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Pokemon Learning League

Self-Determination (Part 1)
Written By
Timothy Whitfield

(Episode opens with Iris, Axew, Ash, Pikachu, Cilan,

Serena and Clemont arriving in Hearthome City on
a clear, blue afternoon with not a single cloud in
the sky and no wind. The city is enveloped in a
calm & pleasant atmosphere. Clemont turns over
to the audience and casually speak to them.)
Clemont (casually): Oh, hello there guys.
Ash (casually): Hey, hows it going?
Pikachu (casually): Pika.
Iris (casually): Hi.
Axew (casually): Axew.
Serena (casually): Hey.
Cilan (casually): Hello.
(They go on down the streets. As they do, they
see trainers with their Pokemon doing various
activities, from training, working on some Contest
moves & giving them Poffins or just relaxing &
enjoying themselves. The gang takes notice of two
trainers, Chrissy and Lorraine, in the midst of some
intense training with their Boldore and Bronzong,
respectively. Chrissy has blonde hair in a ponytail,
hazel eyes, and is wearing a blue t-shirt, jeans
shorts and flats. Lorraine has red hair, blue eyes,
and is wearing a grass green shirt, brown pants
and sneakers.)

Ash: Those guys are really training hard there.

Iris: Yeah. I wonder what for?
(They go over to them just as they finish up their
Ash: Excuse us. That was some intense training
you were doing there.
(Chrissy wipes some sweat off her forehead.)
Chrissy: Yeah. Weve been at it for quite a while.
Cilan: Ahh, thats great, and what exactly is it for?
Lorraine: Its for a Trainers Club tournament
happening later today.
Ash (excited): Oh, awesome! Wheres it being
Lorraine: At a big plateau stadium just north of
(She points to the direction its in.)
Ash: Oh, good. (He turns over to the others.) So,
guys. How about we enter it, too?
(The others think about it for a few seconds and
then nod their heads in agreement.)
Ash: Okay, then. (He turns back over to Chrissy &
Lorraine.) Hope you two do well at the

Both: Thanks. Same to you.

(Now, they start on up the street, heading for the
Serena: So, are these tournaments fun?
Ash: You bet they are. Theyre like mini Pokemon
Leagues, and theyll have different challenges in
each. Many tough trainers
Serena (getting it): Oh, okay.
(They continue onward. Now, we dissolve to
twenty-three minutes later, where they arrive at
the plateau site. We pan out to see the rest of the
plateau. It comprises of one big stadium in the
center and four different battle fields branching
from the corners. Now, they go inside and see the
many trainers signing up or getting ready for the
Clemont: This is going to be an interesting
Ash: You said it. (He ponders for a brief moment,
then he gets an idea.) Guys, Im going to make a
call to Prof. Oak.
Clemont: All right, then.
(He leaves the group. Moment later, he returns
back over to them.)
Ash: Okay, Im back.

Iris (curiously): So, which of your Pokemon did you

Ash: Oh, youll find out soon.
(They go up to the registration desk and sign up.
Just as theyre about to go check out the battle
fields, they hear a couple of voices close by.)
Voice (O.S., excited): Ready to show everyone here
what weve got?
Voice #2 (O.S.): Oh, yeah!
(They look over and see two trainers named Janie
and Trevor, talking about what theyre doing for
the tournament. Janie has short red hair in a bun,
emerald green eyes, is around Serenas age, and is
wearing a blue gray shirt, sweatpants and flats.
Trevor has blonde hair, hazel eyes, and is wearing
a blue and pink striped shirt, brown shorts and
Trevor (honestly & sincerely): I hope you do well in
the first couple of rounds.
Janie (appreciatively & sincerely): Thanks, and I
hope you do, too.
(They both hug each other. Now, they take notice
of the gang coming over to them.)
Janie: Um, yes? Can we help you?
Ash: Hey, there. Im Ash, this is Pikachu.

Pikachu: Pika-chu.
Serena: Im Serena.
Iris: Im Iris, and this is Axew.
Axew: Axew.
Clemont: My names Clemont.
Cilan: And Im Cilan.
Trevor: Well, its nice to meet you all. My names
Janie: And Im Janie.
Cilan: So, where are you two from?
Trevor: Oh, were both from Dendemille Town.
Clemont: I see, and what made you two decide to
enter the tournament?
Janie: Thats easy: we thought itd be fun to try it
out and see how good the other trainers around
here are.
Clemont (getting it): Ah-ha.
Trevor: Yep. How about you?
Ash: Pretty much the same reason as you.
Janie: Ahh, got you there.
: So, what kind of Pokemon do you two specialize

Trevor: Well,
(They each get take one PokeBall off of their belts
and enlarge them.)
Both: Come on out!
(They toss them up into the air and a Nidorino & a
Floette emerge from them.)
Nidorino: Nido.
(As they continue chatting, we pan over to see
Ada, Diana, Lex, Siara and Quinn coming through
the entry way. They go through the lobby and spot
Ash and the gang.)
Lex (calling over): Hey, guys!
(The gang stops chatting and turns around to the
Mission Guides coming over.)
Cilan: Hey, there everyone. How are you all doing?
Quinn: Just terrific, thanks.
Iris: Oh, good. So, I take it youve come to enter
the tournament, as well.
Ada: Thats right, but not all of us. Only Diana & I
are going to be entering.
Clemont: Ah-ha, thats nice. (He turns over to
Janie and Trevor.) Guys, this is Ada, Lex, Diana,
Quinn and Siara.
Trevor & Janie: Hello.

Siara: Its nice to meet you both.

Iris: So, what kind of Pokemon are you going to
Diana: Well, youll just have to wait and see for
Iris: Ahh, got you. By the way, how are things back
on the island?
Siara: Just great. Were helping setting things up
for a new game show coming soon.
Ash: Thats cool. Ill bet its going to be
Lex: Mmm-hmm, it is.
Janie: So, I take it that youve done more than just
Lex: Oh, yeah. Weve done quite a lot over the
Trevor (curiously): Oh? What else have you been
Siara: Currently Im working on an androids brain
function programs.
Quinn: Diana and I like to make fun animated
Trevor: Ahh, thats pretty cool.

Diana: Why, thank you, Trevor. Now, how about

you two? What are you doing on your journeys?
Trevor: Oh, were trying to visit every region out
there and meet different people & Pokemon.
Siara: Oh, thats very nice.
Trevor & Janie: Thanks.
P.A. (V.O.): Attention, all participating trainers.
Please come over to the stage for an important
briefing immediately.
(They head over to the stage. They get there and
Don George and the citys Officer Jenny walk up
over to the podium.)
Don George & Jenny: Welcome, everybody!
(The crowd applauds with excitement.)
Jenny (enthusiastically): Are you all excited for
All (excitedly): YEAH!
Jenny: Great! Now, before we get things started,
you need to know whats going to happen here.
Don George, if you will.
Don George: You got it.
(He presses a button and a projection screen
lowers down. The lights dim and a projector turns

on, displaying how the whole tournaments going

to be broken down.)
Don George: Its all very simple: the first round will
be comprised of triple battles held on four different
battle fields. From there, the second round will be
made up of double battles and the final round will
be single battles.
(As he speaks, the slides change in time to the
Jenny: Thats right. However, if you lose just one
battle in any round, youre out of the tournament.
Whoever wins through at the end will receive this
Trainers Club Cup.
(She presents the trophy sitting atop a pedestal.
The projector shuts off and the lights come back
Both: We wish you all the best of luck! Battle your
hardest here today!
(They bow to the crowd and then step off the
Diana: Well, Janie and Trevor, you two have a plan
worked out for the tournament?
Janie: Thats right, we do.
Diana: Thats good to know. How would you like to
know how to build up your determination further?

Trevor: Um, all right, but we have plenty of

confidence right now.
Diana: Oh, we can tell, but there are some ways of
maintaining and building it up that you probably
didnt know about.
Janie (intrigued): Okay, like what?
Diana: Well show you.
(She takes out the Pokepilot, turns it on, then goes
through it and picks out a document talking about
how to build on ones self-determination.)
Diana: To start off, try to define success for
yourself. As you probably know, this comes from
the desire that you want to succeed, and there are
ways that can be maintained, like asking yourself
specific questions thatll help clearly define what
success means to you, and doing things that make
you happy rather than trying to please anyone
Janie: Okay, some of that we already knew.
Quinn: Thats good, but theres more. Now, you
figure out whats your type of determination. For
this one, there are two different kinds of
determination many people have. The first is uphill
determination, where you basically work to
accomplish a difficult task in lieu of many tough or
large obstacles in order to achieve your goals.

Then, theres coasting determination, where

instead of going for instant gratification, you focus
on going for a bigger goal and long-term
Ash: All right, thats a pretty good one there.
Diana: Mmm-hmm. Now, another way is to
practice your flexibility. What you could do is get
out of your comfort zone on certain occasions,
change up your normal routine or work on your
strategies & goals.
Serena: Okay, thats nice. Now what?
Quinn: Clear out any kind of negative thoughts you
might have. This one may be simple, but its very
vital to maintaining ones determination, as that
kind of thinking can make any obstacle seem more
difficult, so try to analyze your negative thought
patterns, or strengthen certain traits that need to
be worked on.
Cilan: Thats a helpful one. What else?
Diana: A more unique way is to use visualization.
Sure, it may seem weird at first, but it can be quite
effective. The more youre able to envision
yourself achieving your goals, the more likely
youre are to succeed at it.
Iris: All right, that one sounds good. Any more tips
you have?

