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Gold Experience B1 Progress test 10




Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

Giuseppe is really good at staying (stay) calm under pressure.

If you work with other people, it is important _______________ (be) a good team player.

My dad is looking forward to _______________ (start) his new job.

When I leave school I want _______________ (start) my own business.

Im not very good at _______________ (make) websites.

It isnt easy _______________ (run) a business.


Complete each gap with the correct form of the verb in brackets.

When I left school I didnt know what 1) to do (do), so I decided 2) _________________ (go) to
college. I started 3) _________________ (study) maths, but I couldnt stand
4) _________________ (sit) exams all the time and I wasnt interested in
5) _________________ (carry on). There was one thing I liked 6) _________________ (do) though,
and that was playing on my computer, so in my free time I started 7) _________________ (design)
computer games. Now I run my own computer game business! I always want
8) _________________ (do) my best, so I feel tired sometimes but I think it is possible
9) _________________ (run) a business and still enjoy life. I really enjoy 10) _________________ (be)
my own boss and I hope 11) _________________ (start) making some money soon!


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Put the words in the correct order to make sentences.

every day? / tell me what / Can / you / you do

Can you tell me what you do every day?

youve worked / ask you / Can / I / how long / here?


you tell me / how / Could / for this job / trained / you?


to run / its easy / Do you know if / your own business?


you tell me / Can / where / is? / the English classroom


you tell me / how long / Can / youve worked here?



Complete the sentences with these words.

calm creative

mind good

patient untidy

I cant work with an untidy desk.

Im very good at staying __________ under pressure.

I like working with people I think Im a __________ team player.

My sister is a make-up artist she is really __________ .

Be __________ . It might take a while before your business makes any money.

When youre working with other people, you need to be able to speak your __________ .


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Choose the correct option for each sentence.

Do you love fashion? Are you a good 1) team/group player? We are a successful clothes company who
are looking for 2) creative/clever people with amazing design skills to complete an internship with us.
You will learn all about fashion, and work with some top designers. You will need to be able to
3) put/pick up new skills 4) quick/quickly, stay 5) calm/quiet under pressure and work on your 6)
alone/own. Working closely with us you will learn how to 7) run/do a successful fashion business and
to 8) get/make money out of your design ideas. Do you 9) enjoy/loving a challenge? If so, we want to
hear from you. If you always 10) do/work your best, we will help you to be the best! Apply to work
with our small but 11) friendly/unfriendly company today!

Make the adjectives in these sentences negative by adding im-, in- or un-.

The students at her school arent so nice. In fact, theyre really unfriendly.

You can buy ____expensive presents for all the family at this lovely shop.

Our new teacher is quite ____patient. She doesnt give us long enough to finish the exercises.

This work is ____complete. Please take it home and finish it off.

What a lovely necklace! Its really quite ____usual.

I cant do this maths homework. Its just ____possible.



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Listen to a radio interview and choose the correct answer (A, B or C).

Where does Sandra work?

shes still at college

at an independent film company

at a television company

What does Sandra do every day?


She meets famous people.

She helps the film crew and learns about making films.

She films documentaries.

What does Sandra like about her work?


Its really interesting every day is different.

She drives around in expensive cars.

She meets a lot of good-looking people.

How did Sandra find out about the internship?


Her English teacher told her about it.

She saw an advert in a newspaper.

Her mum told her about it.

What are Sandras plans for the future?


She would like to do another years internship with the same company.

She would like to go to film school.

She would like to find work with a film company.

Why does Sandra want to make money?


She wants to buy a new car.

She needs it for her future studies.

She wants to move out of her mums house.



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Listen to the conversation again and complete the sentences.

Well, everyone thinks that my job must be really amazing.

Most of the time I just ______________ and learn.

You never know what will ______________ next.

I showed some of my films to my English teacher and she said she was very ______________ .

Hopefully, the work Ive done with this company will help me find an ______________ job.

Im starting to ______________ that I want a place of my own.



What are the people describing? Match the descriptions (16) with the objects (af).

Its a long orange thing and its a type of vegetable.

Theyre warm things that you wear on your feet.


Its that big white thing in your kitchen. It keeps your food cool.


Its a very small hard thing in your camera. It makes it work!


Its a soft, cold thing and it tastes really good.


Its a sticky runny thing in a bottle.







ice cream


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Complete the conversation with these phrases.

beautiful blonde girl round shiny thing on your jacket big black thing
tall thin building square red thing on the ground What are you doing

Janos: 1) What are you doing in that photo, Bill?


