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What can you expect from me?

Weekly resources shared through a variety of platforms:

Engage (links)
Learning Point GCFE (Facebook Group)
Twitter (@mee_vanessa)
Google Drive
Learning Point GCFE (Blog)
Open Surgery coaching: a chance to drop in and see me about any
issues you have about training and development, teaching and learning,
good practice:
Monday afternoons @LOC
Tuesday afternoons @CTZ
Thursday afternoons @DLCY
Facilitating CPD delivery:
Monday sessions 12-12.45
Other CPD sessions
INSET days
Supporting PLCs and coaching team
*I am hoping that these will be short, useful and few and far between. Im
sending this one to share some induction tips (see attached) in advance
of next week. Will it be useful to you? Please use the voting buttons
(actions) to let me know.
Keep your eyes peeled for further information!
Please do not hesitate to get in touch with any queries, issues or
requests. My contact details are below.
Kind regards,

Ms Vanessa Mee
CPD & Scholarly Activity Manager
Lecturer in Education
Lecturer in Performing Arts
Direct line: TBC
Mobile: 07781 141 544
Twitter: @mee_vanessa
Blog/Facebook: Learning Point GCFE

Guernsey College of Further Education

Les Ozouets Campus

St. Peter Port
Tel: +44 (0)1481 737500
Fax: +44 (0)1481 746730

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