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Objectives of Marketing

Different businesses may use marketing as a tool for different purposes. We can outline

the objectives as follows

To increase sales revenue

To improve and maintain image of the product or the business

To increase market share

To target a new market

To target a new market segment

SWOT analysis
SWOT Analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths,
Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats involved in a project or in a business venture. It
involves specifying the objective of the business venture or project and identifying the
internal and external factors that are favourable and unfavourable to achieving that

SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and


From an organization point of view SWOT will show the following:

Strengths: attributes of the organization that is helpful to achieving the


Weaknesses: attributes of the organization that is harmful to achieving the


Opportunities: external conditions that is helpful to achieving the objective.

Threats: external conditions which could do damage to the business's

SWOT analysis is used to find the answers to the following questions.

How can we Use and capitalize on each Strength?

How can we improve each Weakness?

How can we Exploit and Benefit from each Opportunity?

How can we mitigate each Threat?

The aim of any SWOT analysis is to identify the key internal and external factors that
are important to achieving the objective. These come from within the company's unique
value chain. SWOT analysis groups key pieces of information into two main categories:
Internal factors The strengths and weaknesses internal to the organization. These
may include factors such as the 4P's; as well as personnel, finance, manufacturing
capabilities, and so on.
External factors The opportunities and threats presented by the external
environment to the organization. The external factors may include macroeconomic
matters, technological change, legislation, and socio-cultural changes, as well as
changes in the marketplace or competitive position. The results are often presented in
the form of a matrix.

Market Segmentation
Usually it is not economical for a company to focus its marketing effort to the whole
market. The reason behind is that some people might be interested in buying your
product and some might not be, so you are wasting your time and effort on those
people who dont want to buy your products. For example if I launch a Business Studies
textbook for IGCSE students, will a NASA scientist be interested in my book.
NO!! So I will focus on the needs and wants of IGCSE students only because they will
eventually buy my book. My pricing, my packaging, advertising everything will be
focusing on IGCSE students because they are my target market or Market segment. This
technique of dividing the market into segments and categorising the population on
similar needs and wants is known as Market segmentation.

Bases of Segmentation

Age: Products for kids, teens, old people.

Income: different income levels of different people

Lifestyle: types of activities people do to spend their time.

Region: cold, hot, wet and dry places.

Gender: male or female.

Use of the product: Car may be used by a individual for private purpose or
may be used by somebody else as a taxi.

What is Marketing Mix?

The 'marketing mix' is a set of controllable, tactical marketing tools that work
together to achieve company's objectives
Elements of the marketing mix are often referred to as 'the four Ps':
Product - A tangible object or an intangible service that is mass produced or
manufactured on a large scale with a specific volume of units. Intangible
products are often service based like the tourism industry & the hotel industry.
Typical examples of a mass produced tangible object are the motor car and the
disposable razor. A less obvious but ubiquitous mass produced service is a
computer operating system.

Price The price is the amount a customer pays for the product. It is determined
by a number of factors including market share, competition, material costs,
product identity and the customer's perceived value of the product. The business
may increase or decrease the price of product if other stores have the same
Place Place represents the location where a product can be purchased. It is
often referred to as the distribution channel. It can include any physical store as
well as virtual stores on the Internet.
Promotion Promotion represents all of the communications that a marketer
may use in the marketplace. Promotion has four distinct elements - advertising,
public relations, word of mouth and point of sale.

Marketing Research
Marketing research is related with collecting facts and figures from the
market to assist the managers to make correct decisions.

Need for Marketing Research

There may be many reasons for carrying out market research.
It may be carried out find out

the likes and dislikes of the customers,

appropriate price for the product,

how many people might buy the product.

finding the profile of the customers,

the places they buy

about competitors and;

the promotion techniques which might be most effective.

Primary research
Also known as field research, it involves collection and collation of original data through
direct contact with potential or existing customers.

Methods of Primary research are:

Questionnaire: a set of questions focusing on finding information. It can be

postal, telephonic or face to face

Interviews: Prepared questions asked by an interviewer and detailed input is


Consumer Panels: Groups of people who are willing to provide their input and
feedback on particular products or services.

Observations: recording, watching or auditing a particular activity or product.

Experiments: for new products to a limited geographical area or limited number

of customers and finding out their feedback.

Types of Information
Market research collects two types of data:

Quantitative data: finding the quantity or how many

Qualitative data: finding out the opinions and judgement or reasons for
particular action.

