes to be designed or to be displayed. At first, use
only "Display trace of blast hole," "Mark collar location with a cross," and "Label collar with hole
names. See the reference manual for a picture of this panel.


Create Hole - creates one hole at a time or multiple holes. Generally, you create one hole, called a
reference hole, from which the entire layout is based.

Methods of Creating Holes

There are four ways to create blast holes:

Create Hole - create one hole at a time, using the Digitise Hole option in the confirm box.


Create Hole - create multiple holes, using the Layout Hole option in the confirm box. Select the
reference hole, and automatically create subsequent holes.


Layout Pattern - select the reference hole, then indicate position of last hole or number of holes in


Fill Pattern - select two reference holes, one on each side of the stope, then indicate number of
holes to be placed in-between, or spacing of holes in-between the two reference holes.

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Overview of Editing Steps
Once a design is in place, you may have to edit your work. We have outlined here the more important
options (see the reference manual for detailed information).

Move Hole - allows the toe or collar to be moved. This is also used to copy entire layouts. For
example, if your design calls for the same five holes in the same position, length etc, on all row
lines, use this option. Ensure you enter the correct layout name.


Delete hole - deletes individual holes, selected groups of holes, or all holes in a layout. If deleting
groups of holes, select from the confirm box "Pick holes using digitised line". This line is not
created in the Design menu, it is a temporary line or lines, containing inflection points if you wish,
that are used to delete all touching holes.


Change Sequence - changes the names of selected holes. (Sometimes the displayed hole names will
not be what you want.)

Overview of Reporting and Plotting Steps

For reporting, begin by selecting the Report Style option. These settings are stored in your
<proj>envis.defaults file.
Next, select Report Layout, which selects the layout to report on. The report can be saved to disk but the
defaults to display in your Envisage report window.
To plot one or more* sections of the designed holes, along with digitised data, use the Section Plots option.
This assumes that you have already set up a border style as described in Section 3.2.3. The reference manual
outlines how to create a rectangle on the border style, giving it an object name of "UGB_REPORT" and a
group name of "NO_PLOT." The report information is posted into this rectangle.. * Note that you can select
section line by feature if you want ALL the rings plotted as each layout has the common feature code
UGLAYOUT. Otherwise, for specific layouts, select section lines By object.
A common mistake of users when asked to select section lines (the layout lines used during the creation of
the holes), they select instead something that is not THE section line. If you select what you think is a
section line and you revert to the menus without anything happening, you have not selected the correct
section line or a section line that has lost its attributes such as object, group, and feature.
Do not use any of the main Design menu editing options when performing a Ring Design; use only the tools
in the Underground - Ring Design menu. Ring designs are not stored as DGDs but are stored in a quite
separate underground blast-hole database. This database will have a name that follows the format:
<project code><optional database identifier>.<datasheet name>.isis
Using the Undo icon has no effect when doing a Ring Design; although there may be a visual change, the
change is only to the temporary display layer (DIG$UGB) and the changes are not reflected in the
blasthole database. It is not necessary to use the File - Save option with Ring Design as blastholes are saved
as they are created/edited.
1.4.1 Offset
Creating an offset pattern of drilling can be done with the VCR data. Load all related triangulations, create
the section lines, and then profile the triangulations on the screen. Use the Section Index option to create a
scale from which to measure from and possibly snap blast hole collars.
1.4.2 Radial
Creating a radial pattern of drilling can be done with the data used in the block caving example. Load all
related triangulations, create the section lines, and then profile the triangulations on the screen. Before
starting your design, first digitise the location of the pivot point in the centre of the undercut level drift.

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1.5 Services
Services such as electrical and compressed air can be represented by lines. Transformers and other such
point data can be represented as symbols, points, lines, or polygons. Use the Analyse Attribute Data tools,
discussed in Section 3.3, in conjunction with the digitised data.
In some cases, creating the line down the length of the ramp can be done easily using Object Edit/Drag-copy
on the ramp centreline. These lines can be grouped by "electric," "discharge," "comp_air," etc. They should
also have distinguishing color and line type.
If applying symbols, for example a transformer symbol, it is easiest to insert a point on the stub-drift
containing the transformer station, then use Design - Line Style Edit - Symbol at Point to select the point to
insert the symbol onto.
Another useful tool is found in Open Pit - Network. While initially designed for determining haulage
distance and grade, a network can be set up in an underground mine in which nodes can be set up at
junctions and other points of interest.
1.6 Design Tools
What follows are some of the general tools that you might find useful. Refer to the reference manual for a
complete description of these. These tools are listed here just to give you some ideas for your work.
1.6.1 Shelling
The Model - Triangle Solid - Shells option slices an existing solid triangulation into many solids of a given
thickness. The shelling can be done in any orientation and is extremely useful when calculating reserves
level by level. It is also useful as the basis for future stope design. For example, given the one large
mineable block, you could shell this block by level. Next, you could slice these shells vertically, creating
stope and pillar blocks.
Ensure that your triangulations, both the original
triangulation and the resulting triangulations, are
legitimate via the Check option found in Triangle
Utility or Triangle Solid.
In a drift and fill example, the Shells option is
invaluable for creating triangulations representing
each advance along a drift. In this scenario, select
the cross-cut centreline as the "Section Line" in
the Shelling Parameters panel as shown:

Each point on the centreline serves as the end of one triangulation and the beginning of the next.

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1.6.2 Primitives
Primitives were discussed briefly in Section 1.1.1. You MUST NOT apply primitives to lines that have
duplicate points, bow-ties (forward, then reverse digitising), or points standing by themselves. The result
will be very strange-looking primitives, primitives that look OK but on hard copy will be corrupted, or will
corrupt the coordinates of the plot file, resulting in little or nothing being plotted.
The best way to check for duplicate points is to label the points using Analyse - Label - Sequence.
1.6.3 Features
Exploring the Features option might prove useful for some design functions. Using a feature to digitize by
will ensure that the entities are properly stored in the correct layer, organised by group, name, and feature,
and contain the proper line style.
A feature is set up using the Design - Feature Edit - Create option (details are provided in the online
reference manual). If you intend to create a polygon, ensure that you check the "Create closed polygon"
option in the Object attributes for Name panel. If digitising a line, ensure you check the "Create new object
on cancel" option in the same panel. If you wish the points to be connected, be sure to check the "Connect
points as string" on the Digitising for Name panel.
An advantage of using Features is that an entity created with a feature will contain that feature name as an
attribute, which beceomes a handy selection criteria tool.
When converting old level maps, you could set up a feature that prompts for both the back and floor
elevations. You might elect to store the sill elevation as the Z value and the back elevation as the W value.
You can then key off these two values when creating the back and floor elevation surfaces.
1.6.4 Costings
As the design progresses or is completed, you might want to investigate initial figures on cost and time.
This is done via UG Development - Costing. If you select this option, you will see the panel:

Note that the "X" and "Y" are simply the width and height of the entity. The terms "Section 1", "Section 2",
and so on can simply be read as "scenario 1", "scenario 2". You are then prompted to select the object(s). In
our drift and fill example, we selected by group the cross-cuts on the 5700 level, panel 1.

