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Greetings fellow infidels,

Yes it is I, Osama bin Mohammed bin Awad bin Laden. I have people who work beside me for
the same reasons as I and I have individuals who vilify me and are against me. These people,
these people are the Americans mainly along with Western powers. The US, you see, they love
life. We, we worship death, that is the striking difference between our two nations. We will never
come to a negotiation. I do have my reasons on why I do what I do. For example, I organized Al
Qaeda for important reasons. Yes, we certainly do promote violence but it is the only way to
resolve a problem or situation. I do believe killing off a child or a woman if their beliefs is too
influenced by the Western society is the best way to go considering we have to do what is

The Western forces are not needed in these Israelian countries. They do not need the
influence of the modern world upon them. With them being melted down into a new economy,
they wont gain anything from being under the influence of western media and society . This
will include things such as internet, satellite t.v, the way clothing is now worn, and especially the
culture. I have already tried pushing western forces out of these Israelian countries but they do
not respond too much so I had to decide to use force and force leads to violence. Anyone who
supports Western forces will be terminated.
When I discharged from Saudi Arabia, I quickly established a group of Islamic men from
multiple countries to form Al Qaeda. We planned our endeavors and soon executed them. This is
when I have generated a decade of terror, I lead Al Qaeda with charisma. There are Muslims that
believe that the acts of the World Trade Bombing were as morally reprehensible and
unjustifiable. They think the person who is behind should be held accountable and be punished
by the fullest extent of the law. But they choose not to exploit me because they truly believe I am

innocent and see me as a symbol as a resistance and empowerment. I have exemplify even the
weak and hopeless can fight back.
As I have went over my endeavors, I talked about the World Trade Center bombing.
Following up from it, the US has changed since 2001. Im the reason the federal government
created the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Im the reason America has upped
their security. Im the reason why theres domestic spying. And Im the reason nations has have
harder time trusting one another.
You are aware that I have been killed by US Navy Seals. You may be relieved or even
ecstatic about the end of a symbol of terror, or maybe it seems like the pain is just beginning all
over again. Just know that I have many under my influence, maybe, maybe I couldve just been
the start of everything horrible but not the end.

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