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Take Me There

By, Morgan Solay

It Never Ends

(Izzys POV)

Mary you need to stop! What youre doing is unhealthy!

You could kill yourself! Please! Mar-
Just shut up! Since when did you know what is good for
me? You havent been there for me for the past few months!
What makes you think that I even care? I dont need you Izzy,
go be someone elses burden.

That was 6 months ago. It would take a miracle to erase

that from my mind. Ive spent so long wishing that things had
been different. Wishing that I had done something, but instead
I just left. I thought if she doesnt want me there then I wont
be. We havent talked since. I realize I must be staring off
again, because of a few strange looks I just received. It takes
me a long time to regain my thoughts and to remember where
I am.
I am Izzy Bowers. I am 16. I am currently in Mrs. Claras history
It was not my fault.
Mrs. Clara is a nice woman. She has beautiful green eyes
and long blonde hair. She is very pleasant and caring. The one
thing she lacked was teaching skills. She could not teach for
the life of her. I think she could make a marvelous social
worker or therapist, but teaching history is not her strong suit.
Her room was bright and cheery and full of cheesy posters
youd expect to be in an elementary classroom. I loved it. Many
of my friends thought it was tacky and odd but for me, it made
me forget the present. It made me feel like I was younger, like
all of the terrible things that have happened were far off in the
future, too far to think about.
I am not very good at thinking without making it clear
and obvious that something is bothering me. I know that I
constantly think about what happened 6 months ago. I also
know that it isnt healthy or good for my ego, but what am I
supposed to do? Its not like anything else has happened to

take my mind off of it. It kills me to think about it, and it isnt
very smart for me to think about during class.
I suddenly start to tear up when Mrs. Clara notices. She
sees that Im ready to burst into a sudden flood and throws a
hand wave of dismissal towards me. I get up from my chair in
one swift movement, and make my way towards the bathroom.
I walk patiently through the hallways towards the bathroom.
Students artwork fills the hallways. I see a piece by Stacy
Calloper. She won many art prizes for her work. She definitely
has her career picked out. I also recognize my friend Sydney
Terras art. She does a wonderful job at capturing the moment.
She paints like theres no tomorrow. There are many things
about this school that I absolutely hate. But the one thing I
love is how artistic the school is. Almost everyone participates
in school contests and so many people here are fantastic
artists. They live through their art.
As I see the artwork coming to an end I know Ive reached
the bathroom. As I near, I hear a muffled scream. Before I walk
in, I held my ear to the door. I could make out a few voices on
the inside.
How do you like that? Thatll teach you to ask MY
boyfriend to the homecoming dance!
How about it Peyton? I think that look suits her.
As soon as I heard those voices I knew who it was. Yep,
you guessed it. They were your average clich, snotty, popular
girls. Peyton McDavis was super athletic, smart, and drop dead
gorgeous. She could give one guy a wink and hed be on his
knees. She didnt even bother about covering up her horrific
personality. She could make the strongest girl cry and not even
flinch. She had light brown hair and beautiful hazel eyes. She
had long legs and was great at almost any sport you could
name. So many guys fell over her she didnt even bother trying
to be nice. She had decided the only needed one friend. And
that was the other voice. Morgan Stevens.
Morgan Stevens and Peyton McDavis were an inseparable
pair. They did absolutely everything together. Morgan, unlike
Peyton, did her very best to act nice. She could fool anyone.
She would pretend to be your very best friend, learn all of your
secrets, and then boom! You became the talk of the school. No
matter how many times it had happened, there were always
more people falling for it. She was very creative and artistic

