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1620 7th Ave. W
Seattle, WA 98119

September 7, 2016

Agnes Kirk
Chief Information Security Officer
Washington State Office of Cyber Security
1500 Jefferson St.
Olympia WA 98504

Dear Ms. Kirk,

Recently it has come to my attention that voters personal emails and phone numbers, among
other private information, are available online to anyone with basic technology skills, in violation
of state law. I am coming to you with this information with the intention to follow the recognized
protocols for reporting a potential cyber security risk to the voters of Washington.

RCW 29A.08.710 makes it clear that:

(2) The following information contained in voter registration records or files regarding a
voter or a group of voters is available for public inspection and copying, except as provided
in RCW 40.24.060: The voter's name, address, political jurisdiction, gender, date of birth,
voting record, date of registration, and registration number. No other information from
voter registration records or files is available for public inspection or copying.

The facts of this loophole in the states voter registration database, as I understand them, are as

1. Voter registration information is public and anyone can download at

2. Using this data and knowledge about a back end pathway, anyone can access private
information data fields including personal cell phone, personal email, ballot delivery type,
and military status. I have included below the step by step instructions I received when I
was alerted of this security breach.

3. Anyone with basic programming skills and knowledge about these weaknesses could
conceivably automate this data lookup and harvest private data from millions of

Step-by-Step: How to view illegally posted MyVote personal info about any registered voter
in WA.
1. Go to

2. Log in to MyVote with name and bday (available using the public voter registration data
available for download on the Secretary of States website).
2. Navigate to the Voter History page/tab.
3. Choose Inspect element (on a PC in Firefox) or choose View Source located under
developer in the view menu (on Mac in Chrome)
4. On new Inspector/ view source MyVote page, on top menu bar, click Network
5. Click Reload button on My Vote website.
6. On second menu bar, click File/Name header button. This sorts the File column
7. Scroll down and click on the File column entry beginning with Voter.ashz?f=
8. Click Headers button if not already highlighted in blue.
9. The URL you want is the one in the first line, labeled Request URL: Highlight with
mouse or doubleclick and copy it. example:

10. Now open a new blank tab in your browser and paste in that URL.
11. Note the fields for phone, email, ballot delivery method, militarythese are all
personally sensitive information prohibited by law from disclosure.

The next section of this letter shows example screenshots my own information to illustrate these

Back end pathway URL for my personal information (only active if logged in to MyVote as Tina
Podlodowski (Birthday 08/26/1960):

My voter information available at the link above includes a personal phone and email address.

Again, I am coming to you with this information because my intention is to best follow the
recognized protocols for reporting a potential cyber security risk to the voters of Washington. To
date I have not made this matter public because I hope this issue can be researched and remedied
swiftly without further exposing vulnerable data. I ask that you research and if needed rectify this.
I would appreciate knowing the final resolution, if and how this data may have been harvested,
and any safeguards that are put in place if action is required.

Thank you in advance for your prompt attention to this potentially serious security matter.


Tina Podlodowski

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