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In the report window, you will see the two scenarios with associated data:

This report shows why you objects should be named and described. This information, if saved to a file, can
then be imported into a spreadsheet.
The Costing option reports on the lines you give it. So if you have cross-cuts passing through a wall outline
of a main drift to connect to the main drift centreline, you are adding to the reported numbers.
Triangulations, created from projected wall outlines or primitives, will always give a better volume number.

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SECTION 2: Survey, Ore Control, Reserves

2.1 Survey
Like stope design, UG survey is relatively mine-specific.
2.1.1 Data Collectors
The names and attributes of various styles of data collectors are stored in your perif.setup file, found in the
resources area (generally $ENVIS_RESO). When you selcelt Survey - Surveying - Setup, the list of
instruments is derived from this perif.setup file. Data collectors are connected directly to the workstation,
allowing direct transfer of data between the collector and the workstation.
2.1.2 Download and Upload
If you want to transfer data FROM the data collector to the workstation, select the Surveying - Download
option. If you want to transfer data FROM the workstation to the data collector, select Surveying - Upload.
Prior to using the Upload option, you must select Surveying Create, which creates the file that will then be
transferred to the data collector. If you use the Create option, it is recommended that you first name the
points in the object(s) by name and/or w-tag. This can be done using Point Edit - Name and Point Edit - W
Tag. Also see the Attribute Edit - W Tag (sub-menu) options. The names and tags are attached to the data
exported to the data collector.
After using the Download option, you must select Surveying Coordinates, which reads the file that has
been transferred from the data collector and displays the data on the Envisage screen (as objects in a layer).
If you are using a Geodimeter, after using Download, select the Surveying - Reduction option which reduces
the raw data. After reducing the data, then select Coordinates to display the data. The Reduction option
requires that you have a survey station library, which is created, accessed, or edited using options under the
Stations and Library sub-menus in the Survey - Surveying menu.
The Coordinates option can now be used to import standard ASCII files if the ASCII type is chosen as the
instrument type in the initial Survey - Surveying - Setup. You will be prompted to select the relevant
ASCII file (from your current working directory) and then you will need to specify the order of the fields as
per the following table:

A very important file used by the Coordinates option is called, as shown in Appendix D. This
file is used to set attributes of the survey points and lines based on the comments in the data collector.

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2.1.3 String Editing
String editing, or editing of lines and polygons that have been downloaded from a data collector, is done via
options found in the Design menu. Two useful options found in the Point Insert menu - Insert and Replace
String allow you to update an as-built with the latest survey information. This guarantees that the lines and
polygons that you create in the survey context are valid in terms of creating a triangulation (e.g. no duplicate
points, no bow-ties, no unconnected line segments etc.).
For example, if we wish to extend an as-built with some new surveys, the original as-built and the survey
points may look like this (as-built shows point sequence):

Insert replaces ONE line segment with one or more line segments. Begin by selecting the object containing
the line segment to be modified. Next, select the segment to be replaced. You will see an "S" and an "E"
which refer to start and end, respectively. When digitising multiple points, you must always digitise from
the start to the end. After selecting the as-built, then the face segment, you will see:

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Replace String replaces MULTIPLE line segments with one or more line segments. Begin by selecting the
object, then the start and ending points. It is critical that you pick the start and end points in the same
direction as the point sequence (use Analyse - Label - Sequence to check). If you do not, the resulting
polygon will include your newly digitised points and only a fraction of the original object. Check the
highlighted preview string before you click on Retain in the confirm box. After selecting the object, then the
start and end points:

If the points you are inserting into the existing object have been loaded into Envisage via the Coordinates
option, they are probably all one object. If this is the case, and there are many points you do not wish to
re-digitise, use the Track Section of Existing Line icon found in the Digitise toolbar:
Note that sometimes it is necessary to track in the reverse direction to the string sequence: to do this, simply
hit the [Spacebar] of the keyboard once.
After completing the Replace String option, your as-built now looks like:

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2.1.4 Cavity Monitoring System
Data from a cavity monitoring system, such as Optech, can be imported into an Envisage layer and
triangulated in a simple process.
Data can be imported as a DXF (3D faces) or an x-y-z file. The latter is generally more efficient and easier
to use, and will be described here.

The x-y-z file will have been partly processed using the Optech software, and will contain header and
footer information that is not needed, so this is removed via an editor or script. See Appendix C for an
example of the x-y-z file containing header and footer information.


This x-y-z file, minus the header and footer, also contains a line of information between each shot,
beginning with "ELEV" followed by two other fields. This line must be replaced by a blank. This step
can be combined with step 1.


The x-y-z file, devoid of header and footer comments and with blank lines between each shot, is now
loaded into an Envisage layer via File - Import Export - Import ASCII. Fill out the tabbed panel as
follows (allowing for the format of your data):


Once the data is on the screen,

it can be filtered using Object
Edit - Filter. Be sure to select
"3D Filter" from the Filter
panel. Try a filter value of
0.01 as the minimum, and 0.1
as the maximum, depending
on the density of the points.
Generally the 0.1 setting
works best with no substantial
loss of accuracy. (Filtering
the data is highly
recommended as a single
Optech setup can generate 2040,000 points.)


The imported polygons will be open and should be closed via Attribute Edit - Close before triangulating.


Create a solid triangulation from the Optech lines. Watch for points close to the instrument location.


If you have several setups to model and then connect, try modelling each separately, defining the
common plan between the two via a planar surface triangulation, then using Triangle Utility - Boolean
to trim the ends of each solid triangulation before appending them using Triangle Utility - Append. Be
sure to validate the triangles you create via Check under Triangle Utility or Triangle Solid.

