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Famous Last Words

Famous Last Words

Famous Last Words
Famous Last Words
From: AutoZZZZZ
You promise, you have a good hold of the rope and I can trust you, Right?
"What do ya mean, "how many hit points do I have right now?"
"A wish? Ha, Ok genie, make me a ham sandwich!"
"The DM is being a jerk tonight!"
"I sneak up on the dragon 'invisible'."
"I disbelive"
"Nothing can kill me!!!!!!"
"I never miss a find/remove traps roll"
"I can hold off the enemy, you guys make your escape, I'll be along in a minute"
"I've seen these creatures before, they are easy to kill"
"I've run through this adventure before, just follow my lead"
"A DECK OF CARDS, I pull them all out and play solitarire"
"I know how to get the druid back, lets burn down his woods"
"Here Kitty, Kitty, Kitty......"
"There is no way he can cast that fast"
"I have psionics, nothing can get me!"
"I grab all the magical items and try them first!!"
Before the DM can explain the actuall roll needed for the jumps across the slimy pit---"Whew, I am glad I made all those DEX checks, Three of them were exactly
what I needed!"
From: Beowyn
"Well we know HE'S not the werewolf, he has a silver tooth"
From: Ceale
"Hey, what am I doing at the front of the party?!?"
The PC's encounter a rabbit with information about a fleeing mage. A priest
in the party casts Speak with animal and begins asking questions. One
particularly annoying player begins spouting off questions of his own and the
priest refuses to translate. The dialogue was :
Priest : "I'm not going to ask that!"
Player : "I ask it anyway!"
Priest : "You can't talk to rabbits!"
From: EWessels
From the mouth of a fellow player, " My resurection survival is 99%. I can only fail on a
roll of 100. I can't miss."

From: Kahsir
"What do you mean dragons can use magic Items?"
"How does a dragon where a ring of invisibility, how would it fit?!?"
From: KBoz74
"what do you mean, that WASN'T a potion of healing?"
" was an -illusionary- bridge..."
From: Kelthar
"Where'd THAT come from"?
"Dragon, What Dragon"?
From: Moondog326
"What do you mean my ring of feather falling is really a ring of delusion?"
From: Nellisir
"I cast <light> on my familiar's tailfeathers, and send him into the cave to see what's
From: Nexx3
"Let's split up!"
"Let the wizard take point, the thief has our back!"
From: PantherLD3
This actually happened in one of my games: A 12th level dwarf was trying to
escape 6 trolls that had cornered him up a chimney( yes the dwarf decided it
was a wise thing to go searching around on his own). The dwarf who had an old
helm of brillince with only a couple of gems left decided to let go with one
and drop it 5 feet below him to fry the trolls in the backlash(he was stading
on the flue mechanism). His famous last words were "what do you mean I got
shot 156 feet in the air!?!?" . I said," its not the flight you have to worry
about......" as I rolled 15 d6 for hitting the ground......
"He's bluffing (the NPC)...he wouldn't launch a fireball in here (a small cave) and kill
himself and his followers just to get us!!..."
From: Ssssseb
"Ah, well.... could we forget what I said about wanting to use critical hits?"
"Whaddya mean they're immune?"
"Don't worry guys; dragons always leave they're lair for a couple of hours at a time."
"Whaddya mean my healing potion has to make a saving throw?"
"No way, orcs are WAY to stupid to try to ambush us."
"I'll absorb his spell with my Staff of Power - I'm sure it's not anywhere near being full."
"What does this lever do...?"
"Hey baby, wanna see my Rod of Lordly Might?"
Spoken by one of those annoying "good drow:" "That wizard doesn't scare me - after
all, I'm 70% magic resistant."

From: StuDog
"I didn't know that monster could do that!"
From: WoodMage
"What do you mean, he's still alive? Those guys only have two hit dice and an AC of 5!"
From: Xxmr0
(not exactly *last*, but.....)
"Throw me a rope!!"
(and the *whole* rope is thrown into the pit........)

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