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Bescteded modeller ..” pes, cust With Hasegawa’s G14 Rt ee oS Me ee ee eee Cee en’ eee eed ee er ena Ceti Se eee ay eee tee ee ee een ee ea Ce Se ee eens SOE een on Ce eget ey ee eed ey eee pen Se eee eto eee rs se et Cer ee ee ey eed ee eee aed ee ee rere Ce need ea ee eee eet eed ee ees ee een eel ee ad Ce et ee anes en ea eee ee) ee eee CONTENTS Pan rs A tivetting project - adding detail to the 1:32nd scale Hasegawa Me-109 G14 Pree Reece Ricardo Rodriguez models the Corsair IV of Lt Robert Gray VC the last Canadian to Cera 2a | B25G noe See ie een CM Fray Oe eo ee oe a cree Luciano Rodriguez builds the Tamiya kit from the box a cry ae sete ag | ea) Pe Unies eR re ed eR aoe eS eee tea ea eto nea) Se eters ae eee Sec Deer era es oes erence eon’ Ree usa Seen Sen Se Ce eee ats Deter ener Se eer! Ce eo Ce eee eed cee eee eee eee eee eee Cee ea Saad Connery eee ey Se ee tae eee cers Sele etter) See ee ete rec) eee eed tn ed Cee agee aod See ee eee Eee ee eens Cee ee and the rivets reapplied Coceneery Se rey Ce een Cees ee Ce eee Secrets Cee Co ey Se eee eas eee Se ed ers positioned Just Behind them. The joint was eee ees eee ee ney Cee es ee ey Cees coord Sr Ce eens ee ey eee) land punctured the surtace - curse! ort See Cee ey Photos 11 to 12 ‘The exhausts were replaced by the MOC versions which saves @ ot of work in ning them out. The Kt exnaust fairing wore sanded down to a ecale thickness, Photo 13 Prior to masking the canopy was polished Using Gunze Superfine polishing compound and the Gunze polishing cloths which works really efectively Photos 14 to 16 Painting begins using Gunze Colour ‘cries withthe yellow bands being applied frst. This was my fst time withthe Gunze Colour and am a complete conver. Photos 17 to 18 ‘The pane! ines are picked out using a very uted Biaek Valojo acnfle Photo 19 Eagle Cal decals were used anc applied Using a combination of Micro Sol and Me Mark Softer. This s so effective that you haraty have time to position the decal betore It is sucked into the paint but it worked perfect getting the decals to Conform into all the rivet marks. Photo 20, When the decals had dried | eppied an of paint wash to pick out the rvet detail anc Panel ines. Photo 21 “The panel nes are picked out using a dark blacktorown gouache mix Photo 22 ‘The kit wheels were replaced with MOC ‘examples anc the tres where finished in Gunze “Tie Black’ anc weathered with uted paste! washes, Photo 23 “The fuel drop tank was gWven a wash of oi colours before all stains were applied using ‘Gunze ‘O1" wich is very effective and dries with @ good sheen Photos 24 to 25 ‘The fuselage nose is masked in ‘preparation forthe aplication of exhaust staining. Tis was applied with gouache Which is very fine an easier to control anc being water solvable any overspray can be wiped away easily Photo 26 ‘The kt spinner was replaced with the accurate MOC example and rivet detailing was also added to this. Photos 27 to 29 Fuel stains were applied using a fine brush to the filer ports along with orbs ot leaking ol rom the all cooler running back along the fuselage. Dey ee ete Coe eee tee Ree nea ee ee poor) eens ee eee eee ea rs enero renee ipeir emanate Ten Rapereneten Seen ten eee reer rn Beererenrpreeeteitee een ry peer pearernenear es tae Menon ooveeneriertrereee nny | NX P ST) ‘may all be seeing spots betore our eves. \ es. Ricardo Rodriguez models the Corsair Mk IV, flown by Lt Robert Hampton Gray, of No 1841 NAS, HMS Formidable, British Pacific Fleet, Task Force 37, in which he won his posthumous VC Modelled and described by Ricardo Rodriguez Photographs by Luciano Rodriguez 1d atomic born the city of Nagasaki, anc days before Japan Uunconditionally surrendered, a Fight Of FAA Corsairs led by Lt Hammy" Gray 100K of rom HMIS Formica to stack imperial Japanese Navy ships in the Bay of Onagawa, about 200 miles northeast of Tokyo along the Paci ceosstine. As the Corsair closed in over the hls and skimmed the sea, the Japanese ships opened fre, Lt Gray's Corsatr Mik IV was hit almost mmeciately after dropping the fist bom, ‘but he kept on the bomb run and cropped his second bomb which hit the engine room of the escort destroyer WN Amakuss, following which, the ship rapily sank. However, as his Corsair tlw away, t suddenly burst into flames, lost control and ‘erashed into the sea. Lt"Hammy’ Gray, originally rom British Columbia, was the last Canadian to die In combat during World War Two, and was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross land the Victoria Cross - posthumously. Realising a new possibility ‘Tred of making models mounted on bases, one day I was inspired to open my ‘eyes to a world of new possiblities seldom ‘explored by static scale modellers, where ‘our medels ean end up fying! nad & ‘mental picture of a model taking off from the fight deok of an aivratt carer, at fll throte with the laps deployed and the Undercarriage just starting to retract. An Iresietibly tempting and attract scene, regrettably to aiffcut to reproduce, but fee eee eee ek ee ee ee ee eee ae ee Deron eed eee tailed. tt was very important to keep thie eee) 'be Goan from almost any angle as any Cee Cee eee Ce aes Pee ee eed eet es eee ers ee eet eee en eee Ca ee rae er ee ete leading edges of the ailerons, elevators Ee eee ed eee sandpaper, ready to ‘sit back’ into the eee Se eee 4 ete ee wth aluminium sheet tor recycled drinks can. Fuses wore fom stretched sprue and the wing bom racks were detatied with ‘ne plastic strips. Photo 6 All the tne landing gear cover sctuators were made from Evergreen plastic rod Inserted with copper rod. The: air intake interior was ful detailed with photo etched gniles as both sides are Vale inthe model Photo 7 Only ‘minor surgery" was required and some putty, to adapt the pilot Into a busy ‘take of posture. The oxygen ‘mask tube and communication system wires were made trom copper thread. Photos 8& 9 Thin plastic sheet ant copper thread are pertect for detaling ‘engine parts. First, thinned down the Innerside of cow! flaps, ang then added al the interior components with plastic card anc copper rod. Cables connecting the cinders ware added and the cyinder rings were added with smal disks made from styrene sheet using a punch & de Photo 10 Shows all the elements that ‘made up the cockpit betore assembiy Photo 11 For the cookpit interior detais, | used photo etched parts combined with ‘seratenbuit paste pars, lus some of the Kit’s original parts, and some wing with ‘copper rods of aiferent sizes. | ited the pilot in the cockott ata later stage - which {ic not mean | could forget to property etal the cockpit interoe. Photo 12 Detailing the lower half of the ‘wing centre section. The open panel edges are carefully thinned down with @ craft knife and sandpaper. The brass exhaust pines are trom Meekt, The distinctive suspension hooks were sculpted trom thick copper wire using watchmakers files “The thin vant covers were made from fine See See eet eS eee peer eee Cees ee ee ee eee nee eee) Ce eee ee he right, Before fing them to the eens Ce eee oe) ee eee Nee Dee eee Seen ees ee Ce a eee ee eee ee a coer eae Cee ees ‘smaller details from acetate and styrone et Cee eee a) Se ee eas Poe eee Seen ee here Cee es were picked cut with various colours, and a ee Ses eet Ce ee Ce ee eel eas “The 6-256 was basically a 8-2501D bomber veriant, withthe cnginal glazed nose section replaced by & new, shortr, metal rose, housing @ pair 0.50 inch machines guns and a 75mm M- 4 cannon. Following the success of In-service modiiod 8-250 ‘and Ds with multile machine gun stater’ noses, the 8-256 was specically designed for the ground attack role. The frst test fights wore undertaken in late 1942, which inclised air-to- air tring of the cannon and te new sub-type entered Service in early 1943, In both the Pacific and European Theatres. The B- 25G was lator repiace by the 8-25H Based upon the improved 18-254 bomber version. ‘The Accurate Miniatures kit Released a few years ago, ths Kt is one of the best representations of iis classic aeroplane in this scale. Moulded ln an easy to work with soft grey plastic, nothing s missing In this kt, especially on the inside where even the Elsan tole is Included! The instructions are well done and complete - ‘obviously the people at AM responsible for this Wt undertook @ ‘reat deal af resoarch and have done @ very geod job. The Kt leven includes a specially designed nose weight to avoid having fa tall ster and pre-cut masks forthe canopy! ‘The extemal surtace detaling is really well done, but afar lemount of work is needed to build this mode!, and you will lscover a few traps forthe unwary along the way, but nothing Impossible - the proof is that | have been able to doit! Two lechemes are avalabie in the box - one in US NavyiMarine ‘Corps markings and one for an alreraft based inthe Paci ‘Theatre. So let us start! ATLA, Wl builds the Accurate Miniatures kit Fuselage ‘The inside of the fuselage was painted in tree diferent colours. ‘The cockpit area was painted Bronzs Green FS 34092, Gunze ‘Sangyo H-302; the bomb bay was finished in Aluminum, anc the rear ofthe fuselage was sprayed in Zinc Chromate, Tamiya XF-4, After a coat of gloss varnish was sprayed o cll wash was applied to add some depth to the paint. The ‘cockpit was further detaleg, with adcttonal knobs and controls ‘tc, and the Eduard photo etch set 48-260 was Used for the ‘seat hamesses. The Instrument panel was painted black and all the instrument dial faces had Instrument decals trom the MOC. range for German aireratt applied - not exactly accurate but the resultant effect looks fine! Finally the gun sight glass was replaced with very fine transparent plastic sheet, It was now ‘ime to work on the bomb bay, which was detailed with the Eduard proto etch set 48-262 orginally designed for the Monogram kit, butt can be used for this kt too, An ol wash ‘was again applied to weather this area of the seroplane. Then the rear of the fuselage was painted, which includes the the radio compartment, fre extinguisher, side hatches, Ie att, and the Elsan tole - | told you nathing Is missing! ~ simply folows the inetructions a8 all the colours are incioated Do not attach and glue the nesewhee! landing goar at this ‘stage = it makes handling of the mode! cifcut increases the risk of breaking It of! However OO attach al the windows from the inside, but make sure they are well ed in place - whist | "was nanding tne model during constructonone of the ‘windows fell nside,atter the fuselage halves had been joined. land | spent ages trying to fx it back into position trom the outside! “The mid-upper turret was fhted in place, with some additional otaling to the colurnn, and the floor and access doors were replaced with photo etched parts. Once all these elements ‘wore fixed in place, painted and weathored, it was time to close the fuselage halves. | made one or two dey fiting tests first as lining everything up correctly makes It really tight! The fuselage was actually glued in two stages - once on the top ‘and ence on the bottom, as you can see in the accompanying Photos. ‘Some adctional small load balls were glued inside the nose ‘and narrow plastic tubes were glued into the nose to guide the ‘machine guns which were fited at the end of construction and painting. The 75mm cannon barral was replaced with @ seratchoult aluminum tube machined on a lathe. The nose ‘was then glued in to place and the seam files with putty create a perfect jon withthe fuselage. The contro! surfaces wore attacned as was the astrodome and ‘wo bare metal fo ppleces on the top fuselage to simulate the armour plating ‘around the md-upper turet. The canopy was glued into place land the tront join covered with a small piece of bare metal fol. ‘Al the transparent parts were now masked of. n this instanco I id not use the pre-cuts masks, as they have tendency to not ‘Stick woll over the curved parts ofthe canopy, 50! used ‘Tamiya masking tape instead. The