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*Best if read along with casting sheet for Episode 6.

The Chosen
“Episode 106: When The Man Comes Around”
Written by Jeremy Hudack

Previous On The Chosen:

1) Jeremy being diagnosed with a rare form of Alzheimer’s.

2) Jeremy thinking he saw Henry Galveston in Time Square even though he saw Henry blow up in his
3) Jeremy going to Nick’s childhood home looking for him and being greeted by Nick’s mom who
somehow knows him.
4) Nick vanishing in episode 3, then reappearing last episode telling Benefactor his family has been
5) Casey being knocked out in Peebles, Ohio after seeing a strange Air Force craft that resembled a
6) Adrian finding out about the truth behind the Prophecies and what landed in Roswell, the Second
7) Adrian finding out the next step in his journey to locate the missing tablets/Prophecies is in West
8) Velma shooting a MIB and being taken to Jarvis Island Detainee Camp for 2012 Conspirators by
Director General Snider.
9) Conor having a secret room with photos and documents connecting the entire Benefactor’s chosen
10) Draven and Abby stealing April from the mental institution then going to Roswell.
11) Abby meeting with a man who has the “Symbol” tattoo and him telling her there are bad people
working on the team.

1) Int. Motel. Roswell, New Mexico. Morning.

The camera opens on April Mercer who is sitting on one of the beds in the room.
She doesn’t seem to be as distant as she normally is. Instead of sitting there still,
she is looking around the room. As she spots things and looks around, she almost
looks like she is taking in where she is and is looking a bit enlightened, almost. Just
then, Draven walks into the room and he looks panicked. He is scrambling around
collecting his things. April watches him intently as he does this. Finally, he looks at
her and pauses staring at her. He shakes his head and says to himself:

What am I supposed to do with you?!

He snaps out of it and he rushes to his bedside and picks up his phone. He dials. We
see he is calling Cassandra and she appears on his video screen wearing a
nightgown. She looks at the time and says:

Draven, what’s wrong? Why are you calling so early?


I lost Abby… She met with a man last night and now she’s gone. He must have
taken her.

What man?! You left her out of your sight?! Damn it, Simon!

I know. I know. I’m a bloody fool. I’m here with her sister and I have no idea what to

Where are you? Still in Roswell?

Yes, the In…

Don’t say anything over the phone… they could be watching you. I’ll send for the
Benefactor’s private jet… In fact, I’ll meet you. Keep your phone on.

Cassandra promptly hangs up and Draven puts his phone in his pocket for it to ring
almost immediately. He answers, but there is no video. We can’t hear the other
person, but by the look on Draven’s face, it isn’t good news. Draven says:

Look, you just need to handle this for another few hours! I have a bigger problem
right now and can’t deal with this too. Relax, it will all pan out!

Draven hangs up his phone and grabs his bag. He sits on the bed across from April
and looks her in the eye and says:

Look, love. I don’t know if you can understand me, but we need to get to the airport
and get you to safety. Abby won’t be joining us, but she’ll meet us in New York. I
need you to be brave and help me into your chair.

Draven gets up and grabs April’s wheelchair and wheels it over to her. He goes to
pick her up to put her in, but as he does, she grabs his hand and looks at him very
intently. He looks at her hand then back up to her and he looks a bit surprised. Just
then, April stands up on her own. Draven looks astonished and with a smile says:

That’s brilliant, April! Just fantastic!

Still with somewhat of a distant look, she takes his hand and the two of them slowly
walk out of the hotel room together. The camera cuts to:

2) Int. Draven’s Rental Car. Desert highway outside of Roswell. Morning.

Draven is driving rapidly down a road and April is sitting in the passenger’s seat
next to him. His phone rings and he answers. It’s Cassandra.

Draven, I’m already in the air and on my way to you. Get to the airfield on the
outskirts of Roswell. Here’s the map.

The screen is now showing a map of the area and Draven’s location in accordance
to the airfield. It’s in the direction behind him. He switches back over to Cassandra
and says:

Got it.

Draven hangs up his phone and does a really fast and somewhat crazy U-Turn in
the middle of the road. As he does this, he puts his arm across April to hold her
back. As the car fishtails and is now going in the direction of the airport, we see
something grab April’s attention. She bends down and picks up the handheld iPad-
like computer that April had bought the day before. Draven looks at it and says:

She forgot her computer…

He continues to drive along when suddenly April looks into the passenger’s side
mirror and says:


This is the first time we’ve heard April talk. Draven looks at her surprised and says:

Did you just say trouble?


Draven looks in his rearview mirror and we see a car quickly approaching him.
Draven reaches down and buckles his seatbelt. He looks at April and says:

Hold on, love.

With that, Draven floors it and we see the speedometer reach 92 miles per hour.
April’s expression, for the first time, changes and it’s one of fear. Draven is
speeding down the highway in the middle of the desert as the car behind him
quickly catches up. The car pulls alongside Draven and Draven steps on the gas
more. He isn’t gaining much ground, at least not as quickly as the other car. He
looks frustrated and says:

Lousy rental car!

The car is completely beside Draven’s as it begins to pull closer to Draven’s almost
as if trying to run it off the road. Draven turns the wheel to do the same and the two
cars are now traveling at a rate close to 110 as they are brushing into each other.
April screams and Draven looks at her and sees her terror. He then looks into the
opposing car and sees another man looking at him. The other man has a gun and
he aims it directly at Draven! Draven, with a determined look on his face, slams on
the breaks as the man fires the bullet and we see the bullet bust through the other
guy’s passenger side window. In slow motion we see the bullet fly out the window
as the glass is breaking and then it flies about an inch in front of Draven’s
windshield due to his slamming on the breaks! Draven’s car goes out of control and
into a tailspin and he’s doing donuts in the middle of the desert road. As this is
happening, we see an oncoming car and the person is talking to someone on their
car-video phone device where the image is up on the windshield. She’s not paying
attention and as Draven’s car is spinning, the woman in the other car notices him
and she slams on her breaks, but it’s not soon enough. She slams directly into the
side of Draven’s car leaving both cars to go off the road. Draven’s car slams into an
embankment and the woman’s car slams into a road sign that ironically says,
“Chaves County Airfield: ¾ Mile.” The camera cuts to black. The camera re-
opens on Draven passed out over his steering wheel with his face bloody and
bruised. The passenger’s side door is open, but April is gone. The camera cuts back
to Draven’s face as the red-toned quick cut cuts to:

3) FLASH. Outside Las Vegas, Nevada. Day.

The camera opens on a very dashing man wearing a grey sharkskin tuxedo with a
white bow-tie untied and hanging down. He walks out of a dingy bathroom and to
his end-table where he tries to turn on the light, but it isn’t working. He then tries
the TV, but it isn’t working either. He then goes to the nightstand and opens the
door. Inside is a safe and he unlocks it. He pulls out loads of cash, a passport and an
iPod. He turns it on, and it works. He turns it on and puts his headphones on. We
start hearing the music along with him, but no outside noise, just music. It’s “When
the Man Comes Around, by Johnny Cash. (You can find the link here: as well as at the bottom of the
Scribd document for copying purposes. We start hearing at: 16 seconds in). The
camera pans up and we see its Draven. As the lyrics play:

Lyrics: (:26)
There's a man going around taking names
And he decides who to free and who to blame
Everybody won't be treated all the same
There'll be a golden ladder reaching down
When the Man comes around

As these lyrics play we see Draven grab his bag, key, some sort of paper off the
nightstand and a briefcase. He puts the paper in pocket. He goes to the door, opens
it and walks outside. He looks at his old antique watch and it says its 3:15p.m.
When he gets outside he looks around and it’s eerily desolate. He is in the middle of

nowhere in the desert. He looks up and he sees the sky is a red color just like in all
the other episode’s first flashes. He looks around strangely then puts his sunglasses

Lyrics: (:53)
The hairs on your arm will stand up
At the terror in each sip and in each sup
Will you partake of that last offered cup?
Or disappear into the potter's ground
When the Man comes around

Draven goes to his car, an old 1956 Jaguar XK140 Roadster. It’s a convertible and
he throws his bags in the backseat. He jumps over the door and into the driver’s
seat and tries to start the car, but it isn’t working. He jumps out, opens the hood
and messes with some wires. He sparks it and the car starts.

