Guidelines For Fuels and Lubes Purchasing

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Guidelines for Fuels and

Lubes Purchasing
Operation on Heavy Residual Fuels

MAN Diesel


Fuel Oil Quality ............................................................................................. 5

Analysis Data................................................................................................ 6
Fuel Oil Stability............................................................................................ 8
Fuel Oil Treatment......................................................................................... 8
Centrifuging Recommendations..................................................................... 9
High Density Fuels...................................................................................... 10
Fuel Sampling............................................................................................. 11
Supplementary Fuel Oil Treatment............................................................... 11
Fuel Oil System........................................................................................... 13
Operational Aspects.................................................................................... 14
Low-sulphur Fuel Operation........................................................................ 15
Off-spec. Fuels........................................................................................... 15
Lubricating Oil Qualities............................................................................... 16
Lube Oil Blending on Board......................................................................... 17
Cylinder Oil, Low Speed Diesels.................................................................. 18
Performance Verification of Cylinder Oils...................................................... 19
Fuels and Lubes for Stationary Two-stroke MAN B&W Engines ................... 19
List of References....................................................................................... 20

MAN B&W Diesel

Guidelines for Fuels and Lubes Purchasing Operation on Heavy Residual Fuels

Guidelines for Fuels and Lubes Purchasing Operation on Heavy Residual Fuels

Guidelines for Fuels and Lubes Purchasing

Operation on Heavy Residual Fuels
MAN B&W Two-stroke Engines
Fuel Oil Quality



For reference purposes, an extract from

MAN Diesels engines are designed to

requirements for heavy fuel for diesel

the relevant standards and specifica-

operate in accordance with the unifuel

engines, edition 2003. According to

tions is shown in Table I.

principle. For specific guidelines for fuel

these, the maximum accepted grades

and lube oils for gensets, contact MAN

are RMH 55 and K55. The mentioned

Based on our general service experi-

Diesel in Augsburg, Germany.

ISO and BS standards supersede BS

ence, and as a supplement to the above-

MA 100, in which the limit is M9.

mentioned standards, MAN Diesel issues


For guidance on purchase, reference

a guiding fuel oil specification, shown

is made to ISO 8217, BS6843 and to

in Table I.

Residual marine fuel standards

Category ISO-8217 (Class F)


Density at 15 C


Kinematic viscosity at 50 C

mm2 /s

Flash point












Carbon residue










Pour point (upper) b

- winter quality
- summer quality









ISO 2719
(see also 7.2)





ISO 3016
ISO 3016


ISO 10370



ISO 6245



ISO 3733


ISO 8754 or ISO

(see also 7.3)


ISO 14597 or IP
501 or IP 470
(see also 7.8


ISO 10307-2
(see also 7.6)













Used lubricating
oil (ULO)
- Zinc
- Phosphorus
- Calcium



ISO 3675 or ISO

12185 (see also










The fuel shall be free of ULO







Test method


















Total sediment









Aluminium +



ISO 3104

ISO 10478 or IP
501 or IP 470
(see also 7.9)
IP 501 or IP 470
(see 7.7)
IP 501 or IP 500
(see 7.7)
IP 501 or IP 470
(see 7.7)

Annex C gives a brief viscosity/temperature table for information purposes only. (1 mm2/s = 1 cSt)
Purchasers should ensure that this pour point is suitable for the equipment on board, especially if the vessel operates in both the northern and southern hemispheres.
A sulphur limit of 1.5 % (m/m) will apply in SOx emission control areas designated by the International Maritime Organization, when its relevant protocol comes into force.
There may be local variations.
A fuel must be considered to be free of ULO if one or more of the elements zinc, phosphorus and calcium are below or at the specified limits. All three elements must exceed the
same limits before a fuel shall be deemed to contain ULO.

MAN B&W Diesel

Table II

Guidelines for Fuels and Lubes Purchasing Operation on Heavy Residual Fuels

In both tables the data refers to fuel

reasons of centrifuging, as stated in the

Fuels with a high carbon residue con-

oils as delivered to the ship, i.e. before


tent could cause increased fouling of

onboard cleaning. Fuel oils within the

the gasways, necessitating more fre-

limits of this specification have, to the

Density is normally measured at higher

quent cleaning, especially of the turbo-

extent of their commercial availability,

temperatures, and the density at 15C

charger and exhaust gas boiler.

been used with satisfactory results in

is calculated on the basis of tables

MAN B&W two-stroke low speed diesel

which, depending on their origin, date

Some changes in combustion, requir-


of issue, and the data on which they are

ing adjustment of maximum pressures

based, could give slightly differing den-

for reasons of economy, could also be

sities at 15C.

attributed to a high carbon residue con-

It should be noted that current analysis

results do not fully suffice for estimating
the combustion properties of fuel oils.

tent. Part of the carbon residues repreWhereas the limit of 991 kg/m3 must

sents asphaltenes.

be observed when traditional centrifuges

This means that service results could

(before 1985, purifier clarifier) are used,


The effect of asphaltenes on the com-

depend on oil properties which are not


is accepted provided that

bustion process is similar to that of the

known beforehand. This applies espe-

modern centrifuges capable of hand-

carbon residue. Asphaltenes also af-

cially to the tendency of the fuel oil to

ling fuels of such density are installed.

fects the fuel oil lubrication properties.

form deposits in combustion chambers, gas passages and turbochargers.

Fuels with a high content of asphaltenes

Flash point

may tend to emulsify with water.

The flash point limit is set as a safeguard

As mentioned, the data refers to the fuel as

against fire only.

supplied, i.e. before the treatment.

