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as plex Numbers =, umbers and the soluti Find ty ‘ametic of complex nl Solution anes The arithim a co of quadratic equatl umbers? mn need complex n eS Why do we ay we are familiar consists of the set § of ally, or ber fh wojerations + ‘and X. The set R includes the sera a ee 8 Se all rational numbers, where ZC QC R EA sm ae ges t @ Of sperations + and ~. M, field. (See ch ree net ind O ul r system We can solve every linear equation Y or pendix 2 Ee | number system does not enable us to solve 0 a . y eB ao tic «ith real coefficients: ; “wr ao adratic equation ax t+ bx +0 = 0, a # 0. Using the ie matt 0 ing the square, . at bx te 4a2x? + 4abx a as the discriminant of the quadratic equation, jhe quadratic formula . + by ca = pe — 4ac is known uation (1) has real root 1fA 20,0 eee ts given by t 0 real number x= Ifa <0, equation (1) has no real roots since there is n which has a negative square. To solve all quadratic equations with real coefficients we would need to extend the real number system to include numbers with negative squares. Let the number i be defined by i* = ~1. The extended set of numbers would f iof the form b x i, b € R. The need to include all the real multiples o operation X should be defined to obey the usual number laws in the real Then every real number would have two square roots. For number system. example, —4 could be written 4 x i”, Then —4 h eee er as two square roots, The structure of the complex number system Consider the set C of numbers o} e form 1, Where a an f b f the form a + bi, wh id b are real The operations + and x between elements of C are defined so that the so. numbers a + bi are fo * wit o rmall ike |i i, with ? then being replaced by 1 like linear expressions in the pronumeral COMPLEX NUMBERS 25 example 1 Find the sum and product of 2+ Si and 1 + 3i. solution 1 5i) + A +3) =34 8 oi * (2 + SA + 31) = 2 + 157 + Si + 6: 2-15 + 11t =13 + 11i ‘The set of complex numbers C wi with th i stem of complex num| Teens is eyst a A a eas and is a field which is Get cneeaienor ibeleall aa the one to) ‘one correspondence behave exactly like the real numbers Tier to 3 + Oi as real eae number 3+ Of and the real number Ba d Be 3 : is sense the set of real Stpubaeeioel So eS nlex aurea} eal numbers R is a subset of sy’ the ‘Numbers of the form 0 + bi, b | 0 + 2 = 2i is an imaginary (Bi, b © R, are called imaginary. For example, en C, R, the set ‘The following Venn diagram shows the relationship betwe of ration: ers Q, the set of integers Z and the set of imaginary numbers M. Figure 2.1 Cc The real numbers 0, 1, V3 ican R @) does not imply ‘non-real’. 3 The description ‘complex’ V5, m7 are also complex numbers. The numbers 3i, 1 — 2i, 7 + be described as ‘non-real’. _ descripeations of -+ and X are consistent with 2 + 3i B complex number as 2 + 3 x i, where 2; 3, and i are regar corre number 1 + (—2)# is usually written 1 — 2/- eing the same ded as elements of conjugates and reciprocals umbers follow the same e rational. Just as Operations +, x on €. Complex c: Addition, subtraction and multiplication 0: pattern as for surds of the form a + bV2, Py? is replaced by 2, i? is replaced by —1- P f complex m where a and b ar \ ———T eau og aural pdVD =F QH(+ H a 2= @ + ovat Tin eee Pel area Ne aaditio™ i ; BN ieee nae BvD (e+ av2) = ae + bE OVI) Cad 4 cn on | (at i) (e+ id) = ae + bd + “ad # pov” = (ac — bd) + i(ad + bo gimilatlY Sraleptice! Example 2 oa tg nl + 5h Find the values of ae ipae O18 G2 (©) 321 (@) 3iz1 ©z idaeern 122 ee ; soution 49 wu 253T 2 oa + 917 (e) z122 — 3i + 10: = -9 + 6F when we write 2 re the pronume! we write the 7 j rather than 6i — 9. numbers are found by a method analogous ¢ 0 that form a + bV2, a, b ration: general complex number a + ib we wri ral, but when we write a specific co; Write the ater the 3. It is usual to Write the tenes Inj las, t, Note that symbol i befo! number 2 + 31 le —9 + OF iprocals of surds of the for finding rec! the denominator, Vi Rationalising ab igpggne “1-19. ZS Trav. G+ 3V2) 4 - 3V2) 1 = -5(4-3V2). — 3V2is We use the fact that the product of conjuga' : an te a rational number. Similarly, every complex Hoan ae a S roduct of these complex eonaeee Is conjugate a — ib, a, b real, and the real since (a + ib) (a ~ ib) = a? — Ep =@ + b. Th Sr a ee eae . r © symbol Z denotes the > =3- Si. Example 3 For each of the followi fain lowing valu z A a es of z find Z and zz. agen a) 73243; Bn 449213 Og ( es ce) 7=2 (since a 041i ae li) (since 2 = 2 + 0i) The rec Tealising Procal of a ny, _ 1 di 7 NOn-real Conjugates ig Fea minator, ue number is found b . ' fact that th ind by the process of ‘© product of i complex a example 4 Find the reciprocal