Lyrics: (1:19)
Hear the trumpets, hear the pipers
One hundred million angels singing
Multitudes are marching to the big kettledrum
Voices calling, voices crying
Some are born and some are dying
It's Alpha and Omega's kingdom come

Draven jumps back into his car and peels out of the gravel parking lot. He’s driving
down the road tapping his hand on the wheel to the beat of the song. Eventually, he
passes a sign that says, “Las Vegas: 12 miles.” Once he passes the sign he sees
a car on the side of the road with 2 people outside of it working on the engine. He
looks at them as he passes them by.

Lyrics: (1:49)
And the whirlwind is in the thorn tree
The virgins are all trimming their wicks
The whirlwind is in the thorn tree
It's hard for thee to kick against the pricks

He continues driving and he seems more and more cars along the side of the road
with the same problems. Their cars are on the side of the road and some in the
middle of the road, he drives around them.

Lyrics: (2:11)
Till Armageddon no shalam, no shalom
Then the father hen will call his chickens home
The wise man will bow down before the throne
And at His feet they'll cast their golden crowns
When the Man comes around

Draven dries around an accident and at this point he takes his glasses off. He
makes a turn around a curve and around that curve we see a tanker truck hanging
over a small cliff and it’s on fire. Draven pulls around it and as he looks in his rear-

view mirror at it, the tanker explodes!!! Draven swerves, but then gets back on the
road. At this point he takes his cell phone out.

Lyrics: (2:36)
Whoever is unjust let him be unjust still
Whoever is righteous let him be righteous still
Whoever is filthy let him be filthy still
Listen to the words long written down
When the Man comes around

Looking at his cell phone, it just doesn’t work. He throws it on the passenger’s seat.
He gets onto a straightaway that overlooks the road for quite a ways. It is nothing
but cars stopped every 20 yards. Some on fire, some not. The scene is very grim.

Lyrics: (3:00)
Hear the trumpets, hear the pipers
One hundred million angels singing
Multitudes are marching to the big kettledrum
Voices calling and voices crying
Some are born and some are dying
It's Alpha and Omega's kingdom come

Draven pulls his car over. He gets out. He walks forward and around the bend in the
road. Eventually, he turns and we see that you can see Vegas in the distance. It’s
completely engulfed in black smoke that is rising into the red sky above. Draven’s
expression is of terror as he drops to his knees and looks at the city in the distance.

Lyrics: (3:31)
And the whirlwind is in the thorn tree
The virgins are all trimming their wicks
The whirlwind is in the thorn tree
It's hard for thee to kick against the pricks

Tears fall down his face as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out that paper from
the hotel. He holds it in his hand and then drops both hands to the ground and we
see what it says: “State of Nevada Marriage License.” His hand is over a
majority of it, but the camera pans down lower and we see “Location: Las Vegas,
Nevada. Little White Chapel.” The camera pulls up to Draven’s face as he is on
all fours.

Lyrics: (3:51)
In measured hundred weight and penney pound
When the Man comes around.

Draven lifts his head up and looks at the city in the distance and tears are
streaming down his face. At exactly 4:06 the music cuts and the camera cuts to:

The Chosen

4) Int. Benefactor’s Board Room. New York City, NY. Morning.

The camera opens on the Benefactor sitting in his seat at the head of the table. The
camera pans around to reveal that Cynthia, Conor, Jeremy and Nick are joining him.
The Benefactor seems to be reading something on his phone, when finally Conor
speaks up and says:

Why does it seem every time we have one of these meetings, there are fewer and
fewer of us here.

That’s because we aren’t being careful. I’ve got some bad news for the four of you.

It seems like that’s the only kind of news you ever have for us…

Benefactor gives Cynthia a disapproving look as he continues:

We’ve completely lost contact with Ms. Logan, Ms. Christina and Ms. Mercer.

What do you mean… lost contact?

No one in Lithuania seems to know where Velma has vanished to. Casey was last
heard from Agent Rezek when she was in Peebles, Ohio and Mr. Draven seemingly
lost Abby in Roswell. She was meeting with someone he felt could help us solve who
shot Mr. Tagalog.

He let her have contact with one of the people associated with the symbol?! What
was he thinking?

He wasn’t… he should have kept a closer eye on her. Cassandra is on her way to
New Mexico to retrieve Mr. Draven and Abby’s sister, April.

What about Casey and Velma?

Agent Rezek is on task with that… but they aren’t the only people who seem to
have gone missing…

The camera cuts to Nick who is looking very fidgety and like he hasn’t slept in a
week. Benefactor looks at him and says:

Mr. Tesla’s family has been kidnapped.

Everyone looks at Nick a bit surprised, but mostly Jeremy.

What? What family?

Nick looks annoyed as if he doesn’t want to explain himself, but he breaks down
and sighs.

I lied about them to everyone… for this very reason, to keep them safe. I have a
wife and two children. They live in Delaware and when I went home yesterday, they
were gone… I found this note.

Nick projects the note he found from a photo he took of it on his phone. The camera
cuts to the wall where it’s being projected and it reads: “If you want your family
back, meet me at the old Wilmington Boat Warehouse on 12th Street on
May 20th at 11p.m. with 40 million dollars.” Lastly, the Mysterious Symbol
we’ve been seeing all season is at the bottom signature line. Cynthia looks at the
note and her jaw drops.

40 million dollars?! Who the hell has that kind of money?!

I do and they know that. That’s why Cassandra is retrieving Mr. Draven and flying
him to Delaware where Nick will be awaiting.

(Sarcastically) Yes, Draven seems to be the best man for the job seeing as how he
can’t keep tabs on a 23 year 5’2 girl. I’ll go… just give me a gun.

Cynthia rolls her eyes at Conor.

I’ve got other plans for you, Conor. You and Cynthia will be heading to West

The two of them look confused and then Cynthia looks at Conor and shakes her
head no.

No… huh uh… I’m not going anywhere with him. He’s an ass and I’d prefer to not
have to be subjugated to him for any length of time…

Tell me, Cynthia… who here do you like? Or is a better question, who here likes

Cynthia just looks at him knowing he’s right. Nick stands up and slams his hands on
the table.

Look, get over yourselves! My children have been kidnapped and you’re concerned
about who likes who!

Nick slams his chair over and walks out of the room. Jeremy looks at Conor and
Cynthia in a “yeah, what he said” kind of way then walks out after Nick. Cynthia
looks at Conor and the two of them seem to realize what Nick was saying. Cynthia
looks at the Benefactor and says:

Fine. What’s in West Virginia?

Agent Rezek retrieved an address from a former Man in Black. Since he’s occupied
finding the women, you two are going to go to that address and figure out what’s

What could possibly be in West Virginia other than fat people wearing stained wife-
beaters and drinking Mt. Dew?

The next piece to the puzzle.

Where in West Virginia?

Point Pleasant.

Conor smiles to himself. Cynthia notices and smugly asks:

What’s so funny?

Point Pleasant, West Virginia… (He stares at her like she should know what he’s
talking about)… You really don’t know?

She shakes her head no.

That’s where the Mothman is from… The Mothman Prophecies.

Conor continues to smile and Cynthia looks at him like she has no idea what he’s
talking about. She then looks at the Benefactor as if asking him what Conor’s
talking about. He shrugs. The camera cuts to:

5) Int. Plane. Noon.

The camera opens Draven as he is lying on a couch. He blinks a few times and looks
groggy. His face has been cleaned up from the accident and he now has bandages
on his forehead. Suddenly, he shoots his eyes open and sits up quickly and


He looks around and realizes that he’s not where he was last. The camera shows
the interior of a private jet. Draven looks out the window and the clouds are below.
As he’s looking out the window, we hear Cassandra say:

She’s safe.

Where is she?!

I found her walking alongside the road on the way to the airport. She’s in the back
sleeping. What happened out there, Simon?