Water in the fuel should be removed by

Pour point

centrifuging the fuel before use. This

If a fuel oil exceeding the data in Table I is

The pour point indicates the minimum

applies especially to salt water, the

to be used, the engine builder or MAN

temperature at which the fuel should

sodium content of which can result in

Diesel should be contacted for advice.

be stored and pumped. Temperatures

deposits on valves and turbochargers.

below the pour point results in wax for-

Analysis Data



If the water cannot be removed online,

homogenising after centrifuging is recom-

Viscosity cannot be considered a qual-


ity criterion in its own right for fuel oils,

The corrosive effect of sulphuric acid

and is stated only for handling reasons

during combustion is counteracted by


(pumps, preheaters and centrifuges).

adequate lube oils and temperature

Ash represents solid contaminants as

control of the combustion chamber

well as metals bound in the fuel (e.g.


vanadium and nickel). Part of the ash

Density is related to the fuel quality be-


could be catalyst particles from the refin-

cause fuels derived from extensive re-

The cylinder lube oil feed rate must be

finery processing are left with a higher

according to the MAN Diesel recom-

carbon content, are more aromatic

mendation. The sulphur content has a

Catalyst particles are highly abrasive.

and thus heavier. Therefore, fuels with

negligible effect on the combustion proc-

Solid ash should be removed to the

a high density are also high in carbon


widest possible extent by centrifug-

residue and asphaltenes.

ing process.

ing, and cleaning can be improved by

Carbon residue

installing a fine filter after the centrifuge

The water separation ability of the fuel

The carbon residue is measured as

(e.g. 50 m).

oil is ensured by limiting the density for

Conradson Carbon or Microcarbon.

Guidelines for Fuels and Lubes Purchasing Operation on Heavy Residual Fuels

Vanadium, magnesium and sodium

Aluminium and silicon

at a number of fuel laboratories and build-

Vanadium is bound in chemical com-

The limit to aluminium and silicon has

ers of marine diesel engines worldwide.

plexes in the fuel and, consequently,

been introduced in order to restrict the

cannot be removed.

content of catalytic fines, mainly Al2O3

The test presents the Rate of Heat Re-

and SiO2, in the oil. 80 mg Al and Si

lease, reflecting the actual heat release

Vanadium deposits can be very hard,

corresponds to up to 170 mg Al2O2 and

process and, thus, the combustion

and may cause extensive damage to


quality of the fuel tested. By the use of

the turbocharger nozzle ring and tur-

calibration fuels, a recorded ignition de-

bine wheel. The only way to remove

Catalytic fines give rise to abrasive

lay in combination with the combustion

vanadium deposits is to disassemble the

wear, and their content should, there-

quality can be converted into an instru-

components and erase the deposits me-

fore, be reduced as much as possible

ment-related Cetane number.


by centrifuging the fuel oil before it

reaches the engine.

Sodium is normally present in the fuel

The test results reflect the differences

in ignition and combustion properties of

as a salt water contamination and may,

MAN Diesel recommends that 80 ppm

diesel engine fuels resulting from varia-

as such, be removed by centrifuging.

of catalytic fines before the centrifuge

tions in the chemical composition of the

Sodium can also reach the engine in

is reduced as much as possible by the

fuels being tested.

the form of airborne sea water mist.

fuel centrifuge and, as a guideline, the

level should in any case not exceed 15

However, these test results do not re-

Vanadium, in combination with sodium,

ppm after the centrifuge, see Ref. [1]

flect the functions of the actual com-

may lead to exhaust valve corrosion

and Ref [2].

bustion in the diesel engine, because

and turbocharger deposits. This can

the tests are conducted at different

occur especially if the weight ratio of

Ignition quality

conditions/mechanisms than exist in

sodium to vanadium exceeds 1:3, and

Normally applied analytical data for fuel

the engine.

especially in the case of a high vana-

oil contain no direct indication of igni-

dium content.

tion quality, neither do current specifi-

With the modern high compression ra-

cations and standards. However, this is

tio engines, the denoted differences in

MAN Diesel has limited data to show

not an important parameter for engines

the fuel, both good and bad, are not at

that the level of sodium and vanadium

with high compression ratios.

the level indicated by the test results.

to the above-mentioned complications

In a few cases (less than five), we have

The cetane number in an ignition qual-

on MAN B&W engines.

observed that the fuel had such poor

ity test might, as such, only provide an

in combination, and in this ratio, has led

ignition quality that the engines could

indication of the difference in the fuels,

For lower contents of sodium and va-

not operate properly. Analysis of the

but not whether this will have an influ-

nadium, the weight ratio is considered

fuel in question revealed that these

ence on the engine performance.

of less importance (for a vanadium con-

fuels had all been contaminated by

tent less than 150 mg/kg).

chemical waste.

Magnesium, either present in the fuel,

Tests performed together with fuel ana-

in salt water contamination or intro-

lysing institutes give indications of the

duced via additives can, to some ex-

ignition and combustion qualities of the

tent, increase the melting point of the

different fuels. Test instruments utilising

vanadium, thus preventing the forma-

a constant volume combustion technol-

tion of deposits.

ogy have been developed and are cur-

MAN B&W Diesel

rently being used for marine fuel testing

Guidelines for Fuels and Lubes Purchasing Operation on Heavy Residual Fuels

Fuel Oil Stability

at the expense of the benefits derived

design of heavy fuel treatment plants for

Fuel oils are produced on the basis of

from a low centrifuge flow rate as de-

diesel engines. Practically all fuel speci-

widely varying crude oils and refinery

scribed below.

fications refer to fuel as supplied and,

processes. Due to incompatibility, such

as such, serve primarily as purchasing

fuels can occasionally tend to be unsta-

With the introduction of new IMO emis-

specifications. Furthermore, the data in

ble when mixed, for which reason mix-

sion regulations and the fuel sulphur

a standard fuel analysis serves to ad-

ing on board should be avoided to the

limit in SECAs (sulphur emission control

just the onboard treatment and is ac-

widest possible extent.

areas), more blending of fuels to com-

tually of little use to the operator when

ply with the regulations is taking place.

referring to the engine operational data.