Quinn: Yeah, we do. Take some time to re-energize

yourself. Yes, this ones very obvious, but it is
important to rest up so that you can continue
working hard towards your goal.
Trevor: Okay, thats good. Anything else?
Diana: One other way is to always remind yourself
why determination is important to you. When you
forget why you do something, it gets harder to
keep doing it, so if youre confronted by
temptation, ask yourself what you will lose by
giving into it.
Janie: Those are some pretty good tips there.
Quinn: Well, thank you Janie. So, how about we
show you guys something.
Clemont: All right, then.
(Pan down to a lower panel, showing six different
trainers building up their respective
Diana: So, you guys ready to go?
Ash: Oh, yeah.
Pikachu: Pika-chu.
Diana: Very well, then. Here, this guy, Ernie, is
making his first feature film, and wants to make it
as good as it can be. How do you think he can
build up his determination?

Clemont: He can visualize how everything could

play out.
Quinn: Okay, Clemont. Here, this guy, Simon, is a
breeder and is interested in creating new breeding
techniques. How do you think he can keep that
determination going?
Iris: By clearing out any negative thoughts he
might have.
Diana: All right, Iris. Now, this girl, Mirabelle, is
planning on entering Pokemon showcases and
show what her Pokemon can do. How do you think
she can maintain her determination?
Ash: She can practice her flexibility.
Diana: All right, then Ash. You guys did well there.
Cilan: Thanks, you guys.
Diana: No problem.
(She turns the Pokepilot off and puts it back in her
Ash: By the way, guys, what kind of strategies do
you use?
Janie: Well, I like to shuffle between combination
attacks and single attacks on certain ones.
Trevor: Yeah, and I mostly like to improvise them
each time.

Ash (understanding): Ahh, thats pretty cool.

Jenny (over P.A.): Attention, all trainers. The picks
for all first round battles have now been selected.
Ash: Yeah! Lets go see who were up against.
Pikachu: Pika-chu.
(They go over to an area with some large monitors
and see the opponents theyll be facing in the first
rounds and the fields theyre set on. Clemont is up
against a girl named Shareena on the grass field,
Iris is on the water field facing off against a girl
named Emma, Cilans pitted up against a boy
named Clyde on the ice field, Serenas on the rock
field facing off a girl named Salvia and Ash is on
the ice field, pitted against a girl name Helen.)
Clemont: They all look really tough.
Ash: Yeah, but so are we. Lets give them our all.
Pikachu: Pika-chu.
Iris: You said it, Ash.
(They look over to a countdown clock and it shows
that the battles will begin in four and a quarter
Clemont: Not much longer now.
Ash: Yeah. So, guys, what do you say about we do
another round of trivia while we wait?

Cilan: Very well, but before we get to it, lets see if

the viewers are up for it.
Serena: Okay, then. (She turns over to the
audience.) Hey, you guys want to do it? (She
casually waits for an answer from the audience for
one second.) Okay, then.
(Side wipe to the three remaining scenarios.)
Cilan (V.O.): Okay, lets get to it. This girl, Luna, is
a Pokemon coordinator and wants to become a top
coordinator. How do you think she can build up her
determination? (He casually waits for an answer
from the audience for one second.) Ask herself
what success means to her. All right.
Serena: (V.O.): Now, this guy, Lou, is into intense
training and wants his team to be the toughest
they can be. How do you think he can build up his
determination? (She casually waits for an answer
from the audience for one and a half second.) By
reminding himself about what he is determined to
do. Okay.
Clemont (V.O.): Lastly, this trainer, Josie, is a rookie
Pokemon researcher and likes to look at how some
Pokemon are able to learn moves they normally
cant learn on their own. How do you think she can
keep her determination up? (He casually waits for
an answer from the audience for one and a half

second.) By taking a break from it and re-energize

herself. Very well, then.
(Side wipe back to the gang and Ash casually
speaks to the audience.)
Ash (casually): Great job there, guys.
Pikachu (casually): Pika-chu.
(They look over to the clock again and see that two
and a quarter minutes have passed.)
Clemont: Its almost time.
Siara: Okay, well be up in the stands. Hope all of
you do well.
Others: Thanks.
(They depart for the battle fields and stands,
respectively. Now, we cross fade to the rock field,
where we see Trevor facing off against a girl
named Ellie. She has long brunette hair, blue eyes
and is wearing an orange-and-grey buttoned shirt,
jean shorts and flats.)
Don George: Okay, lets get things under way with
our first battle on the rock field!
Jenny: Trevor and Ellie are very skilled trainers, but
only one of them will make it on through. Whos it
going to be?

Referee: This battle between Trevor and Ellie will

now begin!
(He raises the flags.)
Trevor: Go!
(He tosses three Pokeballs up and Floette, a
Clefable and a Gothitelle emerge from them.)
Clefable: Clef-able!
Gothitelle: Gothi!
Ellie: Come on out!
(She tosses her three Pokeballs up and a
Galvantula, a Porygon-Z and a Flaaffy come out of
Flaaffy: Flaa-ffy.
Trevor: Gothitelle, use Dark Pulse! Clefable, Fire
Punch! Floette, you use Fairy Wind!
(Gothitelle puts its hands together and a pink orb
forms in between them and then fires a beam of
purple circles at Flaaffy.)
Clefable: Cleeee(It balls up its fist and it gets enveloped in a redorange flame.)
Clefable: -fable!

(It throws it at Galvantula. Now, Floette rapidly

spins around, creating strong gusts of sparkling
wind and aims it at Porygon-Z. Each attack hits
and does varying degrees of damage of their
respective opponents.)
Ellie: Use Hidden Power, Psybeam and Brick Break!
(Porygon-Z fires a streaky blue beam with pink
circles inside it from its beak at Gothitelle.
Galvantula forms a light blue ball in front of itself
and fires it at Floette. Flaaffys hands glow light
blue and throws them at Clefable. Each attack
lands a hit and does a certain amount of damage
to their respective opponent.)
Ellie: Now, Galvantula, Cut attack! Flaaffy, you use
Take Down! Porygon-Z, use Icy Wind!
(One of Galvantulas front legs glows white and
slices Clefable with it, doing some damage to it.
Then, Flaaffy charges towards Gothitelle and one
of its arms glows white. The tip of Porygon-Zs
beak glows light blue and it releases a wind with
light blue sparkles inside at Floette.)
Trevor: Counter with Shock Wave, Energy Ball and
(Floette forms an orb of light green energy from
her Fairy Flower and fires it at the Hidden Power.
Then, Gothitelles eyes glow light blue and raises

its arms out. Then, Flaaffy becomes surrounded in

a light blue aura and is lifted off the ground.)
Clefable: Cle-fable!
(It gets surrounded in blue electricity and fires a
beam of blue electricity at the Icy Wind. The
attacks cancel each other and Flaaffy gets flung
back and hits the ground, dealing some damage.)
Trevor: Now, use Low Sweep, Zen Headbutt, and
Petal Blizzard!
(It sweeps its legs at Galvantulas legs and trips it,
doing some damage to it. Clefables forehead
glows blue and it becomes surrounded in a light
blue reflective shield and goes charging towards
Porygon-Z. Now, Floette releases multiple heartshaped white petals at Flaaffy.)
Ellie: Quick, dodge them!
(They quickly move out of the way of the attacks,
narrowly missing them.)
Ellie: Now, Galvantula, Cross Poison! Porygon-Z,
use Aerial Ace! Flaaffy, Power Gem!
(Flaaffy puts its hands together and a glowing red
ball of energy forms in between them. Then, it
fires a pale pink beam of energy with a bright
white energy around it at Floette. Now, Galvantula
crosses its pedipalps together and they start to

glow purple. Then, a purple X appears in front of

them and it opens them up, firing the X at
Gothitelle. Then, Porygon-Zs body gets
surrounded by white streaks and flies towards
Clefable, hitting its weak point and delivering a
good amount of damage to it.)
Trevor: Those were some good moves there.
Ellie: Why, thank you.
Trevor: Now, Gothitelle, Psychic! Floette, Fairy
Wind! Clefable, Zen Headbutt!
(Clefable lowers its head and its forehead glows
blue and it becomes surrounded in a light blue
reflective shield and goes charging towards
Galvantula. Gothitelles eyes glow light blue and
raises its arms out. Then, Porygon-Z becomes
surrounded in a light blue aura. Gothitelle lowers
its arms and Porygon-Z slams onto the ground,
dealing damage to it. Floette rapidly spins around,
creating strong gusts of sparkling wind and aims it
at Flaaffy.)
Ellie: Dodge them!
(They all move out of the path of the attacks, but
then Trevor nods his head and Clefable does a
small U-turn and goes straight for Galvantula, and
Floette redirects its attack. Both hit their

respective opponents and doing a good amount of

Jenny (impressed & amazed): Whoa!
Don George: Yeah, I couldnt have said that better
myself, Jenny.
Ellie: Okay, Porygon-Z, Psybeam! Galvantula,
Hidden Power! Flaaffy, Take Down!
(Flaaffy charges towards Clefable and one of its
arms glows white. Then, Galvantula forms a light
blue ball in front of itself and fires it at Gothitelle.
Now, Porygon-Z fires a streaky blue beam with pink
circles inside it from its beak at Floette. Each
attack hits their opponent and does a varying
amount of damage to them.)
Trevor: Okay, Clefable use Fire Punch! Floette,
Petal Blizzard! Gothitelle, Dark Pulse!
(Clefable balls up its fist and it gets enveloped in a
red-orange flame and throws it at Galvantula,
hitting its weak point and dealing a great amount
of damage. Now, Floette releases multiple heartshaped white petals at Flaaffy, doing a good
amount of damage. Gothitelle puts its hands
together and a pink orb forms in between them
and then fires a beam of purple circles at PorygonZ, delivering a great amount of damage. It falls to