I… uh… some lunatic was chasing us… I guess I wrecked.

(Laughing) Yeah, I’d say so… I don’t know how you survived, to be honest… the
other woman didn’t.

Draven looks confused and asks her “what” with his eyes.

You hit another car… the woman inside was dead.

Draven looks down, upset.

What did they want?

I assumed April… but…

People don’t just get into high speed chases for the fun of it, Simon…

He thinks. A moment passes and he says:

Abby’s computer… they wanted Abby’s computer. Did you get it?

I searched the car… there was no sign of it. Also, when I attempted to call you, you
didn’t answer so I tracked your phone. According to the location of the tracking
device I put in it…

Draven looks at her like he didn’t know she had done that. He doesn’t look happy.

…relax, everyone has one. Anyway, according to that, it said you were in South


How does your phone go from Roswell, New Mexico to Argentina in the matter of 3

Draven looks at her like he has no idea.

What about Abby?

We have no idea. I never met her to put anything in her phone. As far as I know,
she’s in South America too.

I’ve got to get back to New York… I need to find her… this is all my fault.

No, you have other things to take care of, Simon… a little matter of going to
Delaware to help Nick Tesla find his family… They’ve been kidnapped.

She looks at Draven with a somewhat mean, yet snarky look as she says:

You know a thing or two about kidnappings don’t you Simon?

Simon glares at her. The camera focuses on him as the red-toned quick cut begins:

6) FLASHBACK. Int. Large Home. Chigwell, outside of London, England.


We see a young boy (Played by Preston Bailey), about 10 years old, and he is
playing with some army men in the middle of a large dimly lit room. In the room
adjacent we hear much commotion going on. There is a woman crying (Played by
Anne Lockhart) and some policemen in the room around her. The boy looks up and
we see the woman make eye contact with him. He looks away and goes back to his
action figures. We now see the woman taking the policemen to the door and letting
them out. She turns and stares at the boy. The woman continues to stare at the boy
until she storms into the room where he is playing. She gets right up to him and
stands over him. She becomes hysterical as she begins to scream:

What the bloody hell is wrong with you, Simon?!

The boy is a young Simon and he looks up at her without saying a word.

Answer me!

Simon just looks at her and you can tell he is becoming a bit afraid. She bends
down and grabs him by the arm and pulls him up forcefully. He shrieks in pain. With
an extremely mean look in her eyes, she says:

How can you sit here and play with these when he’s out there somewhere?!

The boy just looks at her.

These aren’t yours! They’re his!

She kicks the toys away from the boy and he watches. He now looks sad.

Oh, now you are upset, are ya?!

She slaps young Simon and she does so with such force that he falls to the floor.

Your brother was kidnapped and you sit here and play with his toys?!

Simon begins to cry. The woman has tears fall down her eyes.

You’re a rotten boy, Simon Draven…. As bad as your father. Good for nothing and
only care for yourself.

Little Simon squeaks out:

Young Simon:
But mum…

She looks more furious now and she bends over and grabs him by the arm again,
but this time she does it with such force that we hear a POP. Simon screams in pain
and pulls away from her. He is sobbing now as he runs to the corner of the room
and huddles in the corner. She just stares at him and very viciously says:

I wish they’d have kidnapped you instead…

The woman, who is obviously Simon’s mother, walks out of the room leaving little
Simon sitting in the corner grabbing his arm in pain. As she walks away, and
without looking at him, she says:

For God’s sake, clean yourself up… you look a mess.

The camera focuses on him and he looks so hurt; both physically and emotionally.
The red-toned quick cut beings:

7) END OF FLASHBACK. Int. Plane. Noon.

The camera is focused on Draven. He looks back up at Cassandra who says to him:

Clean yourself up, Simon… you’re a mess.

His eyes dart to her as she walks away and he has a look of hate in his eyes. The
camera cuts to:

8) Int. Benefactor’s Office. Noon.

The camera cuts to Nick Tesla as he bursts into Erik’s office. Erik looks up from his
paper and says:
Mr. Tesla…

I’ve waited around long enough; I’m going down there…

You don’t know who these people are, Nicolas… they could be very dangerous…
please wait for Mr. Draven.

Draven is a damned financial analyst!!! What could he possibly do for me?!

Erik sits back in his chair and sighs as he confesses:


Mr. Draven is not a financial analyst. He’s more of a security guard… I hired him to
protect all of you.

Nick laughs almost in a mad way.

You’re kidding me right?! The man hasn’t protected anyone! Who else have you lied
about, Erik?! You swore to me that my family wouldn’t be in any harm and guess
what! They’ve been taken!!!!!

Nick turns away enraged. He turns back to the benefactor and says:

I will take your 40 million, Erik, but… once we get my family back, you will never
see me again, do you understand?!

Nick turns and storms out of the office. Erik watches him go and as Nick slams the
door Erik doesn’t seem to look concerned. The camera cuts to:


9) Ext. Colonial Home. Pike Creek, Delaware. Afternoon.

The camera follows as a car pulls up to a beautiful yellow colonial home. The door
swings open and we see Nick get out of the car. He looks at his house nostalgically
as he walks inside. He walks into the family room where he sees a stuffed animal
and he grabs onto it and hugs it close. He plops onto the couch and looks up at a
photo of his family hanging above the fireplace. It’s of him, his wife, his daughter (7
years old) and his son (6 years old). Next to it is a wedding photo of him and his
wife and it says, “August 6th, 2013.” Just then, there is a knock on the door and
Nick jumps up. He looks flustered as he grabs the closest thing to him and it’s a
solid crystal candlestick. He slowly makes his way to the front door and sighs for a
moment. He closes his eyes, then whips the door open and begins to swing the
candlestick, but we hear someone say:

Male Voice:
Whoa! Nick!!! It’s me!!

Nick opens his eyes and we see Jeremy standing there. Nick takes a breath of relief
as he lowers the weapon and just looks at Jeremy as he says:

What are you doing here?

I followed you… I knew you wouldn’t want me to come.

So why did you?

Nick turns and walks inside. Jeremy follows as he says:

Because man… you need someone… a friend.

And you’re my friend?

You mean… I’m not?

Nick begins to pour himself a drink. He motions to Jeremy asking if he wants one
and Jeremy thinks for a minute, but shakes his head no.

Jeremy… just because we watched a man blow up together doesn’t mean we’re

Jeremy looks down. He nods then turns back towards the front door. Nick watches
him and out of pity says:

… but you’re already here… so stay.

Jeremy turns back around. Nick walks to the couch and sits. Jeremy sits in a chair
across from him.

How ya holdin’ up?

Nick chugs the rest of his scotch.

I see. Where’d you go, man? You disappeared 5 days ago without warning.

I had some things to figure out…

Did you figure them out?

Yeah… I guess…

There is silence. Finally Jeremy speaks up and says:

I looked for you, you know?... I went down to your mother’s house in Philadelphia.

Nick shoots a look at Jeremy.

It was strange, actually… when she answered the door… I had no idea who she was,
other than what Matthew told me what you said about her. Somehow, though… she
knew me. She said my name and looked really surprised.

Nick looks confused and doesn’t seem to be taking in what Jeremy is saying.


Yeah, it was the strangest thing… then she slammed the door in my face.

Nick doesn’t seem to know what to make of it. He is out of it and doesn’t even seem
to care much. Jeremy looks up at the photo of Nick’s family.

Is that them?

Yeah… that’s them…

The camera focuses on the photo of Nick and his family and the camera cuts to:

10) Int. Plane. Afternoon.

Draven comes out o f the bathroom with a change of clothes. We see Cassandra
sitting with April towards the front. When she sees Draven walk out, she walks up to
him and motions for him to come to the back of the plane with her. He does. Once
there they sit and she asks him:

Have you noticed anything odd about April?

Other than the fact she doesn’t speak and seems like she is in another universe?

Well, that’s just it… she’s speaking now.

Draven looks intrigued.

What she’s saying doesn’t make any sense.

What’s she saying?