wings and engines ‘The wings nesd less work. Once glued together, the leading ‘edges were sanded emoath ans the landing it recesses Painted In gloss biack. When ary, the vansparent parts were ‘ued into place and adjusted to fit. To be certain not have a "al-siter, | added even mare welght, ths ime In the rear of ‘The nacolies were ted in to place and the emall gap that eppeared wascovered with a thin strip of bare metal fol. All the cowling cooling flaps were replaced with indvidual plastic card Naps. The dlameter of the comings is actualy lite too “with @ round fle. The masitfeation ie eslly easy to do and ‘ves @ much better look tothe model The landing gear “To acd adctional interest to the nose and main whee! ancing ‘2e6r, | acded the brake lines down the main oleos and the ‘shock absorsers were covered with bere metal fol, The kit's wheels were replaced with True Detals wheels 148-019, Norn American 8-256 Mitchell (in 42-64758) AAF Tactical Training Centre, Orlando Fiels, Florida. Painted in the early USAAF maritime scheme. Note the ventral gun below the fuselage simiar to that fited the 8-250. a eee] North American 8-256 Mitchell (gin 42-64809) Gunship of the 499m, 345th BG operating from Biak island off Northwest Guinea cca 1944. Note the 75mm cannon has been replaced with two machine guns and waist ‘uns have been added. Operate for some time without te Blue ouftine tothe US insignia, Crs North American 8-256 Mitchell (in 42-64812) 38th 8G, 822nd BS ‘Black Panthers’ PT.O. Nadzab, Now Guinea crea 1944. Decale available from Albatros Modelvorks, ‘Shady Lady’ North American B-25G Mitchell (in 42-64842) 310th 8, 878th BS M-T.O. Oran, Algeria augiSep 1943 in sand and neutral grey camofiage. Decals avaiable trom Albatros Modelos CAEL ‘Luscious Luoy' North American 8-250 Mitchel (sh 42-64895) 41st BG, 48th BS P.O. circa 1944. Decals avalabie from Albatros Modelvorks, “Toe-Kay’ North American B-25G Mitchell (sh 42-65217) 26th 8G, 82Srd BS ‘Tigers’ PT.O. Nadzeb, New Guniea circa 1944 displaying the original large Tiger head nose marking ofthe group that meets at the ‘ose to form ene large snarling mouth. By 1945 itwas greatly recuced and applied seperately on either S1@ of the nose, ‘Barbe Il North American B-25H Mitchell (ain 49-4980) painted with the fve iegonal white stripes of the 1st Ar Commando, Hallakand, India circa 1944, "North American 8-25H Mitchel (sh 43-4995) of the 1st ACG, Chittagong Aiielé January 1845 in natural metal trish with olve dra pane North American 8-25H Mitchell 700" ofthe Chi Insignia of the Natonaist regime in natural metal fish ‘North American PB-1H Mitchell of the U.S.Marines 614th Marine Bomber SQ. Code: White 88 Hewal 1945, © Rolando Ugelini 2008, td CAM Tht CAR ts Se eee ee es peek eee en eos atts ena eee ot -mericais most famed medium bomber of World War il was the 8-25 Mitchel, Now. ‘small measure ofits fame was a result of the daring attack on Japan by 16 of these aircraft tead by Lt. Colonel Jimmy Dooite. For this raid, the aircraft carrier Hornet not foniy launched the rad on Tokyo, but also ‘catapulted the 8-25 to alon. The B-25 was dubbed the Mitchel, honoring General Billy Mitchel, who Is recognized as the father of sategic ‘bombing. It was a fiting coincidence that the bomber bearing his name be used for the Tokyo raid, as not only was the attack valuable for US. moral, but also strategically, as it caused the dversion of Japanese war material for home island otense, However, as we shall 209, the planes on this raid, model B-258, were not the most potent of the Mitchell The ineage of the 8-25 can be traced back to North American Aviationis modal NA-40, itself being an outgrowth of the ccarlir NA-21 and NA-G9, The NA-40 was built privately by North American to be a Contender in the Army Air Corps light attack bomber bidding. The NA-do wes lost in a crash on April 11, 1989, curing testing, and Douglas was awarded the attack bomber contract. the resultant arcraft boing the A.20 Havoc. B-25 [Almost concurrent witn the eraah of the NA-#0, the army requested proposals for a ‘mealur bomber. North Americanis engineers revamped tne desian, giving It the model number NA-62. On August 10, 1999 the Army ordered 184 of the mode! NA-62, even betore the fst one had flown, North Americanis NA-62 was designated the 8-25, ‘The winds of war In Europe Brought about expected procurement of the new aircraft, land the usual experimental X-averat and service test -2lroratt were sispensed with, the bomber instead going into full-scale production. Secause of tis accelerated rogram, several running changes were ‘made, the most notable being a change in ‘The B-250 was essentially & B-25C rmanutactured at the Kansas City plant. Most Changes made during the course of production were made by both plants, but nt ‘sinaye simultaneousy. Thie view of the assembly ine shows the OD-fnished Contrl suraces contrasting with the chromate-primered aramne. brary of Congress pote the wing geometry after nine airratt hac bbeen completed. Initial the wing of the B= 28 had a conatant ahedral.ot slightly more than four degrees. Beginning with the tenth 8-25, the dihedral outboard of the engines was recuced to zero degrees, 21 ‘minutes 39 seconds, giving the bomber a sight gul-ing appearance. B-25A Fit to fight Starting with the 25th 8-25, sel-sealing ‘uel tanks wore instaled in the meaium bomber. Concurrently, ruckmentary armor bogan to be provides for the pot, copilot ‘and bombardier. These improvements resulted In the assigning of a new North ‘American model number, NA-62A, and a new miltay designation 28 well, 8-254, ‘These were the frst ofthe Mitchells to be ‘considered combat worthy, but ke their predecessors they had a minimum of etensive armament ‘single 30 caliber flexible machine gun, In tre nose was & vinien the bombaralar was expected to move between three sockets as conditions warranted. The radio operator was provided with three .30 caliper Brownings, ‘one on each aide in walet postions, anc ‘one mounted