the ground, completely knocked out and

Referee: Porygon-Z cant continue. Gotheitelles
the winner.
Ellie: You were great, Porygon-Z. Return and rest
(She calls it back to its Pokeball.)
Ellie: Now, Galvantula use Cut, then Cross Poison!
Flaaffy, Brick Break!
(One of Galvantulas front legs glows white and
slices Floette with it, doing damage to her. Then, it
crosses its pedipalps together and they start to
glow purple. Then, a purple X appears in front of
them and it opens them up, firing the X at
Clefable, hitting it, doing damage and poisoning it
a bit. Then, one of its front legs glows white and
slices Clefable with it, doing more damage to it.
Now, Flaaffys hands glow light blue and throws
them at Gothitelle. It narrowly avoids one of them,
but gets hits with the other, dealing some damage
to it.)
Trevor: All right, Gothitelle, Low Sweep! Clefable,
Zen Headbutt! Floette, Energy Ball!
(It sweeps its legs at Flaaffys feet and trips it,
doing some damage to it. Clefables forehead
glows blue and it becomes surrounded in a light

blue reflective shield and goes charging towards

Galvantula, hitting and doing damage. Now,
Floette forms an orb of light green energy from her
Fairy Flower and fires it at Flaaffy. The remaining
attacks do a good amount of damage to their
Trevor: Now, use Shock Wave, Fairy Wind and Dark
(Gothitelle puts its hands together and a pink orb
forms in between them and then fires a beam of
purple circles at Flaaffy. Floette rapidly spins
around, creating strong gusts of sparkling wind
and aims it at Galvantula. Now, Clefable gets
surrounded in blue electricity and fires a beam of
blue electricity at Flaaffy.)
Ellie: Dodge them and use Hidden Power! Flaaffy,
Power Gem, then Take Down!
(Galvantula forms a light blue ball in front of itself
and fires it at Gothitelle, hitting it and dealing
damage. Flaaffy puts its hands together and a
glowing red ball of energy forms in between them.
Then, it fires a pale pink beam of energy with a
bright white energy around it at Floette, landing a
direct hit and dealing damage to it. Now, it
charges towards Clefable and one of its arms glows
white. It directly hits Clefable, dealing a great
amount of damage to it and knocking it out, while

also sustaining some recoil damage. It falls to the

Referee: Clefables unable to battle. Flaaffys the
Trevor: Clefable, you did well. Return.
(He calls it back to its Pokeball.)
Trevor: Okay, Floette use Energy Ball! Gothitelle,
Dark Pulse!
(Floette forms an orb of light green energy from
her Fairy Flower and fires it at Flaaffy. Now,
Gothitelle puts its hands together and a pink orb
forms in between them and then fires a beam of
purple circles at Galvantula.)
Ellie: Counter with Cross Poison and Power Gem!
(Galvantula crosses its pedipalps together and
they start to glow purple. Then, a purple X
appears in front of them and it opens them up and
fires the X at the Dark Pulse. Now, Flaaffy puts its
hands together and a glowing red ball of energy
forms in between them. Then, it fires a pale pink
beam of energy with a bright white energy around
it at the Energy Ball. The attacks collide and
explode on impact, cancelling each other out.)
Ellie: Now, do Cut and Take Down!

(One of Galvantulas front legs glows white and

slices Gothitelle with it, doing damage to it. Now,
Flaaffy charges towards Floette and one of its arms
glows white. It directly hits her, dealing a good
amount of damage to it.)
Trevor: Now, Floette, Fairy Wind! Gothitelle,
(Gothitelles eyes glow light blue and raises its
arms out. Then, Flaaffy becomes surrounded in a
light blue aura. Gothitelle lowers its arms and
Flaaffy slams onto the ground, dealing damage to
it. Floette rapidly spins around, creating strong
gusts of sparkling wind and fires it at Galvantula,
dealing a good amount of damage. Galvantula
collapses to the ground.)
Ellie (concerned): Galvantula, can you get up?
(It struggles to get back up on its legs, but it
collapses back to the ground, completely knocked
Referee: Galvantula is unable to battle. Floettes
the victor.
(Ellie calls Galvantula back to its Pokeball.)
Ellie: You did well, today, Galvantula. Now, Flaaffy,
use Brick Break!
Flaaffy (toughly): Flaa-ffy!

(Its hands glow light blue and throws them at

Floette, dealing some damage to her.)
Ellie: Now, use Take Down!
(It charges towards Floette and one of its arms
glows white. It directly tackles it, doing more
damage to it.)
Ellie: Now, finish up with Power Gem!
(It puts its hands together and a glowing red ball of
energy forms in between them. Then, it fires a
pale pink beam of energy with a bright white
energy around it at Gothitelle, doing a great
amount of damage to it.)
Ellie: Nice job.
Flaaffy: Flaaa-ffy.
Trevor: Gothitelle, Dark Pulse! Floette, Energy Ball!
(Gothitelle puts its hands together and a pink orb
forms in between them and then fires a beam of
purple circles at Flaaffy. Floette forms an orb of
light green energy from her Fairy Flower and fires
it at Flaaffy.)
Ellie: Dodge!
(It narrowly evades the attacks, but Gothitelle
redirects its attack and hit Flaaffy, dealing damage
to it.)

Ellie: Now, use Power Gem, then Take Down!

(It puts its hands together and a glowing red ball of
energy forms in between them. Then, it fires a
pale pink beam of energy with a bright white
energy around it at Floette, doing a great amount
of damage to it. Now, it goes charging towards
Gothitelle and one of its arms glows white. It
directly tackles it, doing more damage to it.)
Trevor: That was pretty good, but not good enough.
Gothitelle, finish this with Psychic!
(Gothitelles eyes glow light blue and raises its
arms out. Then, Flaaffy becomes surrounded in a
light blue aura. Gothitelle lowers its arms and
Flaaffy slams onto the ground, dealing damage to
it and knocking it out. The aura fades away.)
Referee: Flaaffys unable to battle! Gothitelles the
winner, and the victory goes to Trevor!
Ellie: You were amazing out there, Flaaffy. You
deserve a good rest
(She calls it back to its Pokeball. Now, she walks
over to Trevor.)
Ellie (complementing): Youve raised your Pokemon
exceptionally well.
Trevor: Thanks. Same back to you.

Ellie: (chuckling.) Thank you. Well, good luck to

you in the next round.
Trevor: All right, then.
(They give each other a high-five. Now, a short
montage goes on showing Serena and her
Pokemon battle with another trainers Bouffalant,
Heliolisk and Lickitung. It ends by fading into the
next one, featuring Janie going up against a guy
named Wallace. He has short blue hair, hazel eyes
and is wearing a yellow shirt, light blue shirts and
black sneakers. He has a Croconaw, an Exploud
and a Cinccino. Janie has her Nidorino, Gallade
and Seismitoad out.)
Referee: And Begin!
Wallace: Croconaw, Metal Claw! Cinccino, use
Shock Wave! Exploud, Extrasensory!
(Croconaws claws flash white and the turn to iron.
Now, it repeatedly slashes Nidorino with both of
them, dealing damage to it. Cinccinos body gets
surrounded in blue electricity and fires a beam of
blue electricity at Gallade, doing some damage to
him. Now, Explouds eyes glow gold, opens its
mouth and releases a multicolored circular beam
with white crescents around it at Seismitoad,
dealing serious damage to it.)

Janie: Dont think well be taking it easy. Nidorino,

Take Down, then Rock Smash! Seismitoad, Muddy
Water and Sludge Wave! Gallade, use Magical
Leaf, then go into Charge Beam!
(Nidorinos body becomes surrounded by a blue
aura and charges towards Cinccino. Now, one of
its claws glows red-orange and stabs Cinccino with
it, doing more damage to it. A big wave of dark
purple sludge form around Seismitoad. It then
hurls it at Exploud, doing damage to it. Then, it
releases multiple streams of brown water at
Cinccino & Exploud, delivering damage to both of
them. Gallade fires multiple light green glowing
leaves at Croconaw, doing a good amount of
damage to it. Then, it puts its hands together and
an orb of blue electricity forms in between them.
Then, it fires a massive beam of electricity at
Croconaw, delivering even more damage to it.)
Wallace: Croconaw, Water Gun! Cinccino, Gunk
Shot! Exploud, Crunch!
(It fires a stream of water from its mouth at
Nidorino. Next, Cinccino puts its hands together
and a light purple light starts sparkling in between
them. Then, it fires pieces of purple-glowing
garbage at Gallade. Explouds teeth glow white
and goes for Seismitoad.)

Janie: Dodge and use Poison Jab, Focus Blast and

Psycho Cut!
(Nidorinos horn glows purple and it jabs Cinccino
with it, doing significant damage to it. Now,
Gallade's forearms glow light blue and both of
them grow and extend in the back. Then, it swings
its arms repeatedly and multiple light blue
crescent blades emerge from them and hits
Croconaw with them, dealing damage to it.
Seismitoad puts its hands together, forms a light
blue ball of energy in between them and fires it at
Exploud, delivering a good amount of damage to
Janie: How do you like that?
Wallace: Cinccino, Seed Bomb, then Gunk Shot!
Croconaw, Water Gun, then Aqua Tail! Exploud,
Rock Tomb and Crunch!
(Cinccino opens its mouth and fires multiple
glowing green seeds from it at Seismitoad, dealing
a good amount of damage with each hit. Then, it
puts its hands together and a light purple light
starts sparkling in between them. Then, it fires
pieces of purple-glowing garbage at Seismitoad,
doing some more damage to it. Next, Croconaw
fires a stream of water from its mouth at Nidorino,
dealing damage to him. Now, a stream of water
spirals around its tail, then it jumps into the air and

flips around, hitting Nidorino with it, doing more

Exploud: (roars.)
(It puts its hands together in front of itself and
silver sparkles form in between them. Then, it
raises them up in the air and the sparkles expand,
forming into a silver orb of energy, which grows
larger until its bigger than Explouds body. Lastly,
the glow fades from the orb, forming into a large
grey boulder with a transparent silver glow. It
rests in Explouds hands, and it throws it at
Gallade, doing some damage to him. Now, its
teeth glow white and bites down Gallade with
them, dealing more damage to him and causing
him to flinch.)
Wallace: Great! Now, use Metal Claw, Shock Wave
and Rock Tomb again!
(Croconaws claws flash white and the turn to iron.
Now, it starts slashing at Seismitoad with them.
Cinccinos body gets surrounded in blue electricity
and fires a beam of blue electricity at Gallade.
Now, Exploud puts its hands together in front of
itself and silver sparkles form in between them.
Then, it raises them up in the air and the sparkles
expand, forming into a silver orb of energy, which
grows larger until its bigger than Explouds body.
Lastly, the glow fades from the orb, forming into a

large grey boulder with a transparent silver glow.