of @) i Gi) 4 + 3, & Find o@ + 3!) + (1 ~ 21) in the es a golution eee) etl 4 ; Coa @ Fo - si 4 +3) ae pS 30) i are reciprocals i, 16+9 eS. 25 25! p43 2+ A+2% wf-u @-wAar2) C94 G4Hi i T+4 4 7; =—,t 3 Real and imaginary parts of a complex number rz € © then z can be written in the form z = x + iy, xy elmurneresl Ie Bers ¥ and y are called, respectively, the real part ‘of z, denoted by Re z, and the imaginary part of z, denoted by Jm z. Example 5 pits tsi 22 el i. Find (a) Re (z1 + 22) (b) Im (2122)- Solution : (a) at2=@G+ 4i) (b) ab=2+3)0-) Re (a1 + 22) =3 S+i Im (21%) = 1 = 0 and imaginary numbers z have Re z = (i) = 0. The only number z which has Real numbers z have Im z For example, Im 2 = 0, and Re Rez = Imz = 0isz=0. Example 6 Find z € C such that Re z = 2 and z? is imaginary. 2) +i (4y), yER Solution Rez=2->2=2+ iand2=4—y Zimaginary > 4 — y? =O > Y +2, .2= 2+ 2iorz = 2— 2. ReO=0 sy (se mo=0 b=q y if both their real parts arg “ten ered. Non- equals pot ordered. Non-real ny, ime is > OF < Ie particular, n met sym : ' the SF Ac RATINES . + 1) Q(X) + ax + b, for ally. 2=( -), ations with real coefficients complex square roots. For example, 4i and —4. Soving quadratic ea umber has two ive real HVE Tip has square roots Io has Every ne: —16 = Iw Example 8 2 = Use the method of completing the square to solve x7 + 2x +3 =0. lution e Pee p05 + = -2> (e+ I? = 27, natl=tVU, ox = -14 V2. This procedure enables us to extend the quadratic formula to solve every quadratic equation with real coefficients. a tox +c=0,4.b,c,ER jfex? + dabx = —4ac 4a°x? + dabx + b° = b? —4ac (ax + 6) = A, where A = b? — 4ac is a teal number. If.4 > 0, this equation has two real Toots given by x = — b+vVA 1A <0, then A = 2 a) 2a i has two squar - i Hence the given quadratic oe ad ivial. Vial ©quation has two non-real Toots given by are en ey wu are ~ lad of exe sae of zis 2 square Exce sack wae ‘Comsacer the rapes F dey = bs 2 recangular hyperbola we yee 6 ee hyperbola with asymptotes Y Gis the pair of bi —x. b. b = 0. have two points of shows that if (41. yx) is one ] number grams Hence every non-real We have already seen thal of this form. ¢ all non- prant of mnteTSECLIOR. Eas two dastinct square TOOK. 21 © two distinct square roots zero real mumbers haw a>0, b>0 Note Cases a=0, b<0; a>0, b0 are similar. a<0, b 9, where r is the lens .d by polar wae Modulus and direction of the x-axis to th oF Gt itive direct a be specified angle from the positive A to have unique polar coordina’ , ; The isl jians. awa js measured in re @ to an interval of length 27. We wij; in ani ssary 10 Festi “angles measured in a clockwise sense cK the (7.8) it is necessary 50% a of A in the dia; restriction ~7 js illustrated for two positions grams below, negative. This Figure 2.5 —n<0<0 o —a + tan“! 2 2V5, and @ = —B >) —tan7' 2 @z By definition, if z = x + iy, x,y © R. then Ve + y?) an i any value of @ for which x = |z| cos @ and v = [z| sin OC The aaerpal i ant ment of z is the unique such value of @ in the interval “7 < o ang 2182 = arg Zi = 6 al argument of 2122 is 3a al arg! 122 is “3° — 2m = 7 2 put 32> 4. The princip ae isin (-$) . wag = cos 2 3 j) = 0 - 6F 2a (x + Wa — Y) = 2 Thi 1 of a complex number. his re ment @. Then @ — ésin 0). Sult ig S Uso ul (b) 2122 = extn kl = the reciproca Let z have mod z= r(cos ® + isin @) z , 2 #0; 0 {sin ) = 1 Joos (0) + sin (—8)} where 1; r sa Positj ze r(cos wie oa real number. and —6 is one value of arg (2) ae Thus Hence a and arg (i = —argz 1] = 1/_ fE[= lel Ble tal y= at : P Iz2 Then a= (2 > 2 “Nz, arg () = ar 1 at +)= 2 zi + arg (77) = arg z1 — arg z, a Fay ; a z ee iat bee induction can be used to prove th: o,f] = fl and ag (2") = n ary 2 for al positive imegers no e extended to negative integers. Let n Berata Osi - Positive integer, z # 0. Then Ie"| = I] and arg (z~") = arg [2] “i ree 5 (2) = n(—arg z) = kl" = —nargz Example 19 u%=1~iand (@) Find the moduli any V3 © moduli Nae (b) Use the iene) Principal argument: Of 21, 22 to find unas 225 Z1Z2. e form a + i ib. Hence evaluate cos 5 a 72 8a surd. COMPLEX NUMBERS. 99 atten be Dl, Ds HT V3) represent Z1y 22 respectively, pigure 212 y en) —+ ., PC-1) (a) [esl = V2+ leal > lerzo] = 2V2 arg 21 = — 7, arg a = 2 > arg (2122) = —2 + 2% = (b) zzz = A — (“1 + V3i) = (V3 - 1) + (V3 + 1i But zz = 2V2 vee + isin ) 2V2 cos 38 Be 3 e le cces 28 ee eee 27 2V2 Equating real parts: Example 20 @ Ifa =1+é 22 = V3 — 4 find the moduli and principal arguments of Zz 1, Z2 and za (b) Ifz = oe 1. find the smallest positive integer n such that Z" is real, at and evaluate z” for this integer ”- 40 4 UNIT MATHEMATICS i sin Z = Solution 1.) 