Process of marketing research

Market research, reviewing the following seven steps in the market research

Step One: Define Marketing Problems and


The market research process begins with identifying and defining the problems
and opportunities that exist for your business

Step Two: Set Objectives, Budget and


Your objective might be to explore the nature of a problem so you may further
define it. Or, perhaps it is to determine how many people will buy your product
packaged in a certain way and offered at a certain price. Your objective might
even be to test possible cause and effect relationships. For example, if you lower
your price by 10 percent, what increased sales volume should you expect? What
impact will this strategy have on your profit?
How much money are you willing to invest in your market research? How much
can you afford?
Prepare a detailed, realistic time frame to complete all steps of the market
research process.

Step Three: Select Research Types, Methods

and Techniques

There are two types of research: primary research or original information

gathered for a specific purpose and secondary research or information that
already exists somewhere. Both types of research have a number of activities
and methods of conducting associated with them.

Step Four: Research Design

Includes incorporating knowledge from secondary information analysis,

qualitative research, methodology selection, question measurement & scale
selection, questionnaire design, sample design & size and determining data
analysis to be used.

Step Five: Collect the Data

Often called data collection or survey fielding, this is the point at which the
finalized questionnaire (survey instrument) is used in gathering information
among the chosen sample segments. There are a variety of data collection
methodologies to consider.

Step Six: Organize and Analyze the Data

Once your data has been collected, it needs to be assembled into a format in
which it can be analyzed easily. This involves editing, coding and tabulating the

Step Seven: Present and Use Market Research


Once marketing information about your target market, competition and

environment is collected and analyzed, present it in an organized manner to the
decision makers of the business.

Secondary research
Secondary research occurs when a project requires a summary or collection of existing
data. As opposed to data collected directly from respondents or "research subjects" for
the express purposes of a project, (often called "empirical" or "primary research"),

secondary sources already exist.

These secondary soures could include previous research reports, newspaper, magazine
and journal content, and government and NGO statistics. Sometimes secondary
research is required in the preliminary stages of research to determine what is known
already and what new data is required, or to inform research design. At other times, it
may make be the only research technique used.
Also known as desk research
Secondary data can be collected from internal and external sources.

Internal sources
Information which is available for inside the business such as

Sales department records, customer records and sales reports

Opinions of distributors and public relations departments

Financial statements and records

External sources
These include:


Government statistics and census reports

Media reports

Market research agencies reports

Employers association reports

Advantages of secondary research

Secondary data is the most easily accessible data and saves the researcher the
trouble of going through the tiresome process of collecting data personally.
Secondary data is readily available at cheap rates and is usually quite inexpensive.
Collecting secondary data and analysing it saves time and effort.
Secondary data is unobtrusive. It is easily available and the researcher can get it
without much struggle.
Secondary data avoids data collection problems and it provides a basis for

Accuracy of Marketing Research

The accuracy of marketing research data collected depends on the following factors:

The size of the sample: the bigger the better.

Type of sample: Quota sample may be more accurate then random sampling.

Testing the questionnaire on a small sample and improving it and then going
in for an actual survey will be more accurate rather than going straightaway for data

Primary Research tends to be more accurate than secondary research

because the later might be carried out by someone else for other purpose. Moreover
you can never be sure of the methods of collecting it.

Newspaper articles may be biased, Statistics may be outdated.

How to design a questionnaire?

The most common research instrument is the questionnaire. Poorly designed
questionnaires do not uncover the information you are seeking. Pretest any question
with a few people to see which questions are being misunderstood or are not effective
in drawing out the type of response you are interested in. Keep these tips in mind when
designing your market research questionnaire.

Keep it simple.

Include instructions for answering all questions included on the survey.

Begin the survey with general questions and move towards more specific

Keep each question brief.

If the questionnaire is completed by the respondent and not by an interviewer or

survey staff member, remember to design a questionnaire that is graphically pleasing
and easy to read.

Remember to pre-test the questionnaire. Before taking the survey to the printer,
ask a few people-such as regular customers, colleagues, friends or employees-to
complete the survey. Ask them for feedback on the survey's style, simplicity and their
perception of its purpose.

Mix the form of the questions. Use scales, rankings, open-ended questions and
closed-ended questions for different sections of the questionnaire. The "form" or way a
question is asked may influence the answer given.

Types of Questions
There are two common formats for questions

1. Closed-ended questions
Respondents choose from possible answers included on the questionnaire.
Types of closed-end questions include:

True/False questions which offer respondents the ability to answer yes or no.

Multiple choice questions which offer respondents one or more choices from a list
of several answers.

Scales refer to questions that ask respondents to rank their answers or measure
their answer at a particular point on a scale. For example, a respondent may have the
choice to rank their feelings towards a particular statement. The scale have values such
as Strongly Disagree, Disagree, Indifferent, Agree, and Strongly Agree

2. Open-ended questions
Respondents answer questions in their own words. Completely unstructured questions
allow respondents to answer any way they choose.
Types of open-ended questions include:

Word association questions ask respondents to state the first word that comes to
mind when a particular word is mentioned.