A mixture of incompatible fuels in the

For this reason, the risk of incompat-

tanks can result in rather large amounts

ibility of fuels is also higher.

Hence the basic design criterion is that

of sludge being taken out by the centri-

engines must be capable of accepting

Fuel Oil Treatment

all commercially available fuel oils, pro-

Fuels supplied to a ship must be treat-

vided that they are adequately treated

Inhomogeneity in the service tank can

ed on board before use. Detailed infor-

on board.

be counteracted by recirculating the

mation on fuel oil system layout can be

contents of the tank through the cen-

found in the CIMAC Recommendations

For this purpose, a well-designed fuel

trifuge. This will have to be carried out

issued in 2005, Volume 9, concerning the

oil treatment system is a must. General

fuges or even lead to centrifuge blocking.

From centrifuges

Automatic de-aerating valve

Diesel oil

Venting box

Heavy fuel oil

service tank

Overflow valve
adjusted to 4 bar

Common fuel oil supply unit

Full flow filter


Main engine
Supply pumps




- - - - - - - - - - Diesel oil
Heavy fuel oil
Heated pipe with insulation

To fresh water cooling

pump suction

Fig. 1: Pressurised uni-fuel oil system for both main engine and gensets


Guidelines for Fuels and Lubes Purchasing Operation on Heavy Residual Fuels


Fuel oil
drain tank

minimum recommendations for the lay-

fuges should, at least, be according to

the relatively limited time that they are

out of such a system have been speci-

the centrifuge makers specifications.

present in the centrifuge, the centrifuge

fied and should be complied with in

To obtain optimum cleaning, it is of the

should always be operated with an inlet

order to ensure proper treatment of the

utmost importance that the centrifuge

temperature of 98C.

fuel permitted by the guiding specifica-

is operated with as low a fuel oil viscos-

tion. The operation of the fuel prepara-

ity as possible, and that the fuel oil is al-

A temperature decrease has to be fol-

tion system is the responsibility of the

lowed to remain in the centrifuge bowl

lowed by a reduced throughput to en-

operator. Good results require both the

for as long as possible.

sure the same cleaning efficiency, see

correct system and the correct operation of the system.

Fig. 2.
Temperature of HFO before centrifuges

The fuel is kept in the centrifuge as long

The fuel oil system consists of a clean-

It is often seen that the HFO preheat-

as possible by adjusting the flow rate

ing plant (comprising centrifuging) and

ers are too small, or the steam supply

through the centrifuge so that it corre-

a pressurised fuel oil system.

of the preheater is limited, or that they

sponds to the amount of fuel required

have too low a set point in tempera-

by the engine without excessive recir-

Fig. 1 shows the pressurised fuel oil

ture. Often the heater surface is partly

culation. Consequently, the centrifuge

system common for MAN B&W main

clogged by deposits. These factors all

should operate for 24 hours a day ex-

and GenSet engines.

lead to reducing the separation tem-

cept during necessary cleaning.

perature and hence the efficiency of the

Centrifuging Recommendations


Centrifuges with separate feed pumps

Fuel oils, whether HFO or DO, should

with a capacity matched to the engine

always be considered as contaminated

In some cases, the temperature of the

output are to be preferred.

upon delivery and should therefore be

HFO from the preheater is unstable and

thoroughly cleaned to remove solid as

fluctuates, which again results in im-

Taking todays fuel qualities into con-

well as liquid contaminants before use.

proper cleaning of the fuel.

sideration, the need for maintenance of

the centrifuges should not be underes-

The solid contaminants in the fuel are

In order to ensure that the centrifugal

mainly rust, sand, dust and refinery cat-

forces separate the heavy contaminants in


alysts. Liquid contaminants are mainly

water, i.e. either fresh water or salt water.

Capacity for same separation (%)


Impurities in the fuel can cause damage

to fuel pumps and fuel valves, and can
result in increased cylinder liner wear


and deterioration of the exhaust valve

seats. Also increased fouling of gasways and turbocharger blades could

180 cSt
300 cSt
700 cSt

result from the use of inadequately

cleaned fuel oil.

Effective cleaning can only be ensured




by using a centrifuge. We recommend




cSt at 50 C

that the capacity of the installed centri-

MAN B&W Diesel

Fig. 2: Relationship of throughput and temperature

Guidelines for Fuels and Lubes Purchasing Operation on Heavy Residual Fuels

On centrifuges equipped with adjusting

fuges in parallel, as this results in reduced

In order to check the performance of

screws and/or gravity disks, their cor-

throughput, i.e. longer retention time in the

the centrifuge, fuel samples taken reg-

rect choice and adjustment is of special

centrifuge. However, the makers specific

ularly before and after the centrifuge

importance for the efficient removal of

instructions should be followed.

should be analysed.