She keeps saying, “No, Mr. Rezek…”

Oh, that… well, I suppose you should know… Apparently when Abby was a child, her
family died in a plane crash… her father was the pilot. When the plane crashed, he
hit an apartment building killing 4 people. April was responsible for paying the…

Yeah, I know all that…

Well, Abby sold software to the man that took her in Roswell. Software that had
something to do with the happenings of 2012… the FBI got a lead and apparently
arrested April, thinking it was her who sold the software to them. Adrian was the FBI
agent who interrogated her… and left her in the coma.

Cassandra looks like she seriously had no clue about any of this. She thinks for a
moment, and then shrugs it off. She says to Draven very frankly:

We land in 10 minutes. You’re to go to Nicolas Tesla’s house and assist him from
there. Here is bag with approximately 40 million dollars inside. You aren’t to use it,
it’s just for show. When you make the switch with the kidnapper… well… you know
what to do.

No, I don’t.

You do what we hired you to do…

Draven looks pissed off. He stands up and says:

You hired me to protect these people, not to kill anyone! I never killed a soul before
I killed Charles and you made me do that… I had no choice!

You had a choice in killing your roommate, Simon… you made it.

I needed the bloody money… my mum…

Whatever your reasoning, Simon… you did it. Do your job here today and all will be
well in the world.

Cassandra stands up and walks towards the front of the plane. The camera focuses
on Draven as the red-toned quick cut begins:

11) FLASHBACK. Int. Large Home. Chigwell, outside of London, England.

The camera opens on Draven’s mother sitting in a rocking chair sitting in front of a
big bay window looking out. The only light coming in is from the window and it’s a
grey day. She is about 7 years older now. She doesn’t look terribly healthy. She is
just staring out barely blinking. Behind her, we see a young man walk into the room
(Played by Casey Jon Deidrick). It’s Simon, but 17. He slowly walks in behind his
mother. Without looking she says in a monotone voice:

Draven’s Mother:
Good afternoon, Simon…

Teen Draven:
Hello, mother… is there anything I can get you?

Draven’s Mother:
(She pauses for about 5 seconds) There’s only one thing I want… and you know
what that is.

Draven looks down frustrated, but composes himself.

Teen Draven:
It’s been 7 years now, mother.

With her back still to him, she says:

Draven’s Mother:
7 Years that you could have found him… but you didn’t, did you?

Teen Draven:
That’s not fair.

Draven’s Mother:
Your brother being taken from me wasn’t fair either. Me being stuck with you wasn’t
fair, but here we are.

He looks emotionally worn. It’s almost as if the insult is commonplace as he


Teen Draven:
The taxes are due… they’ll take the house soon if you don’t pay.

Draven’s Mother:
Then I suggest you get a job… You’re old enough.

Teen Draven:
I’m in school, mother… how do I do both?

Draven’s Mother:
A man would know how. Then again, you aren’t a man… let me know when the man
in you comes around, Simon.

Simon turns and walks out of the room. Once outside the room he leans against the
wall and just closes his eyes. The camera cuts to:

12) FLASHBACK CONTINUED. Ext. Outside Stoop. Day.

Simon is sitting outside of his home on the front stoop. Another young man is sitting
with him (Played by Lucas Grabeel). They are already in conversation as Simon

Teen Draven:
She just sits there… every bloody day… just staring out the window for him to come

Young Man:
What are you gonna do?

Teen Draven:
Leave school… get work… what choice do I have, Tommy?

What about a part time job?

Teen Draven:
It won’t be enough. I suppose this is my future… taking care of my mum who
despises me.

Tommy looks down as if he feels Simon’s pain. He pauses, looks at Simon and says:

What if I told you I could get you work? I’m not supposed to, but…

Teen Draven:
What, really?! Seriously, Tommy… you’re my best friend. I really don’t know what
I’d do without you.

That’s what I’m here for brotha…

Simon smiles at Tommy and Tommy smiles back at Draven.

Teen Draven:
Ok, so…. what kind of work?

It’s not on the up and up, Drave…

Teen Draven:
Are you talking crime, brotha?

Tommy just kind of looks at him, but the look tells him that it is, in fact, crime. The
camera focuses on teenage Draven’s face as the red-toned quick cut begins:

13) END OF FLASHBACK. Ext. Downtown Point Pleasant, West Virginia.


Cynthia and Conor are standing in front of a statue (Casting Sheet) and Cynthia is
just looking up at it with a very strange expression on her face.

There’s a statue of this thing? Only in West Virginia…

That, my frien… (He cuts himself off and they look at each other) Uh, yeah… that’s
the Mothman.

So, let me get this straight…

This is where we go into the narrative where Cynthia and Conor talk about the
Mothman and as they talk, we see black and white images of the conspiracy/past

1a) Cynthia: So… for a year back in the late ‘60s people in this whack-a-doo town
claim to have seen this thing wondering around?

1b) The scene is just that of the town in the late ‘60s with people walking around
with old cars on the streets. The point of this is to show the time period.

2a) Conor: Yeah… one day, out of nowhere it just showed up… there were two
couples driving through the outskirts of town past this old TNT plant they used
during WW2. They were just driving along and they saw something glowing red by
the factory gates. They stopped and got out of the car.

2b) Everything described above.

3a) Conor: When they got out, they claimed that something rushed towards them
and stopped about 10 feet in front of them. They were in shock… they described it
as a 7 foot animal with glowing red eyes and wings that folded in the back… One of
the women screamed and the thing took off straight upwards and flew away.

3b) Same as above, except everything is in black and white except for the
Mothman’s eyes. They are red.

That’s it? They believe this because a couple saw a big bug with red eyes?

It gets stranger…

4a) Conor: The next day, the townspeople all went to the TNT plant with guns to
find it, but it was elsewhere. Another group said they saw it by their parked car…
they were frightened, but went home. Later that night when at home, Mrs. Peterson
claims that she saw it looking through her living room window at her. She called the
police and when they arrived they said there were claw marks on her porch in front
of the window. Strange ones.

4b) Described as above.

5a) Conor: In the following days, people kept seeing this thing… it lasted for about
two months then stopped. Then, one day, in November of ’67 that woman got some
strange phone calls. Something that didn’t sound right, but it kept giving her
information that she couldn’t understand. She recorded it and got the voice
analyzed. It turns out the voice was warning of impending doom… something that
would happen on December 15th. They later determined that the voice wasn’t

5b) We see quick shots of various people seeing this Mothman. The camera then
cuts to the home of Mrs. Peterson who answers her phone and she looks shocked
and immediately hangs up. It rings again and she picks up again. The camera then
cuts to her going to the police and they analyze the tape.

What happens on December 15th?

6a) Conor: That’s the strange part… because it’s actually true. On December 15th
1967, the Silver Bridge that connects Point Pleasant to Ohio across the river… it
collapses. The police thought that whoever called Mrs. Peterson must have caused
it, but in the months that followed the investigation concluded that the bridge had a
hairline fracture… impossible to even check upon inspection because of its location.
It was a manufacturer’s error… Somehow though, the Mothman knew it… after the
collapse, the Mothman was never seen again.

6a) We see people driving across the bridge and we see Mrs. Peterson standing on
the banks of the river just watching it. She turns to walk away, but suddenly, there
is a screeching noise and she turns back and she witnesses the bridge buckling and
then breaking. Cars fall into the cold waters below and her face is total shock. End
of sequence.

(Skeptical) I see… ok, so what are we doing here?

Well, the address that Adrian’s Man in Black gave us is that of one Mrs. Tammy


The woman who…


Oh wonderful… this should be fun… Let the freak show begin!

The camera focuses on the two of them as eerie music plays. They walk to their car,
but the camera stays on the statue of the Mothman as the music builds and the
camera cuts to:


14) Int. Unknown Location.

The camera opens on the woman in Nick’s family portrait, its Nick’s wife (Played by
Parker Posey), as she sits in a dark room that appears to be a basement. Her two
children are lying on her lap asleep. Just then, a light flicks on and we see someone
walk into the room. We only see their back. Nick’s wife looks up at him afraid as she

Nick’s Wife:
What do you want with us?

