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Commercial Geography xii (Industries)

Introduction Of Geography
The word geography is combination of two words geo and graphy is Greek word means the
earth and the word graphy has been derived from the word grophen which means description so,
geography means Description of the earth.
Therefore, geography could be defined as:
The science of description of the physical features of the earth
Branches Of Geography
Geography can be classified into two vast branches.
(i) Human geography.
(ii)Physical geography.
Human Geography:
It includes all phase of human social life in relation to the physical earth.
(i) Economic Geography:
It is concerned with the economic activities of human beings as reflected
in the production, distribution and consumption of various resources existing under different
environmental conditions.
(ii) Political Geography:
It is related to the study of government or institutions on the basis of
political division of the world in to different states or political units.
(iii) Social Geography:
It is related to study of social matters and conditions in different parts of
the world.
(iv) Cultural Geography:
It is related to the study of different traditions and cultures of the peoples
in different part of the world.
Physical Geography:
It includes study of the earth particularly of the conditions of its surface and the
varieties of its climate. It deals with the features, location, river, seas, soil, climate, and
natural resources etc.

Economic & Commercial Geography

Every one needs food too eat, shelter to live and clothes to wear. The economic and commercial
geography is that branch of human geography in which we study geographical description of
production and distribution of various products required by mankind. While producing any
product various factors contribute their effects on production. Similarly, for distribution of any
commodity certain factors exert this influence. These factors are related to the surroundings of a
place of production or distribution.
In the other words we can say that economic geography deals with the factors affecting the
production and commercial geography deals with the factors affecting the distribution of

Scope of Economic &Commercial Geography

It is a study of factors responsible for production and distribution of various commodities. More
detailed explanation about the factors of the production and distribution are as follows:
Study Of Agricultural Resources:
It economic and commercial geography, we study the factors responsible for the trade of
those products.
Study Of Mineral Resources:

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Commercial Geography xii (Industries)

Every country in the world is not self sufficient in mineral resources, so in economic and
commercial geography, we study about the production, regional division and distribution of
different minerals found in the world.
Study Of Industrial Resources:
For the study of economic and commercial geography it is essential that the rate of
industries in different regions, there production and resources are to be studied.
Study Of Means of Transportation:
Means of transportation also playing an important role for the progress of agricultural,
minerals, and industrial resources. So without the study of means of transportation study of other
factors is not possible.
Study Of Market / Trade Centers:
Trade centers also play an important role for the trade or commerce of certain areas
because without the study of various trade centers progress in trade and commerce is not

Importance of Economic & Commercial Geography

Now-a-days economic and commercial geography is an important subject which helps in different
fields of life which are as follows:
For Students:
The study of economic and commercial geography helps the students in the selection of right
path for their future, so they can choose their carrier according to their interest.
For Traders:
By the study of economic and commercial geography the business man can learn about sources
of the world, so he can easily get raw material, labour and machinery at very cheap cost and his
product at suitable place on reasonable price. In this way he can make his business more
For Industrials:
By the study of economic and commercial geography the industrialist can hire labour and
purchase raw material at cheap cost and can also find new and good markets for their products.
For Agriculturists:
By the study of economic and commercial geography, the landlords or agriculturists can know
about the various kinds of seeds, methods, craps and products. In this way they achieve good
result and can earn more.
For Economists:
By the study of economic and commercial geography, economist can make better policies
because it tells about the resources and economist can make policies to utilize these resources.


Types of commercial activities?

Resources affect the choice of commercial activities?
Commercial activities?
Primary activities?
Explain secondary, tertiary and quaternary?
Relation between geographical environment and commercial activities?

Commercial / Economic activities:

Human desire to live comfortably. A man need food to eat, clothes to wear and shelter to live.
From the very first day when man came in this world he had to pursue some sort of profession
for the fulfillment of these basic needs.