In this context, see section on high

High Density Fuels

The centrifuge manual states which

density fuels. If the centrifuge capacity

In view of the fact that some fuel oil

disk or screw adjustment should be

installed is on the low side, in relation

standards incorporate fuel grades with-

chosen on the basis of the density of

to the specific viscosity of the fuel oil

out a density limit, and also the fact

the fuel.

used, and if more than one centrifuge is

that the traditional limit of 991 kg/m3


available, parallel operation should be

at 15C is occasionally exceeded on

The normal practice is to have at least

considered as a means of obtaining an

actual deliveries, some improvements

two centrifuges available for fuel clean-

even lower flow rate. However, in view

in the centrifuging treatment have been

ing purposes, operating in serial or par-

of the above results and recommenda-

introduced to enable treatment of fuels

allel mode.

tions, serious consideration should be

with higher density.

given to installing new equipment in

For old type centrifuges, results from

compliance with todays fuel qualities

Since the density limit used so far is, as

experimental work on the centrifuge

and flow recommendations.

informed by centrifuge makers, given

treatment of todays residual fuel quali-

mainly to ensure interface control of the

ties have shown that the best cleaning

For determination of the centrifuging

purifier, new improved clarifiers, with

effect, particularly in regard to removal

capacity, we generally advise that the

automatic desludging, have been in-

of catalytic fines, is achieved when the

recommendations of the centrifuge

troduced, which means that the purifier

centrifuges are operated in series, i.e.

maker be followed, but the curves in

can be dispensed with.

in purifier/clarifier mode.

Fig. 3 can be used as a guide.

For the automatically operating centri-

It is recommended that new centrifuges

ration of water and fuel can be carried

fuges delivered from the mid-1980s,

have gone through a separation perfor-

out in the centrifuge, for fuels up to a

suitable for treating fuels with densi-

mance standard test according to the in-

density of 1010 kg/m3 at 15C.

With such equipment, adequate sepa-

ties higher than 991


at 15C, it

dustry standard CWA 15375.

is recommended to operate the centri-

Therefore, this has been selected as

the density limit for new high density
fuel grades.

% Rate of ow, related to rated capacity of centrifuge


Thus we have no objections to the use of

such high density fuels in our engines,
provided that these types of centrifuges


are installed. They should be operated

in parallel or according to the centri-


fuge makers instructions.







7000 sec RI/100 oF

Fig. 3: Centrifuge makers capacity specification

10 Guidelines for Fuels and Lubes Purchasing Operation on Heavy Residual Fuels

Fuel Sampling

Supplementary Fuel Oil Treatment

Homogenising may also be a means


In a traditional system, the presence of

to cope with the more and more fre-

To be able to check whether the speci-

large amounts of water and sludge will

quently occurring incompatibility prob-

fication indicated and/or the stipulated

hamper the functioning of a clarifier, for

lems, which are not really safeguarded

delivery conditions have been complied

which reason a purifier has been used

against in any fuel specification. Both

with, we recommend that a minimum

as the first step in the cleaning process.

ultrasonic and mechanical homogenis-

of one sample of each bunker fuel lot

ers are available.

be retained. In order to ensure that

With the new automatic desludging

the sample is representative for the oil

clarifiers, the purifier can, as mentioned,

Homogenisers can also be used for

bunkered, the sample should be con-

be dispensed with. We consider the re-

moderate emission control in conjunc-

tinuously taken at the ship manifold

moval of solids to be the main purpose

tion with emulsification of freshwater

throughout the bunkering period. This

of fuel treatment.

into the fuel.

drip sample during the bunker delivery,

Although not necessarily harmful in its

Homogenisers installed before the fuel

see Ref. [3].

own right, the presence of an uncon-

centrifuge can, when considering the

trolled amount of water and sludge in

full range of the ISO 8217 fuel speci-

This is without including the BDN (bun-

the fuel makes it difficult to remove the

fi-cation, reduce the efficiency of the

ker delivery note) for compliance with

solid particles by centrifuging.

centrifuge and, thus, the cleanliness of

is done by a continuous collection of

IMO Annex VI.

Analysis of samples

the fuel delivered to the engine. The soTherefore, the following additional equip-

dium will not be removed from the fuel

ment has been developed:

in the form of salt water. The cat fines

The samples received from the bunker-

and other abrasive material might be

ing company are frequently not identi-


split up into very small particles, which

cal with the heavy fuel oil actually bun-

Homogenisers are used to disperse

are difficult for the centrifuge to sepa-

kered. It is also appropriate to verify the

any sludge and water remaining in the

rate and which will still have a harmful

heavy fuel oil properties stated in the

fuel after centrifuging. A homogeniser

wear effect on the engine components.

bunker documents, such as density,

placed after the centrifuge will render

viscosity and pour point. If these values

fresh water (not removed by centrifug-

deviate from those of the heavy fuel oil

ing) harmless to the engine.

bunkered, there is a risk that the heavy

fuel oil separator and the preheating
temperature are not set correctly for the
given injection viscosity.
Sampling equipment
Several suppliers of sampling and fuel
test equipment are available on the
market, but for more detailed and accurate analyses, a fuel analysing institute should be contacted.

MAN B&W Diesel

Guidelines for Fuels and Lubes Purchasing Operation on Heavy Residual Fuels 11

Suggested location of homogeniser

by some suppliers.
Not acceptable
for engine performance
Automatic deaerating valve

Venting tank

Heavy fuel oil

service tank


From diesel centrifuges

TE 8005

To drain tank
F.O. drain






To F.W. cooling
pump suction



Circulating pumps

Supply pumps

VT 8004

Full flow filter

Acceptable location
of homogeniser

Diesel oil
Heavy fuel oil
Heated pipe with insulation
Fig. 4: Pressurised fuel oil system, with homogeniser

Installation of homogenisers before the

a maximum ratio of approx. one part of

Fine filters

centrifuge, see Fig. 4, is therefore not

water to two parts of fuel oil. The water

Fine filters are placed directly after the


emulsion can be stable with HFO but

centrifuge, or in the supply line to the

with lighter fuels, such as gas oil and

engine, in order to remove any solid

In order to reduce the NOx level in the

diesel oil, it may be necessary to add

particles not taken by centrifuging. The

engine exhaust gas, water can be add-

an emulsifier to the fuel oil before ho-

mesh is very fine, i.e. down to 5 m.

ed to the fuel oil to create an emulsion.

mogenising the fuel and water. The ho-

Clean freshwater should be used, and

mogeniser is located between the HFO

Homogenising before a fine filter can

this is homogenised into the fuel oil at

service tank and the engine, i.e. after

reduce the risk of fine filter blocking by

the fuel oil purifiers.

the agglomeration of asphaltenes.