It rests in Explouds hands, and it throws it at
Janie: Dodge and use Rock Smash & Sludge Wave!
(They narrowly evade the attacks, except Gallade,
who gets hit by the Shock Wave. Now, one of
Nidorinos claws glows red-orange and stabs
Exploud with it, doing damage to it. Next, a big
wave of dark purple sludge form around
Seismitoad. It then hurls it at Croconaw, dealing
Siara: Those two have a lot of spunk.
Lex (agreeing): They sure do, and so do their
Quinn: They also worked hard on some of those
combination attacks.
Janie: Nidorino, Poison Jab & Rock Smash! Gallade,
Magical Leaf, then Psycho Cut! Seismitoad, Muddy
Water and Focus Blast!
(Nidorinos horn glows purple and it jabs Cinccino
with it, doing significant damage to it. Then, one
of its claws glows red-orange and goes for Exploud
with it. Gallade fires multiple light green glowing
leaves at Croconaw. Then, its forearms glow light
blue and both of them grow and extend in the
back. Then, it swings its arms repeatedly and

multiple light blue crescent blades emerge from

them and aims them at Exploud. Seismitoad
releases multiple streams of brown water at
Cinccino. Then, it puts its hands together, forms a
light blue ball of energy in between them and fires
it at Croconaw.)
Wallace: Dodge them quick!
(The three swiftly evade the attacks.)
Wallace: Now, use Water Gun, Shock Wave and
(It fires a stream of water from its mouth at
Gallade. Next, Cinccinos body gets surrounded in
blue electricity and fires a beam of blue electricity
at Nidorino. Now, Explouds teeth glow white and
bites down on Seismitoad. All the attack hit their
marks and do varying amounts of damage to their
respective opponents.)
Janie: Counter with Magical Leaf, Focus Blast and
Rock Smash!
(Gallade fires multiple light green glowing leaves
at Cinccino, dealing serious damage to it. Now, it
puts its hands together, forms a light blue ball of
energy in between them and fires it at Croconaw,
hitting it and doing damage. One of Nidorinos
claws glows red-orange and stabs Exploud with it,

dealing a good amount of damage and weakening

its defense.)
Wallace: Those are some good moves there.
Janie: Well, thank you, Wallace. Same to you.
Wallace: Now, Croconaw, Aqua Tail! Cinccino, use
Seed Bomb! Exploud, Extrasensory!
(A stream of water spirals around Croconaws tail,
then it jumps into the air and flips around, hitting
Gallade with it and doing damage. Cinccino opens
its mouth and fires multiple glowing green seeds
from it at Seismitoad, doing damage to it. Now,
Explouds eyes glow gold, opens its mouth and
fires a multicolored circular beam with white
crescents around it at Nidorino, delivering an
immense amount of damage it and Nidorino
passes out.)
Referee: Nidorinos unable to battle! Cinccino
(Janie calls Nidorino back to its Pokeball.)
Janie: Awesome job, Nidorino. You deserve a rest.
(She gets into a more confident and determined
Janie: Okay. Seismitoad, Muddy Water, then Focus
Blast! Gallade, Psycho Cut and Magical Leaf!

(Seismitoad releases multiple streams of brown

water at Exploud, directly hitting it and doing
damage to it. Then, it puts its hands together,
forms a light blue ball of energy in between them
and fires it at Croconaw, delivering a good amount
of damage to it. Now, Gallade's forearms glow
light blue and both of them grow and extend in the
back. Then, it swings its arms repeatedly and
multiple light blue crescent blades emerge from
them and hits Cinccino with them, dealing damage
to it. Then, it fires multiple light green glowing
leaves at Croconaw, delivering serious damage to
it, causing it to fall to the ground, knocked out.)
Referee: Croconaw cannot continue to battle!
Gallades the winner!
Wallace: Return, Croconaw.
Wallace: You were great out there. (He turns back
over to the battle.) Now, Cinccino, Shock Wave,
then Gunk Shot! Exploud, Crunch and
(Cinccinos body gets surrounded in blue electricity
and fires a beam of blue electricity at Gallade,
doing damage to it. Next, it puts its hands
together and a light purple light starts sparkling in
between them. Then, it fires pieces of purpleglowing garbage at Seismitoad, dealing some
damage to it. Now, Explouds teeth glow white and

bites down Seismitoad with them, doing damage to

it. Next, its eyes glow gold, opens its mouth and
releases a multicolored circular beam with white
crescents around it at Seismitoad, hitting its weak
point and doing serious damage.)
Janie: Seismitoad, Sludge Wave! Gallade, Psycho
(A big wave of dark purple sludge form around
Seismitoad. It then hurls it at Cinccino, doing
damage to it. Now, Gallade's forearms glow light
blue and both of them grow and extend in the
back. Then, it swings its arms repeatedly and
multiple light blue crescent blades emerge from
them and hits Exploud with them, delivering a
great amount of damage.)
Janie: Good! Now, use Focus Blast! Gallade,
Magical Leaf!
(Seismitoad puts its hands together, forms a light
blue ball of energy in between them and fires it.
Gallade fires multiple light green glowing leaves.
The leaves encircle the ball of energy and it hits
both Cinccino & Exploud, delivering an immense
amount of damage.)
Wallace: Counter with Rock Tomb and Seed Bomb!
Exploud: (roars.)

(It puts its hands together in front of itself and

silver sparkles form in between them. Then, it
raises them up in the air and the sparkles expand,
forming into a silver orb of energy, which grows
larger until its bigger than Explouds body. Lastly,
the glow fades from the orb, forming into a large
grey boulder with a transparent silver glow. It
rests in Explouds hands, and it throws it at
Seismitoad, dealing some damage. Cinccino opens
its mouth and fires multiple glowing green seeds
from it at Gallade, landing a direct hit and doing
serious damage to it.)
Wallace: Now, do Shock Wave, Cinccino! Exploud,
(Cinccinos body gets surrounded in blue electricity
and fires a beam of blue electricity. Explouds eyes
glow gold, opens its mouth and releases a
multicolored circular beam with white crescents
around it. Both attacks combine into one and hits
Gallade and Seismitoad, dealing an immense of
damage to each of them.)
Janie: Seismitoad, Muddy Water! Gallade, you use
Psycho Cut!
(Seismitoad releases multiple streams of brown
water at Exploud, dealing damage to it. Gallade's
forearms glow light blue and both of them grow
and extend in the back. Then, it swings its arms

repeatedly and multiple light blue crescent blades

emerge from them and hits Cinccino with them,
doing a tremendous amount of damage to it.
Cinccino falls to the ground, knocked out.)
Referee: Cinccinos unable to continue! Gallade
Wallace: Awesome job, Cinccino. Youve earned a
good rest.
(He calls it back to its Pokeball.)
Wallace: Exploud, Rock Tomb & Crunch!
Exploud: (roars.)
(It puts its hands together in front of itself and
silver sparkles form in between them. Then, it
raises them up in the air and the sparkles expand,
forming into a silver orb of energy, which grows
larger until its bigger than Explouds body. Lastly,
the glow fades from the orb, forming into a large
grey boulder with a transparent silver glow. It
rests in Explouds hands, and it throws it at
Seismitoad, hitting it, but only doing a little bit of
damage. Now, its teeth glow white and it bites
down on Gallade, hitting its weak point &
delivering a great amount of damage. Gallade
collapses to the ground, exhausted & out of
Referee: Gallades unable to battle! Exploud wins!

Janie: Gallade, you did well. Return.

(She calls him back to his Pokeball.)
Janie: Seismitoad, Focus Blast, then Sludge Wave!
(Seismitoad puts its hands together, forms a light
blue ball of energy in between them and fires it at
Exploud. A big wave of dark purple sludge form
around Seismitoad. It then hurls it at Exploud. The
wave encircles the blast.)
Wallace: Quick, dodge it!
(It narrowly evades the attack.)
Wallace: Now, use Extrasensory!
(Explouds eyes glow gold, opens its mouth and
releases a multicolored circular beam with white
crescents around it at Seismitoad, dealing serious
damage to it. Both Pokemon show signs of
Wallace: Way to go, Exploud. Crunch, now!
(Its teeth glow white and it goes for Seismitoad.)
Janie: Seismitoad, dodge it and use Muddy Water &
Sludge Wave, now!
(It narrowly evades the attack. Now, a big wave of
dark purple sludge form around Seismitoad and
then hurls it. Then, it releases multiple streams of
brown water. Both attacks fuse together and it hits

Exploud, delivering a tremendous amount of

Janie: Thats good. Now, finish up with Focus Blast!
(Seismitoad puts its hands together, forms a light
blue ball of energy in between them and fires it at
Exploud, delivering a good amount of damage to it.
Exploud struggles to remain standing up, but it
collapses to the ground, completely out of energy.)
Referee: Exploud cannot continue! Seismitoad
wins, and the victory goes to Janie!
Janie: Yeah! You were awesome, Seismitoad!
(She goes over to it and hugs it. Pan over to
Wallace: Exploud, you were amazing, buddy. Come
on back & take a rest.
(He calls Exploud back to its Pokeball and gives a
smile as if to say, It doesnt matter that I lost.
That battle was a ton of fun. Now, we fade in on
another short montage, featuring Iris battle with a
trainer utilizing a Frogadier, a Prinplup, and a
Dewott. We cross wipe to the gang in a relaxing
area, resting up & preparing themselves for their
next battles.)
Ash: Man, that Helen really put up quite a battle.
Pikachu (concurring): Pika-Pika.

