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MISSION - Aims to help improve the quality of corporate governance practices

worldwide by promoting greater transparency,integrity, probity,accountability and

responsibility. To broader the interaction among all stakeholders involved in
corporate governance be an effective, fair and efficient regulator of the
private security industry.
VISION- Our vision is that criminality is reduced and standards are raised in the
private security industry so that the public is, and feels, safer.
Our strategic objectives fall under the following categories:
Protecting the public - ensuring that only fit and proper people and organisations
deliver regulated private security services.
Customer service - delivering services which meet the needs of our customers.
Delivering value - operating within our means and delivering value for money.
Developing our people and organisation - ensuring our staff have the
competencies and skills to perform effectively and maximise their potential.
Delivering a phased transition to a new regulatory regime - working with the
private security industry and other key stakeholders to develop the principles and
framework for a new regulatory regime.


Patients for Patient Safety WHO World Alliance for

Patient Safety We, Patients for Patient Safety, pledge to help create a world in which
health care errors harm fewer people.
We, gathered in London from 27-30 November 2005 to join together in partnership
in an effort to reduce the massive burden of avoidable harm in health care. Risk and
uncertainty are constant companions. So we come together in dialogue,
participating in care with providers.
We unite our strength as advocates for care with less harm in the developing as
well as the developed world. We are committed to spreading the word from person
to person, town to town, country to country. There is a right to safe health care and
we will not let the current culture of error and denial continue. We call for honesty,
openness and transparency.
We will make the reduction of health-care errors a basic human right that protects
human life around the world.
PREEMPTIVE- serving or intended to preempt or forestall something, especially to
prevent attack by disabling the enemy.

Accepting Payoffs
If a human resources employee accepts payment from job seekers in exchange for
preferential treatment in the hiring process, this represents ethical misconduct.
Human resources professionals should hire the most qualified individuals without
any expectation or solicitation of a financial kickback. Even tangible thank you
gifts can be misconstrued as an ethical violation and should be avoided.
Discrimination in Hiring
A human resources employee who discriminates against an otherwise qualified
employment candidate on the basis of race, sex, gender or religion is behaving in
an unethical manner. This can be especially damaging to you as a small business
owner, as claims of discrimination in hiring can be costly to defend. Additionally,
claims of bias in hiring can harm the reputation of your business, leading to the
potential for lost business and revenue.
Hiring Friends and Family
While it is not necessarily unethical for a human resources director to refer a
qualified family member or friend for an open position in your company, not
disclosing a prior relationship with a job applicant has the potential to be ethically
inappropriate. Human resources managers should understand that their
responsibility should be focused on recruiting and hiring qualified candidates rather
than seeking out job opportunities for people with whom they have personal
relationships. This can be damaging in a small business environment where preexisting relationships are not typically well-kept secrets.
Sharing Personal Information
Human resources files should be stored in a secure location and made available only
when necessary for management review. Sharing personal information found in a
personnel file with anyone else inside or outside the company without the express
written permission of a supervisor presents an ethical boundary violation. Make sure
your human resources employees understand the confidentiality with which
personnel files should be handled.
Keeping Confidences
Your employees need to feel confident that they can approach your human
resources staffers with questions, concerns and sensitive matters without fear of the
information being shared with other parties. Human resources professionals must

understand the level of confidentiality and sensitivity with which they must handle
employee interactions. This includes claims of discrimination, harassment or
perceived unfair treatment in the workplace.

Altering Test Results

If your company requires drug testing as a condition of employment, any effort of a
human resources employee to alter the results of an employee drug test is
indicative of ethical misbehavior. To insure against impropriety, subcontract drug
testing to a private qualified company to ensure there is no opportunity for
Government Contracts
Employers with federal government contracts are bound by regulations set forth in
Executive Order 11246 concerning affirmative action programming and recordkeeping. One of the basic requirements of the order is for employers to store
applicants' information related to race, gender, disability and veteran status for
review upon request by the U.S. Department of Labor, Office of Federal Contract
Compliance Programs. When HR refuses to gather the required information or
falsifies applicant data to submit to the federal government, it's considered
egregious and unethical HR misconduct.
The purpose of an organization's recruitment and selection process is to attract a
diverse pool of qualified applicants whose skills and qualifications are best suited for
the organization's business goals. HR misconduct in this area can involve a number
of unethical activities, such as intentionally understating or overstating job duties,
giving preference to certain applicants by not requiring them to complete the
interview process or hiring relatives, significant others and close acquaintances for
critical business areas that are subject to checks and balances.
The Fair Labor Standards Act codifies employer obligations related to overtime pay
and classifications for non-exempt and exempt employees. Ethical misconduct in
human resources activities involves intentional misclassification of non-exempt
workers as exempt employees to avoid having to pay overtime wages. Non-exempt
workers are compensated based on the number of hours they work, and they're
entitled to overtime wages at 1.5 times the hourly rate when they work more than
40 hours in a week. Exempt employees, on the other hand, are paid on a salary
basis and are not entitled to overtime wages, regardless of the number of hours

they work each week. The FLSA requires strict adherence to classification rules; the
U.S. Department of Labor levies stiff penalties and fines for employers who violate
the act.
Labor-Management Relations
The National Labor Relations Act guarantees the collective activity rights of
employees and labor unions. The HR department typically is responsible for
engaging in contract negotiations to arrive at a mutually agreed upon collective
bargaining agreement. HR leaders who refuse to bargain, or negotiate union
contracts, or who engage in unethical misconduct by intentionally misrepresenting
the company's position on wages and benefits are in violation of the act and risk
being sanctioned for the company's actions.

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