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2.2 Ore Control
Ore control methods used in underground mines around the world vary. This section outlines three methods
that might be applicable to your site.
2.2.1 Blast Design
Some mines might assay the cuttings from the blast holes. In the following example, we will briefly look at
how lab assays can be merged with the blast hole information stored in a database.
Merging Assays
We begin with the VCR example in which we have designed both the stope and the blast layouts. If you
look at the database containing the blast holes, you will see the SAMPLE record storing DEPTH, CU, and
AU fields. The name of the blast plus the depth of the sample interval together create a unique ID for each
sample. Therefore, the lab must report hole name and sample depth alongside each record of assay
information. The file from the lab might look like the following:
1 ROW0183 40.0 0.010
1 ROW0183 50.0 0.522
1 ROW0183 60.0 0.126
where the "1" is a record flag (optional if only one record is being processed), "ROW0183" is the name of
the blast hole, "40.0" is the depth, and "0.010" is the gold grade. A fifth column might contain the copper
grade and so on.
Various methods allow for merging this assay data with the location data stored in the database. A scriptbased tool called "DATUPD," (database update) is used in this example. The DATUPD system is designed
to search and read assay data stored in a holding or "tank" area that was placed there by the assay lab. When
executed either manually or automatically, the DATUPD program attempts to find matches between the
assay data stored in the tank file and the location data stored in the database. In the instance of a successful
match, the database assay field(s) are updated and the assay data stored in the tank area can be deleted. If no
match is made, a file is created containing non-matched data (to be looked in during the next run of
DATUPD). An example of a DATUPD script file can be found in Appendix B.
Displaying Blast Holes with Assays
To display the blast holes, with the traces color-coded by assay values, or for using the blast holes in grade
estimation, you must resort to a bit of trickery. A standard underground blast hole database, with datasheet
UGB in our example is very much like that of a standard exploration drilling database in appearance. The
UGB database does not contain synonyms nor is it associated with a DSR database (system-defined, usercreated database containing down-hole survey information).
To display the blast holes via the Geology - Drilling menus, you must assign synonyms to the UGB
datasheet and create a DSR database for the blast holes using ISIS (the database editing utility). In ISIS,
select File - Open Design to bring up the UGB datasheet.
Assign the standard synonyms of Holeid, Easting, Northing, Elevation for the Header tab, Survey Depth,
Bearing and Inclination for the Survey tab, and Bottom Depth for the Assay tab. Then select File - Save
Design As to save the synonym information.
Create the DSR database by selecting Utilities - Create
Desurvey Database. In the panel, select the UGB
datasheet (the design name) and the database name, e.g.
VCR, and select, "Tangent with Given Intervals" using a
"step" of 4 and "tolerance" of 1:

The color-coded traces of the blast holes can be used as a

visual guide for loading the holes. This data can also be
composited for use in resource estimation, either
polygonal or via block modeling.

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2.2.2 Channel Samples
Channel samples are created, displayed, and edited in the Geology - Channel Sampling menu. Channel
samples, like underground blast holes, are concurrently stored in a channel sample database which means
that as you add, edit, and delete channel samples, you are also updating a database.
Before creating a channel sample, you must already have a datasheet for storing the channel samples; we
recommend using CHA as the name. The datasheet is created using Channel Sampling - Datasheet.
Channel samples consist of a channel containing one or more samples within it. Channel samples can have
one orientation, or multiple inflections, based on each sample within the channel. Channel samples can be
linear or planar. A planar channel sample consists of both length and height. Long holes drilled out of the
rib or the face are an example of a linear channel sample containing multiple samples, but having only one
bearing and inclination. Chip samples taken along the rib are an example of a linear channel sample
containing multiple samples, and having varying bearing and inclination along the length of the channel
sample. A panel sample consisting of multiple (then composited to one value) pick samples at a face is an
example of a planar channel sample.
The fundamental steps of creating and working with a channel sample are:

Open a database. If one does not exist, you will be queried for it.

The Location option is used to actually digitise the channel on the screen.

You generally click on CANCEL on the Survey Library Name panel.

In the Channel to Edit panel, enter

the name of the channel, e.g,,
5700_1_X07. It is recommended
that you check "Verify channel
graphically" so that you will see
what you are creating on the screen:

If you are digitising a channel

sample which will have varying
down-channel bearing and inclination, select "Use individual Sample Orientations" on the Channel
Station panel, otherwise, use the default "Use global Channel orientation" option.

On the Channel Station panel, click on the

DIGITISE button, and begin digitising the channel
sample. Cancel when finished, and on the Channel
Station panel, you will see the results of your

Select Attributes to enter the grades into the channel

samples. This works well for a few samples spread
across multiple days. For many entries, it is better to
use a DATUPD script and the assay file from the lab
which are shown in Appendix E.

Use the Select option to load all or selected channels

to the screen.

If you use the Label On option, it is recommended

that for just one value to post, you select Field #3 on
the Channel Labeling panel; this puts the sample
value approximately at the mid-point of the sample.

Use the Composite option in conjunction with an

opened report window to composite the samples
within the selected channel(s).

The Move and Rotate options allow you to reposition a channel. This is useful as surveyed ribs
become available and the channel needs to be placed
in its actual position.

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The color-coded traces of the channel samples can be used as a visual guide for determining grade
distribution. This data can also be composited for used in resource estimation, either polygonal or via block
modelling. The similarities between the underground blast hole database and the channel sample database
allow you to follow the example described in Section 2.2.1, using the method described for preparing the
UGB database for compositing.
2.2.3 Mini-Block Models
Miniaturised, or production block models serve as an aid in grade prediction. Generally, such block models
are temporary and are used for storing grades derived from production data such as blast holes, channel
samples, chip samples, etc. The volume mined might also be stored.
In practice, the block model extents should be set to just cover the currently producing area and the area
immediately around the production. One or more C-shell-type scripts can be set up to query the user for the
x-y-z range of coordinates. The script uses these coordinates along with pre-defined names of
triangulations, names of databases, method of compositing and grade estimation to generate a new block
You can use this new block model to contour the grades. For example, if you are completing mining on the
5700 level and are about to begin mining on the 5710 level, you would contour the mini-model at the 5710
level to see where the predicted grade will lie. You can store the ore outline as predicted by the diamond
drilling on a layer and the channel, face, and muck samples from the 5700 level on another layer,.
For some cut and fill operations, you could use the open pit ore control system found in Envisage under
Open Pit - Block Out and Block Out Client where the source data is simple x-y-z-grade data. You simply
indicate the data, a polygon that the system helped you create, then choose the assay data or a block model
as the source of the reported tons and grade.
There are several choices for reconciliation. You could use the Block - Transfer - Addition (sub-menu) to
add the original model to the mini-model, creating a third model, containing estimated grades vs. production
grade. Secondly, you could use Analyse - StatisticsII in conjunction with an expression variable to compare
differences between the two block models. Alternatively, you could import the ASCII dump of the minimodel grades into the original model (or vice-versa), allowing you to compare grades.
2.3 Reserves
The reserves discussed here will be in the context of using Block Advanced Reserves. Underground - UG
Stope Design - Reserves (sub-menu) will be the preferred method in some situations.
The basic steps using Advanced Reserves are:

Evaluation Setup (sub-menu). Define the variables to report, the cutoff grade(s), classification fields,
triangulations or polygons, and block selection. This information is stored in a .RES file.