12 Guidelines for Fuels and Lubes Purchasing Operation on Heavy Residual Fuels

Approximate viscosity
after heater
Temperature after heater


cosity, could also result in a too high

injection pressure, leading to excessive
mechanical stresses in the fuel oil system.



In most installations, heating is carried

Normal heating limit











out by means of steam, and the viscosity

is kept at the specified level by a viscosity
regulator controlling the steam supply.
Depending on the viscosity/temperature relationship of the fuel oil (the viscosity index), an outlet temperature of
up to 150C might be necessary, as in-


dicated on the guidance curves shown


in Fig. 5, which illustrate the expected


heating temperature as a function of the


specific fuel oil viscosity in cSt/50C.


Approximate pumping limit


The recommended viscosity meter set-


ting is 10-15 cSt. However, service ex-


perience has shown that the viscosity






45 55 cSt/100 oC
600 cSt/50 oC
6000 sec. RW/100 oF
Viscosity of fuel

of the fuel before the fuel pump is not

a too critical parameter, for which reason we allow a viscosity of up to 20 cSt
after the heater. In order to avoid too
rapid fouling of the heater, the temperature should not exceed 150C.

Fig. 5: Heating chart for heavy fuel oil

Fuel Oil System

gin against gasification and cavitation in

A pressurised fuel oil system, as shown

the fuel system, even at 150C preheat.

in Fig. 1, is necessary when operating

on high viscosity fuels. When using high

In order to ensure correct atomisation,

viscosity fuels requiring high preheating

the fuel oil temperature must be ad-

temperatures, the oil from the engine

justed according to the specific fuel oil

fuel oil system to the return line will also

viscosity used.

have a relatively high temperature.

An inadequate temperature can influThe fuel oil pressure measured on the

ence the combustion and could cause

engine (at fuel pump level) should be

increased wear on cylinder liners and

about 8 bar, which is equivalent to a cir-

piston rings, as well as deterioration

culating pump delivery pressure of up

of the exhaust valve seats. Too low a

to 10 bar. This maintains a pressure mar-

heating temperature, i.e. too high vis-

MAN B&W Diesel

Guidelines for Fuels and Lubes Purchasing Operation on Heavy Residual Fuels 13

Operational Aspects

The temperature should be raised to

tracing. When running on diesel oil, the

All low speed engines from and in-

the recommended service value, as il-

heat tracing system must not be used

cluding the K-GF types (from around

lustrated in Fig. 5, about 30 minutes

at all.

1973) are equipped with uncooled, all-

before starting-up is expected.

symmetrical lightweight fuel injection


However, it should be noted that the

As previously mentioned, the heating

pipe heating system on drain pipes

temperature must not exceed 150C,

should remain in operation when run-

These allow constant operation on

and during operation it is not necessary

ning on heavy fuel.

heavy fuel, due to the built-in possibility

to apply pipe heating by means of heat

of circulating heated heavy fuel through

the high-pressure fuel pipes, and fuel
valves during engine standstill.
High S%

Low S%

In view of the emission regulations and

the increased use of low-sulphur fuels,
a special procedure is made to protect
the engine when changing between fu-


of mixed fuels!


els (see the chapter: Low-sulphur Fuel

Fuel change-over unit

If a change to diesel oil is necessary as

a result of, for instance, the need for
a major repair of the fuel oil system, a

Tank system


prolonged stop, or the use of very lowsulphur fuels, as required by environmental legislation, the heavy fuel in the
system can be changed with diesel oil

Fig. 6: Considerations to be made to before changing between high/low sulphur fuels

at any time, provided the change-over

procedure is followed, even when the
engine is not running. See also the engine instruction book.
During engine standstill, the heated fuel
oil circulating through the fuel system
does not require the same low viscosity
as recommended for injection.
Thus, in order to save steam, the heating temperature may be lowered by
some 20C, giving the circulating oil a
viscosity of up to 30 cSt.

Fig. 7: Recommended cylinder oil feed rates depending on the fuel sulphur level

14 Guidelines for Fuels and Lubes Purchasing Operation on Heavy Residual Fuels

Low-sulphur Fuel Operation

of 2 cSt is required at the engine in-

on MAN B&Ws two-stroke research

Today, there are ECAs (emission control

let. This may be difficult to achieve for


area, based on EU and IMO regulations)

some DO and GOs, and some opera-

Natural gas

in the Baltic Sea, the North Sea and the

tors may have to introduce a cooler in


English Channel. And more such areas

the fuel oil system to ensure a satisfac-


are expected to come. In the USA, the

tory viscosity level.


is considering to designate Long Beach

The ignition quality of a fuel oil is not

Our research facility in Copenhagen is

an ECA very soon.

an issue for MAN B&W two-stroke en-

available for such testing. In the event

gines. MAN Diesel has conducted a

that off-spec. fuels are considered for

The sulphur content has an impact on

number of research tests showing that

use on MAN B&W engines, it is recom-

the sulphur acid emission to the air, sea

the MAN B&W two-stroke engine is in-

mended that MAN Diesel is contacted

and land, as well as a major impact on

sensitive to the poor ignition combus-

for further information regarding opera-

the particle level in the exhaust gas.

tion quality fuels on the market today.

tional experience and any necessary

EPA (Environmental Protection Agency)

Even though MAN B&W two-stroke en-


gines are largely insensitive to the fuel

A separate booklet called Low-sulphur

quality, changing between fuels with

fuel operation is available from MAN

Table II shows the guiding biofuel spec-

different levels of viscosity is an impor-

Diesel, Ref. [4].

ification for MAN B&W two-stroke low

tant consideration to make.

speed diesel engines.

