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114th Congress

Second Session

S. 1738

Purpose: To prevent gun violence and protect American citizens from harmful firearms.

DATE: March 15th, 2016
Ms. Aitana Wieg-Mondejar and Ms. Fatima Zeini (for themselves, Ms. Miriam Ellis, Ms. Thomas of New York,
Ms. Thomas of Massachusetts, Mr. Sentino, Ms. Thomas of Massachusetts, Ms. Haylock) introduced the
following bill; which was referred to the Judiciary Committee Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and

Purpose: To prevent gun violence and protect more American citizens from harmful firearms.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress
National Problem: Easy access to guns has created turmoil in the lives of American citizens. Mass shootings at
schools, theatres, and other public places occur more often in the past decade. 30,000 people are killed by
firearms each year. Criminals and citizens with mental illness have access to guns due to gun shows and the lack
of background checks. Some states in America are not enforcing background checks and leave citizens of the
country in a vulnerable state.
(a): This Act may be cited as the: S.A.F.E. Stop Abuse of Firearms Effectively
Congress finds the following:
(1) Most Americans (around 85%) support expanding background checks for gun purchases. 1
(2) 52% say that protecting gun rights is more important than controlling gun ownership. 2
(3) 48% of citizens own guns for protection.


(4) 19% of citizens believe that stricter gun laws would reduce the number of mass shootings in the US.
(5) Nearly 70% of Americans have shot a gun in their lifetime, and more than four in ten people own a gun in
their house.
(6) Many Americans have died as a results of mass shootings (including but not limited to shootings in San
Bernardino, Colorado, and Charleston).
(7) In 1998, two teenagers killed 15 classmates and injured 24 classmates in the Columbine High School
Shooting, which was the first school shooting to gain national attention. Another prominent and large school
shootings occurred at the Sandy Hook Elementary school in Newtown, Connecticut. There has been a growing
number of school shootings lately, which has heightened debate over the issue concerning gun control.
(8) Most states dont require background checks on guns purchased at guns shows, which is known as the gun
show loophole. For the most part, gun shows are unregulated. Unlicensed individuals sell firearms at gun shows
without background checks, and the guns used in the Columbine High School shooting, 101 California Street
massacres, and the 2010 Pentagon shooting were all purchased from gun shows. 3
(9) States that do not require background checks for guns purchased at gun shows: Alaska, Nevada, Idaho,
Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Arizona, New Mexico, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, North Dakota, South Dakota,
Minnesota, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Florida, South Carolina, Tennessee,
Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, Ohio, Indiana, Wisconsin, Maine, New Hampshire, and Vermont 4
(10) States that do require background checks on ALL guns purchased at gun shows: Washington, Oregon,
California, Colorado, Hawaii, Illinois, New York, Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, New Jersey, and
Delaware 5
(11) There is no federal law that requires gun owners or purchasers to have a license. 6

Gun Control: laws that regulate the selling, usage, and owning of guns. 7
Gun Violence: Violence committed with the use of a gun 8
Mass Shootings: An incident involving multiple victims of gun violence 9
Gun Shows: events, that are mostly unregulated, where firearms are displayed and sold. Unlicensed sellers can sell guns
without requiring background checks. 10
Gun Show Loophole: Most states do not require background checks on firearms purchased at gun shows. 11
Background Checks: process of looking up and compiling criminal records, commercial records, and financial records of
an individual or an organization 12
Criminal: Anyone who has been convicted of a felony; anyone convicted of domestic violence

SEC. 4: Terms and Benefits

(1) Federal Mandate that only licensed dealers can sell guns at gun shows in each state and all guns purchased at guns shows
must require background checks.
(a) Penalty for selling guns without performing background checks: Gun dealer will get their license revoked.
(b) This will prevent criminals and potential shooters from being able to purchase guns at gun shows.
(c) Ensuring that all dealers are qualified will prevent any unqualified dealers from selling weapons to people who are unfit to
possess them.




(d) This will likely decrease violence and decrease criminals in prison.
(2) Every gun purchased must require a thorough background check. No one with a mental illness or a criminal past can
purchase or own guns.
(a) The public is safe from violence.
(b) The mentally ill are protected from themselves and others are protected from the mentally ill.
(c) Since criminals are more likely to continue committing crime, without guns, they cant commit a crime as big as shooting
someone. The criminals are protected from themselves as well as jail time, and the public is safe.
(3) Strengthen inspections on all gun dealers and all stores that sell firearms.
(a) This will ensure they're abiding by the law and not selling guns to those with criminal records or to those who are likely to
commit crimes.
(b) This will make the dealers more aware of who is possessing guns and what kind of guns.
(4) Illegalize the 3D printing of guns from people who have not undergone inspections and do not have licenses to sell or own
a gun.
(a) This would prevent any individuals with mental illness or criminal background from obtaining guns from irregular means,
such as 3D printing.
(b) This will prevent violence on the general public.
(5) No one without a license can sell or own guns.
(a) To attain a license, a dealer must show that they are careful and thorough on who they sell guns to. Ensuring that all
dealers are qualified will prevent any unqualified dealers from selling weapons to people who are unfit to possess them.
(b) Requiring people to have license to own a gun will ensure no one gets hurt from people owning illegal guns.
(c) This will protect adolescents as well because it will prevent them from accessing guns their parents or relatives may
illegally own.
(6) Provide block grant programs to schools that give a mental evaluation once a year during school hours by the school nurse
for all students in the middle and upper schools.
(a) If people know they have a mental illness, they can get help early on, and this can possibly prevent future gun violence.
(b) This will help the nurse understand the students mental stability more, allowing her/him to help them as much as
(c) It will protect the teachers and students.
(7) Provide block grant programs to devote more money into mental illness prevention programs.
(a) Devoting money into mental illness prevention programs will help those who are mentally unstable to get better, which
can also prevent future gun violence.
(8) In public schools, students will learn the importance of gun safety in specific classes including physical education or
health classes. (Block grant)
(a) Schools requiring these lessons will prevent mass shootings and inform and educate students on the harmful effects of
(9) Movies or TV shows that portray gun violence will be given an R rating automatically.
(a) These automatic ratings will prevent young, impressionable Americans from entertainment that glorifies gun violence.
State officials will be required to randomly inspect stores that sell firearms and gun shows.
(a) This strict enforcement will deter gun stores from not fully following the strict background checks.
(b) Checking video footage.
(11)Place a higher tax on firearms at gun stores and gun shows.
(a) This will provide money for the block grant programs.
(b) The money from the tax will go to schools mental evaluations and health classes to inform students about gun violence.
(c) The higher tax will also deter citizens from buying firearms.
Requiring video tapes at gun shows.
(a) Every person at the gun show will be informed of being videotaped.
(b) This will prevent corruption at gun shows and ensure inspections.

SEC. 5: Cost
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Amendment 1:
1) Money for infrastructure in New Jersey

2) Money for University of Texas biomedical department

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