WSales & Sponsorship Strategy

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Identify Key players:

Need to identify the key players who provide HR solutions, payroll services, software, consulting
etc and have a larger role in the hospitality sector.
Target large scale HR consulting firms like, Ernst & Young, KPMG & Manhattan or Delloites of
the world
Target companies who can receive the greatest value from this event by having a networking
/mindshare with the attendees, speakers.
Use the hotelier India magazine to engage with the largest advertisers to support the event and
in return will get value in terms of feature/add in the special event magazine.
Identify through industry research/survey the largest spenders or buyers for HR related
functions and engage with them to indentify the companies and approach them for the
Collect the data of users who would spend or planning to invest in implementing effective HR
policies approach these companies to share their views or present case studies. This will enable
us to approach vendors to come in larger way and get more value and target customers.
Tie-up with industry HR associations or media partners to disseminate information to their
members or have them on board to approach some of their members actively sponsors the

Marketing Delegate Acquisition & Sponsorship

Mailers to all HR heads, training heads, admin heads of hotels in India for registering to the
Dedicated tele selling to all large & medium sized hotels
Feature/advertisements Hotelier India Magazine
Timely updates News bulletin all publications
Tie-ups with other non-competitive online media as media partners and disseminate
information to them
Engagements with Industry players, creating conference advisory panel represented by key
industry HR heads.
Tie-up with HR Associations

Sponsorship Levels & Commercials:

We can achieve the following sponsorships in successful HR conference:

Principle Sponsor Rs. 1500,000/- - 1 no

Can be any major HR Player, vendor or consulting company who would get brandings, and independent
panel to conduct the session, post event attendees list, display booth at the event

Platinum Sponsor Rs. 10,00,000/- 3 Nos

Can be again any HR Player, vendor or consulting company who would get brandings, and only speaking
session, post event attendees list, display booth at the event

Networking Evening Exclusive Rs. 500,000/-

Apart from Branding, exclusive speaking at the networking evening or video presentation, branding etc..

Conference give-away Delegate Satchel Partner Rs. 400,000/-

Exclusive brandings conference kit or give aways and at the venue

Delegate Acquisition & Revenue:

A good HR conference powered by strong agenda and involvement of the Industry players can be priced
at Rs. 7,500/- to Rs. 10,000/- per participants and can generate about 150 plus delegates.
Further there can be early bird offers, or free magazine subscriptions and discounted slabs for multiple

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