Off-spec. Fuels
The cylinder lube oil base number must

Several selected off-spec. fuels (i.e.

MAN Diesel can be contacted for fur-

be considered. Operating on normal

beyond ISO 8217) have been tested

ther recommendations on the use of

BN70 cylinder oil for too long when


burning low-sulphur fuel will prevent

controlled corrosion on the cylinder lin-

Guiding Biofuel Specification for MAN B&W


Two-stroke Low Speed Diesel Engines

The mechanism is a creation of an ex-


cess of deposits originating from the

Density at 15 oC
o C 2)




cylinder oils additives. Low-BN oil is

Kinematic viscosity at 10



available from the major oil companies,

Flash point



and recommendations on the use of

Carbon residue

% (m/m)


low and high-BN oils are also available.


% (m/m)



% (m/m)


The fuel change-over process must fol-

Sulphur 3)

% (m/m)


low the thermal expansion of both the


ppm (m/m)


fuel pump plunger and the barrel, and

Aluminium + Silicon



a procedure has been created to avoid

Sodium plus potassium

ppm (m/m)


causing damage to the fuel pumps.


ppm (m/m)


An automatic change-over unit will be


ppm (m/m)

available in 2009.

TAN (Total Acid Number)

mg KOH/g

SAN (Strong Acid Number)

mg KOH/g

In order to ensure the creation of a hydrodynamic oil film between the fuel
pump plunger and barrel, a viscosity

MAN B&W Diesel




Valid at inlet to centrifuge plant

Pre-heating down to 15 cSt at engine inlet flange is to be ensured
Lodene, phosphorus and sulphur content according to agreement with emission controls maker
Experience shows that a high Total Acid Number has influence on the time between overhaul of the engine fuel
system and, therefore, need to be adjusted accordingly

Table II
Guidelines for Fuels and Lubes Purchasing Operation on Heavy Residual Fuels 15

Lubricating Oil Qualities

lube oil will not be severely contami-

In some cases, fuel has been seen

Low speed diesel rust and oxidation in-

nated with combustion products and

leaking through the fuel pump umbrel-

hibited alkaline engine oils of the SAE

used cylinder lube oil. However, some

la sealings into the system oil. Fuel is

30 viscosity grade should be chosen

cylinder lube oil leaks through the stuff-

known to form deposits on hot spots,

for circulating oil. The oils should have

ing box, down into the system lube oil

i.e. in the piston undercrown space. It

adequate dispersancy/detergency to

sump. This is revealed by increasing

is therefore important to keep the rec-

keep the crankcase and the piston

BN and viscosity levels of the system

ommended overhaul intervals on fuel

cooling spaces free from deposits.

lube oil.

pumps to secure that the pump pack-

For engines with an integrated gear

Normally, the increase will stop after

driven Power Take Off (PTO), a mini-

some time and remain at a stable level

BN level consideration

mum FZG load level (Foursquare gear

where topping up with new system lube

The increase in BN can influence the

oil test) of 8 should be observed. For

oil, to make up for normal consump-

ability of the oil to reject water by the

electronically controlled engines, a min-

tion, will balance the degree of contam-

usual centrifuging. Water together with

imum FZG load level of 10 is required.

ination of the system oil with cylinder

calcium compounds from oil additives

lube oil.

may form calcium hydroxide recom-

ings/sealings are replaced.

Contamination of system lube oil

mended to ensure calcium carbonate

Increase of BN (Base Number) and vis-

Water may also contaminate system oil.

and build up a deposit of lacquer on

cosity of the system lube oil during op-

Excess water levels may harm tin-alu-

the bearings. Another risk is the in-

eration is unavoidable.

minum bearings, for which reason MAN

creased sludge formation when water

Diesel recommends that the water level

is present.

The piston rod stuffing box separates

does not exceed 0.2% (0.5% water al-

the combustion and scavenge air

lowed for shorter periods of time), Ref.

Experience shows, however, that many

spaces from the crankcase. Therefore,


engines are operating with up to 30 BN

International brands of lubricating oils which have been applied with satisfactory results on MAN B&W engines,
on a large number of vessels
Lubricating oils - Low speed main engines

Circulating oil

Cylinder oil


SAE 30, BN 5-10

SAE 50, BN 60-80

SAE 50, BN 40-50


Energol OE-HT 30

Energol CLO-50M/CL 605

Energol CL 505/CL-DX 405


CDX 30

Cyltech 70/80 AW

Cyltech 40 SX/50 S

(Chevron, Texaco, Caltex)

Veritas 800 Marine 30

Taro Special HT 70

Taro Special HT LS 40


Atlanta Marine D 3005

Talusia HR 70/Talusia Universal

Talusia LS 40

Exxon Mobil

Mobilgard 300

Mobilgard 570

Mobilgard L540


Melina 30/30S

Alexia 50

Alexia LS

Oil company

* depending on load profile and sulphur content, see MD recommendation for cylinder feed rate

Table III

16 Guidelines for Fuels and Lubes Purchasing Operation on Heavy Residual Fuels

(starting from approx. 6 BN) without

Lube Oil Blending on Board

Some considerations must be made in

any operational problems, and without

A new blending-on-board (BoB) con-

this respect:

any changes in the lube oil performance

cept makes it possible to add addi-

that give reason for renewing the oil.

tives to the engine system oil and then

An increase in BN to an equilibrium

utilise it as cylinder lube oil. By top-

value of up to 25 in BN and in viscosity

ping up the thereby used system oil,

from SAE 30 to SAE 40 is considered

a steady renewal of the oil is ensured

normal, and no action is called for. An

as well as improved viscosity control

increase beyond that is not really harm-

and cleanliness. The oil suppliers get

ful and can, in most cases, be counter-

the advantage of supplying only one oil

package in different concentrations

acted by new low-BN topping oil.

and a limited amount of additives. The

(BN40, BN50, BN60) must be

traditionally consumed cylinder oil is re-


The circulation oil consumption on the

System oil condition prior to blending

must be acceptable

Quality control of the additives must

be ensured

Technical performance of additive

placed with the blended lube oil.