2 valeos % + ésin 7) > lil = V2, arg 2, va t+ Sil} = r @ a= VA t V2 #) «isn (-z)] > le! =a. 1 ;) = 2} cos | ~6 : 2- A231) i (-2)-% aje5- zi — lel = 1 and arg ) 4 6, “le 7 a “ k integral. = ka, i rg 2" Smee kis ei 2h (b) If z” is real, = : ae enna ee But arg "= 7 ‘ 2, «0° : a k= 0, 2b E% that z” is real ism = 12, eee allest positive integer 7 such Hence the sm: : a eaten arg\(Zeg) ea Veale | 2) ae awed ionshit ints on an Argand diagram Geometrical relationship between po! ree P, Q represent z, Z respectively, where z=r(cos @ + isin @). P and Q are reflections of each other in the real axis. The transformation 2 ~ Z acting on all complex numbers z corresponds to a reflection in the real axis on an Argand diagram. Similarly if we consider the relationship between points P, Q, representing seul be able to describe seometrically the transformation Z—> CZ, Example 21 COMPLEX NUMBERS 41 pescribe the followin, : forz=1+é ' transformations and illustrate o: yn an Argand diagram (a) 27 22 (b) z > iz OL oe solution (@) z— -32 & Let P,Q represent z, 2 j2z| = 2lzl a eaten diagram. =20P arg (2z) = 0 + argz= nrg 22) =O + aug z = args, 3 P. Qc on same ray fom O bi : an enl Let z = 1+ i. Then P(1, 1), Q(2, 2) represent suo O by a factor 2. Figure 2.14 arg (22) = arg z = 7 2.2) [2z| = 2\z] = 2v2 Note that similarly, 2 —+ cz, where cis a positive teal mambex, 20 enlargement (oF reduction) about O by a factor ¢- (b) Let P, Q represent z, iz on an Argand diagram. liz| = lillzl = lel => OQ = OP arg (iz) = 3 + argz > ray OQ makes an angle 5 with ray OP. bout O through Fp ‘The transformation z — iz is a rotation anticlockwise al Let z= 1+ #. Then PQ, 1), Q(-1, 1) represent z, iz. lz] = v2 = +4 Figure 2.15 . y liz| = arg (iz) = 5 MATICS ively on an Argand diagr am, 42. 4 UNIT MATHE! —z respecti tion z > iz > i(iz) is iz) is the co, (c) Let P,Q represent Z, -z = i(iz). The transforma ch anticlockwise about O through 5 F gh 5. Hence 4, a the of two rotations, €4\ transformation z —> —Z is a rotation anticlockwise Gquivalently a reflection in the point O. about O thro Lotz = 1 +4. Then POL, 1), Q(-1, —1) represent z URh » 1 mz. . Figure 2.16 ya (@) 2 —3z can be expressed as z—> — the compositi Beier 23 3(— ‘ position of a reflection in the peat rahe Gansformati ed by an enlan® enlarge, Ment about O by a factor 3. Letz=1+i. : i. Then P(1, 1), Q1(-1, -1), Q(—3, —3) » —3) represent z, ~z, —3z respectively. Figure 2.17 COMPLEX NUMBERS. 43, Example 22 F =1-V3i ii rite « = 1 —V3i in Modulus ay; Ss argument form, 1 + Hence di pnsformation Z —> ez and illustrate onan Fgand diag solution 1_ v3 ) 4 i 2(4 Bil=2 [eos (-2) + dain (-3)]. (-2 + isin (—2 ed as } AS Z —> Bz — 26z. Let P,Q,,Q represent z, Bz, a = 2, where B = _s az can be expres: 3pz respectively. Then ipa = [Bllel = [el eo a =—-t+a a arg (82) = —3 + ABZ > ray OQ, makes an angle — 5 with ray OP Hence z — Bz is a rotation clockwise about O through 2 and z—> az is the ci u : ‘ 3 az is omposition of this rotation followed by an enlargement about O by a factor 2. ae Figure 2.18 ” z=1+i, |e = V2 and argz = % [Bz| = V2 and arg (Bz) = —5 + a Exercise 2.2 1 Ifz = 3 — 2i, plot on an Argand diagram the points P, Q, S, T, V, representing respectively z, Z, iz, 22, —2iz. 2 Find the modulus and principal arguments of v3i @) 2-5 (a) 2+ 2i (b) -1 + V3i_ @) 1 - @ -3+22 © 5 (® -5 (h) i @ -2i @) i@+D 3 Express —2V3 + 2i in modulus/argument form. 4g SUNT MATHENATIN of modulus and argument oF a complex 4, erties se the properte a —~ er : ace that 1 © (& eset w) (z B)s & tical induction t© prove that jay) "> ¢ mathematical ingucror” lz] 5 5 Use the method ait positive In/Ce ler arg(z") =" 8 * alcos 2 + isin 2). wee "a i ny ising and 22 = AG . * Write ao, a met 62 "principal are : modulus 2 4 & 2 a oz ca a) z1 ae ; - ents of —V3 + ia vee down te moduli and STEN nee sia a es jn modulus/argumen’ "hs yj Teg i rear (@ (v3 t+ 4) ) pai = 1 + V3i. Find the s : eae 2" for this value 7" is imaginary. for which 9 z has modulus 7 and argument mallest positive integer n for which »n. Mn, Show that there is no integral ys aa ue of 1 t @. Find in terms of r and 6 th, © mod ul Us = cae of 1 ee 8 ag 10 @ ue cae Seer SE write (~1 4 ., the form a + ib. aa sey ae eee 12 Find the modulus of 7—4: . Evaluate tan {isnt (s) ~tan-! (. Hence find the principal argument of cao 4 in terms of 7, 13 Describe geometrically the transformation z —> az, where a = —2 +3), Illustrate on an Argand diagram for z = 33. 