Students Leadership Conference

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JULY 24-26 15
It was a rainy evening in July 24 when we departed on the place
of event in water world beach resort to have our leadership
conference. We arrived at around 7:00 pm on the place and we
were distributed in our respective rooms and so had our dinner.
After that we started the first activity the Taize prayer led by Br.
Jerry Pilandra, SC a kind of prayer which was performed and done
by lighting candles and situating ourselves on the floor by simply
sitting down while the lights turned off. The prayer lasted almost
an hour then followed by the next activity which was the Mr. and
Ms. Student Leadership 2015. The criterion was which one has the
most creative costume and which answers the question
intelligently. It was the last activity of the first night then we all
proceeded in our rooms to have goodnight rest.
In our second day was started in a wakeup call at 6:00 am for our
dance exercise which was the Zumba Bida headed by some
student representatives and it lasted almost half of an hour and
then was followed by our breakfast.
At 8:00 am to 11:00 the conference started with a spiritual
leadership led by Mr. Miguelito Espinosa an act of leadership in a
spiritual life. Reflections are done on the event after that we
grouped to construct the words of leadership while explaining its
definitions. We had our break time for 30 minutes then were
resuming having our faith sharing on our group. Different
emotions was felt and tears were shed from some students who
has problems in life that they hesitantly doesnt want to open
because of afraid being emotional and not stronger enough to
handle in remembering things. But in the end they stayed strong
and happy of being part of the event and they were strengthened
because of God.

After our lunch we rested for a while then it was followed by the
second speaker which was started at exactly 1:00pm by the
speaker Dr. Rogelio P. Bayod about school leadership which
emphasizes the college supreme government. Leadership was
defined in different types or stages and we were thought how to
manage as a good leader in a community. It lasted for almost four
hours then we rested in our respective rooms while waiting for our
dinner 6:00 pm.
At exactly 7:00 pm we started our planning and teambuilding
headed by Sir Daryl Ivan Hisola which we played the game balay,
bata, bagyo then followed by the planning of the freefalling egg
and the blind fold respectively. It was very fun and we all enjoyed
the moment in the place the teamwork of the group the blind fold
the patience of the students prevails. The activity ended at the
On the last day of the event we woke up at 7:00 am and we have
our morning praise exercise headed by the Youth for Christ group
(YFC). We sing and dance in praising and asking blessings for the
Lord. It was followed by our breakfast. At 8:00am to 10:00 we
have our group sharing which is all about our experiences on the
previous day and what would be its uses to the present and what
change must have to be made with us and all participated on the
last activity. We closed the event with a prayer and got home
We ended the journey full of joy and memories of a students life
in our later years to come.

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