Sentence, story or picture completion questions ask respondents to complete

partial sentences, stories or pictures in their own words. For example, a question for
commuters might read: "My daily commute between home and office is _____ miles and
takes me an average of ______ minutes. I use the following mode of transportation:

Product can be goods or service.
Goods are of two types:
Consumer goods: Goods which are consumed by people such as chocolate, washing
machine, television etc.
Producer goods: Goods which are used by producers or manufactures to produce
further goods and services e.g. bottling plant, machinery, trucks etc.
Services are also of two types

Consumer services: e.g. taxi, car repairing, schools etc

Producer Services: e.g. factory insurance, advertising agencies.

Features of a successful product

Every successful product has the following features:

It satisfying the needs and wants of the customers.

Its provides value for money to the consumers.

Usually distinctive from other me too products.

Stimulates interest of the consumers.

Process of New Product Development

Step 1-Idea Generation
Ideas for new products can be obtained from basic research
using a


Market and consumer trends,

company's R&D department,


focus groups,



corporate spies,

trade shows


Step 2-Idea Screening

The object is to eliminate unsound concepts prior to devoting
resources to them.
The screeners must ask at least three questions:

Will the customer in the target market benefit from the product?

What is the size and growth forecasts of the market segment/target market?

What is the current or expected competitive pressure for the product idea?

What are the industry sales and market trends the product idea is based on?

Is it technically feasible to manufacture the product?

Will the product be profitable when manufactured and delivered to the customer
at the target price?

Step 3-Concept Development and Testing

Develop the marketing and engineering details

Who is the target market and who is the decision maker in the purchasing

What product features must the product incorporate?

What benefits will the product provide?

How will consumers react to the product?

How will the product be produced most cost effectively?

Prove feasibility through virtual computer aided rendering, and rapid prototyping

What will it cost to produce it?

Testing the Concept by asking a sample of prospective customers what they think
of the idea.

Step 4-Business Analysis

The strategic management team has to think about the
following issues:

Estimate likely selling price based upon competition and customer feedback

Estimate sales volume based upon size of market

Estimate profitability and breakeven point

Step 5-Beta Testing and Market Testing

Produce a physical prototype or mock-up

Test the product (and its packaging) in typical usage situations

Conduct focus group customer interviews or introduce at trade show

Make adjustments where necessary

Produce an initial run of the product and sell it in a test market area to determine
customer acceptance

Step 6-Commercialization
If the test marketing stage has been successful the company

Launch the product (national or region by region)

Produce and place advertisements and other promotions

Fill the distribution pipeline with product

Critical path analysis is most useful at this stage

Process of Product Development

(Simplified description)
A Product goes through a series of steps before it reaches the market:
It all starts with an idea. The idea needs to be further researched to see the feasibility of
production. After this a market research might be conducted to find out potential
demand. If the marketing department sees a potential market, a prototype is developed
which is then tested in a limited market. Feedback is taken and if necessary changes are
made to the product to suit it to the market. Once the product is finalised the product is
launched onto the main market.

The American Marketing Association (AMA) defines a brand as a

name, term, sign, symbol or design, or a combination of them intended to

identify the goods and services of one seller or group of sellers and to
differentiate them from those of other sellers.
Therefore it makes sense to understand that branding is not about getting your target
market to choose you over the competition, but it is about getting your prospects to see

you as the only one that provides a solution to their problem.

Why have a brand?

The objectives that a good brand will achieve include:

Delivers the message clearly

Confirms your credibility

Connects your target prospects emotionally

Motivates the buyer

Concretes User Loyalty

To succeed in branding you must understand the needs and wants of your customers
and prospects. You do this by integrating your brand strategies through your company
at every point of public contact.
Your brand resides within the hearts and minds of customers, clients, and prospects. It is
the sum total of their experiences and perceptions, some of which you can influence,
and some that you cannot.
A strong brand is invaluable as the battle for customers intensifies day by day. It's
important to spend time investing in researching, defining, and building your brand.

After all your brand is the source of a promise to your consumer. It's a foundational
piece in your marketing communication and one you do not want to be without.

Why packaging is done?
To protect the product while transportation or storage. Usually for fragile products
packaging is very important. Think about transporting a 52 inch LCD television from

Japan to US.
To promote the product, distinguish it among other products through vibrant colours,
fonts or material of packaging. On a departmental store self an attractive packing will
play a vital role in attracting the attention of the customers.
To inform the customers about the contents, ingredients, weight, size of the product.
Many government make is mandatory to print this information on the packing of the

Product Life Cycle

A Product life cycle shows the different stages through which a product goes from
development to decline.