Iris: Ill bet she did. You shouldve seen the attacks
this Emma was pulling off. They were amazing.
Axew (concurring): Ax-ew.
(Cilan turns over to Serena and Clemont.)
Cilan: So, Clemont and Serena, what do you think
of the tournament so far?
Clemont: Well, all Ill say is that no one is holding
anything back.
Serena (agreeing): Yeah, they sure arent.
Cilan: Thats what I kind of thought.
(They look over to Ada and Diana, who are doing
some meditating by the windows.)
Clemont: Hey, what are two meditating for?
Ada: Its to help us get a better focus for our next
upcoming battles.
Iris: Oh, thats pretty helpful.
Diana: Indeed, it is. You all should try it sometime.
Ash: All right, then. We will.
(Now, he and Clemont go over to Pikachu & Axew.)
Cilan: Hey, you two. We have something special
for you.
Pikachu (inquisitive): Pika?
Axew (inquisitive): Axew?

(They go into their bags and get out two cans of

specially-made Pokemon food. Then, they pour out
a handful of it and give some to them. They each
take a piece and then eat them up.)
Clemont: What do you two think?
Pikachu (approving): Pika
Axew (approving): Axew.
Cilan: Thats great to know.
(They eat some more of it. Now, Clemont gets out
two more cans and goes over to Janie and Trevor
with them. The two are cleaning up their
Clemont: Hey, guys. I have some food fir your
Janie: Well, thank you Clemont.
Clemont: Youre welcome.
(She takes them from Clemont.)
Clemont: You know you guys are doing a good job
getting them cleaned up.
Trevor: Thanks. They really deserve it after battling
so hard out there.
Clemont: Thats very nice of you.
(They both nod their heads and resume sprucing
them up. Now, we cross fade to seven minutes

later, at the start of Adas battle on the ice field

with another woman named Marion. She has
orange hair, red eyes and is wearing a dark blue tshirt, tight jeans and flats. Ada gets out three
Pokeballs from her belt pouch.)
Ada: Here we go!
(She tosses them up and Lopunny, a Darmanitan
and a shiny Malamar come out of them.)
Lopunny: Lopunny.
(Marion picks three Pokemon from her belt.)
Marion: I choose you!
(She throws them and a Chimecho, a Mothim and a
Heatmor emerge from them.)
Chimecho: Chime.
Mothim: (vocalizes.)
Referee: Let the battle begin!
Ada: Lopunny, use Double Kick! Malamar,
Psywave! Darmanitan, Fire Fang!
(Lopunny jumps up and gives a split kick to
Heatmor and Chimecho, dealing varying amounts
of damage to them. It then does a second one to
them. Now, Malamar fires a beam of multicolored
energy from between its tentacles at Heatmor,
doing damage to it. Darmanitans mouth & fangs

become surrounded in red-orange flames and bites

down on Mothim, delivering a good amount of
damage to it.)
Marion: Mothim, use Bug Buzz! Chimecho, Echoed
Voice! Heatmor, Flame Burst!
(Mothims wings glow red and starts flapping them,
sending out red sound waves from them at
Chimecho: Chiiime
(It vocalizes and it releases light blue sound waves
from its mouth at Darmanitan. Now, Heatmor
releases a stream of fire from its mouth into the
air. The flames then form a ball of fire, which then
bursts, sending multiple streaks of fire at
Ada: Dodge them!
(They all swiftly evade the attacks.)
Marion: Okay, counter with Body Slam, Signal
Beam and Astonish!
(Heatmor jumps into the air and lands on Lopunny,
dealing some damage. A light blue ball of energy
form in between Mothims antennae. Then, it fires
a rainbow-colored beam from the ball at Malamar,
doing a good amount of damage to it. Chimecho
makes a frightening face, sticks out its tongue and

a shadow appears on its face and it frightens

Darmanitan with it, doing damage to it.)
Ada: Now, use Water Pulse, Gyro Ball and Foul Play!
(Lopunny puts its together and a blue ball of
energy appears in between them. Then, it fires a
spiraling stream of water at Heatmor, doing serious
damage to it. Next, Darmanitans fists glow light
blue and it spins rapidly counter-clockwise at
Mothim, hitting it and doing damage. Malamar
grabs Chimecho, turns it around and throws it to
the ground, delivering a great amount of damage
to it.)
Marion: Now, Heatmor, Power-up Punch! Mothim,
Venoshock! Chimecho, Echoed Voice!
(Heatmors claws become surrounded in an orange
aura and it throws it at Malamar. Mothim fires
multiple purple blobs of poison from its mouth at
Chimecho: Chiiime
(It vocalizes and it releases light blue sound waves
from its mouth at Lopunny.)
Ada: Quick, dodge them!
(The swiftly move out of the way of the attacks.)
Ada: Now, use Hammer Arm, Superpower and
Focus Punch!

(One of Darmanitans forearms glows white and it

slams it onto Heatmor, delivering a good amount of
damage. Next, Malamars body becomes
surrounded in a light blue aura. Then, it grabs
Chimecho & throws it to the ground, doing some
damage. Now, Lopunny concentrates sharply and
one of its fists glows light blue and it punches
Mothim with it, doing some damage.)
Jenny: Man, those two are really going at it!
Don George: Yep, they know how to let their
Pokmons strengths shine through!
Marion: Okay, guys, counter with Icy Wind,
Venoshock and Power-up Punch!
(Chimecho opens its mouth and the inside of it
starts to glow light blue. Then, it fires a wind with
light blue sparkles inside at Lopunny, dealing
damage to it. Mothim fires multiple purple blobs of
poison from its mouth at Malamar, dealing it
damage. Now, Heatmors claws become
surrounded in an orange aura and it throws it at
Darmanitan, landing a direct hit and dealing
damage. Both sides show signs of exhaustion.)
Ada: All right, now Malamar, Foul Play on
Chimecho! Darmanitan, Fire Fang on Mothim!
Lopunny, Water Pulse on Heatmor!

(Malamar grabs Chimecho, turns it around and

throws it to the ground, delivering a great amount
of damage to it. Darmanitans mouth & fangs
become surrounded in red-orange flames and bites
down on Mothim, doing a great amount of damage.
Now, Lopunny puts its together and a blue ball of
energy appears in between them. Then, it fires a
spiraling stream of water at Heatmor, delivering a
tremendous amount of damage. Heatmor
collapses to the ground, knocked out.)
Referee: Heatmors out of the battle! Lopunnys
the winner!
Marion: Return, Heatmor!
(She calls it back to its Poke ball and gives a look
as if to say, Well done, my friend. Now, she turns
back over to the battle.)
Marion: Chimecho, Icy Wind! Mothim, Signal
(Chimecho opens its mouth and the inside of it
starts to glow light blue. Then, it fires a wind with
light blue sparkles inside at Malamar, landing a
direct hit and doing good amount of damage. Now,
a light blue ball of energy form in between
Mothims antennae. Then, it fires a rainbowcolored beam from the ball at Lopunny, doing
damage to it.)

Ada: Malamar, Psybeam and Darmanitan, Gyro

(Malamar fires a beam of multicolored energy from
between its tentacles at Mothim, doing damage to
it. Now, Darmanitans fists glow light blue and it
spins rapidly counter-clockwise at Chimecho,
hitting it and doing damage.)
Marion: Counter those with Venoshock and
(Mothim fires multiple purple blobs of poison from
its mouth at Malamar, doing some damage to it.
Chimecho makes a frightening face, sticks out its
tongue and a shadow appears on its face and
somewhat frightens Malamar with it, doing
damage to it.)
Ada: Now, Lopunny Water Pulse! Malamar,
(Lopunny puts its together and a blue ball of
energy appears in between them. Then, it fires a
spiraling stream of water at Chimecho. Now,
Malamar fires a beam of multicolored energy from
between its tentacles at Mothim.)
Marion: Dodge and use Bug Buzz and Echoed
(They quickly evade the attacks and Mothims
wings glow red and starts flapping them, sending

out red sound waves from them at Malamar,

directly hitting it and dealing a serious amount of
Chimecho: Chiiime
(It vocalizes and it releases light blue sound waves
from its mouth at Darmanitan, dealing damage to
Ada: Lopunny, Focus Punch! Malamar, Foul Play!
(Lopunny concentrates sharply and one of its fists
glows light blue and it punches Chimecho with it,
doing some damage. Malamar grabs Mothim,
turns it around and throws it to the ground,
delivering a good amount of damage to it and
knocking it out.)
Referee: Mothim cannot continue! Malamar wins!
Marion (caringly): Great job, Mothim. Return now.
(Marion calls Mothim back to its Pokeball.)
Marion: Chimecho, Echoed Voice again!
Chimecho: Chiiime
(It vocalizes and it releases light blue sound waves
from its mouth at Malamar, doing damage to it.)
Ada: Lopunny, Water Pulse!
(Now, Lopunny puts its together and a blue ball of
energy appears in between them. Then, it fires a

spiraling stream of water at Chimecho, dealing

damage. It starts to breath heavily and struggles
to stay afloat.)
Marion: (to herself) We may be down, but were not
going out like this. (out loud) Chimecho, Icy Wind!
(Chimecho opens its mouth and the inside of it
starts to glow light blue. Then, it fires a wind with
light blue sparkles inside at Lopunny, landing a
direct hit and doing great damage.)
Marion: Okay, now use Astonish!
(Chimecho makes a frightening face, sticks out its
tongue and a shadow appears on its face and
frightens Malamar with it, doing damage to it.)
Ada: All right, Darmanitan, end this with Gyro Ball!
(Darmanitans fists glow light blue and it spins
rapidly counter-clockwise at Chimecho, dealing a
good amount of damage. It runs out of breath and
descends to the ground, completely out of energy.)
Referee: Chimechos out of the battle!
Darmanitan wins, and this match goes to Ada!
Marion: You were great, Chimecho. Come on back.
(She calls it back to its Pokeball. Now, Ada comes
over to her.)
Ada: You were amazing out there, Marion.