Calculate. Calculates the reserves and stores the output in a .DMP file.


Report Setup (sub-menu). Describe the appearance of your report, such as titles, names and precision of
variables, and which variables to report in a given reserve table. This information is stored in a .TAB


Report. Creates a reserve report that is displayed in the Report Window and stored on disk. This is
generally named as a .REP file. This is simply data from the .dmp file that has been formatted by the
.tab specification.

2.3.1 General
Firstly, you need to know a few things about your block model and the grades contained within each block.
The most important is to know the default values used for both grades and density which can be found by
using Block - Header. An actual block value should not have the same value as the default value found in
the block model header or there will be problems in your report. (This problem can be dealt with if you
account for matching values in the reserve panels, however, it is better practice to always use default values
of say, "-9" for all block model default values. Then, during grade estimation, scripting, etc. any block
found to be unused in those processes, should be set such as "-1".)
Secondly, you need to know what triangulations you will be using (having checked them via Check in
Triangle Utility or Triangle Solid). This may be obvious, but you need to know their names (for later
organisation in the reports) and to be positive that all triangulations actually lie within the block model
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extents. If block model blocks are not within a given triangulation, then those tons and grade cannot be
added back in.
Thirdly, make sure the block model is indexed. (With newer versions of Envisage, this is less of a problem,
but in previous versions, you needed to index the model yourself.) It is now done automatically EXCEPT in
the case of importing using Block - Transfer - Regular and Subblock. You will notice substantial slowdowns if you fail this step. Look at the header of a block model to see if it is indexed.
Fourthly, check if there are existing workings that should
be accounted for. Previously removed volumes can be
accounted for either by a) the triangulation you are
reserving with has been modified (Merge Difference)
to reflect the mined out areas, or b) you have a variable
in your block model, for example, MINED, that stores
the percent of rock removed or remaining (your choice).
This is the variable used by the reserve program to
subtract the missing rock and is set in the first panel seen
after selecting the Variables option:

If you have organised the names of your stope triangulations, e.g. by level and cross-cut, or
slc_5625_06.00t, you can extract components of these in the reserving. For example, in the Columns option,
you can use the substring function to extract the method, level, and cross-cut number:
substring(region,5,8) for the level name
substring(region,10,11 for the cross-cut name
substring(region,1,3) for the method
Then, in the Tables option, you can order and report by level, cross-cut, and mining method.
This an example of one way the Advanced Reserves can be utilised. Another is outlined in the following
section on stope dilution.
2.3.2 Stope Dilution
Stope dilution can be designed for during digitizing or triangulation construction and accounted for during
Assuming you have a stope polygon in place, and now want to add perceived hanging wall dilution, look at
the Ring Expand sub-menu options found in UG Development. Begin by selecting the Analyse - Label - W
Tag option and select the polygon you wish to modify. The w-tags display guides you in editing.
Next, select Define and then pick the polygon to be modified. You will be prompted to select the beginning
and ending SEGMENTS, or the portion of the
polygon to expand. You can select the segments
either by picking their points or the segments
themselves, being wary of the point sequence.
After selecting the portion to be expanded, you
will be prompted for the expansion width:

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After clicking OK, you will see the w-tags modified to the width you have specified. You can repeat this
step, assigning multiple expansion widths throughout the stope polygon. For simple editing, you will find it
easier to use Point Edit - W Tag than using the Define option.
Now, click on Expand, then select the stope polygon.
The resulting panel includes features that require explanation.
Under "Default expansion width", if you wish to
have no expansion except for where you have
defined it using Define, then set the default width
to 0.0. Otherwise, you will get the default
expansion of 10 feet or metres, depending on the
Remove the check mark from the "Override
expansion widths with default" otherwise your
width(s) specified in Define Ring are ignored.
If you are in section view, be sure to put a check
mark on the "Use projection plane."
If you have applied a 15-foot expansion width over a portion of your stope polygon and left the rest as 0:

Your diluted stope polygons can now be triangulated.

Triangulation Construction
Your stopes will most likely be represented by triangulations which can be modified from their original
shapes. The easiest, but probably least useful method is found via Triangle Utility - Scale. In some
circumstances, you might want to account for some foot wall dilution and substantial hanging wall dilution.
If the shapes are simple enough, you can create a script using external triangulation routines and a simple
file modifier like awk to create new shapes having expanded dimensions. An example of such a script is

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found in Appendix F. Specify the triangulation name, strike of the stope, dip of the stope, and distances to
expand on stope walls. This simple example can be built upon.
First, we need to have some sort of ore/waste type of classification. This can be done using a breakdown
field (found under Advanced Reserves - Variables) such as a classification field (e.g. type) or product code.
Second, using the Columns option, set up two new tonnage columns, for example, ORETONS and
WASTETONS. In our example, if the dyke is ore and all else is waste, we would set ORETONS as follows:

Third, set up two new grade columns. For example, the OREGRADE column is based on the original gold
grade, only if ore, and weighted by the ORETONS column:
Fourth, using the Tables option, organise all the columns into a report:

Note that all waste grades are 0.0. This is a function of how the blocks were estimated in the example, i.e. no
grade was assigned to waste blocks.

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SECTION 3: Geology, Presentation, Miscellaneous