and had the wardrobe of a fashion model. She had long black
hair and brown eyes. She and Peyton were a double threat to
anyone who bothered them, and it seemed that whoever was
in the bathroom with them, was their latest victim.
I decide after 30 seconds of debating with myself that I
should walk in and stop whatever was going on. It didnt seem
very pleasant to me.
As I walk in, I see Kai Rush soaked. Her hair looked like a
wet mop and her clothes were drenched. What confused me is
that Kai was as popular, if not more than both Morgan and
Peyton. They were even friends at one time.
Oh hey Izzy. Since you decided to stop by would you like
a nice soak as well? Peyton said in a wretched tone.
Oh I know! We can take a picture of them together!
Theyll be the perfect couple! Two wet lesbians! Morgan said
with a foul smile. She and Peyton started cracking up at the
joke Morgan had said. I decided to walk over to Kai to ask if
she was all right when I felt a cold hand touch my shoulder.
Are you ready? And with that, Morgan grabbed the back of
my head and shoved my head into the toilet. Kai on the other
hand was on the floor being taunted by Peyton.
All right Morgan lets go. Weve helped enough people
for one day. Morgan released her grip off my head and I
pulled up out of the water gasping for air. I watched them strut
out of the bathroom as if on a runway. I turned to Kai who was
in a ball crying. I didnt know her very well. We only had one
class together and that was P.E. I dont exactly know what to
say to her either. Im the quiet shy girl that sits at the back of
the class when I can. I doubt she even knows who I am. I doubt
she even cares. All I know is that Im in no better of a situation
than she is, and I really dont want to go out of here looking
like this.
After about 5 seconds of fear I decide to talk to Kai. I
mean whats the worst that could happen? I mean especially
after that?
So, um.. Youre Kai Rush right?
Yeah. Thats me. I wish that it wasnt. Kai said with a
bit of dread. The thing I couldnt comprehend was that Kai was

very popular. Morgan and Peyton are normally just afraid to

dash a look in her direction. Never the less stick her head in a
toilet bowl. Kai mustve really gone down the popularity drain.
And I mean REALLY go down.
Uh, so Kai, are you all right? What exactly did they do to
you, other than stick your head in the toilet?
Its kind of a long story. Im sorry but I dont even know
you. I dont need another person blabbing rumors about me. I
cant really trust anyone right now. Thank you for trying to
stop them but I can take care of myself. She turned around
and walked out the door leaving me gawking about how rude
she just was. I thought Kai was one of those really cool
awesome people. Not your average Morgan or Peyton. I was
very offended about how she went about the conversation, but
that was that. I cant change anything. I never can.
After I get over my strange encounter, I remember what I
came in here to do. I walk over to the sink and turn on the cold
water. I run my hand underneath it and bring it to my
forehead. That feels really nice. Its like a breeze on a
scorching hot summer day. I look at my reflection in the mirror.
From where Im standing, the mirror is slightly smudged where
my nose should be. Even so, I continue to stare. How the hell
did I get into this mess? I finally look myself up and down, and
I realize that I feel exactly like this on the inside. I dont feel
happy and I now realize that I havent felt happy for a very
long time now.
Before I leave I look in the mirror one last time. At least
on the outside I havent changed, and nobody knows me well
enough to notice the change on the inside.

Strange Encounters

(Kais POV)

(2 months ago)
It is Friday and school just let out. As soon as the bell
rang I made a mad dash to the door. When I almost reach my
favorite spot I hear the one voice that makes me grit my teeth.

So Kai, are you and Ken hooking it up? said Julie

Robinson. I hate Julie. Her teeth are too white; her hair is too
curly, her clothes- dont even get me started on that. She was
always snooping into other peoples business and I honestly
wanted to pound her face in.
Ha! As if. Julie, someday youre going to get into major
trouble with someone. Not everyone likes a snitch. I said,
hoping that maybe she would catch on. She doesnt.
Im not a snitch! Ive never told anything to anyone!
Please Kai! You can tell me anything! I started to see that
what I said didnt change anything, only made it worse.
Im being honest. Ken and I have nothing going on. Julie
I need to get back to my homework. Ill see you later.
Okay. Bye! She said, with way too much enthusiasm. I
am currently at the 4 Square Park. I thought that I should
come here after school for some peace and relaxation, but boy
was I wrong! Julie definitely ruined my peace. I decide that I
wont do my homework. I just want to relax.
I take a long look at my surroundings as I inhale a deep
breath of fresh air. Its very foggy out and Im enjoying it. I
close y eyes and picture myself enveloped in clouds of gray
mist. I finally start to feel relaxed when I sense someone
watching me. I slowly opened my eyes and did my best to
pretend that I didnt notice anything. I turned around and tried
to observe everything. I was feeling very uneasy. The park
isnt that big. Its got many plants and flowers, benches and a
lot of trees. There is one big fountain in the middle and shrubs
that surround the park. I walk slowly away trying my best to
not look suspicious of anything. I took one last look before I
left. I turned my head and caught a glimpse of my stalker, but I
only caught their eyes. They were a dark brown, fairly close to
black. I quickly turned away and started walking. When I finally
felt like I was safe. I ran quickly back to my car.
It wont be very safe driving in this weather, I thought
to myself. I live in Rapid City, South Dakota. If youve ever
been here you should definitely know the weather is extremely
unpredictable. When I reached my car, I saw that someone had
placed a note underneath my windshield wiper. I picked it up.
It read:

