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June 2005 NeighborhoodNews-Dacula-HamiltonMill-Harbins-HogMountain-Auburn-Lawrenceville Page 15

Dad’s Great Big Miracle Day!

Benjamin, the preemie, chose life!

6-pound newborn
beats rare fetal
disorder after
17 days
By Glenn Matlock
Even his doctors say it’s a miracle little
Benjamin, the preemie, is alive today.
There were plenty of reasons for him not
to make it.
Six pounds at birth and taken suddenly
by caesarian section 42 days premature,
he came into this world burdened with an
extremely rare disorder – fetal maternal
transfusion. The condition causes the fetus
to give blood to the mother in the womb,
but it gets none in return.
A normal hematocrit reading for a newborn,
the infant’s percentage of red blood cells,
is between 35 and 60 percent. Anything
under 15 percent can cause cardiac failure.
Benjamin’s reading after the caesarian was
10 percent, said Steve Hill, the father.
“The nurses gave Benjamin an O Negative Above left, Steve and Martha Hill
blood transfusion. Without a transfusion family enjoy a little togetherness
they couldn’t tell what his blood type was. with son Jonathan and daughter
His red cell count was undetectable because Abigail after bringing baby Ben-
they couldn’t find any blood,” Steve said. jamin home from the hospital.
Benjamin’s doctors and his nurses couldn’t
Above right, Dad and son snuggle.
see a chance under heaven that the preemie
would survive. The resident neonatologist At right, Benjamin struggles to
at Eastside Medical Center, who was called survive while in an induced coma
in to save the child, had not seen a similar hooked up to a ventilator. Bottom
condition in 10 years. The delivery doctor left, Martha gives her newborn
told the family in 15 years of medical son a little love and attention to
practice he’d never seen a newborn look help him along. Far right top, a
so bad and still be alive. He called the lily-
recovered Benjamin hangs on
white child, a “still-born with a heartbeat,”
Steve said. tight to mom’s hand. Bottom far
Everything had been going well with right, Benjamin takes it all in only
Martha’s first eight months of pregnancy. six days after his life and death
She already had given birth to two healthy struggle began.
children, so there was little reason for
concern. However, on April 9, with a little respond, they were mildly concerned.
more than a month remaining until May 22, However, when Steve fell suddenly silent,
her due date, something went wrong. The Martha became seriously concerned.
pending crisis might have gone undetected Typically, Steve would have nagged her
deep inside the womb, but as if prompted, about the baby constantly.
“Because I didn’t ask again, Martha Photos by Glenn Matlock and Steve Hill
the expectant father expressed timely
concern. became more concerned. We were both out could not hear a heartbeat. They ordered him … doing a good job,’ she said. “They
“It all started on that Saturday, when we of character,” he said. “By dinner, I really an ultrasound and discovered the child was never told me how he looked, but I knew
were doing yard work,” Steve said. “I hadn’t said anything and went to bed.” not moving or breathing the fluid within the something serious was wrong because they
nonchalantly looked over at Martha and As for the typically placid Martha, she womb at regular intervals. The umbilical wouldn’t answer me. I’m lying on the table
asked, ‘have you felt the baby move today?’ couldn’t sleep and the baby had still not cord wasn’t wrapped around his neck and half numb. ‘Would you tell me something?’
She said, ‘No, but he naps and sleeps and moved. At one point, her son Jonathan there appeared to be no reason for the child I heard them call for O negative blood and
stuff. It’s not uncommon.’” crawled into bed with her. to be responding in this manner. then they took him out.”
Steve insisted that the baby be monitored “I went to put Jonathan back in bed and “They finally found a heartbeat. We were After communicating with the doctor for
for the remainder of the day. There were when I got back, I tried to get the baby to relieved! At that point, we wondered if he the first time, Steve found himself stepping
no strong impressions, his sudden concern respond again and still nothing,” she said. was even alive,” Steve said. through a minefield of medical jargon.
simply came from out of the blue, he said. “At that point I nudged Steve and said ‘I’m A decision was made to take the child “We have a very sick child on our hands,”
Of course, it wasn’t unusual for Steve calling the doctor.’” through caesarean section. It was a risky the doctors told him. The doctor explained
to express concern about his unborn Steve believes that was a critical moment call, but doctors felt the child would have a about anemia, blood, etc. He told Steve
son. Steve’s known to be a “borderline for Benjamin. If Martha had rolled over better chance surviving outside the womb, the family needed to prepare for severe
hypochondriac” – always checking the and gone to sleep, chances are slim that Steve said. mental impairment and severe movement
children’s well being, Martha said. Despite Benjamin would be with us,” Steve said. Shocked by what they saw on delivery, impairment in the child.
the agonizing days that lay ahead, the family the medical team rushed the child out of “From my point of view, I looked down
now sees that moment as Benjamin’s “first The call was made and the doctors the room without explanation and without at the baby hooked up to a ventilator and
miracle.” ordered Martha immediately to the hospital allowing Martha to see him. lots of stuff and couldn’t perceive the
When the Hills failed to get the child to for testing. Initially, the attending nurses “Staff would say, ‘oh, they’re working with See Benjamin page 24
Page 24 NeighborhoodNews-Dacula-HamiltonMill-Harbins-HogMountain-Auburn-Lawrenceville June 2005