3.1 Shaft and Drift Mapping
Two methods of quickly creating geological interpretations with respect to your workings are intersection of
existing triangulations and unfolding a circular shaft. Another tool, not discussed here, is the Design Create - In Plane option.
3.1.1 Intersecting with Triangulations
A quick method of creating lines of intersection between two triangulations, solids or surfaces, is via the
Triangle Utility - Intersect option. Simply select two triangulations from the screen and a line or polygon
will be created. You can also choose "Triangulations from horizon file" on the Intersect Triangulations
panel. The horizon file, <proj>strata.hzl, is an ASCII file listing names of surfaces and some information
about them. The online help shows an example of the horizon file which can be created in the Grid
Calculation Utility, or GDCALC using Model - Horizon Table. You can type in the names of your horizons.
If you don't know their names, then use the Borehole Graphics Utility, or BHGUTE using Mapfile - Horizon
Criteria, followed by Horizon List - Save Horizon List if you wish to modify the list of horizons.
The lines and polygons created by the Intersect option can be plotted or dumped to a data collector.
3.1.2 Unfolding a Circular Shaft
In this method, the View - Shaft View allows you to "unfold" a cylindrical shaft on the screen, digitise data,
then return the shaft and the digitised data back to the original view. This method is applicable to an
inclined, cylindrical entity as well, such as a borehole.
Begin by selecting Create. The x and y centre coordinates are the centre coordinates at the mid-point of the
shaft, i.e. half-way along the length of the shaft. Next, either select "Apply now" in the Shaft Window
Create panel or select the To Shaft View option. It is very helpful to place a grid in the shaft view window,
select Analyse - Grid - Apply to do this.
If you are in a shaft view window, then select From Shaft View to return to the primary window. Do not
confuse "Target Window" with "Layer Name" in the Layer Transfer Data panel.
Triangulations can be transferred from and to the shaft view window. To do this, you must select "Select by
picking" from the Layer Transfer Data panel.
To modify the shaft view coordinates, use the View - Windows - Edit option.
3.2 Plotting and Presentation
A wide variety of plotting and presentation methods are found in the Envisage and workstation environment.
3.2.3 Border Styles
User-defined border styles are used to create customised plot borders containing specific legend information,
company logo, etc. In this example we will go through the steps of creating an 8.5 in x 11 in border style to
be used in the plotting of an underground blast design.
Enter the border style editor by selecting the Envisage option File - Plot Templates - New OR by rightclicking on the drafting.dgd in the Resources tab of the VUCLAN Explorer window and selecting New
Assign a meaningful name, e.g. UGBLAST. Next, select File Plot Templates - External. This is the outer
plot border. Select "Two Points" on the External Box Dimensions panel and click OK. For the upper right
corner, remembering the 8.5 x 11-inch portrait border style, click on the keyboard construction icon and
enter 21.590 (2.54 cm x 8.5 inches - border style editor is in metric) for the x-coordinate and 27.94 (2.54 cm
x 11 inches) for the y-coordinate. Leave the line thickness at 0.25 mm, it generally is OK.
Create the plot clipping border by selecting Plot Templates - Internal. Define the extents of the internal
clipping box. For a 1/2-inch left border and 2-inch bottom border, use the keyboard icon to set the origin of
the internal box at 1.27x, 5.08y. When the Internal Box panel comes up next, remove the check mark from
"Use Scale Dimensions," leave "metre" in the "units" field, and click OK. Assuming a 1/2-inch top and right
margin, use the keyboard icon to enter in 20.32 (x), 26.67 (y).
Create any text you wish on your border style. Similarly for other digitising such as lines, polygons, and
symbols (company logo). To create fields in which the user will be prompted to enter information, such as
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mine level, use the Plot Templates - Field option. If you need to edit an existing field for size, length,
prompt, use the standard tools Text Edit - Draft Size, Attribute Edit - Value and Text Edit - Modify Line,
Attribute Edit - Description, respectively.
For the underground blast reporting window, use the Clipping Box option to drag out a rectangle where you
wish the report to occur. Then assign to this object a group name of NO_PLOT via Attribute Edit - Group
and object name of UGB_REPORT via Attribute Edit - Name. (Use an object name of UGB_EXREP for
adding an explosives report).
Your plot template is stored in the drafting.dgd of the ENVIS_RESO directory; by default , this is the
$VULCAN/resources directory. Be sure you have permissions to access this sub-directory before reading
from it or storing a template in it.
Access your custom plot template in the general plotting routines by first selecting File - Plot - Defaults.
3.2.4 Symbols
Symbols are user-definable, 2D and 3D objects that you create by right-clicking on the symbols.dgd of the
Resources tab of the VULCAN explorer window and choosing the New Symbol option.
Keep the symbols simple in terms of limiting the total number of points in the symbol. If you have too
many points, the symbols will be very slowly displayed on the Envisage screen or not at all.
There are several methods for applying symbols. Use Design - Create - Symbol to place one symbol at a
given point on the screen. Use Design - Line Style Edit Symbolize Points to apply symbols to existing
points, lines, or polygons. If you have a samples database containing point data, e.g., chip samples,
geophones, etc, the database can store symbol information such as symbol name, symbol size, symbol angle
(all of which can be referenced to fields in the database). When displaying the data from a samples database
(via the Geology - Sampling menu for example), the points are converted to a symbol.
Downloading survey data from a survey instrument can now be made to automatically apply Envisage
symbols at nominated points that have been pre-coded in the file (see Survey - Surveying - Edit
Codes option).
Removal of symbols is done with the not-so-obvious step of using Attribute Edit - Feature, and then from
the list, selecting UNDEFINED.
3.2.6 Animation
The Animation option found in the View menu might be used during design work or for a presentation. In
terms of design work, you could create equipment objects, including articulating equipment. These pieces of
equipment could be moved around corners to check for fit. A drill rig could be animated to check that the
mast will fit in the cutout or drift.
For presentation, phases of development could be animated, to view the design for period one, period two,
etc. and watch the progress of the development over time.
For a general animation, e.g. the development into
and around the sublevel cave stopes, begin by
selecting Animation - Create. From the Actors
confirm box, select Create actor. An actor is
simply the name given to the objects, triangles, or
grids in the animation. For example, we could
choose to animate the display of selected
triangulation models (chosen from a drop-down
list of models in the current working directory).
Next, check the "Use specified name as a
sequence prefix". Finally, check "Keep
triangulations in later frames".

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To run the animation, use the Select option. Put a check mark
on the "Set all loaded objects to invisible" in the Animation

Use the Animation toolbar to view your animation; you can

play back frame-by-frame or cycle backwards and forwards.
3.3 GIS tools
The Envisage tools serve as the beginnings of a Geographic Information Systems (GIS). Depending on your
definition of and requirements from a GIS system, Envisage may provide you with the necessary options.
This discussion focuses on the Analyse - Attribute Data menu options.
3.3.1 Analyse Menu: Attribute Data
If you have a link already set up, you can simply use the Inquire option. If only one link has been set up, it
is automatically used. With more than one link, you will be asked to choose which you would like to use.
The options for establishing a link using the Create option are: 1) linking to a text file, 2) linking to a
database, 3) linking to a single command, or 4) linking to a macro running one or more commands.
Linking to a database or macro are more complex processes.
Linking to a Database
In our example, we have a "Services and Supplies Database," which is a form of
samples database; it is named demo.srv. We also have named objects in our layers.
Now we can set up index keys in the demo.srv database which match the names of
objects. When setting up a database link by selecting ISIS_DB from the confirm
box, fill in the panel accordingly:

Linking to a Macro
Of the four types of links, macros are the most powerful. In our example, we have an image (PEXEL file) to
which we wish to link. This
may represent a photograph of
an electrical substation, for
example. Simply select
MACRO from the Link type
selection panel, enter the name
and description of the link:

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Click on ADD, to see the following panel:
Select PICTURE_ABS, then enter the name and type of file in the
next panel. The file must be in the current working directory.
Jpeg and Gif file types are not supported so you must convert to
either RGB or PEXEL file type using the File - Convert menu if
your picture files are in another format.
Note that despite nominating the file type, you are obliged to type
in the full file name including the file extension in the name field.