overnead in a manner sinsar to that used for 8-17 radio operatorsi weapons. The heaviest defensive ‘armament was a single flexible 50 caliber ‘macrine gun mounted inthe tal. The tal {gunner could fre this from the kneeling, Sting oF prone position. A bomb load of £3000 Ibs could be carried internally, Forty 8-254 alrorate were completed, B-25B Increased firepower ‘Acrial warfare over Europe was being keenly observed by the Army Air Corp, land soon it was felt tat the Mitchell was l-equipned to defend itself against enemy Interceptors. Thus, it was decided the protection of the remaining 120 bombers on order would be inereased, Here workmen are connecting the myriad of electrical, tol, and oll ines that join the fengine to the airframe on a 8-250. UUbran of Conorass pate ‘North Americanis engineers created their NA-628, the 5-258, by adaing Sencie power operated turets. The engineers flt that the adalion of an upper and lower turet, each armed with twin 50 caliber ‘machine guns, gave the bomber adequate ‘repower, 50 the rear gun positon, as woll as the raclo-operators upper and waist ‘Guns, were deleted. The model At upper turret, wth ts Plexiglas enclosure for ‘weapons end operator, occupied tho location of the previousty installed upper window and machine gun mount. The Benaix model AS lower turet was. retractable, and was operated from inside the airerat by @ gunner using a periscope, ‘This method was eventually determined to bbe Inetfectve, but not until production ot the B-25G mode! was underway. (one other distinguishing characteristic of the 8-256 was the exhaust stack of the right engine being substantially shorter ‘than thet of the left. It was modified B- 288 that few from the deck of the Hornet Into history on ApH 18, 1942. Doolitlis ‘rcraft were mosiied with great increased fuel capacity, which forced the removal of he lower gun turret. Lacking rear armament, wooden dowels were installed to simulate the appearance of a rear gun postion. Of te 120 8-258 ‘bombers bul, the fifteenth crashed prior to delivery. Twenty-three were delvered to the Royal A Force, who designate the itehell |, and twa to Russia (presumably Joined by a third, when one of the Doolittle ralderis aircraft was intarned there) B-25C and B-25D Kansas City, here we come. The thet 8-250 ittad into te alr rom North Americals Inglewood, California facitty on November 9, 1941. Delverios to the Army began jst atter the fst of the ‘new year. During the Interim, the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor had brought the United States nto the war, and lorcers for arms, including the Mitchell Increased dramatically. Infact, North ‘Ameren Inglewood fecity was inadequate to meet the demand for the Mitchel and ts stablemate, the P-S1 ‘Mustang. Two solutions to this problem were employed, frst, nal assembly work ae moved te an out-of-doors production line. Seconaty, an addtional manufacturing center was established in Kansas City, Delveries ofthe intial Kansas City-bult bomber, the 8-250, which was tually identical to the Calfornia-bult B- 25C, began in February 1942, The coastal facilty had turned out 1626 ofthis mode! by May 1943, while the mid-America plant produces 2290 8-250 models by March 11944, at which time production shifted to Regarcless of where bul, the powerplant was the R-2600-13 Wright Cyeione, Armament, Bomb racks, and exhaust tacks wore improved during tho [production of the aireratt, essentially necessitating specific photographic reference to crente an accurate ‘Some of the more apparent changes are as follows, Beginning with 41-12817 astrodomes began installed in leu ofthe fat window on top of he navigator’s compartment. External bomb racks were added starting with 41-19099, This included under-wing ome racks as well as an under-tuselace rack, The later couls accommodate 2,000-pound torpedo. “The nose-mounted 90 caliber Fexibie ‘machine gun was replaced with a more potent .50 caliber flexible gun at 42-63392, Which requred strengthening the nose. & fixed, pilot controlled .50 caliber gun was also added inside the nose, on the ght 8 of the aterat. At 42.32258 the navigator’ fat sice windows were changed to bisters, and at 442-92965 individual llame-dampening stacks on each eyinser replaces the previously used single collector for each engine. Improved Bend A-9 upper and A-10 lower turote were instalies starting with 42-64502 Improved plot vision was the result of redesigned windshield trarmework introduced with 42-64702 ‘Similar changes were made to Kansas City prodvetion, however t should be noted that almost 300 of the 8-250 models were uit without the lower gun turret. In ation tothe United States Army, the US. Naw, Great Britain, Australia, Russie, China, 98 well as tre forces of the Dutch land French operated the 8-25C. Many of the 8-25C and 8-250 hac weir armament modified, Both in the feld and at special mocifieation centers. Lower turets were removed, tall and waist gun positons added and a myriad of otner ‘changes made, resulting n an almost Inirite variety of arcratt existing {A Tomm cannon was installed in a converted 8.250, creating the XB-25G shown here ‘is trial arrerat hal onyy te cannon Installed ints solid nose, and extending back Into the former baribarlar's cravlsnace. ‘The navigator acted as loacer, while the plot fired the cannon. Phot courtesy of he Veteran's % , Subsequent tral aroratt, as well as production models, ‘added a pai of fty-callber ‘machine guns to the nose Brmament. These not only ‘sorved t9 help the pilot aim the airerat. but aleo added considerable suppressive firepower. Photo courtesy ot ihied The 6-254 was also = furnished to the Navy, who oe classified it as the PITH, = One of ese was oven successfully landed on the aircraft carter USS Shanor-La. Photo coutesy sis XB-256 & XB-25F N one-off warriors. One each expermental XS-25E an XS 25F wore converted trom production 5 25C aiveraft in order to test various methods of wing deicing B-25G Airborne artillery A third 8-250, 41-19296, was