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Commercial Geography xii (Industries)

In simple words, the various ways which man adopted for the betterment of his life
during so many stages can be call as economic activities. Thus different experts have defined
economic activities as under:


Economic/commercial activities could broadly be classified in two three categories:

a) Production
b) Exchange
c) Consumption
It can be divided in to following.
Primary production:
The primary activities are concerned with the extraction of resources from the nature.
The man, through primary activities, extracts the resources from the land.
They are the beginning of the production cycle, where humans are in closest contract with
the resources of environment.
They are called red collar workers due to the out door nature of their work.
For example:
1) Hunting of animals.
2) Harvesting of trees.
3) Fishing from rivers, lakes and oceans.
4) Extracting of minerals from the earth.
Secondary Activities:
In secondary activities man moulds and changes the shape of the products extracted from the
nature for enhancing their utility. They are called pink collar workers.
For example:
Iron is a product of mining activity is changed in to wires, nails, bars, and other useful products.
All types of manufacturing are included in secondary activities like machinery, cars, electronic
goods, space vehicles etc.
The tertiary activities are referring to provide services. Some of these services are
utilized to increase the utility of primary and secondary activities products. They are called blue
collar workers.
For example:
Fish is transported from fisheries to a region where it is needed and is said there.
This achieved by transportation and trade which are important tertiary activities. Other tertiary
activities are as follows:
1. repairing of simple tools and important machinery
2. Banking.
3. Teaching.
4. Clerical, personal, business, or many other services are classified as tertiary activities.
It represents a special type of services work, focusing on professional and administrative
services, including working in education, health, finance, government management information
processing and research. These services are performed by highly qualified people. They are
called white collar workers..
These are the services which are provided by highly qualified persons basically it controls all the
activities at high level following are the services. They are called golden collar workers.
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Commercial Geography xii (Industries)

1. High level managerial and executive administrative (Public & Private)
2. Scientific research and development services. It mains more restricted in size in
comparison of the other groups. They are called glad called workers
It refers to exchange the goods or services from one place to another.
1. Exchanging services and ideas by telecommunication or face to free contact.
2. Whole sale trade
3. Retail trade
4. Transportation and distribution services.
5. Satisfying the needs of people by changing their location. (Passenger, Transportation)
6. Increasing value of goods by changing their location ( Freight transportation)
Use of commodities and services by human beings to satisfy their needs and wants.

Resources that effect the Commercial Activities

They resource that affects the commercial activities may include the following:
1. Weather and climate
2. Natural Resources
3. Soil
4. Structure of land
Weather & Climate:
Weather & climate influence the commercial activities to a great extend. The occupation of
a specific region depend on its climate.
Natural Resources:
It also influences the commercial activities. The regions which are bestowed from the
abundant mineral reserves, the people in such region are connected with the occupation of
mining, industries, trading of row material etc.
The areas where the soil is fertile are suitable for cultivation but the people live in the desert
areas adopt the occupation of mining or trade of minerals similarly the people living in the
mountains have stone mixed soils adopt the occupation of maintain the cattle herds.
Structure of Land:
If the surface of land is leveled and continuous it would be suitable for agriculture but in
case of unleveled or mountains land, it would be suitable for maintaining cattle herds, mining

Primary Activities

The primary activities are concerned with the extraction of resources from the nature.
The man, through primary activities, extracts the resources from the land.
They are the beginning of the production cycle, where humans are in closest contract with
the resources of environment.
They are called red collar workers due to the out door nature of their work.