Hey Kai, Theres an awesome party going down tonight at

Kyleigh Johnsons place. Its going to be sick! Her parents are
out of town! Come if you want. Its at 8
Was Ken the one stalking me? He couldnt be. Kens eyes
area blue and theres no way he couldve reached my car
before me. But how did he know where I was? I didnt tell
anyone and Julie just followed me here. Who was it?
I get into my car and turn on the radio. I drive through
the fog very cautiously, examining signs closely along the side
of the road while I go. I really want to know who was looking at
me. I better be extra careful where I go now. I definitely will be
in a group next time I go to the park. As I gaze onto the road, I
start to think about what has been going on recently. During
school, Morgan and Peyton keep eyeing me. Theyre acting
weird. Also Ken broke up with me a few days ago, and now hes
inviting me to a party? I cant help but think that something
terrible is about to happen. Another strange thing is that Tyler
keeps trying to sell me some of his shit he has. There is no way
I have time for drugs or anything. Not even drinking. When Im
invited to parties I just hold a glass in my hand and pour it out
when no ones looking. Then I do my best impression of being
I pull into my driveway and park my car outside. I notice
my moms car is gone, which is unusual because shes almost
always home. I walk through the front door and drop my things
on the floor. (Since mom isnt home why not?) I walk upstairs
to my room and look through my crowded closet. Lets see,
there is my black dress that hugs tightly to my figure,
producing a very nice look. It is sleeveless and is just plain
black. Then I pair it with a long comfy cardigan and a
comfortable pair of combat boots. I put on a tad of makeup and
brush through my hair. After about 30 minutes and I decide Im
somewhat presentable, I head back downstairs and check my
-One new message from Alex Regan
Hey are you ready for the party tonight?! Im super excited!
You know my friends said Kyleigh throws the BEST parties! See
you later girl!
Im relieved when I find out that Alex is going. Alex has
been my best friend since 7th grade and I cant imagine how

different my life would be if she hadnt been in it. I check my

homework to see how much of it I have left. There was about 1
page of math left. I decide to finish it quickly before I go out to
eat when I hear the doorbell ring. Who could it be?
I walk swiftly to the door and open it. As I open it a letter
flitters to the floor. I look around and find nothing except the
fallen letter. I pick it up and close the door. I walk to the
kitchen and look at the letter.
To: Kai Rush
From: ?
I know you saw me, and I want to tell you something. I know
your secrets. I know what made Ken break up with you. If you
dont want word to spread, meet me at Kyleighs party, in the
upstairs bathroom. If you dont meet me after 9 you better
watch out.
I immediately drop the letter as I finished reading. Who is
this? How could they possibly know why Ken and I broke up? I
start to panic as I get a text from Alex again.
Hey do you want me to pick you up for the party? Alex
I quickly respond in panic as I grab my purse and run
Yes! Pick me up ASAP!!! There is something URGENT we
need to talk about! Ill be walking down the road towards your
house pick me up when you see me.
Okay! Whats the matter?
Ill tell you when I see you. There is too much to text.
I walk for about 5 minutes as I see Alex pulling up to the
curb. I hop in and immediately start telling her about my
strange encounter. I tell her about the letter and everything.
As we get closer to Kyleighs house my palms start to sweat
and my hands are shaking. There is no way I can let anyone
spread about what happened between Ken and I.

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