Introduction Stage

Product launched into the market.

Sales grow slowly.

Informative advertising is done.

Firm might not earn a profit at this stage.

Price skimming may be used if the product is new invention and has no

Competitive pricing may be used if it already has lot of competitors.

Growth Stage

Sales grow rapidly.

Persuasive advertising may be used.

Prices may be reduced if faced by stiff competition.

Firm starts earning profits.

Maturity Stage

Sales increase slowly and reach the highest sales figures.

Competition is at the maximum level as many new me too products may be in

the market.

Promotional pricing might be a good option.

Profits are at the highest level as the firm is also getting economies of scale.

Repetitive advertising is done to remind the consumers.

Saturation Stage

Sales are stagnant.

Maximum competition but no new competitors and the market is already

crowded with the same types of products.

Promotional pricing or competitive pricing may be a good choice.

Advertising efforts at its highest point.

Decline Stage

Sales start to decline.

Profits start to come down.

Marketing research it done to find out whether this decline is permanent or

temporary. If the decline is permanent in nature then stop the production of the product,
otherwise implement extension strategies.

Advertising is reduced.

Extension stage

Introduce new variations of the original product

Try to sell the product in different markets.

Make small changes in the colour, design or packaging

Start a new advertising campaign.

Add more retail outlets to boost sales.

Pricing Strategies
Cost Plus Pricing

It involves estimating how many of the product will be produced, then calculating
the total cost of producing this output and finally adding a percentage mark-up
for profit.
(Total Cost/Output)* % mark-up=Selling price

Penetration Pricing

Involves setting the price lower than the competitors prices. This strategy is
usually followed where there is a lot of competition and the product launched
may not be unique.

Price Skimming

This is where the product is launched at a premium price. It is common with

products which are a new invention and people are willing to pay a premium
price because of the novelty factors. It is quite common with Mobile phones and
other technological products.

Competitive Pricing

It involves setting the prices in line with the competitors price or just below their

Promotional Pricing

It involves reducing the price of product for a limited period of time. Summer
sales are an example of Promotional pricing.

Before we go ahead with pricing strategies we should be familiar with Price mechanism.
Price of any product is influence by its demand and supply.

Law of demand: if Price rises demand falls because people will not be able to buy the
same quantity of product with the same money they have.
Law of supply: price rises supply rises because more and more suppliers will be
willing to sell the product as there is more profit.
Price of the product in the market is determined at the price level where the
demand equals the supply.

In todays business environment where communicating with the customer is everything,
Promotion holds a very important place in the Marketing mix. With so much of
competition and me too products a successful business is one which can communicate
effectively with it customers and convince them to buy its products. Promotion is usually
thought as advertsing but Promotion is much more than advertising. It involves above
the line and below the line activities to communicate with their potential and existing
customers and improve sales.

Above the line

Activities include advertising
Advertising means communicating with the customers through a paid media.
Advertising is of two types:
Informative advertising is when the message communicated includes information
about size, quantity, ingredients, composition, configuration or content of the product.
The idea is to influence people to buy products buy showing the superiority of the
product in terms of quantity or quality. This type of advertising is usually common with
technological products such as mobile phones or computers.
Persuasive advertising is when the message communicated focuses on persuading
the customers to buy the product through celebrity endorsements, or use of glamour.
Usually advertisements have an element of both informative and persuasive

Mediums of advertising



Newspaper and magazines


Leaflets/direct mail

Below the line

activities include all other promotional activities except advertising i.e.

Sales promotion
It includes activities like

price reduction,

giving out free gifts with every purchase,

organising competitions,

point of sale display,


after-sales service,

giving out free samples

It includes sponsoring sports events or cultural shows or fashion shows

Public relations
Organizing press conferences in giving out information about new products or carrying
out some social service activity.

Personal selling
where a representative from the company influences the customers to buy the product.
It is common for products which are expensive or custom designed. Sales person at a
car showroom is a typical example of personal selling.

What is advertising?
Advertising is the name given to the process of commercial promotion of goods and
services in order to increase its sales. Advertising can be done by means of a number of
mediums like television, newspapers, wall paintings, billboards, magazines, Internet, by

the word-of-mouth and in many other ways. Advertising informs the buyers about the
availability of a certain product or service in the market and encourages them to buy it.

Objectives of advertising
The main objectives of advertising are:

Increasing the usage of a certain product and hence acquiring more orders.

Creating new customers and increasing brand recognition.

To obtain feedback from customers regarding a certain product.

To indicate introduction of new products or replacement of old ones.