Some of the primary activities are discussed below:

a) Agriculture
b) Herding
c) Fishing
d) Lumbering
e) Mining
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Commercial Geography xii (Industries)

Agriculture defined as the growing of crops and the tending of livestock. It is most
economical primary activity. It is widely spread in all over the world. Crop farming alone covered
same 15 million square km (5.8 million sq miles) world wide, about 10% of the earths total land
area. In many countries at least of the labor farce is directly in valued in farming it includes.
Subsistence Agriculture ii) Commercial Agriculture
It is one of the most important primary activities. It animals play in important role in far human
animals ar3eused for three purpose.
a) For milking (commercial diary farming)
b) For meat, fur, skin, bones and wool.
c) For using in agriculture and transport
Fish has became on important part of daily food of large number of population of various
countries in the world and thousands tons of fish are caught daily in the world.
Significance of forests cannot be underestimated. Human history proves that in the initial days,
wood was only domestic fuel and still it is used for making boats, furniture, ships.
Mineral wealth plays an important rile in this machine age, machines are made by them, run by
them and fed by them. Finding their useful, man started their reckless exploitation in the shape
of mining.


Fishing grounds of south-east Asia

Fishing ground of North-West Europe
Fishing ground of world
Requirement of Good Harbor


Fishing is one of the great primary activities of the world.
The word fishing is not limited is not limited for fish hunting but it refers to hunt or catch any
oceanic life like prawns, sponges, lobsters, shells etc.
Fishing is not confined to produce food only but it also provides material of industrial use.
Fish meal is a valuable manufacture, fish oil is used for medicines and industrial purpose like
lubricating, tanning, soap making and tempering of steel.
Fish skin is used for fir leather.
shark skin is very expensive leather.

Factors for the development of fishing industry

Factors, which govern the distribution of fishes in the world are as follows:
1. Physical factors
2. Economical Factors
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Commercial Geography xii (Industries)

1. Physical Factory:
The physical factors responsible for fishing are as follows:
1. Climate:
In cold climate fish is found in the farm of flocks and fish can be preserved without
refrigeration in cold.
2. Fish Food:
Abundance of plankton or the natural fish food affect directly the variety and abundance of
fish, which ultimately affect the fishing development and intensity.
3. Condition of Coastlines:
The indentured or broken coastlines are mostly suited for fishing industry, because these
costliness help in breeding and hatching periods which is necessary for the development
of fishing.
4. Topography of land:
In those countries where topography of the land is not suited for agriculture, there main
occupation of the people is fishing, such as Japan, Ice land, Norway.
5. Current Mixed:
The oceans in which cold and warm current are mixed together are best fishing grounds in
the world. They bring abundant plant nutrients and plankton and thus mixed water is
exercised with food for fishes.
Economic Factors:
Fishing is also carried on for commercial purposes. Following are economic factors involves
in fishing.
1. Cheap Labor:
Cheap labor is essential for the growth of fishing industry and more profit can be also
2. Scientific Methods
Use of scientific methods like steamers trawlers and other mechanical devices have
revolutionized the fishing industry.
3. Refrigeration:
Refrigeration facilities are used for preservation of fish.
4. Food Staffs:
The supply of food staffs and prices of the alternative protein substance.

Important Fishing Grounds Countries of the World:

The fishing is carried on, in all water and in all the countries, especially barelering the
seas. But neither all countries of world are equally important far fishing nor all waters are rich in
good quality commercial fish with in fishing areas of the world some fishing grounds have special
importance which are as follows:
1. North Eastern Asia.
2. North Eastern North America
3. North Western North America
4. North western Europe
5. West central south Asia
6. South East Asia.
1. North East Asia:
Russia, china, Japan are most important for fishing industry in north East Asia. In northern
Pacific Ocean with cold Kamchatka current near the coasts of Japan, abundance amount of
fish is available for catch.
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Commercial Geography xii (Industries)