14 (a) Ifp is real, and —2 < p < 2, show that the roots of the equati 7 juati x" + px + 1 = 0 are non-real complex numbers with modulus 1. (b) Solve the equations x7 + x + 1 = 0 and x? — V3x + 1 = 0. Ploton a eae diagram the points A and B representing the solutions of ee test Sauation, and C and D representing the solutions of the » choosing A and C to lie above the real axis. (©) Find the angles AOB, COD, COA and ACB COMPLEX NUMBERS 45 15 (a) Obtain in the form a + is Find the modulus and argue feols of the equa 2 RARE nd argument of each post ent t 2 + 3 = 0. iagram by the pore ae cook and Fepresent the roots Lg fiends tte points representing the roots of a , where p a ate algebraic relat aAtisfies Band are real 3 fs a lgcbraic relation satisfied by p and q in eacron ee se () HOK is a right angle. a Gi) A,B, Hand K are equi oo) fant from O. 2.3 Geometrical representation of a complex number as a vector gaa + ib a be Freee by the point P(a, 6) on an Argand diagram. Alternatively, z could be represented b: OP : i Lea Oe apTes y the vector OP, denoted by an arrow Figure 2.19 9) P(a,b) Poti) 0 * The vector OP has magnitude equal to its length, and direction given by the angle 0 from the positive x-axis to the vector. Hence the magnitude of OP is [e| and the direction of OP is determined by the principal argument of z. For example: Figure 2.20 OP represent 3 — i 5e 2m ee 2 60 represents 2{ cos + i sin 3 {THEMATICS is at the origi, Our at the tail of the vector | “Consider fi” phen there If we do not insist that Or could repres * Fang’ ing . vectors W ley infinitely many OP represent z. Figure 2.21 y 2 8 3 1) v PU, ' 2 y v2 zZ h /e 4 74 a 0 1 2 cA 3 = y 3 Di-3.-2) v2 -1 5 _ 3, C-3.- 9 -2 The vectors AB and CD each have magnitude V2 = Iz], and make an angle — = 7 = arg z with the positive x-axis. Hence AB and GD also represent z. AB 4 and CD are translations of OP, that is OP moved parallel to itself to a new position in the plane. z = 1 + jis Tepresented by any member of the set of translations of the vector OP. In general, z = a + ib is Tepresented by any vector on the Argand diagram which has magnitude |z| and which make. *-axis. The tail of the vector can be at any point in the Argand diagram. Such 5) ‘ | G@,-2) ES) A Operations with vectors For the vector representation of complex numbe: z n 0 rs to be useful, th For j for addition and subtraction of vectors ‘should be consistent Sie Tefinition of addition of complex numbers. Consi #andF Shown below: ‘onsider the free vectors B and J a Figure 2.23 There are two equivalent ways of forming the vector sum B + 7 ‘The vector @ is translated (moved Method 1 (Tip-to-tail) = parallel to itself) until the tail of Gis g at the tip of B. A third vector is T constructed from the tail of 7 to the tip of g. This vector is the sum rare pt+G. Figure 2.24 ——— aed 86 TWAS The vector Tis Warsbateg tail of [is at the tait og yt paraliclogsarn 19 NV Ae, adjacem Wes F and “yy “Yoni drawn along the Saying tn, common a AP and 1, the the opposite vertex is the Vee B *@ 7 HH py Method 2 (Waraelogsam) Figure 2.25 Z id the vecto P ector subtraction OS gq we as G but in ipa “4. To ea the fe with the same magnitude as Opposite where — is a ver direction. Figure 2.26 ze 7 ° F BT F Consider again the parallelogram constructed to add Z and 7. B Diagonal vector AC is 7 + 7, using eas the parallelogram method to add a AD and AB. Diagonal vector DB is P-G using the tip-to-tail method to add DE and CB. Compare the diagrams below: Content _— MSERS 49 Figure 228 z os A O 2 o B+ AB =] 7 ABE P, 7 B B Checking by addition tip-to-tail ing by eo 3 wi correct direction, from the tip of F a rock ig 71° Constnucted in the ip of B. Operations with complex numbers represented as vectors Let the vectors OA, OB, OC and OD 2p = X2 + in, 21 + Zand z — Zz reapeciively a=x+ in, Figure 2.29 F COX rt¥2) Z D212) Consider OACB. Comparison of gradients gives OA || BC and 0B || AC. Hence OACB is a parallelogram and OC is the vector sum of OA and OB as required. Comparison of gradients shows that D, A and C are collinear. Also A is the midpoint of DC. Hence DA is equal and parallel to OB, and OBAD is a parallelogram. ‘Therefore BA is equal and parallel to Ob, and BA also represents z1 — zz as required. Addition and subtraction of complex numbers is thus ‘consistent with the rules for addition and subtraction of their vector representations. [oe ~ $0. 4 UNIT MATHEMATICS > Example 23 i show on an Argand diagram vectors ¢ spectively. Name a vector yy." 8% ich =-1+4i zz and z, + 22 Tes z= 3 - Qiand 22 and OC representing 215 represents 1 — Z2- Solution Figure 2.30 OQCP is a parauy, lel OP represents z, 2 con Example 24 In the Argand diagram shown below, OP represents the complex number i Label each of the vectors CP, PA, DP and BP with the complex number it. represents. Solution “+ Figure 2.31 03) Note that BP represents z-(-4) =z + 4 and DP represents z — (—3) = z + 3), COMPLEX NUMBERS. 