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Video comprehension 3° viDEO Watch the video and tick (“) the topics that Michael talks about. 1 Avoiding misunderstandings between 6 Disciplining people who are late. different cultures. 7 Voicing your opinion to your boss. 2 Speaking English and German. 8 Objecting to power distance. 3. Talking to students. 9 Ahamburger approach. 4 Paying bribes. 10 Taking your boss to hunch. 5. Being polite and punctual. 4 vino Watch the video again and answer the questions. 1. What can cause misunderstandings between cultures? 2 What two things are immediately noticeable in a business context? 3. What is ‘power distance’? 4. What is the phrase ‘a hamburger approach’ used to deseribe? 5. Match the country to the Hamburger Approach. a USA 1 no meat. just the bun b Japan 2 meat no bun © Germany 3 typical hamburger — bun, meat, bun ‘What should a businessperson know about doing business in your country? Use the ideas above to get you started but try to add ideas of your own. Write down three important things for a foreign businessperson to know. Working across cultures Kate Berardo 1 Do your homework and behaviour are also influenced by ‘* Essential for aii . sccinaeiiammmemmen= 216 personality. dealing with careful not to sEachorganiz G personality, 2 Keep your eye: © Your mind is innew envin may be clou. * Notice how f other. Look fi able to read i ‘your ability t 3 Taka wen time 4 Match the collocatio: a avoid feeling rushec stay alert __ don't judge people / things too quickly —y make ajudgenmenow™® succeed in creating rapport with others —j develop your ability in a certain area __ understand what is going on deal with and gain understanding of input you receive __ have a reciprocal effect __ k provide you with useful information to help you understand something — consider the advantages and disadvantage| deal successfully with unfamiliar situations —__ Junderstanding of we menoe

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