2. North Western Europe:

Most of the European countries such Norway,
Sweden,Finland,Germany,France,U.K,Denmark ,Belgium & other countries, where the
people living near coastal areas there main occupation is fishing. Here the Gulf Stream
Drift & Arctic Drift and river bring large quantities of fish food. Modern fishing methods are
employed & well organized marketing is practiced. The rivers are:
Thomas, Seine, the Rehine, the Weser etc.
3. North east of North America:
The north eastern coastal areas of North America are also suitable for the fish growth.
Here large amount of fish food called Plankton is available, beside the cool temperature
climate and modern means of transportation & marketing are used. The main fishing
centers are:
Newfoundland, Island, New England, Labrudar &b Candian cities of Halifax,
Boston Portland & Monteral.
4. North west of North America:
It is also important fishing grounds of catches. The Salman Hatch in the river, bring them
in the ocean to grow, but same back to lay eggs in rivers. They are thus caught both in
important grounds of fishing in this area:
Mackerel, Hail but, Squid, Shrimp, Lobsters are varieties found in this region
5. South East Asia:
South and south East Asia has emerged as a great fishing ground, during the last twenty
years. Tropical climate of this region assures plenty of planktons. All most all tropical
species are caught in this region. India Indonesia, Bangladesh, Malaysia, Myanmar (Burma)
and Pakistan has emerged as important nation among fishing world.
Requirement of Good Harbor
1. Free from strong winds & flares.
2. Deep enough far ocean vessels.
3. Nearness of international sea router
4. Railway and road link with hinterland.
5. Wide engage to enable large ship to take run
U.S.A, U.K, German, France
Japan, Canada, China, Norway.

Natural Vegetation
The term natural vegetation is usually used for all vegetation not deliberately managed or
controlled in forming activities. It includes the natural as well as semi natural vegetation. Forests,
grasslands, thorny bushes, mosses & lichen may be including in natural vegetation.
Factors for the Growth of Natural Vegetation
Factor controlling there distributions of natural vegetation on the earth surface are as follows:
1. Temperature:
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Commercial Geography xii (Industries)

Plants require moderate temperature. It has been experimented that at least a manually
average temperature of 43F (6C) is required for its growth. Excessively high temperature
raises the of evaporation and low temperature turns moisture into ice. Both are harmful for
2. Precipitation:
It is the most important physics factor affecting plant growth. Botanists have classified
plants into several types according to the relative water requirement such as:
1. Hydrophytes grow under heavy rainfall such as forests etc
2. Mesophytes grow under moderate water condition such as grassland.
3. Xerophytes grow under extreme dry conditions such as deserts.
3. Winds:
Moderate wind helps the plant in transpiration (getting rid of the excess moisture)
4. Sunlight:
Generally, sunlight favors the growth of plants by supplying chlorophyll necessary for
the manufacture of plant growth.
5. Soil:
The supply to the roots of the plant is determined by the texture of soil.

Types of Natural Vegetation

1. Forest:
A plant formation consisting of trees growing close together and farming a layer of foiling that
largely shades the ground. Forests require a relatively large annual precipitation
Types of forests:
Forest are widely distributed over the land surface and are divided into two major groups:
A) Evergreen Forest

B) Deciduous Forests

A) Evergreen Forest:
Such remain evergreen through the year and do not shed their leaves these are sub divided as
1. Equatorial Evergreen Forest:
In equatorial region the combination of warm temperature, high rainfall and days of constant
length hardly very from season to season, which makes on environment in which plant
growth and reproductions essentially independent all the time of year.
2. Mediterranean Evergreen Forest:
The Mediterranean evergreen forest region refers countries along the margins of the
Mediterranean sea like California, chills, cape etc
3. Coniferous Evergreen Forest (Talga Forests):
These are found in the cold temperature and sub arctic land of Eurasia and North America are
covered with dense evergreen forest.
B) Deciduous Trees:
Such forest shed their leave during the warm dry season. They are sub divided as followed:
1. Monsoon Forest:
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Commercial Geography xii (Industries)

Such type of forest or trees are found in area of monsoon region such as in South China,
Thailand, Vietnam etc
2. Temperate Deciduous Forests:
These forests are found in well- watered part of the temperate zone, in which a long warm/cool
growing season alternates with a cold winter.