(We dissolve over to Dianas battle on the water

field, where shes facing off against a girl named
Laverne. She has brown hair, blue eyes and is
wearing a light purple shirt, shorts and sneakers.
Both each get three Pokeballs off from their belts.)
Both: Go!
(They toss them up and a Crobat, a Rhyperior and
a Barbaracle come forth on Dianas side.)
Rhyperior: (growls.)
(Now, we cut over to Lavernes side & see
Butterfree, Beautifly and Vivillion emerge.)
Butterfree: Free-Free!
Beautifly: Beauti-fly!
Referee: This battle will now begin!
Laverne: Butterfree, start off with Confusion!
Beautifly, Silver Wind! Vivillion, use Draining Kiss!
(Butterfrees eyes glow light blue and Rhyperior
becomes outlined in light blue. Butterfree then
lifts it into the air and slams to the ground, dealing
damage to it. Next, Beautifly flaps its wings and
fires a wind with silver crescents in them at
Barbaracle, directly hitting it and doing damage.
Now, Vivillion flies over to Crobat and gives it a
kiss. Then, it starts to glow red, and a light yellow

orb of energy flies off from it and into Vivillion,

draining Crobat of some of its energy.)
Laverne: Nice, now use Aerial Ace, Air Cutter and
(Butterfree flies into the air and does a flip. Then,
its body gets surrounded in white streaks and goes
for Crobat. Beautifly flaps its wings and releases a
stream of light blue X-shaped blades from the tips
of its wings at Barbaracle. Now, Vivillions body
glow light and it quickly zips through the air at
Diana: Dodge them and use Razor Shell, Fire Fang
and Poison Fang!
(They swiftly evade the attacks, but Butterfree
turns arounds and slams into Crobat, doing
damage to it. Now, the claws on both of
Barbaracles hands start to glow yellow. Then, a
light blue aura appears and hardens around them,
forming into two curved blades of energy. Now, it
slashes Beautifly with them, dealing damage to it.
Next, Rhyperiors mouth & fangs get surrounded in
red-orange flames and bites down on Vivillion,
doing a great amount of damage. Then, Crobats
fangs glow purple and it bites down on Butterfree,
doing damage to it.)

Diana: Now, Rhyperior, Stone Edge! Barbaracle,

use Water Pulse! Crobat, you use Air Slash!
Rhyperior: (growls.)
(It raises its arms up and slams them on the
ground, causing glowing light blue pillars of rock to
appear and rush towards Beautifly, hitting it and
dealing a great amount of damage. Barbaracle
creates a blue sphere of energy from in between
its hands and then fires it at Butterfree. Crobats
wings glow light blue and flaps them, releasing
multiple light blue saw-like energy blades from
them at Vivillion, delivering a serious amount of
damage to it.)
Laverne: Come on, guys! Fight back with Energy
Ball, Hyper Beam and Giga Drain!
(Vivillion it forms an orb of light green energy from
in between its antennae and it fires the orb at
Barbaracle, landing a direct hit and doing a great
amount of damage. Next, Butterfree releases a
massive purple beam from its mouth and fires it at
Crobat, dealing damage to it. Beautifly flies
around in circles above Rhyperior. Then, its body
glows green and leaves behind a turquoise trail of
energy that form into a ring. Now, Beautiflys eyes
glow red, and green static from the circle hits
Rhyperior, draining away a good amount of its

Laverne: All right, Vivillion, Draining Kiss!

Beautifly, Silver Wind!
(Vivillion flies over to Barbaracle and gives it a kiss.
Then, it starts to glow red, and a light yellow orb of
energy flies off from it and into Vivillion, draining
some of its energy. Beautifly flaps its wings and
fires a wind with silver crescents in them at
Rhyperior, directly hitting it and doing damage.)
Diana: Counter those with Dual Chop & Surf!
Crobat, Fly!
(Barbaracles claws glow green and it
simultaneously hits Vivillion with them, doing
damage to it. Crobat flaps it wings, then it goes up
into the air. Rhyperior summons a huge wave that
it rides on and it crashes down on every Pokemon
on the field, except for Crobat. It does a varying
amount of damage to each of them. Now, Crobat
dives down at Butterfree, doing a great amount of
Quinn: Dianas doing a great job out there.
Siara: Yeah. Shes really been working on her
Lex: Lets see if this one will pay off for her.
Diana: Crobat, Poison Fang! Barbaracle, Water
Pulse! Rhyperior, Stone Edge!

(Crobats fangs glow purple and it bites down on

Vivillion, doing damage to it. Barbaracle creates a
blue sphere of energy from in between its hands
and then fires it at Beautifly, dealing damage to it.)
Rhyperior: (growls.)
(It raises its arms up and slams them on the
ground, causing glowing light blue pillars of rock to
appear and rush towards Butterfree, hitting it and
dealing a great amount of damage.)
Laverne: Butterfree, Confusion! Beautifly, Air
Cutter! Vivillion, Energy Ball!
(Butterfrees eyes glow light blue and Barbaracle
becomes outlined in light blue. Butterfree then
lifts it into the air and slams to the ground, dealing
damage to it. Beautifly flaps its wings and
releases a stream of light blue X-shaped blades
from the tips of its wings at Crobat, hitting it doing
damage. Next, Vivillion forms an orb of light green
energy from in between its antennae and it fires
the orb at Rhyperior, dealing a serious amount of
damage to it.)
Diana: Use Dual Chop,
(Beautifly falls to the ground, knocked out.)
Referee: Beautiflys unable to continue!
Barbaracle wins!

Laverne: Beautifly, return. Youve earned it.

(She calls it back to its Pokeball.)
Laverne: Okay, Vivillion Draining Kiss! Butterfree,
(Vivillion flies over to Rhyperior and gives it a kiss.
Then, it starts to glow red, and a light yellow orb of
energy flies off from it and into Vivillion, draining
Crobat of some of its energy.)
Diana: Rhyperior, Fire Fang! Crobat, Fly!
(Rhyperiors mouth & fangs get surrounded in redorange flames and bites down on Butterfree, doing
a serious amount of damage to it. Now, Crobat
flaps it wings and it goes up high into the air.
Then, it dives down towards Vivillion and slams
into it, dealing a great amount of damage.)
Diana: Now, Crobat, Air Slash! Barbaracle, Razor
(Crobats wings glow light blue and flaps them,
releasing multiple light blue saw-like energy blades
from them at Butterfree. The claws on both of
Barbaracles hands start to glow yellow. Then, a
light blue aura appears and hardens around them,
forming into two curved blades of energy. Now, it
starts slashing them at Vivillion.)

Laverne: Quick, dodge them and use Hyper Beam!

Vivillion, you use Acrobatics!
(They fly & narrowly escape the attacks. Now,
Butterfree releases a massive purple beam from its
mouth and fires it at Barbaracle, dealing some
damage to it. Vivillions body glow light and it
quickly zips through the air at Crobat, doing
damage to it.)
Diana: Rhyperior, Fire Fang! Crobat, use Poison
(Rhyperiors mouth & fangs get surrounded in redorange flames and bites down on Vivillion,
delivering a great amount of damage. Crobats
fangs glow purple and it bites down on Butterfree,
getting at its weak spot & delivering a great
amount of damage. Butterfree descends to the
ground and passes out.)
Referee: Butterfrees unable to battle! Crobats the
(Laverne calls Butterfree back to its Pokeball.)
Laverne: Great job out there, Butterfree. Take a
nice rest. (She turns back over to the battle.)
Okay, Vivillion, use Energy Ball!
(Vivillion forms an orb of light green energy from in
between its antennae and it fires the orb at

Barbaracle, landing a direct hit and doing a

tremendous amount of damage to it.)
Laverne: All right, now Draining Kiss!
(Vivillion flies over to Crobat and gives it a kiss.
Then, it starts to glow red, and a light yellow orb of
energy flies off from it and into Vivillion, draining
Crobat of the last of its energy. Now, Crobat
descends onto the ground, completely exhausted.)
Referee: Crobats out of the battle! Vivillion wins!
Laverne (prideful): Oh, yeah!
(Diana calls Crobat back to its Pokeball.)
Diana: Crobat, Air Slash! Rhyperior, use Stealth
(Crobats wings glow light blue and starts flapping
them, firing light blue glowing disc-like energy
blades from them at Vivillion.)
Rhyperior: (growls.)
(It raises its arms up and slams them on the
ground, causing glowing light blue pillars of rock to
appear and they rush towards Vivillion.)
Laverne: Dodge them quick and use Energy Ball!
(It flies up above the rocks. Now, it forms an orb of
light green energy from in between its antennae

and it fires the orb at Rhyperior, dealing a serious

amount of damage to it.)
Diana: All right, time to end this. Barbaracle, Dual
(Barbaracles claws glow green and it
simultaneously hits Vivillion with them, hitting it at
its weak spot and doing a great amount of
damage. Vivillion falls to the ground, completely
knocked out.)
Referee: Vivillions unable to continue! The winner
of this battle is Diana!
Diana: Way to go, guys! You were amazing!
Laverne: You did great, Vivillion. Come on back
and take a good rest.
(She calls Vivillion back to its Pokeball. Now, she
goes over to Diana.)
Diana: Well, thank you, Laverne.
(Now, we cross-fade over to Ashs battle on the
grass field, where hes going up against a guy
named Egon. He has brown hair, hazel eyes and is
wearing a blue shirt with a Pokeball symbol on it,
blue jean shorts and sneakers.)
Ash: Okay, ready to do this Pikachu?

