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the new pol pot

The purpose of censorship is to control what people know. To what end is entirely up
to the censor. Usually its governments attempting to sustain a current order.
Whether that order is political or social depends on the type of content being
censored. The most traditional form of censorship is despotic silencing of
connectivity in the hopes of quelling revolution. The most accepted; the JudeoChristian-ethic based censoring of pornographic material. The most common? Media
blackouts of a situation our plutocratic overlords cant control. Information flows are
more readily available than ever, yet we all still congregate at given sectors of the
network like flies on a dropped spat of honey. Thats because censorship isnt about
the stopping of information flows anymore. Thats old. The people can recognize it,
and fight it. Its unconstitutional. The new despot have a more subtle touch. Neocensorship is about guiding information flows into congregated centers of magnetic
attraction, not stopping them up entirely.
What do I mean by this? Well, let us identify that the West has built its house of
cards on top of a platform of principles maintaining freedom and civil rights. I
put these in quotations because of course, like the cow that walks to its own
slaughter, we are not free. We are simply riding the wave into oblivion. The ruling
classs final transformation into fakir was making subjugation feel like freedom. A
guiding hand is so much gentler than an iron fist, and, subsequently, we are that
much less likely to bite it.
Ah, yes, illusion! The marriage of the undercurrent of the socius and the dropping of
the Kings anvil unto the peasants was the death (rebirth?) of choice. Fox doesnt
prevent you from looking at white supremacist killings in Mizzou. They simply
choose not to report it. Look over here! Wouldnt you much rather hear about Kim
Kardashians naked selfie? Her hourglass figure is so much more appealing to the
eye than a dead black body. Yes, thats right. You chose to look here. You like this. Or
you disdain it. Whichever side of the coin you choose, its so much easier to react to
than Boko Haram. Whats that? Never mind that look here a Lebanese porn star
has worn a hijab whilst performing fellatio. Beyonc dressed like a Black Panther
during the Super Bowl! Kanye West is having another child. Now this is journalism.
This is what you want to know.
We look down on North Korea. Not because censorship is wrong, and starves the
mind, and keeps the people blind and oppressed, but because they havent learned
yet that direct censorship is obsolete. Iran and China blocked Facebook! (9/11 was a
false flag operation.) Putin blocks bitcoin! (The Obama Administration wiped out an
entire Syrian village with drones.) Internet costs money in Cuba! (Net neutrality is
an illusion. SOPA/PIPA were passed a long time ago under more benign forms.)
The transmutation of censorship has made us weak as a people. We are more
politically divided now than at any other point in American history. Pundits take
center stage in our lives. We are caught in a constantly whirling vortex of poppolitical culture, with no root to take hold. With every bit of information there is the
contrapositive, a morbid consequence of the proliferation of images. Its constantly
moving, even over disruptions in the flow. Take Snowden, for instance. Remember

Snowden? Good old Ed? The dissemination of the NSAs dealings was of no surprise
to us. People were angry, still. Did that NSA reform bill ever pass in the Senate? If
you dont immediately know, youve been swept up in the current.

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