also modified to X-plane status, Becoming the X8-25G. The ‘oreenhouse'-type nose was replaced with a shorter, metal nose Housed inside this near the vertical ccenterine of the fuselage were two ity Caliber machine guns mounted abreast. Beneath them, extending back into the ‘area formerly used as the bombarcier's crawiway was the B-25G's Sunday punch, 875mm cannon. “The M-, and later M-6, 75mm cannon was essential a tank gun fring a swenty-pouna round. Fired by the pilot, the gun was hand-oaded by the navigator, Twenty-one rounds was the normal ammo load for the big gun, while the twin nose-mounted fty- ccalbers each had their own 400-round magazine. While devastating in ther own right, the tring ef the machine guns also ‘Served as an airing ald for the cannon. Firat row in October 1942, the XB-256 mwas extensively tested. In January 1943, tive more B-25C aircraft, 42-02084 through 42-32988, were converted to G status for daitonal service testing, North Americanis contract for 8-256 frcraft was modifies, speciying that 400 fof te bombers were 19 be completed in B- 256 configuration, which was ‘accomplished trom May to August 1949. A further 63 previously built B-250 were ‘converted to 8-250 standards. lito more than half of newly-bult 8-256 models (42- (98602 42-65201) were equipped with the venval power ture, as beginning with 42- (65102 it was eliminated. As 8 result of he ‘mination of this turret, mary of the 8-256. had tall postions with single tity calibar ‘machine guns acked at modification Contors. Waist gun positions were: sometimes added a8 well ‘One ofthe distinguishing characteristics of thie aircraft is the sheet metal shield ‘obscuring the lower lett side of the ‘windsereon, This was intended to prevent the muzzle lash from the cannon from biinging or distracting the pilot. The U.S. Nawy received one of these aireratt, which It designated PEU-1G, and Auetvalia took every of a fow examples, but the bulk wore operated by the U.S. Army Al Force, B-25H - Increased firepower ‘The 8-256 delivered what the strategists wanted: a heay-hiting arcraft capable of ‘shipping interdiction or attack en ground targets. Howover, its solt- defense: ‘capabiltias were somewhat limited ‘Accorsinaly, 8-25C 42-82372 was selected fs a test bed for further improvements “The result of these experiments, the 8-25H_ ot only reciied the defensive problem, but increased the assault fropower as ‘Moving the dorsal turat forward into the ‘navigatoris compartment freed space in the aft fuselage for installation of ‘staggered waist gun positions, each armed witha tty caliper machine gun. “The tll, which nad been without a factory Installed gun postion ance the 8-25, was deepened and a Bel-designed M7 olectro- hyoraullc twin tty caliber tal gun installation fited. The gunner sat beneath ‘a greenhouse type canopy at the rear of the bomber, which was slightly wider than (on previous models. On the fight dack a notable change was made: the copilt, his postion and controle, were eliminated, The inatumant panel was redesigned to better ‘accommadate a single pilot, and sights ‘were actied for Both bomibarciment and ‘cannon fro. Armer plato was installod ‘outside the cockpit for adctional protection. ‘An improved, lighter, T13E1 cannon was Installed, once again being manually loaded by the navigator. Inthe soli nose, the two machine guns of the 8-256 were doubled, with four ofthe heavy weapons ‘being mounted abreast. Occasional shortages of the TISE1 weapon ‘sometimes forced the installation ofthe ‘older M-4, which in turn required the {elimination ofthe two outer nose machine ours. Even more strafing power was added, frst from the adltion of two Inviually ‘mounted ffty-calloer gun packs on the Fight side of the fuselage beneath the Cockpit. After 300 alrerat were produced in this configuration, two gun packs began to_be installed on the lott eide as wll, ane tne was the ease for the remaining 700 B- 25H models bult. Production spanned fom August 1949 Into July 1944. The final 8-25H, named ‘Old Bones’, was also the laat Matcnelt ult ln California, ‘The plot's flash shislé was carried over from the B-25G. A circular escape hatch was added to the right rear sida of tho fuselage, and the carburetor alr ntakes at the top of the nacelles were enlarged. Aer 43-4535, the B-25H was no longer ‘able to carry @ 2000-pound bom, Used by Marines, 236 of the 8-254 wore acquited by the Navy, who designated them PBU-1H. “sweat Sue", a 8-25H of the First Air Commandos, was photographed at Hallakarnc) India. The B-25H entered service with the Army Air Force in 1944, National Archies and Recards Aamo Shot, Moving the upper turret forward and deleting the ventral turet permitted the Installation of large, staggered and effective waist gun positons. Typically one gunrier manned both fty= caliber machine guns, utlizing the appropriate gun forthe cicurnstance. This instalation ‘was found in the B-25H and J. Nalona Aries and Recorse Adminctaton oto. ‘The clarnshelltype gun bay door opened to allow tne machine guns to be services. The bulk oF the cannon was housed in the space formeriy used ae a crawhay from the fight deck to the nose compartment. Photo courtany of to Veterans Museum, Hal, Ta B-25J - the ultimate Mitchell Beginning in December 1949, North ‘American bult 4390 8-254 Mitchells. "when production ceased in August 1945, 4316 of these had been delvered, For the bulk of the production, the glass nose of the early Mitchells returned, as did the ‘dusl-control pilot copilot cockpit ‘contiguration, Strangoly, though none of the J models were cannon-armed, tne ftash shield remained on the plots \windshiel. Intaty, ne waist, tall and upper turret ‘mountings were the same 2s those found on late model Hs. Hewever, Beginning with 44-91491, an M-8A tall gun mount with Ke 10 lea-computing sight replaced the Tr: “The turret used in the 8-25H and J was the Bendix 9. Gun charging was ‘accomplished through the foot rests, hile the hand grips controlled turret traverse, gun