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techniques of extraction, separation, and purification of compounds


1. Choose the required equipment in accordance with the type of experiments to be performed
2. Choose the material - material required in accordance with the type of each experiment will be
3. Perform isolation technique properly
4. Choose a suitable solvent to separate the good and true
5. separation techniques properly
6. purification of compounds and techniques recrystallization
7. operate the tool properly IR
8. To identify compounds through the interpretation of functional groups using IR

- Given a line above and below, respectively 0,3cm and 1cm

- Affixed point on the bottom line using a pencil with the same spacing, 0,5cm
- A sample solution, ditotol over TLC plate until exhausted
- Entered into chamber containing eluent
- Let the eluent runs until it reaches the boundary line
- Lift the TLC plate with tweezers
- Drained + I min
- Put under UV light to see the extent of the separation process
- The process of entering into the chamber, repeated up to 3 times
Spot stain on TLC
- Dredged with spatula
- Results dredged funnel placed on filter paper that has been installed
- Evaporated and crystallized
- Tested IR spectroscopy

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