1 example 25 _p. BG. 2). PUL 2V3 the form a + ib the ) and QQ, V3) are points in an Argand d e form Lamparesossnca IeyAh gand diagram ‘nt form the number represented by PO. y AB, and in modulus! Ad: Find if ae pignre 232 ya We have seen that the transformation z —> i corresponds f0 rotation anticlockwise about O through an angle I in the Argand diagram. In general, mm AB to CD if AB and CD represent z and iz respectively, then the angle fro ata, is5- Example 26 ki, k € R. Show that leal = [zel- the parallelozram OACB. The, & uct then BA is obtained from OC by a rotation followed by an enlargement in O bya tion as a di onal. If k < 0, the ,, then a translath C sal in direction. In either case, eines kis followed PF eam OACB meet at right angles and OC and A ence OA = OB and [zi] = [z2l- a rhombus. ut O through 5: Jation to its post show that i P rpret this result geometrically. a ymplex numbers Z1, For any 90m? 2 9 2,/° + [z2/?)- Inte: +147 22 (21 + za) + 22) + (Kr — 22)(Z1 — 22) (21 + 22)(f1 + 2) + (a — Z2)(E1 — 22) = uz + 2222) = (lea? + Izal”) Let OA, OB represent z;, z2,on an Argand diagram and complete the parallelogram OACB. Then OC, BA represent z, + Z2, z1 — Z2 respectively. 4 2 1 2 [2 2 2 + 22/7 + Izy — z2|? = 2(lzy/? + fz. OC?'+ BA? = 210A? + a, = OA? + BC? + OB? + AC? Hence the sum of the squares of the diagonals of a parallelogram is equal to the sum of the squares of its sides. onstruction of the vector product of two complex numbers Ci __ za be represented by OA, OB respectively. Let I have coordinates Tecate t AOBM similar to AOIA and let OM represent zs. AOBM ||| AOTA, OM _ OB «sles! _ [zal woe ou lal : MOB = AOI > arg zs — arg 22 = ATE Zt lzal [ze] = [znzal and | arg 2) +arg Z2 = are(Z1z2)> 23 = 1Z2 and OM represents the product of z: and z2- } GA, OB represent z1, 22- OR is a parallelogram and O€ represents z1 + 22- N pand only if O, A and C are coy th equality if a8 of OACB are equal, near, site pity if and only if OA, OB, 6&4, 54 4 UNIT MATHEMATICS ce OPPO . x ii = Par, ity if and only if 71 = kz,k @ Rg wil, 0, < 0A + AC, wil See OA + OB, sins + 2| +z = 18. 39 , 52; when |z1 + 22! Bg + 47 5 Gt ti) 2= d B represent the complex number 3x Exercise 2.3 il an oe a Sey ae Show that arg(z, + z) = 37 2 I = ae representation of z; and zz on an Argand diagram to show that (a) If [zx] = /ze/, then Bt2 is imaginary. (b) If 0 < arg z < arg zy <%, and arg(z — 22) — arg(zi + z2) = z, then leal = feel. 3 If |, + zo] = [zx — za], find the possible values of ara(2). 4 On an Argand diagram the points P and Q represent z and z + iz respectively. Show that OPQ is a right-angled triangle. 5 On an Argand diagram the points P and Q represent the numbers z, and respectively. OPQ is an equilateral triangle. Show that wt eta ae * 6 Show that lizy! — Izal] < [zy + 22. State the condition for equality to hold. 7 Itz = 24 + 7 and |zo| = 6, find the greatest and least values of let + 2]. Fn tat 2125+ ot eal lel + fal +o + Legh er COMPLE NUMBER 2.4 Powers and roots of complex numbers pe Mowre’s theorem A. (OOS E ESHA QoOs FL Nt - pata Gea T uM steratcUT Tanta ae araen a tk > Ne Rar — cos Ht 1 sin ntl tor all integers his vee ws re's Mheorent, Ut can be proved for positive (Integers Py WRUTEN induction, a 4 the sequence of stitements Sas 8 ESIEAY = COS OE ESI NO = 12.0 We SUD tte. TESA) is tate, then considering SUC + D. yee Coos Ob a sin a)’ Coos Ot isin 0) = (wos AOE FSi AOD (Cos OE Fst 0) = cos (At DO EE sin (At DO, using equation (1), WL positive integers A. iE SCA) is true then SCA + 1) is ion, S(2) is true for all positive integers 4. mot Nin LF oe pay exe races rn gous onside ae, Hence = ‘i trues Foes GE ESI) Me [Koos db = loos nd + fd sin nd m= cos(= nd) + Fsin Con), using! = —,. where = cos nt + isin m8) isin 0. 1 8 for all integers M om rM(cos nO + isin nO). so (cos 0+ FS 8) = Le cos 0 + Atte (oo a + isin 0)" = cos nO bis Farther, if 5 = r(cos 8 + Fsin 0), then = Example 29 (@ Show that (2)" = (b) Find (V3 +8 + (V3 - n integral. the form a + ib. lution tet z= r(cos @ + isin 0) ("= rlleos(—8) + F sin (ayy = r'teos (=00) + F (@ Letz = V3 +h Then z= 2( = 2 Re(z*) = 2° cos Now 2" + (2)* = gtz 56 AU Example 30 go, sin 40 int tan"@ (ay By exprestne Ng tan 0 = eG ance + tan’e that tan 40 = 7 — 6 eae erms of powers Of COS @ and ng. in t + sh ho, 1 COS: 4 — 6 —4¢+1=0. tion (b) Hence solve the ©4 Solution Kanece Moivre’s theorem) = cos@ + 4i cos 29 — 4i cos @ sin*® + sintg ind imaginal . ‘cos 40 = costa, — 6 cos’@ sin sin 40 = 4 cos’@ sind — 4 co! 40 ‘4 cos sin @ — 4 cos ef tan 49. = <55%9 — 6 cos%o sin"0 + sin’® _ _4tan@—4 tan30 = T= 6 tan + tan"o i 4t = 4¢ = aaa ntan40=1 7— gras Ler+48 - 6? —4¢+1=0. 