2. Grass Lands:
Those areas where temperature is enough, but precipitation is meager, their main natural
vegetation is grass, and trees may be found here and there but not suitable for dense
forests. The regions are mostly covered with grass, which in spring season remains green,
but due to intense heat of summer its color becomes pale so grass lands can be divided
into two main groups
1. Tropical grass land:
In Torrid Zone between equatorial & hot desert region, lie the hot grass land areas. Here
temperature reaches up to 100F & rain falls between 10 to 40 inches. It may be sub
divided as under:
A) Savanna grass land : ( 5 to 10 feet grass)
B) Campos grass land: (irrigation facilities/coffee)
C) Lianas grass land: (fertile)
D) Northern dawn on (park land) grass land: (fertile)
2. Temperature grass lands:
The grass land lies in hot temperature region between 30 to 40 North and South. Here rainfall
is between 10 to 20 inches. They are also sub divided into:
A) Prairie grass lands: ( spring crops/ U.S.A Canada/45 to 65)
B) Pampas grass land: ( Cattle Farming/ Argentina/ Uruguay)
C) Southern dawn grass land: (Cattle, Agriculture / New South Wales in Australia)

3. Desert vegetation
Desert area of the world insufficient for the growth of tree and grass. They are located in
tropical, temperature and frigid region of the world. Therefore, they produce specific type
of vegetation.
1. Hot desert vegetation:
They are situated in areas of extreme hot climate and scanty rainfall (less them 10 inches)
there is very little vegetation or no vegetation. They are also called xerophytes.
2. Temperate Desert Vegetation:
. They are patches of very poor wiry gross and deep rooted bushes and shrubs.
3. Cold Desert Thunder Vegetation:
In frigid zones due to intense cold growing season is usually very short not more than two or
three months. Thus in these areas no vegetation except masses and lichen can


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Commercial Geography xii (Industries)

Significance of forests cant be underestimated. Wood is extracted from the forests which is
most important raw material for many industries. Many others raw materials and goods
are extracted from the forests are process of extracting these goods is called lumbering.

In natural vegetation forests have mare importance than others, so the following uses of
forests can be considered.

Sources of Raw Material:

Sources of timber and furniture wood:
Increase the fertility of lands
They keep the climate moderated
Food and shelter of many birds and animals
Forests prevent soil erosion.

Importance Extraction of Forests:

Wild Rubber & Balata
Tannim Material
Lumbering in tropical forests:
Tropical forests are being exploited for hundreds of years because working extremely difficult.
Commercial lumbering is little developed in this region because the climatic conditions of
tropical forests are not suitable of human. High huminity, temperate temperatures
poisonous insects and animals are prone to diseases to man.
Factors Responsible for Low lumbering:
1. Expensive
2. Limited demand of wood
3. Mixed variety of trees
4. Lack of cheap labor
5. In efficient management
6. Unfavorable environment
7. Lack of efficient transport facilities.
Lumbering in the Temperate forests:
A major part of the worlds timber and wood pulp comes from the temperate forests
occupying vast areas of earths surface. Trees in these forests have pure stands and
lumbering is easier:
Factors responsible for lumbering:
1. Mechanization
2. Cheap electric power
3. Easy cutting of trees
4. Favorable environment
5. Efficient management
6. Transport facilities
7. Nearness of big industries region.
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Commercial Geography xii (Industries)

Grounds of Lumbering:
1. Pacific, coast of north America
2. Rocky mountain region
3. New England
4. Central Europe
5. Southern U.S.A (pine belt)
6. Appalachian hardwoods

Animals Husbandry
Animal keeping is also considered one of the primary activities of man.
The relationship between man and animal is very old and important.
People tamed and began to breed pigs, sheep, camel, horses, goats and cows.
Animal husbandry includes breeding, feeding and management of animals or live stocks,
animals are domesticated for three purposes.
1. For milking
2. For meat, skin, bones, fur and wool
3. For using in agriculture and transport
Types of Animal keeping:
1. Nomadic herding
2. Mixed farming
3. Commercial diary farming

By: Sir Umair Malik (0345-2652699)

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