Issues related with advertising

Apart from promoting commercial goods, advertising can also be used to educate and
motivate the public about non-commercial issues such as AIDS, deforestation, family
planning, etc.
It is a powerful media which is capable of reaching to the far out masses. Now a days
we find many ads on the internet also. These ads in most cases, have been successfully
in connecting the user with the information he requires. To prevent complete
commercialization of electronic media, some countries have made it mandatory for
broadcasters to air some advertisements related to consumer interest. These public
advertisements educate people of that country on a number of social and moral issues.
However, some people are very keen on exposing the negative side of advertising. The
impact that advertisements cause depends on the state of mind of an individual and his
past experiences. For instances, young kids will be easily attracted by the false claims
made in advertisements. People are also arguing about the increase in consumption of
substances like alcohol and cigarettes after viewing the ads. Excessive advertising has
become a nuisance in most cities of the world. Manufacturers easily make false claims
about any product and influence the minds of the people. To confront this problem,
companies are being asked to withdraw any false and negative claims made in their ads
and also being made to pay a fine for these false claims.

Sales promotion
Sales promotion describes promotional methods using special short-term techniques to
persuade members of a target market to respond or undertake certain activity.

Objectives of Sales Promotion

Sales promotion is a tool used to achieve most of the five major promotional objectives

Building Product Awareness

Creating Interest

Providing Information

Stimulating Demand

Reinforcing the Brand

Common types of Sales Promotions


Coupons: offers purchasers price savings or other incentives when the coupon is
redeemed at the time of purchase


Rebates: Rebates, like coupons, offer value to purchasers typically by lowering

the customers final cost for acquiring the product.


Promotional Pricing : short-term price reduction or, as known in some areas,

"on sale" pricing.


Trade-In: allow consumers to obtain lower prices by exchanging something the

customer possess, such as an older product that the new purchase will replace.


Loyalty Programs: reward, such as price discounts and free products, for
frequent purchasing or other activity are called loyalty programs.


Sampling and Free Trials: Sampling and free trials give customers the
opportunity to experience products, often in small quantities or for a short duration,
without purchasing the product.


Free Product: free product may be in the form of additional quantities of the
same purchased product (e.g., buy one, get one free) or specialty packages (e.g.,
value pack) that offer more quantity for the same price as regular packaging.


Premiums: For example, a cellphone manufacturer may offer access to free

downloadable ringtones for those purchasing a cellphone.


Contests and Sweepstakes: Contests are special promotions awarding value

to winners based on skills they demonstrate compared to others. Sweepstakes or
drawings are not skill based but rather based on luck. Winners are determined by
random selection.


Demonstrations: experienced in-person or via video form, such as over the



Personal Appearances: by someone of interest to the target market, such as

an author, sports figure or celebrity


Point of purchase displays: designed materials intended for placement in

retail stores.


Trade shows: organized events that bring both industry buyers and sellers
together in one central location.

Personal selling
Personal selling is a promotional method in which one party (e.g., salesperson) uses skills and techniques for
building personal relationships with another party (e.g., those involved in a purchase decision) that results in
both parties obtaining value.
This promotional method often occurs through face-to-face meetings or via a telephone
conversation, though newer technologies allow contact to take place over the Internet
including using video conferencing or text messaging (e.g., online chat).

Advantages of Personal Selling

It is a two-way form of communication.

The interactive nature of personal selling also makes it the most effective
promotional method for building relationships with customers, particularly in the
business-to-business market.

Personal selling is the most practical promotional option for reaching customers
who are not easily reached through other methods. The best example is in selling to the
business market where, compared to the consumer market, advertising, public relations
and sales promotions are often not well received.

Disadvantages of Personal Selling

Possibly the biggest disadvantage of selling is the degree to which this

promotional method is misunderstood. Most people have had some bad experiences
with salespeople who they perceived were overly aggressive or even downright

A second disadvantage of personal selling is the high cost in maintaining this

type of promotional effort. Costs incurred in personal selling include training cost etc.

Public relations
Public relations involves the cultivation of favorable relations for organizations and
products with its key publics through the use of a variety of communications channels
and tools. Traditionally, this meant public relations professionals would work with
members of the news media to build a favorable image by publicizing the organization
or product through stories in print and broadcast media. But today the role of public
relations is much broader and includes:

building awareness and a favorable image for a company or client within stories
and articles found in relevant media outlets

closely monitoring numerous media channels for public comment about a

company and its products

managing crises that threaten company or product image

building goodwill among an organizations target market through community,

philanthropic and special programs and events

Marketers have at their disposal several tools for carrying out public relations. The key
tools available for PR include:

Media Relations

Media Tours


Special Events

Speaking Engagements


Employee Relations

Community Relations and Philanthropy

Customer service
According to Turban et al. (2002),
Customer service is a series of activities designed to enhance the level of customer satisfaction that is, the
feeling that a product or service has met the customer expectation."
In short, Customer service is the provision of service to customers before, during and
after a purchase.