(He confidently nods his head.)

Pikachu: Pika-chu.
(He hops off his shoulder and gets in his battling
stance. Now, Ash takes two Pokeballs off his belt
and makes then bigger.)
Ash: Lets go!
(He tosses them into the air and Hawlucha and
Pignite emerge from them.)
Pignite: Pignite!
Hawlucha: Hawl-ucha!
(Egon takes three Pokeballs off his belt.)
Egon: Come on out!
(He tosses them up and a Blissey, a Mismagius,
and a Furfrou emerge from them.)
Mismagius: Mis.
Blissey: Blissey.
Furfrou: (barks.)
Ash: Pikachu, use Quick Attack! Pignite, Flame
Charge! Hawlucha, use Karate Chop!
(Pikachu starts running really fast at Furfrou and a
white outline surrounds his body. Then, Pignite
gets surrounded in red flames and charges
towards Mismagius. Now, Hawluchas claws &

wings glow white and strikes Blissey with it. Every

attack lands a hit and deals a certain amount of
damage to the opponents.)
Egon: Now, counter with Shadow Ball, Blissey!
Mismagius, use Charge Beam! Furfrou, you use
Hyper Voice!
Furfrou: (barks loudly.)
(It opens its mouth and fires multiple transparent
rings outlined in light blue at Pignite.)
Mismagius: Mis.
(Mismagius opens its mouth, an orb of yellow
electricity forms in front of it and fires a massive
beam of electricity at Hawlucha. Blissey puts its
hands together and forms a ball of black & purple
energy with black static around it and fires it at
Pikachu. The attacks hit their marks, doing
damage to each Pokemon.)
Egon: Now use Egg Bomb, Sucker Punch and
(Furfrou slams into Pikachu, doing some damage to
Blissey: Blll-iss!
(It throws the egg in its pouch at Hawlucha,
exploding on impact, doing damage to him and the
egg bounces into the air back to Blissey.

Mismagius fires a streaky blue beam with pink

circles inside from its mouth at Pignite, landing a
direct hit and doing a good amount of damage.)
Ash: Okay, use Iron Tail, Flamethrower and High
Jump Kick!
Pikachu: Pika! Chuu!
(His tail becomes surrounded in white sparkles,
then it gets surrounded in a white outline and turns
to iron.)
Pikachu: Pika!
(He does a front flip and swings it at Blissey, hitting
it and dealing damage. Now, Pignite opens its
mouth and fires a red-orange stream of fire at
Mismagius, landing a hit and doing damage.
Hawlucha jumps into the air, then one of its legs
glow white and dives down at Furfrou, landing a hit
and doing a great amount of damage to it.)
Ash: Now, do Brick Break, Thunderbolt and Flying
(Hawlucha flies above Furfrou. Now, it becomes
outlined in white energy and dives at it. Now,
Pignites hands glow light blue and throws them at
Pikachu: Pika-chuuu!

(He fires a powerful bolt of yellow electricity at

Egon: Quick, dodge them!
(They swiftly evade the attacks before they hit.)
Egon: Now, use Ice Beam, Mystical Fire and Dig!
(Blissey opens its mouth, a light blue orb of energy
forms inside it and fires light blue beams of energy
at Hawlucha, dealing damage to it. Now,
Mismagius forms a ring of red-orange fire in front
of itself. Now, it fires a red-orange stream of fire
from its mouth at Pikachu, hitting him and
delivering some damage to him. Furfrou uses its
front paws and digs into the ground.)
Ash: Stay alert, guys.
(They nod their heads and then scan the field &
listen carefully. Then, Furfrou pops up in front of
Pignite and attacks him, doing a good amount of
Ash: Those were some good moves there.
Egon: Why, thank you. But dont think were
through yet.
Ash: Oh, I know that. Now, Pignite, Brick Break!
Pikachu, Thunderbolt, then Iron Tail! Hawlucha,
Flying Press!

(Pignites hands glow light blue and throws them at

Blissey, doing damage to it. Now, Hawlucha flies
above Blissey. Now, it becomes outlined in white
energy and dives at it, dealing even more
Pikachu: Pika-chuuu!
(He fires a powerful bolt of yellow electricity at
Mismagius, doing some damage to it.)
Pikachu: Chuu!
(His tail becomes surrounded in white sparkles,
then it gets surrounded in a white outline and turns
to iron.)
Pikachu: Pika!
(He does a front flip and swings it at Furfrou,
hitting its weak spot and doing a good amount of
Egon: All right, you asked for it! Blissey, use Ice
Beam! Mismagius, Psybeam! Furfrou, Hyper
(Blissey opens its mouth, a light blue orb of energy
forms inside it and fires light blue beams of energy
at Pikachu, landing a hit and doing damage to him.
Mismagius fires a streaky blue beam with pink
circles inside from its mouth at Hawlucha, doing
great damage to him. Now, Furfrou it opens its

mouth and fires multiple transparent rings outlined

in light blue at Pignite, dealing a considerable
amount of damage to him.)
Ash: Pikachu, ThunderBolt again! Pignite, use
Flame Charge! Hawlucha, use Flying Press, then
Karate Chop!
Hawlucha: Hawl!
(It flies above Furfrou. Now, it becomes outlined in
white energy and dives at it, doing serious damage
to it. Now, its claws & wings glow white and strikes
Blissey with it, dealing damage to it.)
Pikachu: Pika-chuuu!
(He fires a powerful bolt of yellow electricity at
Mismagius. Pignite gets surrounded in red flames
and charges towards Mismagius, dealing even
more damage and knocking it out. It falls to the
Referee: Mismagius is unable to battle.
Egon: Return, Mismagius.
(He calls it back to its Pokeball.)
Egon: You did well there. Take a good rest.
(Now, we cut over to Ash.)
Ash: Nice job, guys!
Hawlucha: Hawl-ucha!

Pikachu: Pika-chu!
Pignite: Pig-nite!
(Pignite flexes his muscles. Suddenly, he starts to
glow white.)
Ash: (gasps in surprise.) Could this be?
Pikachu (stunned): Pika.
(He grows larger & taller. Now, the glow fades, and
hes now an Emboar.)
Emboar (prideful): Emboar!
Don George: Oh, now things are about to get good!
Jenny (agreeing & enthusiastically): You said it!
Ash (exuberantly): All right, you finally evolved!
Pikachu: Pi-Pikachu!
(Emboar nods its head.)
Emboar: Em-boar!
Ash: Now, lets see what new moves you learned.
(He goes into his pocket, gets out his Pokedex and
scans Emboar.)
Ash: Ahh, those are pretty good.
(He puts the Pokedex back in his pocket.)
Egon: Okay, Furfrou, use Sucker Punch, then Hyper
Voice! Blissey, you use Egg Bomb!

(Furfrou slams into Hawlucha, doing some damage

to him. Now, it opens its mouth and fires multiple
transparent rings outlined in light blue at Pikachu,
doing a good amount of damage to him. Blissey
throws the egg in its pouch at Emboar, exploding
on impact, doing damage to him and the egg
bounces into the air back to itself.)
Ash: Okay, Pikachu Iron Tail! Emboar, Heat Wave!
Hawlucha, use High Jump Kick!
Pikachu: Chuu!
(His tail becomes surrounded in white sparkles,
then it gets surrounded in a white outline and turns
to iron.)
Pikachu: Pika!
(He does a front flip and swings it at Furfrou, doing
some damage to it. Emboar opens its mouth and a
white flame forms inside it. Now, it fires a round
orange flame at Blissey, landing a direct hit and
dealing serious damage. Now, Hawlucha jumps
into the air, then one of its legs glow white and
dives down at Blissey, hitting it and doing more
damage to it. Both start to get scuffed up.)
Egon: Dont think were down just yet! Blissey, use
Ice Beam, then Shadow Ball! Furfrou, Dig!
(Blissey opens its mouth, a light blue orb of energy
forms inside it and fires light blue beams of energy
at Hawlucha, doing damage to it. Then, it puts its

hands together and forms a ball of black & purple

energy with black static around it and fires it at
Emboar, doing damage to him. Now, Furfrou uses
its front paws and digs into the ground. Then, it
pops up in front of Pikachu and attacks him, doing
some damage to him.)
Ellie: Now, use Ice Beam again and Sucker Punch,
then Hyper Voice!
(Blissey opens its mouth, a light blue orb of energy
forms inside it and fires light blue beams of energy
at Pikachu. Furfrou slams into Emboar, doing some
damage to him. Now, it opens its mouth and fires
multiple transparent rings outlined in light blue at
Ash: Dodge them!
(The three quickly evade the attacks, but Blissey
redirects the Ice Beam and it hits Hawlucha, doing
damage to it.)
Egon: Nice Job!
Blissey: Blissey!
Ash: Can you guys keep going?
(The three turn over to him and nod their heads.)
Ash: All right, then! Now, Pikachu, Iron Tail!
Hawlucha, High Jump Kick! Emboar, use Scald!
Pikachu: Pika! Chuu!