1 + nz, n integral, 9 + isin 40 rf 6 + isin 0)* (using De sin @ — 6cos7@ sin 30 ary parts: 29 + sin‘, and (b) Let 1 = tan 6. The! tan 40 tan 40 = 1 has solutions 40 o= inet) 7, n integral +1, -2 give four distinct values of ¢ = tan 0. Any other int; eger n n=0, + will repeat one of these values of f, A+ 42 — 6? — 4¢+ 1 = O has roots tan 7, ~ 3 5 s tan 7g, — tan Fg, tan az, tan 22. tan 7g: De Moivre’s theorem also enables us Hee errr aise rior of maalarles of 0 Maia! Hotes sora + isin 0, Then 2" = cos 29 + fin n@ and cos(—n0) + i sin (~n0), for all positive integers n. Hence 2 cos 10, with special case z + z~' = 2 cos 0 2i sin n0, with special case z — z~* n ot 2i sin 0. oyoen Example 31 , 1 Show that sin?@ 4 (3 sin @ — sin 36). 57 (COMPLEX Ni olution a solutivcos 0 + i sin @. Then 2i sin @ = 2 — 2-1 : ene Pte Bep Bet eo 27! and 87 sin*® (23 — 27-9) — 3(z — 27! 2 sin 30 — 6in Hence 8 sin’ + ind sin? @ = 4G sin @ ~ sin 30), example 32 ay snow that 16 cos"® = 2 c0s 49 + 8 cos 29 + 6. Hence use the substitution 2 = 2sin 0 to evaluate is 4-2)! ax. @. Then 2 cos @ =z +z! yaa i side t OF ee pene and 16 cos*® = (z + z~")*. (A424) + 4@? +27) +6. = 2 cos 40 + 8 cos 20 + 6. Letz= put & Hence 16 cos*8 2 Let t= fi (4. — x7)? dx Substitute x = 2 sin® I fi cos*0.2 cos @ d0 dx = 2.c030 do ° y=050=0 = [16 cos%e a0 x=2>0=% (4 — x4? = 8 cos’ ; = [i cos 40 + 820s 20 + 6) do 0 [5 sin 40 + 4 sin 20 + oof 2 lo = 3a g De Moivre’s theorem to find root nis a positive integer. nth roots of unity, where ve the nth roots of unity have modulus 1 and their rhe unit circle with centre the d diagram lie on t n= 1. Using De Moivre’s theorem, Usint is of complex numbers Consider the complex g=1> [ze = 1 Hen Fepresentations P on an Argan a. Let z = cos @ + isin @ satisfy z no = 1+ 08 cosn@ +i: cos 29 = Land sin n@ = 0 8 2ka 20, —k integral. 5a 6 LNT MATEMAT pa deen TENE Otic Ou _ ny L Taking 0 = 2=k tk alues of Feel Serial FT at the values of cos 6 and sin Any other integer values of k aE roots of unity Be Zo, z,, 8 ana, K tthe 2 complex f argand diagram. + Za, Cy apes wnt the values of z. Le representations Po, Ps ye » Prot AF equally spacey Por Figure 2.37 around the unit circle, with angy lay spacing = Pao fz and Zn-ke & = 1, 2, .-., 4 — 1, we can f unity occur 1 complex conjugate pairs, zy we can deduce that z, = z;" ang f the particular nth root wig, us are powers 01 Considering the arguments © deduce that the non-real roots eh Further, by noting that are ieee hence that all the th roots of unity 7 argument 7. Example 33 Show on an Argand diagram Po, P1, P, representing the complex cube roots of unity zp, 21, z2. Find the non-real cube roots in the form a + ib. Solution Figure 2.38 a Notint 2 40 nat arg(z2") =~" we - 3? WE can deduce that P; represents 2, similarly z2 = 217. Hence th 22, F 1e Cube roots of z 21 = 22 Where w is either of the two non-real nts of unity can be written as 4,0 example 34 jg a non-real cube Foot of unity, sh - we is ame 20 Feaay nity: show that 1 + w + w? = 0. and deduce golution . ge roots of unity satisfy x? — 1 = Ine oe Te etl 0. 0. But x? — 1 = (x — 1)? +x + 1). Shen (1 +)” > . = —(w)? = =1, (since 1) caine (1+ @ + w7) — 1 = —1, (since 1 + + w? = 0) ant + wo) CL + 2 + 20%) ‘a similar technique enables us to find the complex nth roots of complex number. Let Z = Cos © + isin @ satisfy 2" = cos a + isin a me cos nO + isin n® = cosa +isina (by De Moivre's theorem), { 21 ng zat 2k, O= = + ak k integral. ots of cos a + i sin a are equally spaced around the The complex nth ro Bu Og gular spacing 2, one such root having argument ;, n t unit circle with an; Example 35 Find the complex Sth roots of -1. lution Sok —1) = 7. Hence the complex Sth roots of —1 all have ori| = 1 and arg( modulus 1 and by ‘one complex Sth root of —1 has = aer argument 2, the others being equ ‘Argand diagram by an angle %"- ya De Moivre’s theorem ally spaced around the unit circle in the Figure 2.39 By inspection, the complex Sth roots of —1 are cos § + isin p 30 Sead cos "5 + isin =F, and 1. pamettont fat fastio Hoe HIG, " in 0a UINTT MATE MATION whe! clon ane om provid De Moivre’s theer a comples number Example 36 _ 20 2Vel Bind the square roots oF ¢ 1 riya ' Wy jin ut), yt) aa (om im + i 4 . ‘ v2 v2 : fulun 2 wv fel = 4and argc ey ee aquare TOOL OLE haw modulus 2 and #1 By De Moivre’s theorem, 0" f (om Sn gare £ 2 (eo u 47 Henve the two square roots oF Ear s a Exercise 2.4 jand 1 = /in moduluvargument form, Use De Moivre'y 1 Express 1 + (ane ta +i) ( theorem to evaluate (1 the De Mate <1 4 Vi in modulus/argument form. 1 = 2"! Cos to show that (~1 + V3i)" + (ol V3i)' ce integer. Evaluate this expression in cach of the cases 1 = Sinn = 3m + | 2nn 3 2 Express - 18 Positive where mm is a positive integer. : 3 Use De Moivre’s theorem to solve the equation z* = 1, Show that the points representing the five roots of this equation enian Argand diagram | 5S... 2a rl form the vertices of a regular pentagon of area 3 sin 5 and perimeter 10ssin Z. 4 Use De Moivre's theorem to solve z5 = ~1, By grouping the roots in complex conjugate pairs, show that a+ I= (+ Ife? ~ 22 cos? + 1) (2? — 22 cos 41), 5 Ifz = cos in 0, 8 F a n= ~ 608 8 + i sin 8, show that 2” —2-" = 2 cos n6 and that e'~ 2 "= 2isin 20.’ Hence show that sos! (2) eos't = j(cos 48 + 4 cos 20 + 3) (b) sing = 1p, . ) sin i in 50 ~ 5 sin 30 + 10 sin g) 6 Factorise EN — 1. Tez is on possible values of 27+ 24] 71, @, and w? are the three cut fa +o. Hence simpity Be Toots of u + 30 + @?)? and (1 + e their product is 16. (1 + @ + 302) and show that their sum i m is —4 and nity. State th ate the value expressions Manes ueaand Use De Moivre’s theorem to find in mod ument form e"s i julus/argum nt (a) the square roots of V3 + j on 1e cube roots of —2 — 24 2.5 Curves and regions in the Argand diagram Let P be the representation on an Argand dit eed gat ses] che equatiGa! Raletet sat ac/sye trey ok vor aaa Rez 3 2 = 3 P lies on the line ae ‘onversely, any point on the line x = 3 is th i number z which satisfies Re z = 3. Hence, on pep air ieee ncaa Of z satisfying Re z = 3 is the straight line with Cartesian ee Say that the equation Re z = 3 defines the line x = 3 in the Argand adil Example 37 Sketch the curve in the Argand diagram defined by rn e dia y the equation Im(z — 1 + 3i) = 4. Find the minimum value of |z| subject to this condition and state the value of z for which this minimum is attained. Solution Tot =x + iy. Thenz—14+31=(@— 1) +10 +3), img - 143i) =4>yt+3=4>yeL The curve has Cartesian equation y = 1 Figure 2.40 If P represents z, OP = |z|- OP takes a minimum value of 1 when P has coordinates (0, 1). 2] has a minimum value of 1 when z =i. 62.4 UNIT MATHEMATICS ian defined by i im Sketch the region in the Argand dias 9 6 < Re[(2 — 3i)z] < 12 and Re z- 2x + 3y) + iy ~ 3x), < 12, De + 3y olution 7 i ia z= x + iy. Then (2 yee 6 < Re[(2 — 3i)<] < 12 3 xy 20. and Rezimz20 Figure 2.41 N ~ ~ Ss ao 2et3y=6 i =|z~ d B are fixed compl, i tion |[z — a] = |z Bl, where o ani : mplex aay eno ea and B respectively in an Argand diagram. Figure 2.42 = => If P represents z, then AP, BP represent z — a, z — B respectively, B], then A APB is isosceles with AP = BP, and versely, if P lies on the perpendicular bisector of AB then AP = Pe c » ther = BP and |z — | = |z — Bl. Hence fe locus of the Point P Tepresenting z is the pone siectl mls, AB. If z satisfies |z — g| = Ie- P lies on the perpendicular bisector of AB. Con COMPLEX NUMBERS 63 example 39 js -1+2i =| z satisfies I 4 lz + 3]. Sketch the k 2 tise argand diagram and find its fedithe ies of the point P representing el equation, Find the minimum > ree P, A and B represent z, 1-2 and ~3 respectively. AP. BP Pie) represen Tea nen are , al siesaietal |i izes AP = BP = A(L-2) AB. Since AB has midpoint hrough (—1, —1) with w OP = |z|. Hence perpendicular bisector of 1 the locus of P passes # ‘phe locus of P is the 1) and gradient —3 (1 adient 2 and has Cartesian equation 2x — y + 1=0. No re minimum value of [z| is the perpendicular distance from (0, 0) to the locus imum value of is z- lel is Je of P. Therefore the mini the two techniques used to find mples we have considered illustrate he Argand diagram 1ertormined by an equation in z. We can use the representation z = X 4 iy to determine algebraically the Cartesian equation (or inequation) of the locus of P representing Z, sketch the graph of the corresponding curve (or region), and hence describe the locus “Alternatively, we can use the ‘vector representation of a geometrically. Alte determine the locus of P ‘geometrically, then sketch the HS Che vector approach enables us 10 The exa! acurve in t complex numbe! Jocus and deduce its Cartesitn equatio ; use known geometrical results and is often more efficient. Example 40 termined by |z| < 2- Sketch the region in the Argand diagram 4 64 4 UNIT MATHEMATICS P lies on oAP= v2, -. P lies on the circle centre A(2,2) and Tadius V2. tS cporiinate piety lies on the line OA t Let piSyave coordinates (1, 1), (3,3) eqn Ok Bs BaP as showin. Th vaiue of 21 fs OPs = 3V2 when z D respectively, Now the maximum value One when z= Te 3 + 3é and the minimum value of |2| cw) Le @ Le tangents for (0, 0) meet the circle in P3, Py a ae AOPs = i 3, Py as shown. Now = AOP; = AOPs = % um and maximum values of arg z are the angles from the But the minim to the vectors OP; and OP, respectively, The equation arg z= determines a ray in the Argand diagram. Let OP represent Z- Figure 2.46 ya ‘The gradient of OP is tan(— g _ = -Vv3. = The locus of P is the ray y = —V3x, 2 > 0. -= => z 0, hence we must exclude (0, 0) from the Note that arg z locus of