MC/ME/ME-B/C/S engines is very low

MAN Diesel shares a common inter-

because the engines are designed to

Furthermore, the idea with the BoB

est with the oil companies to keep

have fewer leaks and because of the

concept is that the operator will ulti-

the lube oil expenses predictable and

much reduced stuffing box oil drain,

mately be able to adjust the cylinder oil

optimal. Therefore, also in this field it

compared to previous engine types,

BN to the current fuel sulphur level by

is of the utmost importance to ensure

causing a higher increase in BN and

changing the blending ratio. In 2007,

the reliable performance of the blended

viscosity. Therefore, it may be neces-

MAN Diesel issued a No Objection Let-

products. This requires continuous ver-

sary to add some new oil to the lube oil

ter (NOL) on a BN70 blend. The NOL

ification tests.

sump at times to ensure a proper qual-

applies to a specific additive in a spe-

ity and BN level of the lube oil. This is

cific system oil.

No-objection letters will be issued as

done by exchanging part of the circula-

the tests with BoB and lower BN oils

tion oil in the sump based on an analysis

Testing of a BN60 blend on is ongoing,

of the oil.

on an engine in service, and the condition is so far found to be satisfactory.

are successfully concluded.

MAN Diesel can be contacted for information on the test status.

Technically, it is currently being investigated how the blending-on-board concept could cover all BN levels on just
the same additive package.

MAN B&W Diesel

Guidelines for Fuels and Lubes Purchasing Operation on Heavy Residual Fuels 17

Cylinder Oil, Low Speed Diesels

mation of deposits, leading to accelera-

Special running conditions because of

For engines operating on heavy residual

tion of the problem.

frequent bunkering of low-sulphur fuels

fuel oil, a cylinder oil with a viscosity of

SAE 50 and BN of 70 is recommended.

and environmental fuel regulations (by

It has been established that a certain

the authorities or self imposed), requir-

degree of controlled corrosion en-

ing the use of low-sulphur fuel and spe-

In most cases the high BN cylinder lubri-

hances lubrication, in that the corro-

cial running conditions, might call for

cant will also be satisfactory during tempo-

sion generates small pockets in the

a lowering of the total alkaline additive

rary operation on diesel oil/gas oil.

cylinder liner running face from which

content. This can be done by lowering

hydrodynamic lubrication from the oil in

the dosage towards our minimum feed

In general, changing the cylinder oil

the pocket is created. The alternative,

rate or, alternatively, by using one of the

type to correspond to the fuel type

no corrosion, could lead to bore polish

specially designed cylinder oils with a

used (i.e. bunker fuel or diesel oil/gas

and, subsequently, hamper the crea-

lower BN and with full detergency.

oil) is considered relevant only in cases

tion of the necessary oil film on the liner

where operation on the respective fuel

surface, resulting, eventually, in accel-

Service tests with such specially de-

type is to exceed two weeks. However,

erated wear. Controlled corrosion not

signed low-BN oils have shown good

cylinder oil feed rate adjustments might

avoiding corrosion is therefore crucial,

results. However, it may be difficult to

be required.

and adjusting the BN to the fuel oil sul-

determine whether changing to a BN40

phur content is essential.

or BN50 cylinder oil will be adequate

There is a high risk when using BN70

for operation of ultra-low sulphur fuels.

cylinder oils in connection with frequent

Low alkaline cylinder lubricants are

A lower BN than 40-50 might be the

bunkering of low-sulphur fuels, with a

therefore available on request from the

future oil for low-sulphur operation.

sulphur content of below to 1.5%, see

major lubricating oil suppliers.

Ref. [6]

For this reason, we recommend that

Table III shows typical lube oils used

you contact MAN Diesel, or the engine

The main problem has been the ac-

on marine applications together with

builder, before operation on ultra-low

cumulation of unused cylinder oil ad-

the fuel oils specified in Table I. In or-

sulphur fuel.

ditives, resulting in excessive deposits

der to control and prevent uncontrolled

on the piston topland. This has led to

sulphur corrosion, it has become the


high wear, and to a situation where in-

industry standard for marine engines to

It should be considered that, irrespective

creased lubrication does not improve

use cylinder lubricants with a BN of 70

of the sulphur content being high or low,

the condition. On the contrary, in-

in combination with the average marine

the fuels used in low speed engines are

creased lubrication increases the for-

fuels, i.e. 380 cSt and 2.7% sulphur

usually low quality heavy fuels.

Stationary applications
Ambient conditions

Stationary engines

Marine engines



yearly site



climatic cond.



1000 mbar

1000 mbar




Cooling water temp.

yearly site

yearly site

Air inlet temp.

climatic cond.

climatic cond.