The man doesn’t say anything. We only see him from the waist down and from the
back. He throws her 3 sandwiches. He then turns and walks back out of the room.
Nick’s wife’s expression turns to rage as she stands up and throws one of the
sandwiches at him.

Nick’s Wife:
What do you want with us?!!? Answer me!!!!

The man stops, but then just walks out of the room and turns the light back off. The
room is once again dark as Nick’s wife goes back to the children and sits down
against the wall again. A tear rolls down her cheek as she pets her daughter’s head.
The camera cuts to:

15) Int. Nick’s House. Pike Creek, Delaware. Early Evening.

The camera opens on Nick’s family portrait then pans down to show Nick passed
out on the couch. The camera then cuts to Jeremy, who is going through Nick’s
bookshelf. He comes across a family photo album and he opens it. He is flipping
through looking at various photos of Nick and his family and then he gets to a photo
of Nick with his mother, Meredith… whom Jeremy met. He goes further and he
notices that any family photos with Nick and his father and mother are different. All
photos with Nick’s father are ripped out of the photo. Jeremy looks at it strangely
and suddenly there is a voice behind him.


I guess someone has daddy issues…

Jeremy, startled beyond belief, throws the book across the room and jumps up and
slams his back against the bookshelf. He breathes a sigh of relief as he looks at
Draven standing there looking at him.

Jesus, Draven…. What the hell?!

You knew I was coming… don’t mess yourself, mate… Where’s the man of the hour?

Jeremy points to the couch where Nick is passed out holding a liquor bottle. Draven
looks back at Jeremy.

Maybe that’s for the best… it would be easier for me to just do this myself.

The money handoff, you mean?

Draven nods. Jeremy looks at Draven with a questionable look in his eye.

You’re not a financial analyst are you?

Wise boy, indeed. No, I’m the team’s security… even though I should be fired seeing
as how half the team is shot, missing or kidnapped. Look brotha, I’m gonna head
out… keep him here. I’ll handle this on my own. I do my best work alone.

Jeremy nods as Draven walks out. Draven feels for his gun in his waistband. It’s a
black gun with a red handle with a Swiss Cross on it. The red-toned quick cut cuts

16) FLASHBACK. Ext. London Alleyway. Night.

The camera opens on teen Simon running through the streets holding a black bag.
He keeps looking back as if someone is chasing him. That’s when we hear some
men behind Simon scream:

Man 1:
Get back here you limey bastard!

Man 2:
I will murder your family in their sleep!!!

Simon turns a corner and then hides by a dumpster. The two men run up, but don’t
see him. They take off running in separate directions. Simon gets up and looks
around. He opens the bag and there is thousands of pounds in it. He jumps up and

takes off. The camera cuts to an old warehouse and Simon runs in. Inside, there are
a lot of young boys like himself all hanging out. Simon’s friend Tommy walks up to
him and says:

You got it?! Fantastic work, brotha!

Simon doesn’t smile. He pushes past Tommy and walks up a metal staircase and
into an office. He walks in, shuts the door and slams the bag onto the desk and
boldly says:

Teen Draven:
I’m done with this… give me my money, I’m out!

The camera is focused on the bag and slowly pans up to reveal a man in his 50’s
(Played by Victor Garber). He opens the bag and a huge smile crosses his face. He
pulls out a bundle of money and throws it on the desk in front of Draven.

That ought to do it.

Simon looks at the money and his eyes bulge out of his head as he counts it.

Teen Draven:
There’s got to be tens of thousands of pounds in here…

That’s your earning… what you did, my boy… well, was risky.

Young Simon just stares at him.

There’s plenty more where that came from, but… if you want out… you want out…

Simon thinks for a minute.

Teen Draven:
I don’t want to stop, but it’s too bloody dangerous.

The man stands up, walks over to a desk and opens it. He pulls something out, but
we don’t see what it is. He walks back over to Simon and stands in front of him.

You are by far the best man I have in this operation, Simon…

The man hands Simon something and Simon looks at it. He looks taken back as the
camera pans down and we see it’s a gun with a red Swiss Cross on it; the same gun
that Draven currently carries. Simon stares at it in his hands as the man says:


I think you’ve proven yourself to be a man, Mr. Draven… and all men need a firearm
they can count on…

Simon looks up at him and smiles. Someone has finally acknowledged him as a
man. The camera cuts to:

17) FLASHBACK CONTINUED. Int. Large Home. Chigwell, outside of

London, England. Night.

Teen Simon walks into his mother’s room where she is sitting in her rocking chair
looking out the window. He walks up to her and sits on the window across from her.
He smiles and says:

Teen Draven:
I’ve taken care of our money problems, mother.

She smiles at him, the first time we’ve seen. She takes his hand and says very

Draven’s Mother:
That’s my boy, Simon.

Teen Draven:
Your man, mother…

She smiles and nods, but looks down sad. She says:

Draven’s Mother:
I’m sick, Simon… I saw the doctor today… I have cancer.

Simon’s smile fades.

Draven’s Mother:
We’re going to need more money for the treatments, Simon… much more.

The camera cuts to Simon’s face as he looks very dismayed by the news. The
camera cuts to outside the window as Simon hugs his mother. The camera red-
toned quick cuts to:

18) END OF FLASHBACK. Int. Nick’s House. Pine Creek, Delaware. Early

Jeremy watches out the window as Draven pulls away. Just then, his cell phone rings
and he answers. On the screen we see a man, around 30 years old (Played by David
Anders). Jeremy sighs.

What Victor?


Well, that’s a real nice way to greet your favorite cousin…

I’m busy… what’s up?

Well, you’ve been in New York for over a week now… your mom and dad were
getting worried so I came up, but you’re not even here. Where are you?

Working. Where are you?

Standing in one Erik Jan Hanussen’s reception area… what the hell, man?! You’re
working for THE Erik Jan Hanussen?!

Dude, get out of there… just go to my hotel. It’s the New Yorker. I’ll meet you there
late tonight.

Right-O… see you then, squirt.

Jeremy rolls his eyes and hangs up the phone. The camera cuts to:

19) Int. Jan Hanussen Enterprises. New York, NY. Early Evening.

The camera cuts back to Victor as he is standing in Erik’s lobby. He walks to the
elevator and when it opens, Cassandra is standing there with April in a wheelchair.
She walks right past him and he gets on. The doors close. The camera cuts to the
Benefactor’s office as Cassandra wheels April in. Erik is sitting at his desk as
Cassandra and April enter the room. He jumps up and says to Cassandra:

Is this her?


Erik walks over to her and puts his hand out to her. She doesn’t take it, she just
looks at him. He says:

It’s been a long day for you, I’m sure… You’re going to stay with me for a while until
Abby gets back. Ok?

April doesn’t say anything. Cassandra motions to Erik to go outside. He shakes his
head. Cassandra leans over April and says:


We’ll be right back, April. Sit tight.

Cassandra and Erik walk into the boardroom and Cassandra shuts the door.

I gave her a sedative… she was starting to act up and was demanding Abby.

Did you do it yet?

No. I’m waiting until all the drugs she’s been taking from the institution are out of
her blood stream before I take a sample.

Well, since you never got a blood sample from Abby… this will have to do.

I don’t think that April ever was actually catatonic… Since she’s been out of the
hospital she’s been much more responsive…

You think they’ve been drugging her… to keep her quiet?

Exactly. She must know something and they don’t want her talking.

If they didn’t want her to talk, Cassandra, they would have killed her. She must be
important for a reason.

Well, we’ll find out soon enough.

Erik nods and he opens the door to look in at April sitting in her chair. He watches
her as the camera cuts to:

20) Ext. Wood Cabin. Point Pleasant, West Virginia. Late Evening.

Conor and Cynthia are standing outside of their car looking at a log cabin that sits
back a ways in the woods outside of Point Pleasant. They look at each other and
Conor says to Cynthia:

You ready?

Cynthia looks a bit distant and quiet. She appears to be a little worried or nervous.
Conor notices this.


Are you scared? You’re scared aren’t you?!