If you choose to use a connection line between the

selected object and the image to be posted, you might

This displayed image is stored on the Envisage screen as an underlay, so use one of the various options for
removing it (e.g. Model - Remove or Files - Underlay - Remove or Triangle Utility - Deselect).
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3.3.2 Analyse Menu: External Data

In VULCAN core photos can be associated with

drill hole traces. The functionality can be set up to
allow you to click on a drill hole and view the core
photos associated with the metre on which you
clicked. Use the Analyse - External Data menu to
link the core photos with the drill hole traces.
To enable the viewing of core photos you must first
set up the External Command Query. This is done
with Analyse - External Data - Set Up (Figure 1).

Figure 1: The Menu path of External Data - Set Up

Figure 2: External Command Query panel

Once selected, the External Command Query panel is produced (Figure 3-2). In the Data area containing
files field you can enter either a path or a variable. We have set up a variable that looks at a path on the
network as there will be a substantial number of photos and having a variable set will allow you to swap
quickly between areas if required. For this functionality to work, ensure you have the environment variable
set CORE_PHOTOS for example, with the value of O:\Exploration\Core_photos\). The naming of the
target photographs is important: the files must be names using a syntax that shows the depth range.
Click on Analyse - External Data - Set Up (Figure 1).
In Data area containing files, type CORE_PHOTOS (Figure 2).
For File extension, type jpg (Figure 2).
Command to execute is V:\resources\xnview.exe $ & (Figure 2). (Any image viewer can be
specified e.g. Paint Shop Pro but you must type in the full path to the executable for that program).
Name type is <object name>_<z range>.<extension> (Figure 2). The format must be adhered to:
the object name can be the drill hole identifier (uppercase) and the z range is separated by an
underscore character, for example, NBD051_221.100_227.100 would access a drill hole called
NBD051 between the z-level of 221.1 - 227.1.
In the Z value part of the panel click the radio button for Convert to distance along object from
point 1 (Figure 2).
Click OK.

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Once the External Command Query has been set up, you should not need to go through this procedure
again as it will be saved automatically.
To display the core photos for a drill hole, you must have the drill hole loaded on screen. To load drill holes,
open a database using the Geology - Drilling - Open Database option (Figure 3). For example, the datasheet
name for drill hole data is GEO and the optional database identifier is ODBC (Figure 4).
Click on Geology - Drilling - Open Database (Figure 3).
Pick the datasheet name GEO (Figure 4).
Pick the Optional database identifier ODBC (Figure 4).
Tick on Smooth drill hole traces (Figure 4).
Interpolated points per interval is 10 (Figure 4).
Click OK.

Figure 3: Menu path for Geology - Drilling - Open Database

Figure 4: Opening a drill hole database

Once the database is open you can load the required holes. Use the Geology - Drilling - Load by name
option to load the drill holes. To load all holes you can use a wild card such as *, to load a group of holes
you can use a combination of identifying characters and wild cards (such as NBD* or NBD056*) or you can
load individual holes (such as NBD056W3). Do remember that the characters need to be uppercase.

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To load all drill holes, use * which is a wild card then click OK (Figure 5)

Figure 5: Loading drill holes by name panel

Once you have loaded your drill holes you can perform an inquiry on them to view the core photos.

Use Analyse - External Data - Inquire option (Figure 6).

Figure 6: Analyse - External Data - Inquire menu path

Click on the drill hole trace for the area you wish to see the core photos.
The installed imaging software (Microsoft Paint, PhotoEditor, Paint Shop Pro, ImageView, or in this
case, XnView), will open in a separate window and display the image of the drill core for the
specified interval (Figure 7).

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Figure 7: The result of inquiring on a drill hole

3.4 Conversion of Old Data

Data digitised from historical plans and sections is rarely in true 3D space. Some or all of the digitising may
have been done with a CAD system, so you will need to handle the type of data produced in that
Begin your conversion by doing simple processes such as organising the data by layers and possibly groups.
Make use of colour by layer and by group as an excellent way of visually checking the organisation of the
data. Depending on what the data will be used for, ensure that what looks like a polygon or a line is in fact
an Envisage polygon or line. Simply left-clicking on a string to highlight the object will prove if the
polygon consists of one or multiple line segments.
If you find that what has been digitised consists of multiple line segments, they can be connected using UG
Development - Link Strings or Point Edit - Link which connect touching or nearly touching line segments
into a single line. Note that an option exists to delete duplicate points that result from linking adjacent lines.
In cases of very poor digitising, you may need to use Object Edit - Join Line or Point Insert - Replace String
function in conjunction with the Track Section of Existing Line digitising tool.
3.4.1 Plans
Before conversion, check what sort of survey information you have. If it has been digitised or exists only on
the original maps, use that data. If all you have is a general elevation, that works too. If you need to digitise
or modify the survey points, use the features tool in which you can prompt for floor and back elevation.

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Here are two scenarios for plan conversion:

Development into a narrow-vein deposit, with the resulting development characterised by being lengthy
along strike and containing multiple cross-cuts and miscellaneous drifts.

Development into a large, flat-lying deposit, perhaps appearing as room and pillar.