(His tail becomes surrounded in white sparkles,

then it gets surrounded in a white outline and turns
to iron.)
Pikachu: Pika!
(He does a front flip and swings it at Blissey, doing
some damage to it. Emboar releases a stream of
scaling hot water surrounded by steam from its
mouth at Blissey, dealing more damage and
burning it in the process. Now, Hawlucha jumps
into the air, then one of its legs glow white and
dives down at Furfrou, dealing a good amount of
damage to it. Furfrou struggles to remain on its
feet and collapses to the ground.)
Referee: Furfrous out of the battle.
Egon: You did great today, Furfrou. Come on back.
(He calls Furfrou back to its PokeBall.)
Egon: Okay, Blissey, use Shadow Ball, then go into
Egg Bomb and finish up with Ice Beam!
Blissey: Bliss!
(It puts its hands together and forms a ball of black
& purple energy with black static around it and
fires it at Emboar, dealing damage to it. Now, it
throws the egg in its pouch at Pikachu, exploding
on impact, doing damage to him and the egg
bounces into the air back to itself. Lastly, it opens
its mouth, a light blue orb of energy forms inside it
and fires light blue beams of energy at Hawlucha,

hitting its vulnerable spot and dealing a great

amount of damage.)
Ash: Okay, time to end this! Pikachu, use
Thunderbolt! Emboar, Heat Wave! Hawlucha,
Flying Press!
Pikachu: Pika-chuuu!
(It fires a powerful bolt of yellow electricity at
Blissey. Now, Emboar opens its mouth and a white
flame forms inside it. Now, it fires a round orange
flame at Blissey. The two attacks combine into one
attack and hits Blissey, dealing a collateral amount
of damage to it.)
Hawlucha: Hawl-ucha!
(It flies above Blissey. Now, it becomes outlined in
white energy and dives at it, doing serious damage
to it. Blissey collapses to the ground, completely
knocked out.)
Referee: Blisseys unable to battle! The victory of
this match goes to Ash Ketchum!
(He pumps his fist into the air.)
Ash (excited): Yeah!
Pikachu (excited): Pi-Pikachu!
Emboar (excited): Emboar!
Hawlucha (excited): Haw-lucha!
(Egon calls Blissey back to its Pokeball.)

Egon: Blissey, you were wonderful today. Youve

earned a good rest.
(He puts the ball back on his belt and walks over to
Egon (truthfully): Ash, thanks for a great battle.
You were really tough.
Ash: Well, thanks Egon. You too.
(They shake each others hands in admiration.
Now, a brief montage goes on, where we see the
rest of the battles, from Serena facing off against a
Fairy-type trainer, Cilan battling a trainer
specializing with ground-type Pokemon to Ash
facing off with a steel-type Pokemon trainer.
Montage ends with a fade into hours later at a
multi-story Pokemon Center, where the gang,
except Cilan, is at an eating area, sitting at a large
dining table, lined with utensils, napkins and
Iris: What sort of dish could Cilan be making?
Clemont: Who knows? All he said was that itll be a
(Trevor turns over to Diana.)
Trevor: So, how do you guys do your training?
Diana: Its quite easy: weve built a special training
course with adjustable difficulty settings to help
them intensify their full potential.

Ada: Thats right, and I teach them some martial

arts so they can hone in their attacks more.
Trevor: Ahh, thats pretty cool.
Janie: All right, heres another question: how long
have you guys been working together?
Lex: Oh, from about as far back as when we
opened up our studio.
Siara: Yeah, and as we said earlier, weve done
plenty there. Say, how would like to see some of
those projects?
Janie: Sure, sounds great.
Siara: All right, then.
(She gets the Pokepilot out of her pocket, turns it
on and starts going through a pictures section,
showing the many achievements theyve done,
from Lex building a movable, life-size statue of
Zekrom, to Ada designing the training course, to
Siara creating the first attack amplification gadget
and a few clips of some of the shorts Quinn &
Diana made.)
Trevor (impressed): Whoa! Those are incredible!
Siara: Thanks.
(She turns the Pokepilot off and puts it back in her

Diana: Now, you tell us. Where and when did you
two first meet?
Janie: Oh, was that a day we wont forget. Well, it
started like this
(Flashback to a few months ago, where we see
Janie arriving at the Frost Cavern, about ready to
enter inside.)
Janie (enthusiastically): Ooh, this is going to be
(She ventures inside. The interior is lined with
reflective dark blue ice on the walls and icy
stalactites & stalagmites that gleam a little bit.)
Janie (amazed): This is really beautiful.
(She trudges further in. As she comes to a corner,
she spots a Piloswine searching for food.)
Janie (quietly): Ah-ha. Nows my chance.
(The Piloswine notices her and gets into a battling
stance. Janie gets one Pokeball out of her bag.)
Janie: I choose you, Kirlia!
(She throws it and Kirlia comes out of it.)
Kirlia: Kirlia!
Janie: Kirlia, Magical Leaf!
(He raises his hands above his head, then brings
them forward and fires multiple glowing light green

leaves from his hands at Piloswine, hitting it and

dealing a good amount of damage. Now, a glowing
ball of brown energy forms in between Piloswines
tusks and fires multiple balls of brown mud at
Kirlia, doing damage to him.)
Janie: Magical Leaf again!
(He fires more glowing light green at Piloswine,
doing more damage to it. Piloswine opens its
mouth, the inside glows light blue and it releases a
wind with light blue sparkles inside it at Kirlia,
doing more damage to him.)
Janie: Now, use Dazzling Gleam!
(He spins around and releases a bright light from
his body and hits Piloswine, dealing a good amount
of damage to it. Now, Janie takes an empty
Janie: All right, Pokeball, go!
(She throws it and Piloswine goes inside it. It rocks
back & forth and a red light blinks, while Janie
patiently waits. The ball stops shaking and the red
light fades. She picks it up and raises it into the
Kirlia: Yeah! We got Piloswine!
Kirlia: Kirlia!
Janie (happily): You were great, Kirlia. Return.

(She calls him back to his Pokeball and starts to go

deeper into the cave. Now, a montage goes on
where Janie continue to explore more of the cave
and seeing the various Pokemon inhabiting it. She
skates across a floor of ice to the other side of one
area, while also beating a wild Jynx with her
Palpitoad. Now, she comes to a new floor of the
cavern and sees a unique-looking stalactite and
stalagmite formations, and also successfully
capturing a Cryogonal in the process. Montage
ends with her at another location, having beaten a
Beartic with Nidorino.)
Janie: All right! Way to go, Nidorino!
Nidorino: Nido!
(She calls it back to his Pokeball and resumes on
through the area. Suddenly, Trevor comes around
a corner really fast. They both bump into each
other and fall to the ground.)
Janie: Ow! Hey, watch where youre going there!
Trevor: Sorry about that.
Janie: Thats all right. Why were you going so fast?
Trevor: I was just following this Bergmite around,
trying to catch up to it.
Janie (comprehending): Ah-ha. To where, exactly?

Trevor: I dont know. There could be something big

thats going to happen.
Janie: Oh, okay. Mind if I help you out?
Trevor: Sure, no problem. My names Trevor, by the
Janie: Glad to meet you. Im Janie.
(They shake each others hands. Now, they both
start scoping the area for the Bergmite. Just then,
it comes around a corner and goes into another
part of the cave.)
Trevor: There it goes.
(They follow it through to another area. Moments
later, they come to a large cavern, where they a
large stone with layers of ice covering it, gleaming
in the light.)
Trevor (amazed): Whoa, would you look at that?
Janie (agreeing): Yeah.
(Just then, a large group of Bergmites, including
the one they were following, gather around the
stone in a circle.)
Janie (whispering): What do you think theyre going
to do?
Trevor (whispering): Lets just watch and see.

(The Bergmite rear up and light blue balls of

energy form at their mouths and they fire light
blue beams of energy at the rock, creating new
layers of ice on the rock, making it bigger. Now,
light peeks through the roof and hits the rock,
causing it to shimmer brightly.)
Both (in awestruck): Wow!
(They continue to watch as the Bergmite
continuously add more layers and it shimmers
more. Cross dissolve back to the present day.)
Ash: That sounded really awesome to see.
Trevor: Mmm-hmm, it certainly was.
Serena: One other thing: where are you going to
after the tournament?
Janie: Were going to explore around the Delcolore
Diana: Thats cool. You should stop by our place
when you can.
Trevor: All right, we will.
(Just then, Cilan comes into the room, carrying
three silver platters with covers on them.)
Cilan: All right, you guys ready?
(They all nod their heads.)
Cilan: Okay.

(He places them on the table, removes the covers

and reveals two large stuffed-crust pizzas, one
being plain cheese and the other pepperoni, and
snickerdoodle blondies.)
Iris: Wow! These look really good.
Axew: Axew.
Pikachu: Pika, Pika.
Ash: Yeah. I didnt know you like to make pizza.
Cilan: Mmm-hmm. My brothers and I always like to
make some on occasion.
Ada: Guys, before we eat, Id like to propose a toast
to successfully making it through the first round.
(They all clink their glasses, then they each get a
slice of each one and they start eating.)
All (contented): Ahh.
Lex: These are delicious, Cilan.
Serena (concurring): Yeah.
Cilan: Thank you.
Lex: You mind if I ask how you gave the crust this
golden color?
Cilan: Thats easy: I used milk instead of water.
Lex: Ahh, very clever.

(We pan over to see Ash pondering about

something for a moment. Then, he gets an idea.)
Ash: Ah-ha. Hey guys, I just had an idea. What do
you say we do some training bright and early
tomorrow morning?
(The others think about it for a moment and then
nod their heads in agreement.)
Ash: Okay, then.
Pikachu: Pika-chu.
(They resume eating their dinner. Now, we crossdissolve out to the exterior of the center and the
words To be continued next Wednesday appear
on the screen and we fade to black, ending the

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