elevation and fring, The ‘Gray box opposite the gunner's bieyele ‘Seat hela four hundred rounds of ‘ammunition for each gun. Phot coxroay he Bena Corporation ‘The instrument panel ofthe 6-250, shown here, was not greatycitferent from that of its predecesso's. Both plot ané coplat hac a full set of contrle, andl ent Inetruments were sible fo both. Photo courtesy of United States Air Force Museum. ‘eatier M-7 mount. When production of the 8-25) began, both the Inglevioed and Kansas City plants wore involved. The precuction biock numbers aistingulshed the two, the Calforia plant having a NA fut, end Miseourl plant production fencing in NC. mile the Calilorniaaireratt hac two package guns on either side of the fuselage, the fst 555 Kansas City akeratt ‘omitted these. However. beginning with 444-2911 the Kaneas City planes had @ ‘second, hed, fonvard-fring fy ealber ‘machine gun installed insie the glass nose, directly above the frst one. This ‘ype of instalation was retrofitted to other ‘Mitchel at te Townevilo, Australia ‘modification cantar as wel During the course of production, several minor changes were made in gun sights, ‘loctrcal and hydraulic apparatus. Azo, ew armored seats forthe pot and conlat ‘were devised and installed, the exible nose gun mounting was raised, and the rear ofthe top turet was reinforced. ‘Although ne longer armed with the 75mm ‘cannon, the Mitchell was stil used inthe stra role. Toward that end, one thousand Kits wore produced which permitted the instalation of a sod nose in place of the ‘greenhouse bombardiris postion. This Soli nose housed! @ whopping eight f= caliber machine guns. Reportedly, come Of these kits were instalied on arerat even before they left the factory, ‘The U.S. New owned 244 of the 8-254, Whien feeallec the PEU-1J. The Royal Air Force took delivery of 314 of the machines, ‘dubbing them Mitchell. A few other ‘countries received considerably lessor numbers of the airplanes. Farewell In edition to the models listed above, LMitonele gerved as VIP transport, weather planes, photo recon alrcraft and trainer. ‘The U.S. Air Fores operated B-25s in non- ‘Combat roles well beyond the end of WWI ‘The final Air Force Mitchell was retired In May 1960. “The two nose-mounted fity-caliber machine guns ‘Some of the 8-24) were equipped as strafers, this time armed solely with machine of the B-26G were augmented with (wo more guns ‘Guns, no cannon wae mounted. The eight-gun nose instalation, combined with 8WO. fy the nose ef the 8-284. Adsitonaly, bietor gun’ Dieter pack weapons on each side and the top turrets twin five, could bring a packs were added to the sides of the fuselage, fret twitnening 14 heavy machine guns to bear an a single target. can imagine, two on tne aight side, and later, two more on tre left the effect was devastating, Proto courtesy ofthe Veterans Museum, Hal, ‘ide. Preto courtesy ofthe Veterans Museum, Mas Te. looking along the Bohind the fight ‘The outer fac owe) Land viewed trom the front. ‘Three identfeation lights were mounted beneath the right wing tp ftom the 5-250 onward. (roto Davia Bove) Mounted inthe bottom ofthe right wing fea Ianaling ant. (Proto Dave ove) A the ‘The underside ofthe wing and engine narosle from the rear. (Photo Davis Doyle) .ctuator for the flap protrudes slighty beyond the surtace: ‘wing. (Proto Daud Dove) “The tonward crew access laccer, aft leader ie simian. (Proto Das Bove) Zdenek Sebesta’s Supermarine Spitfire Tamiya's V72 scale see re Mk VB converted into a Mk Vc [Aftor painting and weathering the diferent ‘sub-assomiblies, my attention moved back 10 the construction ofthe wings. The deta ‘are most seratehbult Item, for whieh | Used sheet plastic. The ammunition boxes were fixed into place with the Hispano ‘cannon and Browning mactine guns tom the Aires set. The flaps ave photo-etched Items from Part. Again, all hese items were painted and weathered after thie ‘completion. Painting and decalling Alter fishing the major assembly of the ‘model, all te pre-painted details were maskod-off eady for painting the ‘etorior. | used Eduard Express mask fail for masking out the canopy. First ‘the under surfaces wore sprayed wih Gunze Sangyo Medium Sea Grey. Wen this was ary the undar surfaces were masked and the Upper suraces were alrorushed with Ocean Gray and and then Dark Green. The propeller spinner anct rear fuselage band were painted ‘Tamiya Siy/ and the whole mose! was then misted with gloss vamish ready for the decals to be apples. I chose the markings for No 312 (Czech) Squadron, which was one of several units fying within the RAF manned by Free Czechoslovak personnel. This Spitre was flown by 312 San during 1943 ‘rom bases in mainians United Kingdom. attaching any remaining fine details The markings | used wore from Eagle Accessories ‘Sirko, wth code letters trom Tally Aires: Supermarine Spitfre Mik | Detall Set, ho and atencis from TechMed ccatno.7080 co ores eee os ee eee oe oe | Sse ee os Eduard Photo Etch Set, cato72 225 Eduard Express Mask X5100 Part Photo Etch Se, cat no 72 187 and 72 Testors Aluminium, caretuly appliod with pointed brush, Finally sprayed \ v* % 3 ‘The arrival ofthe long-awaited kt of the CH {46 in the Quarter Scale was a real highlight {or the medling community and not only those hooked on ‘whirybirds!. Thore have been kits of his important helcopter around for along tee, but they were alto 1/72 ‘scale, with Fumi possibly offering the best in the whole series. “The CH-46 Sea Knight Is seriously big machine, especialy noticeable in 1/48 scale ‘and {could not wait to get my hands ‘on itt When | cd though, my enthusiasm cooled down somewhat. The level of deta both inside and outsice is a litle deappoining for a kt In this soale anc Unfortunately this attests some of the ‘most erica! places such as the doors and tne areas. Visible inside of ne cabin, especialy it you ‘choose to aisplay ine doors open, The: ‘wine and the area in the cockpit where the pedals are situated also sutlers trom a lack of