In the first scenario, if all you have is a general elevation for the levels, use Object Edit - Z Value to set the
elevation. If you are fortunate to have surveys, maybe even floor and back, use these to assign the grade.
This is generally done by loading the points onto the screen and then snapping a line onto those points. You
may have to use Relimit and Point Insert - Insert or Replace String (and selecting Interpolate from the
confirm box) to have a line cover every portion of the development. When you are finished, the lines you
have just digitised will look like designed center lines. They in fact will be used that way because the next
step is to apply "rib outlines" to these lines using UG Development - Wall Outline. Use a width that just
exceeds the maximum width of the as-built walls on the layer you are trying to modify. In some instances,
you will be out by a small amount, and you can use Point Edit and Point Insert tools to make sure the walls
you have just created enclose the as-built rib lines.
Now, connect all of the wall outline polygons into one or more large polygons using UG Development Union Walls. Rotate the centrelines and wall outlines to visually check for busts in the survey data and your
digitising. You may need to re-grade certain centrelines using Object Edit - Grade as you would during
Using Triangle Solid - End Plate or a similar tool, create a surface triangulation based on the graded rib lines
you have just built.
Grade the as-built rib lines by registering them onto the surface using Object Edit - Register or Triangle
Utility - Register.
Repeat the grading process for the rest of the development, i.e. the back or floors. Use UG Development Project Backs/Floors (under the Triangulations sub-menu) if you have only one rib line; use Triangle Solid Create if you have both floor and back rib lines that have been registered into their correct positions.
You can also use Triangle Utility - Boolean for creating the as-builts. First, create the surface triangulations
for the floor and back as before; ensure these surfaces fully extend outside the actual rib lines. Next, use UG
Development - Project Backs/Floors (Triangulations sub-menu) and select the rib line polygons. Select a
back and floor projection height that extends well above and below the actual elevations. Now, use Boolean
to trim off the portions of the as-built that protrude through the floor and back surface triangulations.
The Survey - UG Survey - Build 3D Drive option provides a semi-automatic method of creating
triangulations from underground survey data, i.e. centrelines (strings) that define the floor (sill), roof (back)
and wall (rib) surfaces. The trick here is to first coalesce all objects into a single object; you can do this
using Design - Object Edit Coalesce, though it is more efficient to use the Design - Layer Edit - Unify
In the second scenario, the process is the same except that we do not have the luxury of clearly seeing which
drifts to assign elevations to. In a room and pillar situation characterised by a few connecting drifts between
the stopes, it might be easier to take the survey points which are stored in a layer and fit a gridded surface
through them. This is best done in GDCALC and using a "mask" distance (Model - Mask) defined by your
closest development. The grid is then brought into Envisage and the as-built lines registered onto it.
3.4.2 Sections
Data that has been digitised from longitudinal-sections is usually the most difficult to convert of all other
possible section views.
For general conversion steps, you might begin by rotating the long-section data into the strike of the longsection if it isn't already. Next, create a surface triangulation either as a flat plane oriented in the generalised
plane of mineralisation/stoping or based on all the mapped undulations of the ore.
Register the digitised stope and development outlines onto this triangulation, using Object Edit - Register or
Triangle Utility - Register, selecting in the panel from either option "Define Plane."
If the stopes have known widths, assign these widths as object values to the stope polygons using Attribute
Edit - Value. To create the triangulations, use Triangle Solid - Polygons as described in Section 1.1.4 using
the object value as the projection width.

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There are several ways of assigning the width of a triangle solid from the mineralised zone to the stopes.
The easiest option is to use Triangle Solid - Polygons, projecting the stope outlines some distance out to
either side of the solid triangulation, then use Triangle Utility - Boolean or Merge. Here is an example of
what you can do with sectional data:

3.5 Data Organisation

Organisation of your data is critical for many reasons, quick retrieval, safety etc. Data organisation, which is
a minor issue for a one-person office, can become more complex with a group of people. Assuming that the
majority of files involved in UG mine design are either triangulations or design files (DGDs), here are a few
Begin by naming your DGDs with appropriate names, e.g. survey, geology, model etc. Also name your
triangulations with appropriate names that you will recognise.
Name your DGD layers and give them descriptions. This will be very helpful six months later when you
come back to a project. Do this either when creating the layer or subsequently by using Design - Layer Edit
- Name.
Assign names and descriptions to your DGD object. For example, doing reserves and costings will be much
more effective if you have named and described your objects. Do this using Design - Attribute Edit- Name
and Design - Attribute Edit - Description.
3.5.1 Multiple Users and Data Sharing
In this scenario, several users need to share DGD data. Each user probably has their own DGD, either in a
sub-directory shared by all or in their own directories.
If everyone's DGDs are in the same directory, then using the List Layers icon, instead of the normal "*" or
other wildcard usage, enter the identifier of the DGD for which you wish to list the layers. For example, if
you want to see the the layers beginning with "UG" in the database named demosurvey.dgd, in the List
Layers panel, type "survey:ug*" if the project name (demo) is the same for both your currently open DGD
and the DGD you are accessing remotely. If the project names are NOT the same, then in the same List
Layers panel, type "_eastsurvey:ug*" where "east" is the foreign project name.
If the DGDs are in different directories, you can still access them by setting up "optional data areas."
setenv ENG V:/data/engineering/designs/
setenv SURV T:/usr/data/survey/asbuilts/
setenv GEOLOGY G:/exploration/data/geology/
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These environment variables may be set up in a C-shell script that is executed via a batch file setup when
you start the Workbench OR set up via your My Computer - Properties - Advanced - Environment
Variables. The Environment Variables are shortcuts that save the user from manually browsing or typing in
a full path name:

When you select the List Layers option, you can now select the optional data area:

When you list layers and then select a layer or layers from a remote DGD, note that you are really just
importing that layer into the graphics of your current Envisage session. Not until you use Save or Save
Layer do you really save the layer from the remote DGD into your own DGD. At this point, you have a
copy of the layer or layers.
3.5.2 Multiple Design Databases
It is strongly recommended that you name your DGDs with an obvious name, e.g. survey, model, design,
geology etc. These are the identifiers of the various DGDs. If your project name is "demo," your actual file
names are demosurvey.dgd, demomodel.dgd, demodesign.dgd, demogeology.dgd. If you wish to copy a
DGD to another directory, be sure you also copy its index file, the DGX, with the same prefix.
You might have master DGDs, e.g., model96 into which you post verified work. Inserting new data can be
done by opening the master DGD and then listing the layers out of the work DGD as described above. You
can also use the Files - Design Files - Save Layer To but BE CAREFUL as it currently does not check for
existing layer names and lock files, i.e. there is the potential to overwrite an existing layer.
3.5.3 Other Tips on Data Organisation and Retrieval
See the reference manual (Envisage System Administration - Appendix A) for the names of environment
variables pointing to sub-directories containing entities such as work files.
A recent improvement to data organisation and retrieval available from Version 4.5 onwards is the
Preferences for the VULCAN Explorer; allowing the user to set remote directories for certain file-types
such as lava scripts, DGDs and triangulations. This functionality is intended to replace the files_layout
and Data Management functionality of previous VULCAN versions.

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Once the remote directory has been set (click in the field to display a system browser) files from the
nominated directory(ies) of the selected file-type will then be displayed in the VULCAN Explorer window,
thus allowing quicker access to the file for loading or executing.
For your own demos and in many cases, your own design work, use the File - Save Screen and Load Screen
options. This allows almost instant retrieval of layers, triangulations, drilling etc. to the screen. You can
even save your view if you have rotated out of plan view.