Finding new customers is much more expensive than retaining existing ones. Customer
service is more than just keeping customers happy. It's about revenue, because a lost
customer means lost revenue and an unhappy customer can damage your reputation.
Some aspects of effective customer service are:

knowing your customers' needs;

identifying your key service activities;

delivering superior service;

In a competitive marketplace it makes sense to aim to provide superior service.
Customers base their purchasing decisions on the service they receive, not just price,
quality and availability.

Marketing Mix-Place
The fourth P of marketing is Place. If a product is very good, well promoted and the best
prices offered still customers would not be able to buy if it is not easily available to
them. Thus, distribution is of vital importance.

Channels of distribution
There a four ways through which a product reaches the customers. These are also
known as Channel of distribution.

Channel 1
Direct marketing from producer to consumers
Usually common for industrial products, it has become very popular in the consumer
market with the improvement in communication technology. It is usually employed by
specialist mail-order manufacturers and factory outlets.

Channel 2
Manufacturer retailer-consumer
The rise of large supermarkets chain has reduced the importance of the independent
wholesaler. These retail chains buy in bulk and thus deal directly with the manufactures
and undertake their own wholesale functions. E.g. Carrefour, Wal-Mart and Tesco.

Channel 3
This is the traditional channel in consumer goods market. Small retailers depend on
wholesalers for supplies and manufacturers are also keen to avail themselves the
services of wholesalers. The wholesaler buys in bulk from the producer and distributes
to small retailers in according to their needs.

Channel 4
This channel is common when manufacturers want to sell their products in a foreign
market. Because of the unfamiliarity to the foreign market the manufacturer takes the
help of an agent who assists in the movement of goods through the network of
wholesalers and retailers.

Marketing plan
A marketing plan is a written document that details the necessary actions to achieve
one or more marketing objectives. It can be for a product or service, a brand, or a
product line.

A marketing plan may be part of an overall business plan.

Need for a Marketing Plan

The Marketing Plan is generally undertaken for one of the following reasons:

Needed as part of the yearly planning process within the marketing functional

Needed for a specialized strategy to introduce something new, such as new

product planning, entering new markets, or trying a new strategy to fix an existing

Is a component within an overall business plan, such as a new business proposal

to the financial community.

Components of a Business Plan

Business strategy and Objectives
It's a good idea to introduce the main body of the plan with a reminder of your overall
business strategy, including:

what your business is about (your business mission)

your key business objectives

your broad strategy for achieving those objectives

External and internal analysis

A PEST analysis helps you to identify the main opportunities and threats in your market:

Political and legal changes such as new regulations

Economic factors such as interest rates, exchange rates and consumer


Social factors such as changing attitudes and lifestyles, and the ageing

Technological factors such as new materials and growing use of the internet
You also need to understand your own internal strengths and weaknesses. For
example, the main strengths of a new business might be an original product and
enthusiastic employees. The main weaknesses might be the lack of an existing
customer base and limited financial resources. A SWOT analysis combines the external
and internal analysis to summarise your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and

Your marketing objectives

Your marketing objectives should be based on understanding your strengths and
weaknesses, and the business environment you operate in. They should also be linked
to your overall business strategy.
Objectives should always be SMART:

Specific - for example, you might set an objective of getting ten new customers.

Measurable - whatever your objective is, you need to be able to check whether
you have reached it or not when you review your plan.

Achievable - you must have the resources you need to achieve the objective. The
key resources are usually people and money.

Realistic - targets should stretch you, not de-motivate you because they are

Time-bound - you should set a deadline for achieving the objective. For example,
you might aim to get ten new customers within the next 12 months.

Marketing Strategy
If you understand the market well, you can probably break it down into different
segments - groups of similar customers. For example, you can break the business
market down into businesses operating in the same sector and/or of a similar size. For
more information, see our guide on how to segment your customers.
For each segment, you need to look at what customers want, what you can offer and
what the competition is like. You want to identify segments where you have a
competitive advantage. At the same time, you should assess whether you can expect
high enough returns to make the segment worthwhile.

Marketing Mix

Once you have decided what your marketing objectives are, and your strategy for
meeting them, you need to plan how you will make the strategy a reality.
Many businesses find it helpful to think in terms of the four Ps:

Product - what your product offers that your customers value, and whether/how
you should change your product to meet customer needs.