detaling. Simlary, the rotor heads could 10 with 2ome extra detaling and last, but Cetinitaly not least, the entre exterior surface of the model does not show one ‘ingle vat, when there are thousand and ‘thousands on the real thing! “There are ony afew engraved pans! ines, ‘some of which are far too deep and randomyy seattered around the entre surtaco. However, the itis @ good base tor 2 really nice rep of one of the grest helicopters of our time and one which has ‘ready made ts mark in the history books. It wit however requir @ sold effort rom the builder and that makes it exacty my kind of ct - where there is room for the modeller to Lnfols his creatviy. Academy's Kit provides: ‘you with just the right base to Bus rom land at a vory reascnable price, which ‘makes It an interesting kt In my book, not Lunliee many of the new kits, wich are ‘simpty 100 perfect and 100 expensive Historical background In 1957 the US Army issued a contract for a ‘medium lift anspor helicopter. One ot he submissions was the YHC-1C produced by ‘the Vertol Aircraft Corporation. The machine, which made its maiden fightin ‘Apel 1958, featured a tandem rotor design. However, the Army found the YHC-1A too hea fora battle helicopter and 00 light fora vansport ship and rejected \ert's proposition, in favour of the CH-47 Ccanook. ‘The YHO-1A however had caught the Intorest of the US Marine Corps and a ‘modified prototype made is rst fight on 27 ‘August 1259, following which an erder for {600 helicopters was piaced straight vay I the meanwhile Bosing had taken over the Verto! Company and the new helicopter was \osignated Being Vert! CH-86 Soa Knight land @ legend was born. ‘The US Nauy also ordered the type ane in 1965 tne Japanese Kawasaki Corporation was awarded a manutacturing loense ‘contract under the designation KV-107 (Other export customers includes Burma, ‘Saul Arabia, Thalland, Japan, Sweden Canada, which designated thelr Varson CH: 1113 Labrador end used ther in te SAR role. ‘Over the past 40 years the machina has ‘proved its worth from the junale Dattlfelds of Indochina, over the som covered Norwegian fords, tothe decor battletecs of tho recent Gut Were. Even Yerk Air and Pan Am inthe 19608. CGoneraty the basic CH-46 Is operated in an unarmed configuration, wn tne exception ofthe Swedish version, designated HKF-4, which is algo used as sub-hunter and can be armed with torpedons and depth charges. Age is now beginning to take its tall on he CH-86 anc before tong they wil nave clsappeared from active service - but not without having undedined Is status in the history of fight as one of the ty great helicopters The kit “The kt comes In & Box that is big enough to fact as @ mobile workshop and consists of 397 grey plastic parts accompanied by a very dtalled instruction booklet. The most Impressive ting however fe tre huge decal sheet offering markings for twee citer provides that Very much doubt that many ofthe bult-up models we may see inthe future wil feature al of them. Let's get to ‘The Academy kits not a cificult model to ‘make even for a less experienced modater The instructions suggest you start with the rotor head assembly, and why not? Usually my approach toa fairy oasy kt tke this i to cut all parts clear of thalr aprues, clean them up and decide whien parts to keep, which parts to rework andl which parts to replace. At this stage | alzo made up my mind on which version to enoose. | went for a grey US Marines machine in the Lo-viz paint scheme, | wanted to depict @ would reflect the wear anc tear these (ne good thing about this Kt and a relatively new approach to construction in terms of model building, is what call the ‘sandwich systomy in whien the cabin, made up from basically four sides - too, celing land the two sidewalls - Is actualy ult nto the main aitrame. Once assembled and paintod | was able to ft the whole mociule Into the two fuselage sides, with the widows sandwiched in between, Fotos 6.7.8 & 13 Hardy any glue was necessary, preserving the fragile clear parts Rotors The rotor heads and blades are acceptable and can fairy easly be placed in te stowedidown positon, as so often seen on carriors. But there ie really good ‘opportunity here to enhance the overall Impression ofthe mode! quite algniteanty with come extra detain. The rotor heed of the real CH-46 Is a complex tom and there 's a very good lustration of one in the Instruction booklet. added a whole lot of entra detal, Fotos 1 and 2 and fred bere ‘metal follon the lsading edges of the blades, Foto 3 | cid not use the ckcular Plastic pars intended to hold the rotor ‘laces in place on the ished model. | travel a lot with ry models and tked the Idea ot being able to detach them a8 and ‘when needed to, As ithanpeneds, these Circular plastic parts found another Cestination when | had to bul the engine Intake section! Cabin interior “Tere is a choice of intemal cabin ftings - bench seats or stretchers, | went fora ‘combination of both. Some of the CH-46 sed in the recent Gul Ware were fitted with mschine guns mounted by the doors land the kit also provides these. | personally {le not think too much of them, mainly due to thelr signicant lack of detating, However | can imagine tat before long the after market industry wll produce relevant Update sets “The kt supplied bench and eretoher pans are accoptable and can be uses without problems. Even 50 | sratchbult an entea new cabin interior! The seat benches in the ‘Sea Kright are mace up ofan aluminium frame with red nyon fabde covers stretched ‘over it. made the frame from plastic ro land the covers from load fol. Fotos 4 and . ‘The Sea Knight has a huge rear ramp, ‘leh is Intended for quick ane! easy oop \epioyment and retraction when needed There aro two move coors at the fran of the airame, the one on the starboard side boing the biagest, allowing large pars ot the interior to be seen win te naka eye, Ot course the doors can always be fred ‘closed, but | wantod my models doers 0 open, | acded some porconal oar, boas, fat