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SECTION 4: Appendices
Appendix A: DBGL Script
This script and its calling script are used to copy the name of an object into that object's group name. The
DBGL script needs to be modified so that only specified layers have their group names updated. This script
will replace all existing group names.
Calling script:
if (! $?VULCAN_EXE) then
source ${VULCAN}/.maptek_setup_login
if ($#argv != 1) then
echo "usage: dgd_group <database name> eg. dgd_group demototal.dgd"
setenv FLIB $VULCAN/bin/flib
echo $1 | dbgl dgd_group
DBGL script:
! This script converts takes the name of the object and applies it to the group name
environment "FLIB:DGD"
generate ?"Database: "/dgd1 alias db
if no_more_data(db) then
stop 'Finished' .
if current_record(POLHED) then
polhed:entgrp = polhed:entnam ;
update polhed .
read db .
end of db generation

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Appendix B: DATUPD Script for UG blast holes
This script reads a file named "ugblast.dat" as pictured in Section 2.2.1 which contains assays coming in
from the lab. These assays are merged into AU field of the SAMPLE record of the "demovcr.ugb" database.
The duplication of the DEPTH field in the script is a work-around that is necessary in some versions of
DATUPD. The "1" is used to ID multiple records types. If only one record type is being used, then the 1
can be replaced by literally a ' ' and the from=1 and to=1 replaced by from= and to=.
* KRJA, DB TANK FILE specifications.
* this script merges in lab data to UG Blast hole data, uses holeid and depth to find unique id
'DEPTH' '20' '24'
'DEPTH' '20' '24'
'AU' '28' '32'

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Appendix C: Optech Data File

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Appendix D: File
This file is found in your project directory. It uses the comments found in the data collector to properly
apply attributes to the survey points such as connection of the points with line segments, line colour, line
style etc.
! Survey_codes definition file
! Structure = code|object|group|feature|colour|linetype|point or line|
! code : is the numeric survey code used
! object : is the name for the survey object
! group : is the group name that the object will be allocated
! feature : is the feature name for the object
! color : is the colour of the object ( 1-32 )
! linetype : is the numeric linetype ( 1-16 )
! point/line: is whether the object will be a line (1) or a point (0)
2#OBJ_TOE #TOES #TOES #32#0#1#
20#OBJ_TOE #TOES #TOES #1#2#1#

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Appendix E: DATUPD Script for Channel Samples
This script reads a file named "face.dat" as pictured below which contains assays coming in from the lab.
These assays are merged into AU and other fields of the SAMPLE record of the "demoface.cha" database.
File Format:
UG3814 9534 0 20 0.118 -1.000 0.118 -1.000 1.000 15.360 0.733
UG3814 9535 0 20 0.003 -1.000 -0.037 -1.000 15.800 2.200 12.825
UG3827 9555 0 20 0.292 -1.000 0.292 -1.000 1.600 4.320 0.623
Script File:
* Used for merging face samples with spreadsheet data
* This script matches based on name of channel and
* contained sample numbers, therefore, it is assumed
* you have these sample numbers already in place in the
* database prior to running this script.
'ID' 'AU' 'ACID' 'SULF' 'CO2'
'AU' '33' '38'
'ACID' '50' '56'
'SULF' '77' '83'
'CO2' '85' '91'

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Appendix F: Dilution Script
This allows you to expand a stope triangulation in 3D, in two directions, e.g., hanging wall and foot wall.
Run this by using the EXPAND script.
Calling script: expand
#!/bin/csh -v
if( $#argv < 5 ) then
echo "Usage: expand triangulation azimuth dip deltaleft deltaright"
set n = "/tmp/$$.tmp"
tridump $1 $n
xyzrotate -v azimuth=$2 -v dip=$3 < $n > ${n}2
set mid = `cat middle.tmp`
xyzshift -v azimuth=$2 -v dip=$3 -v xmid=$mid -v deltaleft=$4 -v deltaright=$5 < ${n}2 >${n}3
triload ${n}3 d${1}
rm $n ${n}2 ${n}3 middle.tmp
exit 0
Rotate script: xyzrotate
#!/bin/nawk -f
pi = 3.1415926535;
a = azimuth*pi/180; cosa = cos(a); sina = sin(a);
d = (-90 - dip)*pi/180; cosd = cos(d); sind = sin(d);
xmin = 9999999999;
xmax = -9999999999;
if( $1 == "Vertex:" )
x = substr($0, 8, 17);
y = substr($0, 26, 17);
z = substr($0, 44, 17);
# Azimuth rotation
x1 = cosa * x - sina * y;
y1 = sina * x + cosa * y;
z1 = z;
# Dip rotation
x2 = cosd * x1 - sind * z1;
# Save dip rotated X coordinate and azimuth rotated (x,y,z)
printf("Vertex:%17.4f,%17.4f,%17.4f,%17.4f\n", x2, x1, y1, z1);
# compute min and max x
if( x2 < xmin ) xmin = x2;
if( x2 > xmax ) xmax = x2;
print $0;
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END { print (xmin + xmax )/2.0 > "middle.tmp"; }
Expand script: xyzshift
#!/bin/nawk -f
pi = 3.1415926535;
a = -azimuth*pi/180; cosa = cos(a); sina = sin(a);
d = dip*pi/180;
if( d < 0 ) d = -d;
deltaleft *= 1.0/sin(d);
deltaright *= 1.0/sin(d);
if( $1 == "Vertex:" ) {
xx = substr($0, 8, 17);
x = substr($0, 26, 17);
y = substr($0, 44, 17);
z = substr($0, 44+18, 17);
if( xx+0 < xmid+0 ){
x -= deltaleft;
x += deltaright;
# Azimuth rotation
x1 = cosa * x - sina * y;
y1 = sina * x + cosa * y;
z1 = z;
printf("Vertex:%17.4f,%17.4f,%17.4f\n", x1, y1, z1);
else if (NR == 2 || NR == 3)
print $0;

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Appendix G: Example of files_layout Specification File
The file is actually named as files_layout. The path can be full or relative, you can use your own directory
PATH = "triangle.d"
PATH = "export.d"
PATH = "grid.d"
PATH = "report.d"
PATH = "temp.d"
PATH = "map.d"
PATH = "import.d"
PATH = "archive.d"
PATH = "plot.d"
PATH = "log.d"
PATH = "error.d"
Other valid types relating to UG design work are: SPEC, LOCK, DESIGN, DATABASE, WORK,

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Underground Design Course Notes

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South America: 56-2 234 4608
Europe: 44-115 947 2000

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