Pricing - for example, you might aim simply to match the competition, or charge
a premium price for a quality product and service. You might have to choose either to
make relatively few high margin sales, or sell more but with lower unit profits.
Remember that some customers may seek a low price to meet their budgets, while
others may view a low price as an indication of quality levels.

Place - how and where you sell. This may include using different distribution
channels. For example, you might sell over the internet or sell through retailers.

Promotion - how you reach your customers and potential customers. For
example, you might use advertising, PR, direct mail and personal selling.

The good marketing plan should include a schedule of key tasks. This sets out what will
be done, and by when.
It should also assess what resources you need. For example, you might need to think
about what brochures you need, and whether they need to be available for digital
distribution (by email or from your website). You might also need to look at how much
time it takes to sell to customers and whether you have enough salespeople.
The cost of everything in the plan needs to be included in a budget. If your finances are
limited, your plan will need to take that into account. Don't spread your marketing
activities too thinly - it is better to concentrate your resources to make the most of your
budget. You may also want to link your marketing budget to your sales forecast.

As well as setting out the schedule, the plan needs to say how it will be controlled. You
need an individual who takes responsibility for pushing things along. A good schedule
and budget should make it easy to monitor progress. When things fall behind schedule,
or costs overrun, you need to be ready to do something about it and to adapt your plan

A person or a firm, who buys in bulk from the manufacture, breaks it into smaller
quantities and supplies it to small retailers.

Role of Wholesaler

Buys in bulk from the producer and breaks into small quantities to retailers.

Provide storage facilities, thus reducing the need for both manufacturer and
retailer to hold such large stocks.

Wholesalers carry out marketing efforts at their level.

Provide credit facilities to small retailers.

Sometimes deliver the goods to the small business outlets.

Wholesalers usually do some amount of promotion at their level thus helping

manufacturers in their marketing efforts.

Selecting the Channel of distribution

Nature of the product: Industrial products are usually sold through a direct
channel as compared to consumer products which are distributed through wider
distribution channel.
Life of the product: a product with a longer shelf life may use longer channel of
distribution whereas products which are perishable are sold directly by the
producer. Fruits and bakery products will use a short channel of distribution.
Technicality of the product: Products which need a high level of technical
assistance usually are directly sold by the producers. For example, aeroplanes
are sold directly by the company without having a network of retailers.
Price of the product: Expensive products are sold through a limited number of
outlets to emphasise its exclusiveness and high quality.
Geographical distribution of customers: Products sold to geographically
scattered customers use a network of wholesalers and retailers. They might also
use Agents if the product is sold in different countries.
Frequency of purchase: Products which are purchased quite often sold through
a network of wholesalers and retailers to make it available to everybody. Soaps
and shampoos are purchased more oft

Functions of marketing departments

Marketing department

These are the main section of the market departments:

Sales department is responsible for the sales and distribution of the products
to the different regions.

Research & Department is responsible for market research and testing new
products to make sure that they are suitable to be sold.

Promotion department decides on the type of promotion method for the

products, arranges advertisements and the advertising media used.

Distribution department transports the products to the market.

Different Medium of Advertising

Given below are common medium of advertising used by business.


Newspapers are one of the traditional mediums used by businesses, both big and small
alike, to advertise their businesses.


Allows you to reach a huge number of people in a given geographic area

You have the flexibility in deciding the ad size and placement within the

Your ad can be as large as necessary to communicate as much of a story as you

care to tell

Exposure to your ad is not limited; readers can go back to your message again
and again if so desired.

Free help in creating and producing ad copy is usually available

Quick turn-around helps your ad reflect the changing market conditions. The ad
you decide to run today can be in your customers' hands in one to two days.


Ad space can be expensive

Your ad has to compete against the clutter of other advertisers, including the
giants ads run by supermarkets and department stores as well as the ads of your

Poor photo reproduction limits creativity

Newspapers are a price-oriented medium; most ads are for sales

Expect your ad to have a short shelf life, as newspapers are usually read once
and then discarded.

You may be paying to send your message to a lot of people who will probably
never be in the market to buy from you.

Newspapers are a highly visible medium, so your competitors can quickly react to
your prices

With the increasing popularity of the Internet, newspapers face declining

readership and market penetration. A growing number of readers now skip the print
version of the newspaper (and hence the print ads) and instead read the online version
of the publication.


Magazines are a more focused, albeit more expensive, alternative

to newspaper advertising. This medium allows you to reach highly
targeted audiences.


Allows for better targeting of audience, as you can choose magazine publications
that cater to your specific audience or whose editorial content specializes in topics of
interest to your audience.