Oh, thats when I was volunteering at Clean the Country Day. Groups of people all over the
country worked on beaches and parks picking up all of the rubbish.

Janos: That sounds fun! Whats that 2) ___________________________________ in your hand?


Oh, thats a bin bag. I put all the rubbish in there.

Janos: Oh. Whats that 3) ___________________________________ ? It looks like a badge.


Yes, it is. Everyone got a badge that said Big Clean-Up. It had the name of our group on it.

Janos: Ah! And what is the 4) ___________________________________ beside you?


Thats our picnic mat. After the clean-up we all had sandwiches on the beach.

Janos: That sounds good! Oh, whats that 5) ___________________________________behind you? It

looks interesting.

Thats the local swimming pool! Ill take you there tomorrow if you want.

Janos: Sounds great. Oh, and whos that 6) ___________________________________ standing

beside you?

Um, thats Sasha. She was one of the other volunteers.



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Young businesswoman has talent!

Are you creative and organised? Do you have great ideas for making money? Maybe you could start a
business in your school. Liliana Gagic started a school business group which she runs after lessons
every day. The group has already made a lot of money, which has bought the school new computers.
How did the business become so successful?
Liliana says, I have always been interested in fashion. Two years ago, I designed an unusual T-shirt
and wore it to school. Lots of my friends liked it and asked me to make some T-shirts for them, too.
With the money they gave me, I made more T-shirts. Then I started to design bags. I needed to employ
people to help me make and sell things, so I asked some friends to work with me. Before I knew it, I
had my own business! We were doing really well, so we decided to start our own school business
group. At the start there were only three of us me and my two best friends but then more and more
people liked our clothes and now we are a team of six. We arent all designers. For example, my friend
Paul is really calm and organised and he works with the money side of things. Everyone in the team has
something they bring to the business!
So what can we learn from Liliana? What are the most important qualities you need to run a school
business group? Liliana says, Well I enjoy a challenge. It isnt always easy to run a business. There
can be lots of problems, but you just have to deal with them. I need to stay calm under pressure when
things go wrong. That happens sometimes a design doesnt work out or we arent happy with
something which comes back from the printers. You just need to think quickly and move on. Its at
times like these when I realise how lucky I am to work with my friends. I dont really like working on
my own. Im more of a team player.
What are Lilianas plans for the future? She smiles. I hope to continue designing clothes and running a
business after I leave school. Im really interested in studying fashion design for a few years and then
Id love to work in one of the fashion capitals of the world London, Paris or Milan.


Are the sentences (16) true (T) or false (F)?

Liliana runs her business in her free time.

She started off designing jewellery.


Liliana worked alone at the beginning.


She sold a lot of bags, so she decided to start a school business.


Liliana thinks that creativity is the most important thing in running a business.


Things never go wrong for Liliana.



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Match the bold words in the text with their meanings.

a group of people who work together

a team

to be relaxed at a difficult time


a person who works well with other people


something which is new and exciting but a little difficult


something which is different and not every day


a person who has lots of good ideas



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Read the text again and answer the questions.

What has Lilianas business done with the money it has made?
It bought the school new computers.

What did Liliana design two years ago?


What did Lilianas friends think about the T-shirt she designed?

What did she do with the money she made from selling T-shirts to her friends?

Why did Liliana ask her friends to work with her?


How many people work in the business now?


Why does Paul work with the money side of things?


What two possible problems does Liliana mention?


What does Liliana think you need to do when things go wrong?



What would Liliana like to study when she leaves school?



Where would she like to work?



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Complete the letter with these phrases.

Dear Sir/Madam I have some experience of I am very patient Yours faithfully
I am writing to apply for the job of I look forward to hearing from you soon

1) Dear Sir/Madam,
2) _______________________________________________ sports coach at your childrens summer
camp. 3) _______________________________________________ working with children as last
summer I volunteered at a childrens summer camp in London. I played games with the children and
also organised parties and other activities.
I think it is important to be patient when you are working with children.
4) _______________________________________________ and I am also organised, creative and a
good team player. Im very interested in the job of sports coach because I enjoy playing all sports. I
play football for the school team and train every week.
5) _______________________________________________ .
6) _______________________________________________ ,
Dario Bastianaelli

Read Darios letter again. Are the sentences (16) true (T) or false (F)?

Dario writes about what he likes watching on TV.

Dario writes about experience he has had working with children.


Dario says why he is interested in the job.


Dario writes about what he did in his last job.


Dario asks questions.


Dario uses formal language.



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Think of a summer job you would like to do and write a short application letter. Use
Exercises 14 and 15 to help you and remember to use formal language.




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