The Hill’s strong Christian faith bouyed them throughout

Benjamin from page 15 fully.” had made the right choice, but six days, he came off all ventilators, The Hills’ prayers were
level of sickness the doctor The Bible says God won’t put days after it all began, Benjamin breathing on his own and acting answered, but there are those who
was explaining. Things about more on you than you can bear, had recovered enough to come like a normal baby – doing well, may wonder why other children
circulation and how because but I believe that He puts more off the ventilator. Steve felt he gaining a pound a day not on a perish when just as many prayers
there was no circulation that cells than you think you can bear so was strong enough to go home bottle, but breast feeding. are offered?
weren’t able to release the toxins you’ll depend on His strength to then. Benjamin behaving like a normal “God chose to save Benjamin;
in the blood and now that they are get though it, Steve said. “One of the nurses told me to my baby – this was the “second we don’t know why,” Steve
being released they’re releasing “With God’s help, I believe we face … she said ‘among ourselves, miracle,” the Hills pointed out. said. “There are no seven steps
at the same time,” Steve said. can face anything Benjamin’s we were fairly convinced you all “[An early recovery] was way to success with prayer and with
Although Benjamin was moving future throws at us,” he said. didn’t have all the information above and beyond what they faith that say if we take all the
well at this point, sudden lights or The family asked members at – that you made an uninformed expected considering the severe right steps we’re going to get a
movement negatively impacted their Gwinnett Vineyard Church decision when you chose to oxygen deprivation. They can’t programmed response from God.
his oxygen levels. To sedate the to pray. E-mails began circulating keep [Benjamin] alive. We were explain it,” he said. “He should He doesn’t work like a voodoo
child, the doctor induced a three- wildly among church members. so convinced that you would be have had massive kidney failure doll. You can’t poke him in certain
day coma and hooked the child up Steve provided everyone with taking home a vegetable that aside from more serious things places and make him do things.”
to their most powerful oscillating like cerebral palsy, he should have The Hills have no greater fears or
daily updates complete with would be tube fed the rest of his
ventilator. had organ shutdown. He should expectations for Benjamin’s future
photographs. The e-mail spread life - that he may be a cute baby
have had cardiac failure. than they do their other two young
Through it all, Martha had God- far beyond the Vineyard to now but he is going to be your
“Every time I would go down children, Jonathan and Abigail.
given peace about Benjamin’s other church members who also size, Mr. Hill,” Steve said.
there and hold Benjamin, a The Hill’s have peace about the
prospects, she said. prayed. Seeing the baby’s miraculous
different nurse would poke her future, but understand they have
“It is the most amazing thing Benjamin’s condition began recovery so amazed the nurse, she
head in smile and say, ‘it is just to rely on God every step of the
I’ve experienced,” she said. “I to stabilize and the family was later told Steve she believed the
amazing.’ One nurse and even one way.
can tell you where it came from provided with another option baby was “marching toward the
of his doctors called it ‘a miracle.’ This sense of peace is their third
(God), but I can’t explain it. I was regarding Benjamin’s uncertain light. He was just about there, but
There’s not one nurse down in miracle, Steve said.
just upset because I couldn’t see future – terminate treatment and someone told him to turn back.” “Once we said, ‘OK- God’s
Benjamin. I didn’t see him for 14 that unit that doesn’t know they
pull the plug. Despite the progress, she still had will is that he live and we were
have seen something happen
hours. I couldn’t hold him and I “That was probably the hardest reservations and began to prepare committed to his life, it became
above and beyond. The Christian
couldn’t feed him. That was the moment of the whole experience the family for what might lay apparent quickly that God was
nurses know what happened. One
hardest thing for me - the small for me – that the doctor told me I ahead. She told them to expect the doing something. One of the verses
Christian nurse told me, ‘we need
stuff. The big stuff I had a peace could kill my child,” Martha said. child’s recovery to take two steps I hung on to was “He who began
to see this every now and again.
about.” “The doctor said, ‘I wouldn’t forward and one step back. Just a good work in you is faithful to
We need to know that God still
It was the Hill’s strong Christian do it, but it’s an option I have being a preemie is rough. Having complete it … ,” Steve said.
faith that buoyed them throughout, to present to you.’ I can’t even all these other complications only “I saw that God began a good
After enduring a brutal 17-day
they said. describe how it feels to even think makes it more difficult, she told fight for life, Benjamin went work in Benjamin. I would be
“There was one thought that about [killing my baby].” the family. home on April 27. As for his part, really surprised – even though the
carried me throughout the whole We had already made our choice, But Benjamin had other plans. this six-pound caesarian baby doctors say only time will tell – if
thing,” Martha said. “Knowing but I think if they had pulled the By day six, the anemia was no - the preemie already “dead” or there is any permanent damage.
that if I had waited a couple of plug, Benjamin still would have longer an issue. By day seven, And if there is, we’ll be prepared
handicapped at best in the eyes of
hours he would have been dead. lived. He was determined, Steve “super baby” emerged from with God’s help to deal with that
his medical caregivers – chose life.
God chose to save him right at the said. his cocoon of darkness. Little as well.”
All he needed was professional
point of death. That gave me the At the time, not everyone on the Benjamin never took one step medical care and the faith of a
faith that He would bring about it medical staff thought the Hills backward, Steve said. After seven committed father and mother.

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