High reader involvement means that more attention will be paid to your

Better quality paper permits better color reproduction and full-color ads

The smaller page (generally 8 by 11 inches) permits even small ads to stand


Long lead times mean that you have to make plans weeks or months in advance

The slower lead time heightens the risk of your ad getting overtaken by events

There is limited flexibility in terms of ad placement and format.

Space and ad layout costs are higher

Yellow Pages
There are several forms of Yellow Pages that you can use to promote and
advertise your business. Aside from the traditional Yellow Pages supplied
by phone companies, you can also check out specialized directories
targeted to specific markets (e.g. Hispanic Yellow Pages, Blacks, etc.);
interactive or consumer search databases; Audiotex or talking yellow
pages; Internet directories containing national, local and regional listings; and other
services classified as Yellow Pages.


Wide availability, as mostly everyone uses the Yellow Pages


Action-oriented, as the audience is actually looking for the ads

Ads are reasonably inexpensive

Responses are easily tracked and measured



Pages can look cluttered, and your ad can easily get lost in the clutter

Your ad is placed together with all your competitors

Limited creativity in the ads, given the need to follow a pre-determined format

Ads slow to reflect market changes


Radio is a universal medium enjoyed by people at one time or

another during the day, at home, at work, and even in the car.

The vast array of radio program formats offers to efficiently target your
advertising dollars to narrowly defined segments of consumers most likely to respond to
your offer.

Gives your business personality through the creation of campaigns using sounds
and voices

Free creative help is often available

Rates can generally be negotiated

During the past ten years, radio rates have seen less inflation than those for
other media


Because radio listeners are spread over many stations, you may have to
advertise simultaneously on several stations to reach your target audience

Listeners cannot go back to your ads to go over important points

Ads are an interruption in the entertainment. Because of this, a radio ad may

require multiple exposure to break through the listener's "tune-out" factor and ensure
message retention

Radio is a background medium. Most listeners are doing something else while
listening, which means that your ad has to work hard to get their attention


Television permits you to reach large numbers of people on a

national or regional level in a short period of time

Independent stations and cable offer new opportunities to pinpoint

local audiences

Television being an image-building and visual medium, it offers the

ability to convey your message with sight, sound and motion


Message is temporary, and may require multiple exposure for the ad to rise
above the clutter

Ads on network affiliates are concentrated in local news broadcasts and station

Preferred ad times are often sold out far in advance

Limited length of exposure, as most ads are only thirty seconds long or less,
which limits the amount of information you can communicate

Relatively expensive in terms of creative, production and airtime costs.

Direct Mail
Direct mail, often called direct marketing or direct response
marketing, is a marketing technique in which the seller sends
marketing messages directly to the buyer. Direct mail include
catalogs or other product literature with ordering opportunities;
sales letters; and sales letters with brochures.


Your advertising message is targeted to those most likely to buy your product or

Marketing message can be personalized, thus helping increase positive response.

Your message can be as long as is necessary to fully tell your story.

Effectiveness of response to the campaign can be easily measured.

You have total control over the presentation of your advertising message.

Your ad campaign is hidden from your competitors until it's too late for them to

Active involvement - the act of opening the mail and reading it -- can be elicited
from the target market.


Some people do not like receiving offers in their mail, and throw them
immediately without even opening the mail.

Resources need to be allocated in the maintenance of lists, as the success of this

kind of promotional campaign depends on the quality of your mailing list.

Long lead times are required for creative printing and mailing

Producing direct mail materials entail the expense of using various professionals copywriter, artists, photographers, printers, etc.

Can be expensive, depending on your target market, quality of your list and size
of the campaign.

Telephone sales, or telemarketing, is an effective system for introducing a company to a
prospect and setting up appointments.


Provides a venue where you can easily interact with the

prospect, answering any questions or concerns they may
have about your product or service.

It's easy to prospect and find the right person to talk to.

It's cost-effective compared to direct sales.

Results are highly measurable.

You can get a lot of information across if your script is properly structured.

If outsourcing, set-up cost is minimal

Increased efficiency since you can reach many more prospects by phone than
you can with in-person sales calls.

Great tool to improve relationship and maintain contact with existing customers,
as well as to introduce new products to them

Makes it easy to expand sales territory as the phone allows you to call local,
national and even global prospects.


An increasing number of people have become averse to telemarketing.

More people are using technology to screen out unwanted callers, particularly

Government is implementing tougher measures to curb unscrupulous


Lots of businesses use telemarketing.

If hiring an outside firm to do telemarketing, there is lesser control in the process

given that the people doing the calls are not your employees

May need to hire a professional to prepare a well-crafted and effective script

It can be extremely expensive, particularly if the telemarketing is outsourced to

an outside firm

It is most appropriate for high-ticket retail items or professional services.

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