No… rednecks just give me the creeps…

She is obviously making up excuses. Conor sees something in the woods and
Cynthia is about to say something, but he motions for her to shut up. She does and
he points to the woods and whispers:

You see that?


That… it’s… holy… Cynthia!!! Run!!!

Cynthia looks frantically into the woods, then turns and runs back to the car down
the dirt road. Conor stops and watches as she runs screaming. Conor busts out
laughing and Cynthia stops. She turns around to him and looks back to the woods.
He is laughing hysterically and Cynthia marches back up to where he’s standing
and says:
Very funny!

As Cynthia says this, she clocks Conor in the nose which is still bandaged from
when Adrian punched him in the face during the Man in Black’s interview two
episodes ago. Conor bends down in pain and screams:

Damn it! God!

Cynthia seems a bit remorseful and she asks him sincerely:

Are you all right?

Conor just shakes his head yes and begins walking to the cabin. She follows. The
camera cuts to the two of them as the walk up onto the porch of Tammy Peterson.
Conor walks to the door and rings the doorbell, still holding his nose. Cynthia looks
around and the camera pans down to the porch floor in front of the living room
window. There are claw marks all over the wood porch as described in the Mothman
flashbacks earlier. Cynthia looks at it and is taken back at first. Without him
noticing, she moves closer to Conor. You can tell she is scared. Just then, the door
swings open and Cynthia jumps. There’s a woman standing there and it must be
Tammy Peterson (Played by Barbara Barrie). She’s in her mid-late 70’s.

I beg your pardon, but it is nearly 9 o’clock… I don’t take callers this late.

Mrs. Peterson?


We’re here to talk to you about…

(Interrupting) Let me guess… the Mothman...

Yes. We could come back tomorrow if that’d work better for you.

(Pauses) You people never give up, do you? Just come in and let’s get this over

She opens the door and lets them inside. It’s a quaint house with the typical log
cabin style. As she lets them in she walks towards the living room and talks:

So what are you, reporters?

No… more like investigators.

Investigators? What more is there to investigate? It’s not like there’s any new
evidence. Either you think I’m crazy or you think there really is a Mothman. So,
which is it?

Conor and Cynthia look at each other. Tammy sits in her chair and Conor and
Cynthia sit on the couch across from her. Conor hesitates, but Cynthia speaks up
and says very convincingly:

We believe you.

This sort of puts Tammy at ease and you can tell. Her tone towards them is more
relaxed now.

What can I do for you then?

We know the story, but other than the scratches on the front porch, what proof do
you have?

Well, I’m sure you heard the tapes.

Actually, no… we haven’t.

Tammy nods. Without saying anything, she gets up and goes to an old roll-top desk
in the corner of the room. She lifts up the door and pulls out an old cassette like
tape they used back in the ‘60’s. She walks back to the two of them and hands it to
them. Conor looks at it like he has no idea what to do with it.

Do you have something to play it on?

Tammy, slightly annoyed, motions to hold on and as she walks away she says to
herself in a low tone:

Young kids don’t know... (She continues to grumble as she leaves the room).

Conor turns to Cynthia and says:

You really do believe, don’t you?

(Almost insulted) You don’t know how to talk to people do you? By saying that we
believe, we gained a bit of confidence in her.

I know, but you really do, don’t you?

Cynthia just looks at Conor like he’s an idiot. Tammy comes back in with a tape
player that will fit the cassette tape. She sits it on the table and Conor puts the tape
in and hits play.

I must warn you… this may be disturbing.

The tape plays and we hear lots of static. We then hear Tammy saying “Hello?”
then more static. “Hello?!” Still nothing. Conor looks at Cynthia as the tape
continues. Conor rolls his eyes, but as he does this we hear a high pitched squeal
come from the machine and Conor jumps back. “What do you want?!” Tammy
says on the tape. Muffled, but audible in a very high pitched voice that sounds a bit
off we hear, “Danger on the day.” Conor looks up at Tammy almost shocked at
the weird voice and Tammy just looks at him and smiles. “Stop calling here!”
Tammy says on the tape. “Danger on the bridge.” You can barely make out what
the voice is saying, but it is clear enough to understand. “What do you want
from me?” Tammy exclaims on the tape. “15th day danger on the bridge of

December.” We then hear Tammy say, “Stop calling here!” Then she hangs up.
Tammy hits the stop button on the tape player. There is a silence between the
three of them for a moment. Finally, Cynthia says:

You made that up.

Taken back, Tammy looks at Cynthia and says:

Excuse me?!

You made that up…

Conor grabs Cynthia’s arm and shakes his head as if to tell her to shut up.

I most certainly did not. I thought you believed me.

I did until I heard that… you fabricated that.

Oh, so now you think I’m a liar! You may now leave my house, both of you!

Tammy gets up and escorts the two of them to the door. Cynthia reaches the door
and stops, turns to Tammy and in a condescending way she (in a sense, childishly)
dares Tammy:

Prove it.

Tammy stares at her for a second and you can tell she is pissed off. Finally, she

Fine. I will. There’s a man on the edge of town… near the river… Daniel Ferguson.
Find him and tell him I sent you… he’ll have all the proof you need.

With that Tammy pushes the two of them out the door and slams it. On the front
porch, Conor turns to Cynthia and looks at her like “what the hell?”

Pretty smooth, eh? She gave us a name that she wouldn’t have ever given us

Conor looks at her like she’s a genius.


Good work… I do believe I have underestimated you…

Everyone does…

The two of them smile at each other and head down the steps of the porch and to
the dirt road leading to their car. The camera cuts to Tammy as she looks out her
front window at them. She then looks up into the sky and looks afraid as she pulls
her curtains closed very quickly. As they shut, the camera cuts to:


21) Ext. Small Home. Point Pleasant, West Virginia. Night.

Conor and Cynthia are standing on the front door of a house. Inside, they can hear
a dog barking as they knock on the door, but there’s no answer. Conor turns to

I guess we’ll just have to come back tomorrow.


The two of them turn around and standing directly behind them is a bear of a man
(Played by John Goodman). He just stands there looking at them. Conor reaches into
his coat and pulls out his stun-gun that he used on the MIB in episode 4. The man
just looks at him then begins to laugh hardily.

What, you gonna shock me to death? Who the hell are ya and what you doin’ on my

Daniel Ferguson?

Oh Jesus, Tammy Peterson sent you, didn’t she?

Uh, yeah… how’d you know?

Daniel pushes past them and puts his key in the front door. As he does this, he

I used to get about 4 of you a month up until 2012… then it started to slowly stop. I
guess people had better things to conspiracize about…


She told us to tell you she sent us.

He opens the door and lets them in. As they walk in, he says:

Of course she did… that woman can’t keep her mouth shut ‘bout nuthin’.

Daniel pets his dog then gets some dog food out of the laundry room they are all
standing in. He puts it in the dog’s bowl as he says:

Let me guess, she played the tape for you within 2 minutes of walkin’ in her front

He looks at Conor. Conor nods.

Then you agitated her to get some more answers out of her.

He looks at Cynthia. She nods.

Yeah, you sure can play her like a record… or in this case, a phony Mothman tape.

Cynthia shoots a look at Conor.


You, you honestly think that thing was real? The woman and her husband did it for
the money… then eventually it turned into the popularity.

Then why did she send us to you?

Because unfortunately for me, she knew my ex-wife… another woman who couldn’t
keep her damn mouth shut.

I’m confused… she said you had proof.

I have no damn proof of the Mothman… I have proof of other things.

What kind of other things?


(Laughing) I don’t think so… not today…

Conor looks frustrated. He pulls Cynthia aside as Daniel walks out of the room into
the kitchen.

Look, this is a freakin’ dead end.

Then why the hell did that Man in Black give Adrian the tip to come here? He told
Adrian all about the prophecies… why send him here for no reason?

Conor is about to answer, but Daniel walks in the doorway. He looks dead serious
now as he looks at Cynthia and asks:

You say Man in Black?

Cynthia nods. Daniel looks at her and says:

Maybe I do have something to show you after all…

Daniel motions for Cynthia and Conor to follow him as he opens a door that leads
down to a very dark looking basement. Cynthia looks at Conor like “Oh crap” and
the camera cuts to:

22) Ext. New Yorker Hotel. New York, NY. Night.