P. Example 42 Shade the region in the Argand diagram defined by the inequalities Zecargi<% Fc argz <§ or [el <2 Solution gure 2.47 Te a Arg z = 5's the positive va eI xis, t Arg2= Fis the ray y=, : : = lel = 2 is the circle, centre and radius 2. FE, gy . = is :d complex numbx ‘The equation arg(z — A) = 0, where 2 is a fixe iP mber, also determines a ray in the Argand diagram. Let A represent X and let P represent =. Then AP represents z — A and AP makes an angle @ with the direction of the positive x-axis. For example Figure 2.43 e- [1+ 2)= Qau2 Note that A is exclu: is undefined. arg +3 at solution Figure 2-49 x-1x<-3 » » Example 44 zis a comple: o O x TT | 7 antes zo aunit warts : int P repres, | jocus of the point Preseng; Example 47 imzt lh seth me Cartesian equation. Ming if elma trite do z satisfies lz a diagra™ an in the Argan i| in Je — i] = AP, and Im woly. Then IZ i solution ;, z respectively” pence the lowe i creep ra e ‘a, tis = ic = 1. P FePree ig the Hie J “yich equation ret A(0! ro pie Ao. D ‘and directrix ¥ Figure 2.55 ck y waay s in z for which algebraic methods are easier than There are some equation: ion when seeking the corresponding locus in the using the vector representati Argand diagram. Example 48 (a) Show that a circle with diameter CD. , wh i any Rcetan eee ena eae C and D have coordinates (© — 2)@ - 22) + — yO — y2) = 0. (®) |z ~ 3i| = 2\z — 3]. Find the Cartesian P representing z i i geometrically? Zin the Argand diagram equation of the locus of i } the and describe this locus ae ue solution @ Let PCE: 9) He on the circle, 3 - Sin ce CD is a diame: gradient PC.gradient PD =-130 .. the circle has equation (x — @a) Gost (py Let PC, ¥) Fepresent z = x WE ~ a) ey 7? |e — 3iP? = 4lz - 37 * i Then YOO ~ y2) = 0 2 Using difference of squares: 6 mae — 3) ~~ Mle — 6 2 >? pita ree = 9 PG MYT =E This is the equation of the ci coggtntes :f °9) rescey TP rote that if A(O, 3), spectively. . Nore tna STS AP 22 Beene 3i, 3 respective val AB internally and externally respes and D are utes iF spectively in the rati viding the io 2:1. here C and D have intel Example 49 sketch the region in the Argand diagram defined by |z? — (2)" solution fi > 16. Let z = x + iy. -@ =@-DG+d 2iy).2x), Exercise 2.5 1 Sketch on an Argand diagram the locus of the point P representing Z, given that |z|” = z +2 +1. 2 |e + i] <2 and 0 < arg + Hn< diagram which contains the point P representing Z- t Sketch the region in an Argand ee teri 7 1) = 1. Sketch Be am. Hence deduce fh that £1 is purely imaginary Find the equation 6 =x + ip is such that > Of and show this locus on an Argan S locus of the point P representing = diagram. 7 Redz -3 zon an Argand = 0. Find the equation of the locus of the point P rereseny ing diagram and sketch this locus. 2) +z. y that the locus of the poi 8 If arg(z — 2) = arg(z + 2) + 3+ Show tha point p representing < on an Argand diagram is an are of a circle and find the centre and radius of this circle. 9 Indicate on an Argand diagram the locus of the point P representing » given that |z? — 7) = 4. ; 10 The complex number z is given by z= ¢ + 7, where 1 = r(cos @ + j sin §). Find the equation of the locus of the point P which represents z on an Argand diagram in each of the following cases (a) r = 2 and 6 varies (b) 0 = F and r varies Diagnostic test 2 Subsection T Find +2 by zy ~ 2 Wz (dH When W) 2 =2 44,2 = 1, (i) ,=44; 2’ (2.1) 2 Find (a) Rez (by Im z f " a when (i) z= 3 (ii) . c) Z, . z= 4 Gili) 27 = j (2.1 3 Find real x and y, such that @ + yy ni ’ 4 Sot 2 FOP = 34 4 ME +t Gy ye (2.1) § Find [el and arg z when *C-dr—27= 6 (2.1) (@z=2 ; yz2= 2 7% Oz=14 vy (2.2) @) z I V3 ~ vgs iy motuluargument form Gy <1 +E 2.2) pees ore g in the form a + ib when wi gand arg 2 = 5 (by [z| = 2 and arg = ec oas \ [e(- fe) + i sin(— 7] Find @.2 :) «by [£4 and are and arg(1 Bel teod ind |2""] and ue 2.2) FF gd, Mark on an Argand diagram the points representing 2.2 Me OS @e @yzt1 @) 2 2i . show geometrically how to construct the veetors representing (2.3) tS erase Les (©) 2 — Chen 2 dy S44 Lt 12 Express £28 9 + isin 0)* in moduluvargument form. 1a Express eos 28 =F sin 20 in the form (cos @ + # sin 8)". ge De Moiyre’s theorem with 1 = 2 to show that “ng = cos*@ — sin“@ and ‘sin 20 = 2 sin@ cos 0. 2 tane_ ow that tan 20 = S se T— tan*0 ps Express = = 4V201 + J) in modulus/argument form. Hence find (2.4) 3 et rwo square roots of 2 land mark their representations on an Argand diagram. eon an Argand diagram the locus of the point P (2.5) representing z when (a) Rez = (b) Imz=l © lel =2 @lk-2-/ 2 ©) argz -§ © are(z +) = (2.5) cate on an Argand diagram the region which contains the presenting z when «

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