Blower inlet pressure

Depends on height above sea level

Table IV

18 Guidelines for Fuels and Lubes Purchasing Operation on Heavy Residual Fuels

full capacity in respect of detergency

Performance Verification of Cylinder


Fuels and Lubes for Stationary Twostroke MAN B&W Engines

and dispersancy, irrespective of the BN

All oils listed have gone through a per-

Stationary engines operate at load pat-

specified. This is a technology which

formance test for about 4,000 running

terns and ambient conditions which

has to be mastered by the lube oil sup-

hours on a relevant engine type in serv-

differ widely from those of their marine

pliers, who can individually tailor a cyl-

ice and have, during the test, been in-

counterparts. This is illustrated in Fig. 8

inder lube oil to the relevant fuel.

spected by engineers from MAN Diesel,

and Table IV showing the typical oper-

in cooperation with the oil supplier.

ating conditions for both applications.

testbed running

When satisfactory results have been

Thus, Fig. 8 shows that for stationary

In addition to determining the optimum

achieved, MAN Diesel issues a Let-

engines, the average load is 95-100%

oil design for normal operation of the

ter of No Objection for the use of the

during 8,000 hours, or more, per year

two-stroke MAN B&W engines, we

oil on MAN B&W two-stroke engines.

in operation, whereas for marine en-

also investigate and test various lube

However, MAN Diesel does not assume

gines the average load is around 80%

oil designs in cooperation with the oil

responsibility for any damage caused

and, furthermore, often only for 6,000

companies to find the optimum cylinder

due to the quality of an oil mentioned in

hours per year in operation. This means

lube oils for testbed running.

a Letter of No Objection. The perform-

that stationary engines typically have a

ance of the oil is the responsibility of the

more than 60% higher load factor than

Most builders of MAN B&W two-stroke

oil supplier. It is up to the operator to

marine engines.

engines are using low-sulphur DO fu-

obtain guarantees from the oil supplier

els, primarily for environmental reasons.

that the oil is suitable for operation on

Stationary engines are exposed to

This, in combination with a relatively

the plant in question in conjunction with

widely varying ambient conditions, i.e.

high running-in lube oil dosage, re-

the currently used fuel.

higher and lower air and cooling water

Therefore, the cylinder oils must have

Breaking-in cylinder lube oils for

quires a high detergency level in the oil.

temperatures, see Table IV. Further-

Therefore, we generally recommend the

If an oil on the list fails to provide ac-

more, stationary engines are frequently

use of a BN70 cylinder oil, irrespective



exposed to fuel oils of non-marine qual-

of the sulphur content of the fuel oil.

Diesel will work together with the oil

ities. The fuel is often delivered from

company to clarify the reasons and, if

one permanent supplier, meaning that

needed, have a better oil introduced.

the quality from this supplier, good or

When introducing alucoating on piston



rings and semi-honed cylinder liners,

bad, will prevail.

we also introduced a shorter running-

If an oil fails, the Letter of No Objec-

in period which, furthermore, limits the

tion will be withdrawn.

period in which excess cylinder lube oil

is supplied, and improves the running-

The list should not be considered com-

% load

in conditions. This means that the en-

plete, and oils from other companies


tire running-in period, up to 100 hours,

may be equally suitable. Upon request,


is fully acceptable for using BN70 cylin-

MAN Diesel will inform whether a given


der lube oils.

oil has been tested and whether the


test results were acceptable.



Further information about the oil test


Time in service over one year




and Letter of No Objection can be

obtained by contacting MAN Diesel in

Fig. 8: Typical load profile during a year in opera-



MAN B&W Diesel

Guidelines for Fuels and Lubes Purchasing Operation on Heavy Residual Fuels 19

Therefore, lube oils, especially cylinder

Hence, temperatures are high in the

List of References

oil, have to be individually selected and,

combustion chamber, and the need to

[1] Heavy

at times, even individually specified and

counteract cold corrosion with alkaline


optimised in order to match the fuel oil

additives is lower, thus reducing the BN




Copenhagen, Denmark







Table III shows typical lube oils to be

[2] Marine diesel engines, catalytic

used for marine applications together

fines and a new standard to ensure

with the fuel oils specified according to

safe operation, by Alfa Laval, BP

ISO 8217. In order to control/prevent






sulphur corrosion, it has become the

industry standard for marine engines to

[3] Guidelines for the sampling of fuel

use cylinder lubricants with a BN of 70

oil for determination of compliance

for use with the average marine fuels.

with Annex VI of MARPOL 73/78,

Resolution by the IMO Marine

This simple rule does not apply to sta-


tionary engines, where the sulphur level

Committee, MEPC 96


in the fuel usually remains constant, i.e.

at the level set by the supplies available,

[4] Operation on Low-sulphur Fuel,

or, when regulated by local legislation,

by Kjeld Aabo, MAN Diesel,

often shows a decreasing tendency

Copenhagen, Denmark, publication

over the lifetime of the plant.

no.: 5510-0001-01ppr,

January 2006

Hence, the constant use of a higher

than average sulphur content, possibly

[5] Cylinder

even higher than that found in the ma-

Operation on Fuels with Varying


rine specification, will call for the use of

Sulphur Contents All MC/MC-C

a higher BN, and for this situation lube

and ME/ME-C type engines Mk 6

oils with a BN of up to 100 are avail-



System, and Cylinder Lubrication






New ACC Guidelines All MC/MC-C


and ME/ME-C type engines Mk 6

lower-than-average sulphur fuels will

and higher, with Alpha ACC System,

call for the use of lower BN lube oils, as

Service Letters SL05-455 and

described for low-sulphur marine fuels.

SL07-479, Henrik Rolsted, MAN

Diesel, Copenhagen, Denmark




In addition, the engine load for stationary engines is usually very high, and the
ambient temperature is often higher as
well, ref. Fig. 8 and Table IV.

20 Guidelines for Fuels and Lubes Purchasing Operation on Heavy Residual Fuels

Copyright MAN Diesel Subject to modification in the interest of technical progress. 5510-0041-01ppr Nov 2009 Printed in Denmark

MAN Diesel
Teglholmsgade 41,
2450 Copenhagen, Denmark
Phone +45 33 85 11 00
Fax +45 33 85 10 30

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