aid boxes, cargo netting, tle dovn spots bot {ground and cellng Yor the stretchers, a fre exctnguisher afew head gets and the erew chle's retractable seat, made of the same ‘material as the erew benches. Much to ry surprise, this tem ie not inluded in the ket. 50 I scratohbuit one. ‘Cockpit and front bulkhead ‘The cockpit can also do witha tle extra attention, There Is a nleety mouiced Instrument pane! plus a decal to go along "uth i, wltn very fraly printed instruments. However, you may experience & itl trouble ‘eting the two to work together: Here is how | soWed this problem. | puncned out a instrument cals with my Walaron Punch & Die set. Then | ndviualy positioned them In thor respective bez0's, over which | glued Clear acetate, whieh I nad punched out to the exact same diameter Foto 9. Seatbelts were also added. On the real aeroplane, the area beneath the pedals Is crammed wath ‘wing and cables. Al the le Behind bulged windows ands cleary visible. Fatos 10,11 ‘and 12 Simiery the front bukheas wall between cockpit and cabin, But the ‘80 facing the cabin isthe worst aa itis located right beside the font doors Redefining the exterior surfaces ‘This Is the biggest handicap ofthe Kt. A jet fighter has a smooth surface wit all vets recessed, because ofthe drag they would cause. This i not the case with a helicopter ‘A Cohopper’ travels iow and slow and no energy and money is wasted in smoothing ‘down te surface and concealing all the Fives, Al rivets are raised on the eurtacel “The surface quality of me mode! fe Inadequate, to putt play, especialy fore ot of tis scale. So, | decided to sand ital own and add the characteristic rivet surface deta. Actually this le mper then it sounds. I marie the lines with tape and Used the litte pol of a divider to press nto the soft plaste surtace, Fotos 18 and 17 Dieplaced plastic willbe raiged arounc the hole in the middle to create the perfect rvet-replca, A Ite taining on some sora plastic Gave mo the right idea as to how much pressure to apply ~ | only hed torepeat the step a few thousand tos! Painting and weathering | used the paint scheme itustrated in the assembly ns perfecty with my research mater. There are lots of great CH-46 pictures on the web land the folowing link could prove useful - wrirairineranet. Many of the US Marines's machines are in ‘a pretty weathered and worn condition ~ Just the efflect | was looking for. | wanted “anyone looking at my model o be almost ‘able emel the avition fuel For the colours I chose Humbrol 147 Matt Light Grey127 ‘Satin US Ghost Grey and 27004 Gunmetal ‘The weathering process was started with a wash consisting of turpentine and Flaw Umber artists os. Te effects were painted on with pastels. Fotos 18,19 ana 20 I love to work with pastels. You have ail the time you want and ithe resus not pleasing, you just wipe it of with a soft ‘cot and ave another go. Ite more ertical with solvent solutions tke the ‘urpertine washes. Beside the obvious heath nazara i also react chemicaly to the plastic curface and paints. It is best to test this on an unpainted landing gear ‘Ator timo, the plastic sometmes gets very ik anc wal break very easy when handled. Painted surfaces wll be softened Under such treatment and the palnt wit become very vinerable. The trick here is @ speedy operation anc goed ventlation, ‘There is areal danger of runing a model rather than putting the erown on the creation.Once the deste colours were on ‘ho rode! t ust needed to be sealed with 1 cost of satin vamish, For the drt on the ee! used MIG Productions European Sand Foto 21 | found this realy easy to work vith and it produces @ very convincing ‘in layer. To complete the picture, a few repair palnt patones wore adced rom the base gray Extras ‘The lancing goers cleo struts looked a Sito plain 20 | cut them away ard replaced thorn with pars of a dentist's burr to ave a ‘more authentic look. Foto 22 Most of the Coniot boarding is done through the big ‘ront starboard door which isn to ‘segments. The upper paris often removed and the lower part, which is the laraer one, ‘contains the stais and swings down to ‘pen. The instruction booklet features some smal but very uselu close up shots of the factual door. After caretuly studying these, | decided to only keep the actual door ana 25 & 26 The next tem on the Ist was the holst Here ae wel, there was plenty ot room for a itl creativity and all te cabios wore acied. The mesh FOD screens are ‘stuated right in front of the engine intakes and the Kt parts are gold cast pieces. seratehbuit repiacements ton steel noting, Fotos 28, whicn meant had to soratchbulld some deta into the engine Intake to compensate for the increased sioity behind the FOD screens in this area. This is where the parts saved from the rotor heads entered service! Final touches ‘The final touches included the ation of for me spine in me kt wich were simply to thick, which | replaced, and another ‘mounted under the baly. The two side- mounted ANALO-187 inra red, surtace-to- ‘ar missle jarnmers on the rear pylon, also needed a litte attention. Fret | applied gold fol 0 the optical part of the device. On top of that | placed simcie negative fm, rimmed to size, Foto 27 This produces an interesting eect as well 2s ‘adaing depth to the device Nox | added a tanaing light rom the Ls range. | didnot ike the windscreen wipers land replaced them with scratchuit wipers. Fotos 29 To enhance the realism even ‘mere, | decided to open up the side windows in the cockpit by cuting ther out positoned in asc back’ postion. Fote 24 Despite the shortcomings ofthe ki, Academy have produced a good platfermitom which to produce a very appealing replica ofthe ‘Frog’, which is atthe US Marines call toi worknors, le an easy to bull Kt fer everyone, but the sklled modialler wil ne doubt fd his vin ‘way offing this unique helcopter mode! way above average standard, which ‘exactly what the CH-46 Sea Knight deserves! modeller e, England NE1 2TE

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