The camera opens on a piece of crap. It cuts to Beth as she is scooping up some
leftovers from Foxy Brown, her dog, on the sidewalk.

Damn Foxy, what have you been eating??

The camera pulls back and we see Jeremy’s cousin, Victor, walking up to the doors.
He overhears what Beth just said to Foxy Brown and says:

Room service can do that to ya.

He smiles at her and she smiles back.

Tell me about it, I’ve been living here for the past three months… (She pauses and
giggles) Wow, that came out wrong…

(Laughing) Yeah… yeah, I’d say it did. (He walks towards the door, then stops)
Question, where can a guy get a good dirty martini around here?

Well, not that I’m an advocate of the New Yorker, but the bar here has one of the
best ‘tenders in town.

Oh? Well, then… I will have to take your word for it.

Oh, you’re staying here too?

Yeah, I’m in town visiting my cousin, Jeremy.

At the mention of Jeremy, Beth’s eyebrow raises. She smiles and says:

Oh really, now??

The two of them look at each other and Beth continues to smile at him as the
camera cuts to:

23) Int. Nick’s House. Pike Creek, Delaware. Night.

The camera cuts to Jeremy as he is in the kitchen looking through the refrigerator.
In the background, we see Nick stumble into the doorway and he yells:

Damn it! Why’d you let me sleep so long?!

Jeremy jumps back and looks at Nick. He drops a Tupperware container on the floor
with spaghetti in it and it splatters everywhere.

Draven was here… he told me it would be best if he went it alone.

Nick gives Jeremy a very dirty look.

This is MY family!!!

Nick picks up his keys off the table and throws them at Jeremy with a pretty great
force and they almost hit Jeremy in the face, but he catches them last minute.

You’re driving…

Jeremy looks down, then away and Nick makes his way to the front door. Jeremy
sighs as the camera cuts to:

24) Int. Warehouse. Wilmington, Delaware. Night.

Draven is sitting in his car outside of the warehouse. He looks down at his car’s
clock and it says: “9:30” Draven sits back in his seat and thinks. The red-toned
quick cut begins:

25) FLASHBACK. Int. Hospital. London, England. Day.

The camera opens on Draven (current Draven) as he is walking down a hospital

corridor and he is holding a bouquet of flowers. He is dressed sharply and appears
about 10 years younger than he currently is. He turns a corner and walks into a
room where we see his mother lying in the hospital bed. She looks very ill and much
older than we’ve seen her before. She sees Draven walk in and she smiles. He sits
the flowers down on the bedside beside her and kisses her on the cheek.

Hello, mum.

Draven’s Mother:
Hello, Simon.

She seems a bit cold towards him. He pulls up a chair next to the bed and sits next
to her. He takes her hand, but she pulls away. He looks at her confused.

What’s wrong? Did I do something?

Draven’s Mother:
Did you do something, huh…? (She says with sarcasm and contempt)

Come on, mum, what’s going on?

She pauses and she won’t even look at him now. He grabs her head and makes her
look at him.

Draven’s Mother:
I know what you’ve been doing, Simon… for money! It makes me sick.

Draven looks down, then sits back in his chair. She looks directly at him with a stern
look and says:

Draven’s Mother:
I heard from Grace O’Brien… you’ve been selling drugs!

She says it very loudly. Simon puts his hand over her mouth and says to her very


Shut up, mother. You have no idea what you’re talking about… besides… you’re the
one who forced me into this kind of lifestyle. You always blamed me for the
kidnapping, made me quit school… what was I supposed to bloody do?!

Draven still has his hand over his mother’s mouth. He continues, but what he
doesn’t realize is she is gasping for air.

My whole life I’ve taken your abuse… that you wish I’d have been the one taken.
You despised and blamed me for everything. When I was 9, you broke my bloody
arm and didn’t even take me to the hospital! I turned out this way because of you
and your hate towards me.

He is so intent on telling her off that he doesn’t realize that her eyes are open, but
there is no longer anything behind them. Once he realizes what he’s done, he pulls
his hand off. He looks at her and she just lays there still. He starts to panic and he
shakes her, but nothing. He looks at her heart monitor and sees there is a flat line.
Suddenly, nurses bust into the room and look at him.

What happened?!

I uh… I was just… talking to her… and she…

Get out of here, now! Doctor!!!!

Draven stumbles backwards and knocks over the chair. He moves backwards out of
the room and as he goes he stares at his mother. He walks backwards out of the
door, then turns and runs down the hall. One of the doctors sees this and quickly
picks up the emergency phone in the hall. The camera focuses on Draven as he
runs down the hall, then into a stairwell and the camera red-toned quick cuts to:


26) Ext. Warehouse. Wilmington, Delaware. Night.

The camera opens on Draven as he steps out of his car. He walks towards the large
rusty warehouse where there is a single light above a big hangar style door. He
walks inside. The place is huge and empty with very little lighting. There are old
boats rusting away along the edges, but the middle of the place is wide open.
Draven walks in and stands there. He looks at his watch and it is exactly 10pm as
indicated on the ransom note from the kidnapper. We hear something, a cracking
noise. Draven looks around, but sees nothing until he turns around and there stands
Jeremy and Nick. Draven throws his hands up in the air and says to Jeremy:

Bloody hell! I told you to keep him at home!

He forced me.

It’s my family, Simon… what makes you think you can do this?!

Because it’s my job, Nick. That’s what I was hired to do.

Seems to me like you can’t even watch your own back, that’s why I came.

Well, Nick, if you screw this up, it’s on your head… got it?!

Just then we hear a voice from the opposite end of the warehouse. He says in a
British accent:

Boys, boys… quit your bickering.

They all turn and look and we see a man slowly walk into the light. He’s tall and
dangerous looking (Played by Neil Hopkins). He continues.

I understand you’re to have 40 million American dollars for me, no?

Yeah, it’s in my car… where’s his family?

They’re safe… once I get my money, I’ll take you to them. Only one of you though.

I’ll go.

No! I’ll go!

Sorry, brotha, but I tend to trust one of my fellow countrymen before I’d trust a

Nick gets very livid at this point and attempts to charge the guy, but as he does,
the man pulls out a gun and aims it at Nick. Jeremy holds Nick back. Draven,
looking very surprised, shoots a look at the man and says:

What the hell do you think you’re doing?! No guns! Put it away!

The man looks at Draven in a strange way and then holsters his gun.

So, how do you want to do this?

What does your group want with 40 million dollars? You could easily get that.

The man looks at Nick and doesn’t seem to know quite what to say.

What group?

The bottom of the ransom note had that symbol on it…

The same one we saw on the gun of the guy who shot Matthew.

They don’t need the money… so what is it, why did you do this?

I just follow orders, mate… get the money.

Look, come with me to my car and I’ll get it. Then we can go to get the family
together… ok?

The man pulls out his gun again.

I don’t think so. Get the money.


Draven! Just get the damn money!


Draven turns to the man and gives him a really dirty look. He says:

That’s not how this was supposed to go down… you were to bring the family.

Plans change, now go get the bloody money!!!!

The man raises the gun again. Draven shakes his head angrily. The man cocks his
head as if to tell Draven he’s the one in power. Just then, we hear a BANG!!!!
Everyone ducks to the floor. The camera focuses on Jeremy as he looks at his body
and then feels himself to make sure he’s ok. They all look around and then finally at
the man with the gun who is standing there. Suddenly, blood starts pouring out of
his mouth. He falls to the floor, dead. They all get up and Nick screams at Draven:

What did you do?!

Draven looks confused and flustered. He looks back at the man.

I did… I didn’t do anything…

Just then, from behind them all we hear a voice.

It’s called revenge.

They all turn around and standing there is Matthew Tagalog holding a gun. He
lowers it to his side. Nick runs up to him and grabs him and frantically says:

You idiot! He didn’t tell us where my family is!!

Matthew just stands there, unsure of what to say. Draven lowers his head. Without
saying a word, Draven walks back out of the warehouse and towards his car. Jeremy

Where are you going!?

Draven doesn’t answer, he just gets into his car and drives off. The camera cuts to:

27) Int. Small Home Basement. Point Pleasant, West Virginia. Night.

The camera cuts to Conor and Cynthia as they reach the bottom of the dingy stairs
in Daniel’s home. Once at the bottom Daniel turns back to them and points a gun at
them! Cynthia rolls her eyes and sighs. Daniel says:

Who sent you?

I uh… I don’t know what you mean…

You said a Man in Black told you about me… who sent you?

He told us about Tammy, not you…

He knew Tammy would lead you to me… what was his name?

Um… Weston!

The man raises his gun.

I don’t know no Westons…

It was Winston… Jacob Winston who told Adrian to come here.

The man thinks for a moment, then busts out laughing heartily again. He puts his
gun away.

Ohhh, Jakey… why didn’t you just say so?!

The man turns and Cynthia takes a deep breath of relief. The man walks to the wall
and hits a switch. The entire basement lights up. The camera pans around and we
see it all. There are all kinds of backdrops of stars on the walls. The floor is a
somewhat foam grey and in the middle of it there is planted an American flag. It
looks like a movie set. Cynthia and Conor look on in wonder as Conor smiles to

What is this?

It’s a set… movie set. Of the moon.

Daniel nods. He looks at them and explains in the flashback narrative as seen

1a) Daniel: I was just a boy… about 8… when the Silver Bridge collapsed into the
river. My daddy was fishing that cold evening… my momma hated him fishing, but
he had to get away from her nagging.

1b) We see a man fishing along the river with bridge in the background. Suddenly
the bridge collapses sending trucks and cars into the river.

2a) Daniel: When the bridge collapsed, my daddy watched in awe. He stayed there
for a good while watchin’ the rescue teams. After a few hours, he saw something

drifting down the river in a big crate. The crate had an American flag on it and said
it was Air Force. It was huge… he found two more further down the river…

2b) We see what he described above. There are three crates washed up on the
shore of the river and we see a man checking them out. We then see a few buddies
of his come up and they tie the crates to a tow-truck and lift them out of the water.

3a) Daniel: Once he got the crates home, he bust them open… and this is what he
found. He constructed them here in the basement…

3b) We see a man opening the crates and then a montage of him putting them
together. When finished he looks at them in awe. End of sequence.

My daddy stumbled across a set of the US Air Force’s moon landing.

Cynthia and Conor look at each other. Conor is absolutely all smiles.

There musta been an Air-Force truck on that bridge that day. Transporting this set
somewhere… but your guess is as good as mine… (He whispers to them) I think
area 51…

Conor walks to the set and looks at it. He is floored. Cynthia thinks for a minute
then says:

That’s all well and good, Mr. Ferguson, but it doesn’t explain, fabricated or not, how
Tammy Peterson knew that something would happen to the bridge that day.

Daniel stops smiling. He just looks at Cynthia and says:

Don’t go trampin’ around where you don’t belong, missy.

Cynthia looks at Conor who gives her a strange look back. Conor finally says:

Cynthia… you know what we got here? We have actual proof that the moon landing
was faked… faked!

Conor looks at Daniel who smiles back. Cynthia doesn’t return the gesture. She just
looks at Conor blankly and asks:

But why?

They all look at each other as the camera cuts to:

28) Ext. Wooded Area. Night.

The camera cuts to Draven who gets out of his car and pulls out a flashlight. He
walks through the woods until he reaches a clearing. He brushes away some leaves
and there seems to be a hatch in the ground with a lock on it. He pulls out some
keys and unlocks it. He opens it and then turns and walks away. As he walks away
and is near his car, we see someone poke their head out of the hatch. It’s Nick’s
wife!!! The camera cuts to Draven as he reaches his car. The red-toned quick cut
cuts to:

29) FLASHBACK. Warehouse. London, England. Night.

The camera opens on the criminal warehouse we saw earlier. Draven is wearing the
same suit he just visited his mother in the hospital with as he races up the stairs to
the crime-boss’ office. He swings open the door and we see his boss (still Played by
Victor Garber) and says:

Mr. Maholic… I need out of here for a while. I’ve done something and I need out of
the country until it’s safe again.

Without question, Maholic gets up from his desk and walks to a bookshelf. He
throws Draven a passport and then gives him a pre-paid credit card with an
expiration date of 12/12.

Mr. Maholic:
Good, I have a job for you in the states… it’s a bit different from what you normally
do, but…

I don’t care, I’ll do it… what is it?

Mr. Maholic:
You’ll be kidnapping someone for someone who contacted me.

Draven laughs to himself almost insanely.

Kidnapping? Really!? How very appropriate (He says in a self-mocking sarcastic

Mr. Maholic:
Here’s his papers and where to find him. I’ll keep in touch…

He hands the papers to Draven and Draven walks out of the office and the camera
cuts to Draven as he is walking out of the warehouse. Someone runs up to him
before he leaves though. Draven turns around and we see that it’s the man from
the warehouse that Matthew just shot (Played by Neil Hopkins)!!!

Not now, Tommy…

It’s Tommy! Draven’s childhood friend.

I heard what you did…

Tommy hugs Draven. Draven pushes him off.

What? What the bloody hell are you talking about?!

There’s something I’ve always wanted to tell you, Simon… but never knew how…
not while she was alive.

Draven looks at Tommy very confused. Tommy looks absolutely happy as a tear
forms in his eye.

Simon… I wasn’t kidnapped… I ran away from home. I ran away from her abuse… I
had to get out of there.

Draven stumbles backwards and has a look of total defeat and confusion on his

What… what are you saying?

Simon… I’m your brother.

Draven backs away, unsure of what to say. He falls back against a wall and slides
down. Tommy rushes over to him.

I became your friend all those years ago so we could still be together.

Draven just looks up at Tommy and he begins to cry. Tommy bends down and holds
on to Draven and Draven holds him. The camera focuses on the two of them as the
red-toned quick cut cuts to:

30) END OF FLASHBACK. Warehouse. Wilmington, Delaware. Night.

The camera opens on Draven as he walks up to the body of the man (Tommy) that
Matthew had shot and killed. Draven bends down and closes Tommy’s eyes. He
then pulls out his phone and calls someone. There is an answer and we see that it’s
the Benefactor.

It’s done… Nick’s family is safe.

I’m sorry you had to do that, Simon, but we needed to get Nick back onto our team.
Kidnapping his family was the only way to ensure we’d get him back. Make sure to
tell your friend, Tommy… is it?... for his help in all of this. The money will be in his
account in the morning.

Draven just nods as a tear falls down his face. He hangs up the phone. Simon then
lies down next to Tommy and puts his head on his chest as he says:

I’m so sorry, brotha...

Draven lays there as the camera views the two of them from above and moves
upwards in silence until it quietly cuts to:

The Chosen

Nestor Carbonell:---Adrian Rezek

Hal Holbrook: -----Eric Jan Hanussen
Phylicia Rashad: -----Velma Logan
Melissa George: -----Casey Christina
Jensen Ackles: -----Conor Vith
Katey Sagal: -----Cynthia Brand
Mila Kunis: -----Beth Price
Seth Gabel: -----Jeremy Kozlak
James Scott: -----Simon Draven
James P. Stuart: -----Nicolas Tesla
Carey Mulligan: -----Abby Mercer
Diether Ocampo: ---Matthew Tagalog
Denise Vasi: -----Cassandra Millerick


April Mercer: -----April Matson

Draven’s Mom: -----Anne Lockhart
Child Draven: -----Preston Bailey
Teen Draven: -----Casey Jon Diedrick
Teen Tommy: -----Lucas Grabeel
Nick’s Wife: -----Parker Posey
Mr. Maholic: -----Victor Garber
Victor Kozlak: -----David Anders
Tammy Peterson:---Barbara Barrie
Daniel Ferguson:----John Goodman
Adult Tommy: -----Neil Hopkins
To Be Casted: -----Man 1
To Be Casted: -----Man 2

To Be Casted: -----Nurse


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